Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

OPPOSITION PRESSES FOR ACCOUNTABILITY – The Yukon legislature is seen March 19, when MLAs were practising social distancing. The Yukon Party is seeking what it calls ‘the safe return of the legislature’ to help restore political accountability to the Liberal government.

Yukon Party proposes special committee, return of legislature

The Yukon Party is suggesting that the three party leaders meet to negotiate terms for the creation of a special select committee to consider any matter related to the government’s management of the COVID-19 crisis and to report their considerations publicly to Yukoners.

By Whitehorse Star on May 5, 2020

The Yukon Party is suggesting that the three party leaders meet to negotiate terms for the creation of a special select committee to consider any matter related to the government’s management of the COVID-19 crisis and to report their considerations publicly to Yukoners.

In March, the Liberals used their majority in the legislature to defeat the Yukon Party’s proposal to create such a committee.

Now, the official Opposition is proposing that efforts be undertaken to facilitate the safe return of the legislature this month.

The goal is to allow for greater scrutiny by MLAs over the government’s decisions and spending.

“Over the course of the last month and a half, the Liberal government has brought in unprecedented powers and orders affecting daily life,” the Yukon Party said Monday.

These orders include mandated closures and restrictions, as well as limits on movement that affect how Yukoners can live their lives.

“While some of these orders may be justified from a public health perspective, their passage was done without any democratic scrutiny or consultation with opposition parties, and not all are public health-related,” the Yukon Party said.

“The Liberals have taken to using the extraordinary emergency public health powers they’ve given themselves to make changes in areas traditionally considered outside the scope of public health, such as taxes, suspension of regulatory timelines, and broad abilities to amend contracts.”

These actions, the Yukon Party said, “represent an overreach on the part of the Liberals, and making these types of decisions without legislative scrutiny undermines our democratic institutions.”

Additionally, the Liberals have announced millions of dollars in new spending that has not been reviewed or even considered by the legislative assembly, the Yukon Party added.

Overall, the opposition party said, the government has been “an outlier in Canada” when it comes to accountability to the public.

Whereas other jurisdictions are holding daily public briefings with premiers or ministers, the Yukon Party said, the territorial Liberal government has now reduced the briefings to just twice weekly, further decreasing government openness and accountability.

While other jurisdictions have provided daily updates of data since the start of the crisis, the opposition said, “this government has sat on data related to testing and confirmed cases for days at a time.

“As well, briefings have a limited time for questions and in some cases members of the government flat-out refuse to answer questions.

“Finally, since these briefings do not consistently feature anyone from the Liberal cabinet, those elected to govern the territory avoid accountability for the decisions they are making that impact the lives of Yukoners.”

Last week, the Star published a story outlining Hassard’s concerns about political accountability, and those of

Floyd McCormick, a former clerk of the legislature.

At that time, a spokesperson for the Liberal cabinet refused to comment on the concerns that have been raised.

Comments (22)

Up 10 Down 3

DMZ on May 10, 2020 at 11:46 am

@Brent, the special warrants business is an example of exactly why people need to speak up about the Liberals' highhanded use of this emergency to escape accountability. The NDP (as I recall) used special warrants first, and when successive governments continued to use them, they had little authority to criticize them. So the use has continued. This is a very disturbing precedent the Liberals are setting, and we can expect future governments to continue in this vein if it's not turned around.

Stacey Hassard wrote a very lucid letter outlining the YP's problems with the Liberals' offer for meetings to discuss the budget. Truthfully, I don't recall ever before reading something the Yukon Party wrote and feeling enlightened.

Opposition parties have been in general walking on eggshells about this. It seems unfair that they should be accused of "playing politics".

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Tookalook on May 9, 2020 at 5:17 pm

I find it interesting that those that complain about open and accountable government today (when there is a liberal regime), were no where to be seen or heard when the cons were pulling shenanigans left right and center. Yet today say, well just because our guys did it then, shouldn't give the Liberals a blank cheque today. Also, I have yet to see the Liberals doing back room deals like the golf course funding or the buying of land from a con croony that was contaminated. This folks, is true lack of accountability.

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Jim on May 8, 2020 at 9:55 pm

I love how some of the comments use the past to condone the behaviour of the current cronies. So because people from the past did you wrong you think it’s fine that the new guy does the same. Don’t you think they should actually do better? It’s like the federal liberal supporters always blame Harper to justify Trudeau’s antics. Well whatever party you chose, our local yokels are not that shiny or smart, that they should be given an open cheque book without scrutiny. All the opposition is asking for is to go back to work and do what all oppositions do. For me, I would just as soon get something out of the MLAs for the money we are paying them.

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BnR on May 8, 2020 at 7:52 am

Well look who’s all about accountability these days.
While we’re at it, how about a full investigation into what went down with the Center of Hope, and how a prominent Yukon Party supporter was paid market value for a contaminated lot that nobody else would touch with a 10 foot pole?
Since we’re all about accountability.

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Tookalook on May 7, 2020 at 11:05 am

Give a con a dollar and they will spend 5 on themselves and their friends.

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Brent on May 6, 2020 at 5:36 pm

How quickly they forget. Remember when Fentie was doing all business using special warrants so he didn't have to answer any questions in the legislature? I think that even that over $1,000,000.00 (one million dollar) sole sourced contract let out by Stacey was on a special warrant. Perhaps Mr. Hazzard could refresh us, that is if he's not busy slamming the phone down in some reporters ear while representing the public and the illustrious some Yukoner's Party. Very responsible of him it would be.

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DMZ on May 6, 2020 at 2:26 pm

It's hard to see how the government is too "busy" to show some respect to the legislative assembly. I'm sure the opposition is hearing from constituents and needs the opportunity to represent them.

The emergency management act is due to expire in June, and by all appearances, neither Silver nor Brendan Hanley appear to be in any hurry to lift it. If they renew it again, that will be six months under that act, which allows them to waive charter rights, and bring in a host of regulations without challenge. After that act lapses, some special powers, apparently, such as the DMs authority over contracts, can stay in effect for several months more.

Silver doesn't have a valid rationale for continuing to stonewall the opposition, and by extension, constituents. It's not how other premiers are governing in this crisis, which is significantly more complex in their provinces.

Up 36 Down 13

JohnW on May 6, 2020 at 1:13 pm

The Yukon LIB don't want anyone questioning them because they're merely following orders from Ottawa.

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Woodcutter on May 6, 2020 at 12:46 pm

Govern by all party committees har har har another YP idea that doesn't gain traction. We vote governments to govern, not to create extra duties so the members of the losing party can interfere.

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HarvardYaleAndPrincetonMan on May 6, 2020 at 11:14 am

PFFTT - this is nothing but more sniveling from the "The Sore Loser Party"

How can they be prepared to do something USEFUL for the Yukon when
their more experienced guy is busy running to be the next Darryl Drugstore ?

Up 36 Down 4

Learn to work together on May 6, 2020 at 9:05 am

Roll up your sleeves and work together. COVID-19 is a global crisis. It isn’t time to politic. It’s time to work together. Establish a committee for that, instead of the constant criticism. Remember, this is the new reality for everyone.

Up 35 Down 19

@Gordon on May 5, 2020 at 10:17 pm

This Liberal government has conducted more back room deals and granted itself more unsupervised power than any in the history of the Yukon and you resort to petty name calling. Take off your blinders.

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Tom Nook on May 5, 2020 at 10:04 pm

Whether you like the YP or not, they have a point. Democratic opposition parties across Canada have opportunities to voice concerns, opposition or agreement with the leading Party. Even the PM has been in regular contact with opposition parties to help foster a broader consensus.

If the party of your favour was the opposition, you may also want them to have a voice. You don’t have to like the party leading, or like the opposition, but they each have a role.

...plus, maybe, just maybe, it will push the liberals to detail a reopening plan, a reopening criteria set or timeline, or any semblance of a decision. Days, weeks, months...having some idea will allow Yukoners to plan or prepare.

Silence isn’t leadership.

Up 14 Down 22

Allan Stanley on May 5, 2020 at 9:58 pm

SOOOO - the Cathers "I want to be King of the Yukon Hellfire Club" ads are back on this site.
His posters on sides of city buses tomorrow?

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Jc on May 5, 2020 at 8:41 pm

Give the Libs a dollar and they'll spend two.

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Juniper Jackson on May 5, 2020 at 8:30 pm

These suckers aren't working? Don't pay them. It's that easy.

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joe on May 5, 2020 at 6:56 pm

So keep hearing how lib govy is focusing on covid and all the ministers are working so hard to deal with this issue...hmmmm, nobody's sick, hospitals are empty, pretty much all employees are at home, federal govy is the ones with all the programs..sooo, just what exactly are you so busy doing ?

Up 34 Down 7

Jim on May 5, 2020 at 6:30 pm

Well Gordon, you may be fine with letting one party make all these decisions without any scrutiny. Even the Pasloski government didn’t run without question. The whole idea of opposition parties is to question government decisions. If you don’t want that then I assume you would like a dictatorship rather than a democratic representation. You are aware that not everyone voted for the Liberals? I for one find it humorous that the people running the territory or the country for that matter don’t consider themselves an essential service and refuse to show up for work. Unlike store employees, bus drivers, taxi drivers, etc. But have no problem cashing their pay check. You can’t tell me that 13 representatives can’t find space to social distance in the chamber.

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Anton on May 5, 2020 at 3:47 pm

Is this a weak attempt by those that performed so poorly in the election believe that somehow someone now needs their advice. What has changed?

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Dan Davidson on May 5, 2020 at 3:31 pm

Such a proposal would probably get a better hearing if it wasn't wrapped up in Question Period style attack rhetoric.

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Goodie on May 5, 2020 at 3:19 pm

Look, no matter what party, the current Government did a great job managing a really difficult situation these last few months, cancelling the games for example looks like a great decision now but must have been a difficult one. The government stepped up and made a decision, that's what is important.

Wish the YP would drop the BS politics and support the difficult work the current government has had to do instead of playing petty politics. Have not listened to one intelligent comment from them.

Up 35 Down 45

Gordon of Riverdale on May 5, 2020 at 2:24 pm

"These actions, the Yukon Party said, “represent an overreach on the part of the Liberals, and making these types of decisions without legislative scrutiny undermines our democratic institutions."

It's hilarious when a surviving member of the Pasloski Party says something like this.
Sanctimonius Stacey still hasn't looked in a mirror in over 3 years !

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