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Yvonne Clarke
Photo by Photo Submitted
Yvonne Clarke
Well-known Yukon-Filipina Yvonne Clarke is seeking the nomination to represent the Yukon Party in Porter Creek Centre in this year’s territorial election.
Well-known Yukon-Filipina Yvonne Clarke is seeking the nomination to represent the Yukon Party in Porter Creek Centre in this year’s territorial election.
The riding is currently held by Liberal backbencher Paolo Gallina.
“The Yukon has been my home for 26 years, and I have dedicated my life here to my extended-Yukon family and community,” Clarke said Thursday.
“Now that my children have left the nest, I feel I have the time to focus on what I am most passionate about.”
Her professional background ranges from public service to small business ownership to extensive volunteer work.
The multilingual mother of three adult children said she believes her experience in areas relating to poverty, education, health, human rights, the economy and violence against women has prepared her to serve the territory in a broader role.
Her experience includes serving more than 12 years as a board member of the Yukon Learn Society, helping adults improve their literacy, numeracy and computer skills, and as a former board member of the Yukon Public Legal Education Association.
In that role, Clarke co-authoring the third edition of Splitting Up, a resource for women involved in family breakdowns.
“Being engaged with my community at many levels has allowed me the opportunity to work with and learn from a wide variety of Yukoners, thereby providing me with an understanding and appreciation of their diverse perspectives,” she said.
Clarke chairs the Yukon Advisory Council on Women’s Issues, advancing the legal, social and economic equality of Yukon women.
She also sits as a Yukon representative on the RCMP Commissioner’s Diversity Advisory Committee.
Clarke is perhaps best recognized for her leadership with the Canadian-Filipino Society of the Yukon. She served many years as president and provided advice and guidance on integrating immigrants into mainstream Canadian culture.
“I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to run to be elected as the Yukon’s first Filipina MLA,” she said.
“I am thankful for the support of my family and all the women in my life who encouraged me to pursue my dreams of helping people and coming up with solutions to improve government.”
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Comments (27)
Up 2 Down 2
Snowman on Feb 10, 2021 at 10:07 pm
@JC you think I'm incorrect?
He is playing the identity politics of the left when you look at his candidate announcements and he is welcoming people to run who hold far left beliefs. Just literally read their bios.
Aside from candidates, look at the positions he has taken: Supported the government's CEMA orders including travel restrictions, supported an NDP motion in the legislature which condemned the RCMP on the east coast over the lobster dispute, went on the radio to condemn Trump and his conservative supporters in the US and when he won the Yukon Party leadership he said he wanted to especially focus on supporting first nations and establishing socialized childcare. I'm not saying whether this is right or wrong, but it doesn't take a political scientist to figure out where is on the 'left-right' political spectrum.
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TheSpike on Feb 10, 2021 at 9:14 pm
It's not about race or sex. But country of origin plays a role in a persons ideas about politics. Look at Florida and The Cuban Latino American community that voted for Trump on the basis of country of origin politics. What does the candidate know about the history of Canadian labor? We are heading for a legislature of rank amateurs with no political experience.
Up 9 Down 3
SH on Feb 10, 2021 at 1:01 pm
That's actually a great question. I think it's brought up to show how far we've come as a society, and to celebrate that fact. I don't think anyone is being asked to vote for her just because she is a Filipino woman.
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JC on Feb 9, 2021 at 5:50 pm
"Currie Dixon is moving the party to the far left"
Oh man. Real comedians-come-pundits round these parts.
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Yukoner32 on Feb 7, 2021 at 4:04 pm
Yes I agree Juniper, the old guard who are still here from the Pasloski years need to be flushed out. For instance Brad Cathers has been a politician for almost 20 years now and has never done much else. Even the Yukon Party leader Currie Dixon was a Minister under Pasloski and has worked for government most of his life. Then you have Wade Istchenko, Patti Mcleod, Scott Kent and Stacy Hassard - the whole works of them were Ministers in the Pasloski government. A win for them will mean a return to that era. NO thanks!
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Juniper Jackson on Feb 6, 2021 at 8:41 pm
A while to go yet before the election. I will wait and see who actually gets nominated. Then, I'll start listening to what they have to say. Generally speaking I like the new faces. The old guard has not done so well these last few years. We'll see.
Up 21 Down 15
Snowman on Feb 6, 2021 at 6:56 pm
This is very interesting. Currie Dixon is moving the Yukon Party very far to the left of the political spectrum. As a result he may win the election and become Premier. If that happens, it will be clear to all current and future leaders that the path to victory lies in becoming more progressive and leftist. It will be a signal that conservative values and ideals are a losing strategy in the Yukon.
On the other hand, if he loses, there is a good chance Currie will be forced to go back to his grassroots base and likely return to conservative ideals and values for the following election. So ironically, a loss for Currie Dixon now would mean a return to conservative ideals and values in the longer term. Where as a win right now would mean more permanent shift to progressive ideals and politics.
Very interesting times indeed!
Up 14 Down 25
Rolf on Feb 6, 2021 at 3:19 am
In the face of a lack of any real conservatism the Yukon Party has become the NDP.
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Josey Wales on Feb 5, 2021 at 4:23 pm
Well this time more sanitized...
If team Blue is actually going to embrace "identity politics" of any type?
...tap out for me, anyone else do as ya please.
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TheHammer on Feb 5, 2021 at 3:27 pm
On the other end of the arm is a man with YP connections. This announcement was preceded by a news article on Yvonne and family not going to Philippines because of COVID travel restrictions. (Trust me I'm not like the MPs that broke the rule on travel.)This is PR preparation, it's planned and staged. The aim is to garner the bloc vote of Philippines to put YP in power. The housing problem is related to overpopulation. What's the big deal about having your kids stay with you when coming back from university? This the YP plan, it's not about qualifications, it's about the bloc vote. It's called by the social philosopher J. Stuart Mill 'the tyranny of the masses.'
Up 33 Down 15
Oya on Feb 5, 2021 at 3:25 pm
@ Yvonne - Thank you for putting your name forward.
Can I assume by your comment below the story that you will be working harder for visible minorities and people who's first language is not English than for other Yukoners? Are you sure you're in the right party? Sounds more like a Liberal to me.
Oh, wait. I think I get it. Are you going to be the one to get all those visible minority (immigrant) votes away from the Libs? Because we all know that's Trudeau's (and probably Silver's) plan to get re-elected. Ray for the FN votes and you for the immigrant votes.... it'll be interesting to see how that plays out.
So you like the education system here compared to the Philippines. Does that mean you endorse what is currently going on in the education system here that seems to be failing most students (and parents)?
Do you have any ideas on how to fix the un-affordability of rental accommodations for ALL Yukoners?
I've seen you around town and know you to be upbeat, smiling and effervescent. I only hope you channel that energy for the good of ALL Yukoners and not only certain "special" groups. Good luck!
Up 15 Down 32
To Steven--Yukon Cons don't represent me either on Feb 5, 2021 at 3:23 pm
I agree Steven, that the 'Yukon Party' should have to change their name as they don't represent most Yukoners as they don't represent me in any way. I simply call them the Yukon Cons. Nor does the Liberal government represent me. We need a party that is able to represent those of us who work and pay taxes, small business owners who are honest and contributing, and those of us who are not rich and want to work and make our own way. Find a party who doesn't support the rich business people, their friends, their political favourites and you'd have my vote. Independent party members would be great, like the NWT system--instead we get what we get, regardless of whether one person is a great candidate working for a one sided party. I loved Jack Layton but we may never see a politician who would have been so able to make exceptional change again for years.
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Woodcutter on Feb 5, 2021 at 1:31 pm
Omg if you got groucho endorsement, you don't have a chance. JC scared of the socialist agenda yet he's cashing in on all the tax payer benefits that accrue. I bet he don't refuse his pioneer utilities grant, free dental and prescriptions.
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TheHammer on Feb 5, 2021 at 1:15 pm
The conservative agenda is not about helping people, it's about helping business, and pulling out the plug on worker protection. The list of previous activities is not qualification for politics. It's more like an agenda for helping family and friends, with the promise of a lucrative pension. Conservative politics tend to go hand in hand with conservative beliefs. But we don't get to know about those conservative beliefs. Bottom line, no political experience or political education.
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Yvonne Clarke on Feb 5, 2021 at 12:35 pm
I have 3 points to make if you allow me:
1. 26 years ago, I moved to the Yukon as an Asian immigrant. I have experienced first-hand that the Yukon can be an amazing home full of opportunities. I have become a small business owner, have been part of important projects as a volunteer. However, I have also witnessed the struggle for equal access to opportunities, especially for visible minorities and those who speak English as a second language.
2. I am also a mother, who raised my kids in the Yukon. I deeply value education and have been able to watch my children leave for university, accessing opportunities that were not within my reach.
3. When my children return for a job, they come and live in my basement or live in rental suites with no water, or electricity, or adequate insulation. Why is it easy to find government jobs but so hard to find adequate housing for an affordable rate?
Thank you Yukoners,
Yvonne Clarke, 867-333-4211; yclarke@northwestel.net
Up 34 Down 31
Wes on Feb 5, 2021 at 7:12 am
Yukon-Filipina?? So this is a thing now? You’re not a Yukoner, but a Yukon (insert appropriate country of origin).
Here’s the special interest group candidate.
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BnR on Feb 5, 2021 at 7:06 am
I sure do love commenters like JSmonk: “...socialist communist blah blah blah....”. So what, are you going to call the YP Fascist Capitalist?
Man, it’s pretty obvious our education system failed some people.
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JSmonk on Feb 5, 2021 at 6:53 am
It's unfortunate that people still believe that a socialist agenda or communist idea's work in any shape or form. I for one do not want to be subjected to the sort of radical and controlling government that comes with liberal leadership. I am an individual, strong and in control of my own future, not some cog to the machine like the Liberals would like me to be. Does that make my idea's Archaic? Perhaps, but that does not make them bad.
Up 26 Down 44
Steven on Feb 5, 2021 at 6:44 am
I think the party should be forced to change it's name to "The Yukon Conservative Party". The current name implies that you are the only party in the Yukon, and you definitely don't speak for all Yukoners.
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Yukoner32 on Feb 4, 2021 at 9:22 pm
Great job Currie! Announcing some great First Nation candidates and now a filipina woman. Nice to see you striving for a diverse group of candidates.
Remember, diversity is our strength!!
Up 39 Down 20
Mike on Feb 4, 2021 at 6:47 pm
Yukon Party is looking better everyday. What a addition Yvonne would make to the only party that did what they said they would and treated all Yukoners equally without favoritism or bad decision making in childcare, job tenders and just basic give a s%$t.
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Matthew on Feb 4, 2021 at 5:13 pm
I thought we were way past race based politics? Why does race and sex always get brought up? LOL
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Wilf Carter on Feb 4, 2021 at 2:43 pm
Wow strong force for Yukoners as a whole - thanks for standing up for Yukoners
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What? on Feb 4, 2021 at 1:30 pm
Hey JSmonk - I am a long time Yukon Party member, and have never in my life considered myself a right wing Conservative. The Yukon Party's values align most with my own, and nothing has changed since Currie being chosen as leader. Nothing. They are the same, slightly right of centre party with the same values. They got away from the nasty old right wing Conservative club years ago. Why? The world has changed.
They were a great government, a wicked awesome Opposition, and will be an even better government again this time around. I'm sorry that there are still hardcore "Conservatives" in the world that can't see that their way of thinking is archaic. And even sorrier that they would have to put down a great leader and great party because they are " too Liberal". It's laughable, really.
I am so happy to see Ray Sydney step forward. A great candidate. And thank you to Yvonne Clarke, because she is a stand-up Yukoner and a kick-ass candidate! Happy to see fresh faces, wherever on the "Conservative" spectrum they land. Best of luck to MY Yukon Party.
Up 15 Down 53
stephen on Feb 4, 2021 at 1:15 pm
Interesting why is it all these wannabe politician have to be on all these committees or be a lawyer? Don't tell me it's experience for the job - hahaha
From my perspective you are in it for you only. Ya don't need to sit on these boards or be a lawyer to make a difference and be a politician.
As to flinging around socialist/communist labels, you all sound like your regurgitating talking points from politicians and ignorant people who don't even know the definition of what socialism or communism is. Y'all go look it up now like I know you will before you respond. If you think Russia and China are communist you all make me laugh. They are dictatorships and have been for almost a century. haha
Funny how you call people who don't agree with you names whether you are on the left or right. Remember a house divided never stands. That goes for all nations too.
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Groucho d'North on Feb 4, 2021 at 1:12 pm
I have worked with Ms. Clark and heartily recommend her to the voters in Porter Creek Centre. She is smart, level headed and listens well. She will make a wonderful MLA.
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JSmonk on Feb 4, 2021 at 11:57 am
As long as they are a tried and true old school conservative and not a socialist/communist like the current leadership I am all for it.