YP unhappy with minister’s answers on vaccine status plans
The new Minister of Health and Social Services is having a rough ride in her new portfolio so far.
By Tim Giilck on May 20, 2021
The new Minister of Health and Social Services is having a rough ride in her new portfolio so far.
Tracy McPhee was once again under heavy fire Wednesday afternoon over her government’s plans to introduce a so-called vaccine passport.
Beginning next Tuesday, Canadian citizens who have received two COVID-19 vaccinations will not have to self-isolate when entering the
Yukon. There were few details about the planned border verification process during the government’s weekly COVID-19 briefing on
Wednesday morning.
That afternoon, the situation was not helped by McPhee’s refusal to directly answer questions on the issue from the opposition.
For the second day, McPhee was grilled as to why the government had failed to consult Diane McLeod-McKay, the information and privacy
commissioner, on how the proposed limited access to private medical records to confirm COVID-19 vaccinations will work.
“I appreciate the question,” McPhee told the house.
“I had the opportunity to answer this (Tuesday). I also had an opportunity to speak to the media about this (Tuesday), but here we are again — I’m happy to reiterate what I said regarding the plans going forward,” McPhee said.
“Unfortunately, the Yukon Party takes a stance that I’m not really understanding. I’m wondering if the Yukon Party supports changes to self-isolation requirements or not,” the minister said.
“That’s not really clear. Complaints come with respect to there being no advance notice, but we have been very clear all along that, in the event that something is recommended by the chief medical officer of health — his recommendations are based on science — it then becomes government’s responsibility to consider those, to respond, and to implement them if they are satisfactory.
“The process going forward — the criticism often comes that they haven’t been told soon enough about things or, if they have been told soon enough about things, they have not been told enough details about them,” McPhee said.
“So, there is really no wining, Mr. Speaker. The truth is that we provide the information to Yukoners as soon as it becomes available, and we
are mindful of protecting them at every stage of this process.”
Brad Cathers of the Yukon Party was quick to note that McPhee’s comments did not constitute an informative response to the question.
“The minister did not answer the questions (Tuesday), and if she is wondering what we are saying, we are reminding the minister that
government has an obligation to respect people’s rights and the rule of law and to be forthcoming.
“May 25 is six days away, and the government’s announcement is still short on details,” Cathers pointed out.
“As we have already noted, the southern border is staffed by private contractors. Under this plan, private contractors will be asking Yukoners
questions about private and confidential health information.
“How will the minister ensure that the privacy of Yukoners is protected, and what assurance does the minister have that what she is proposing is not against privacy legislation?”
McPhee opted not to provide a simple answer.
“Let us be clear — and what Yukoners deserve to know is that vaccines will need to be verified. That is not just here in the Yukon; it is across the country; it is across the world,” she said.
“With the success of the Yukon vaccines and the success of our opportunities here to keep COVID-19 at bay and to keep Yukoners safe, we are in the enviable position of being very early in that process to determine how that work is done.
“We are doing that work with our partners across the territory, across this government, and certainly across Canada and the world to determine how to best implement the opportunity to verify vaccines in the least intrusive way possible,” the minister said.
Cathers fired back with “the rule of law still matters. (Tuesday), privacy commissioners from across the country released a joint statement about proposals such as the one the Liberals are proposing.
“The statement says — and I quote: ‘… it is an encroachment on civil liberties that should be taken only after careful consideration.’
“It goes on to say this about vaccine passports and similar measures — and I quote: ‘… must be developed and implemented in compliance with applicable privacy laws. They should also incorporate privacy best practices in order to achieve the highest level of privacy protection…’
“It also specifically mentions the importance of consulting with privacy commissioners. Despite this, the minister did not consult with the privacy commissioner,” Cathers pointed out.
“Since she didn’t consult with the privacy commissioner, how can she assure Yukoners that this encroachment on civil liberties will incorporate the highest level of privacy protections as noted in the joint statement by privacy commissioners from across the country or that it is even legal?”
Responded McPhee: “Mr. Speaker, I almost don’t know how to go there, to be frank with you. I think that the allegation or the insinuation that
somehow the Government of Yukon is acting against the legal interests required is in fact an insinuation, and it’s not clear information for
“Yukoners deserve clear information, Mr. Speaker, and they deserve facts that are based on science and a government that puts their safety
ahead of everything,” McPhee said.
“I hope that it won’t surprise the members opposite that, as a former information and privacy commissioner, I completely agree with the
statement that came out from the information and privacy commissioners across Canada today. It is excellent guidance.
“It is a great reminder that the privacy interests of Yukoners and Canadians must be paramount,” McPhee said.
“Again, we will be verifying vaccinations so that we can move forward as a country, but we will be doing so in the least intrusive way possible.”
Comments (31)
Up 24 Down 20
Enough on May 24, 2021 at 10:48 pm
This is a compliance test. Just say NO to vaccine passports. NO covid vaxc for kids, who hardly ever get sick from covid anyway. No to mask mandates. You noticed they keep adding these conditions one after the other? See, it's being done by increments, so that they're each less of a hurdle, but the cumulative effect will be a totalitarian regime where our health/life decisions are no longer our own.
Think! We don't even have any covid cases here in the Yukon. The 82 people diagnosed with covid all recovered at home. The great majority of people with covid only have mild symptoms, or no symptoms at all. The two people that died actually died of pre-existing conditions.
People!! You're submitting to drastic infringement on your freedom for such trivial reasons. The covid vaxc is an experimental injection that has not been tested for long-term adverse effects. Put your foot down now and say no, or else there will be more restrictions to come, you can be sure of that.
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Joe on May 24, 2021 at 6:20 pm
@ no one is taking away your freedom (why don't you use your real name) aka drink more kool aid. You're wrong, it isn't in the interest of public safety, it's coercion. Vaccines do not prevent transmissibility, it reduces the likehood of illness severity in individuals, kinda like if you stop smoking or stop drinking. Your choice of vaccine does nothing for me. It's very obvious now it's a witch hunt for those who made a personal choice not to vaccine, like i had to take a vaccine so should you. It's actually very sad, especially for the veterans who fought for our freedoms and choices. You should be ashamed.
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DMZ on May 24, 2021 at 12:56 pm
@no one is taking away your mobility etc., thank you for your rather condescending acceptance and minimizing of the proposed vaccine passport. Your comparisons to a driver's license and so on are so off the mark they're not worth thinking about.
There are many ways this could be tackled, and the privacy commissioners have set out several recommendations that the government has not addressed at all, since they're demonstrating a complete lack of interest in the inherent privacy violations in their sweeping proposal.
The restrictions were supposed to be temporary, not morph into different restrictions without even the boundaries the privacy commissioners suggest. Our rights, such as mobility, aren't intended to be conditional on us complying with every regulation the government sees fit to impose under the umbrella of "public health".
Any by the way, why isn't anyone asking the government when the emergency measures act will be lifted? That was imposed last June, with the premier saying, it's for three months, but it could be a lot shorter. With 75 percent of vaccinated, why is that still in place? They seem to have learned that we will tolerate anything they impose.
There is a scenario where vaccination passports for individuals aren't needed at all. The government has records of how many are vaccinated, and that is the benchmark they could go by. If the country reaches that benchmark, they could have faith in the "science" they keep talking about. Except now they won't settle on an immunity figure, hoping it will go to 100 percent, I guess.
Somewhere on the spectrum between no vaccination passport and the most intrusive one, they seem to go for the latter. That's not debating how many angels on the head of a pin.
I wonder if Hanley is in talks with Tam et al and is being used to float these proposals before they commit, because often lately what he says is echoed by them a few days later, and I don't think it's him taking the lead. Maybe they're looking at our reaction to see just how much Canadians are willing to give up. In which case, it seems to be quite a lot, because Yukoners are proving to be a very docile bunch. That's the "snowplow" effect Silver was bragging about to Rosemary Barton. We all know what the effects of a snowplow looks like when winter is over.
Up 15 Down 12
They are taking your freedoms... One step at a time... on May 24, 2021 at 11:53 am
@ No one is taking away your freedom...
Nice try with the false equivalence argument. Nothing about this Covid lockdown-manipulation has been in the public interest. However, it has served rather well as a barometer of the public’s tolerance for capitulation and acquiescence and the will to obedience. The Covid passport idea is another checkpoint or datapoint if you will to enhance the illusion of freedom while subjugating one’s self to measures of surveillance and control - A flip side of the Orwellian daydream, and the Orwellian nightmare.
Your submission is an example of the doublespeak used to justify such incursions into private matters and is a presage to the return of an era where others ratted each other out for extra privileges in the food lines of a socialist dystopia... Nice!
A forced choice is no choice at all.
Up 14 Down 22
No one is taking away your freedom of mobility folks! on May 24, 2021 at 12:22 am
Hey folks, we seem to be arguing over how many angels you can fit on the head of a pin! No one is taking away your freedom of mobility or right to travel. You can travel right now, but must comply with certain testing and self-isolation requirements in the interest of public safety and reducing likely transmission of COVID-19 upon your return. If there is a vaccine passport or ID card created by government, it will lead to a reduction of the requirements to self isolate upon your return from travel if you are fully vaccinated. If you choose not to get vaccinated, then you won’t have to get that vaccine passport or ID card, but you will simply have to comply with the more stringent testing and self isolation requirements in the interest of public safety. Your choice! Kind of like, if you choose not to “share your personal information” with motor vehicles, then you can still travel on public transportation or by taxi, but you can’t drive - again, it’s in the interest of public safety. It’s not an infringement of your charter rights to move about the country to require a drivers license to operate a motor vehicle.
Do you want to travel to certain regions of Central and South America? Guess what, you will need proof of vaccination for yellow fever. Traveling to areas of Africa experiencing an Ebola outbreak? Surprise, you will need to undergo quarantine upon your return to Canada. This is nothing new! Having said that, I don’t believe any government should need to see your entire health record. They absolutely should be able to create a list of everyone who has been twice vaccinated and use that list alone. Or set up a system whereby you present your government issued vaccination card and are issued a more secure document or digital card for your smart phone.
Up 10 Down 10
Groucho d'North on May 23, 2021 at 9:50 am
This Yukon passport issue is much ado about nothing. Being such a small jurisdiction and population, we will probably follow the federal government's plan, just like we do with everything else. Save some budget while following along lock-step in obeyance to the eastern mandarins.
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Steven on May 23, 2021 at 9:21 am
I'm not sure how you haven't figured out that that happened a LOOONG time ago! (not that I agree with that theory, I'm just saying I am familiar with it.)
Your passport, your driver's license, health care card, social insurance number, barcodes in general.... these are all "Marks of the Beast" as laid out in some religious drivel I read back in the 80's when I was a kid. Just because it isn't a tattoo on your forehead doesn't make it any less of a number that has replaced you or your name and identity. Of course, nowadays, the Mark of the Beast/666 refers to implanted microchips and digital tracking, even though, again, this is already happening if you own a cell phone.
So... good luck bonanzajoe, you're already tagged, and going to hell with the rest of us! You might as well get the vaccine and become part of the herd immunity too!
Up 31 Down 12
Disgusted on May 23, 2021 at 4:06 am
So the govt just gets to do whatever they want with no process, no consultations with other representatives now. Good to know we have become a communist regime with no regard for humanity. Now we have a 2 class system in the works. This is what fear of a virus with a 99.5% recovery rate gets you. Thank you sheeple for your contribution to the destruction of life.
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motive unclear on May 22, 2021 at 9:31 am
Hypothetically speaking: what if I am entertaining a guest and I add a bit of antifreeze to his coffee because I TRULY believe it will keep him from freezing to death...... and he dies. Would I be personally liable for his death? Now what if I had been told by the highest medical authorities it was a necessary and good idea? Would that free me from my personal responsibility or not?
Up 25 Down 5
DMZ on May 21, 2021 at 11:13 pm
@moose101, I doubt very much that you know any more than anyone else about this so far theoretical vaccine passport. I think I am probably like most people in not liking the idea, but resigned to it on a certain level.
But Sandy Silver and Hanley lost me when they said they would be getting us to give them access to our health records. No. There is surely a less intrusive, effective way of verifying one vaccination that doesn't require rifling through our health records. Surely people remember incidents with YTG where they were not at all careful with the information they assure us is confidential.
But most offensive is the positively cavalier manner that they float their poorly conceived notions of what they will be entitled to demand from us and other Canadians when we exercise our right to mobility. I don't have to devise a policy to have the right to say they need to take this more seriously than they seem to be doing. I just hope to God the federal government takes this one over and doesn't let these clowns continue to reach above their abilities.
Up 18 Down 19
Moose on May 21, 2021 at 9:06 pm
The Yukon party wants it both ways. If Dr. Hanley makes a recommendation to the government, and the government decides to sit on that recommendation while determining how to implement it, the YP will say the government is not being transparent and is being very secretive.
If the government releases the recommendation right away so that the opposition and public can have access to that info at the same time, the Yukon Party will accuse the government of not having a plan and "not doing their homework" or something childish like that. But the reality is that bureaucrats need a bit of time to work out how to implement these things.
So considering this, it's crystal clear that the Yukon Party only wants to play games where they can make the government look bad no matter what they do. If they had integrity, they would ask legitimate questions which are of interest to a majority of Yukoners instead of playing the "gotcha" game.
Up 15 Down 8
bonanzajoe on May 21, 2021 at 6:53 pm
Yukoner: Just wait when the Mark of the Beast/666 comes in. This stuff is just a mild preparation.
Up 16 Down 3
Anon on May 21, 2021 at 5:54 pm
It's pretty simple. YG should publish a news release spelling out exactly what medical information will be used for verification. A lot of uncertainty could be avoided with some open and clear communication, instead of just saying "your medical information will be accessed" and having all the conspiracy nuts going wild. If all of it is a database containing the same info that is already on the vaccination cards, and they just want to see if all the info matches up, then I don't see a problem (even though that technically *is* my "medical info", but it's not like you're looking up whether or not I have Herpes or HPV). But if it IS more than just a list, tell us, and then we can all freak out (or not). But saying nothing is damaging your credibility and totally unnecessary.
Up 23 Down 13
Wilf Carter on May 21, 2021 at 12:45 pm
Kate Do you understand the cost and benefits of your policies? I am not just talking money but impacts of policies on our people of all walks of life. Do you agree with the Federal Minister of Justice statement before the house committee that they will limit Yukoners freedom of rights and speech?
Up 41 Down 14
Yukoner on May 21, 2021 at 12:19 pm
Vaccine passports are a clear and unreasonable violation of our charter of rights and freedoms and will easily lead to caste society. This is a very slippery slope that we should all stand up against regardless of your opinion of vaccine efficacy and safety. Where have I missed the studies that show that any of the current vaccines prevent the spread and acquisition of COVID 19... Last publication of peer reviewed studies only show efficacy to reduce severe disease and death due to COVID. Those who are fully vaccinated can still have and spread COVID!! This is a huge and irrevocable infringement on personal rights and freedoms.
Up 21 Down 35
Moose101 on May 21, 2021 at 7:42 am
Privacy and civil liberties - do you want to travel or not? We are not alone on trying to figure this out. The whole world is struggling with this and it will happen and a passport probably much like your other passport will be developed and if you don’t want it you won’t have to get it and you will not travel. This will happen. We are all on learning curve and with all these posts I have not seen any constructive suggestions on how they can do this better.
Up 38 Down 6
DMZ on May 21, 2021 at 12:20 am
It's a daunting thought that the Yukon will be the first territory or province to demand proof of vaccination with this level of preparation and thoughtful consideration. That's before you remember just how great YTG has been at protecting people's privacy. Wasn't there a breach in one of the departments just recently?
I wonder if people will be surprised to find themselves offended with this restriction (and it is a restriction), while thinking right now it's all good.
Up 29 Down 5
Babble in the bouse...... on May 20, 2021 at 11:28 pm
Just think if you have been elected and are sitting in the house having to listen to this babble. How embarrassing and ....... you think., my goodness ....the start of a three year gong show continually now! Whats next????!
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bonanzajoe on May 20, 2021 at 9:04 pm
Typical left wingers, don't want to be questioned by the right. And when they are, they just give a bunch of cocky arrogant responses. Somehow, the full answer never comes. The truth and facts comes out of questioning. But, like Justin Trudeau, our Liberals just give the same old answer over and over again.
Up 6 Down 4
Mikey Likes It! on May 20, 2021 at 7:02 pm
Dear Mikey - Jay should express his/her/their outrage at even the mere suggestion of this or similar stupidity.
Apparently Mikey ‘Likes it’. Adults these days... Sheesh!
Up 15 Down 20
Not from Ontario on May 20, 2021 at 6:59 pm
@ Al.
You seem to know stuff. I don’t agree with any of your politics but surely to God you understand it’s called QUESTION period and not ANSWER period. It exists solely for the purposes of political grandstanding and to churn out sound bites for the media. No actual policy decisions happen in QP.
We’ve got a tenuous majority government here, nothing the opposition says or does matters, not even vulgar repulsive texts apparently.
We’re down to the short strokes with this pandemic, the time for political jousting ended with the last election. Let’s get this done and move on.
Do you ever tire of being on the wrong side of history on every single topic? I almost admire your tenacity.
Up 32 Down 6
Groucho d'North on May 20, 2021 at 5:02 pm
“Yukoners deserve clear information, Mr. Speaker, and they deserve facts that are based on science and a government that puts their safety ahead of everything,” McPhee said.
All well and true Ms McPhee, but it is not Mr. Cathers' or the official opposition's job to perform that information sharing role, it is your administration's duty and to date you have not been doing a very good job.
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Mikey on May 20, 2021 at 4:19 pm
It's gonna be okay. Take a deep breath, us adults will get everyone, including you through this.
Up 74 Down 12
Al on May 20, 2021 at 4:18 pm
Madam McPhee you are in over your head. Instead of being "honest" and saying I don't know. It is OK to say I don't know. I shall get back to the member with a response tomorrow. Instead she takes up valuable house time obfuscating and waffling. Just answer the question !
I swear some people are thicker than a bag of hammers...
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Distasteful on May 20, 2021 at 4:12 pm
Same old government. Do the worst that you can in the first year then hope people forget for the next 3.
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Juniper Jackson on May 20, 2021 at 3:47 pm
I was really surprised when McPhee got re elected. I did not feel she was competent in any direction. Not Education, and certainly NOT Health. Health is a tricky department. It's DMs and ADMs, Directors, Managers, Supervisors, and 1 office admin person, don't come from a point of Health. They come from a point of money. Ask about saving life? Premier Hanley might tell you it cost 13 billion to bring those Moderna vaccines in, but they can save a bundle if they bring in AstraZ. Everyone is recovering at home. Don't look to McPhee for clear answers on anything.
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BnR on May 20, 2021 at 3:16 pm
Wheres Wade and Stacey?
Soooo quiet.
Up 55 Down 20
Jay on May 20, 2021 at 2:57 pm
So you’re arguing that the CMO is going off of science? You’re forcing us to use vaccine passports if we want to travel without self isolation? I’m pretty sure the charter of rights allows us to move freely without hinderance throughout Canada.
If we’re going to argue facts, answer this fact. The covid death rate data is skewed. Even proven by Yukon’s own CMO. You have 3 deaths in the territory all of which were not covid related but as per his words must be added to the covid related death toll. What is that? You could have covid, die from a car accident, and be labeled as a covid death. Isn’t this skewed statistics and fear mongering because the data is invalid? You cannot get accurate data by doing that. Also you cannot force us to self isolate once the “state of emergency” is over, and you have to end that some time or another.
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john on May 20, 2021 at 2:40 pm
Just move on already, we've reached herd immunity, those whose choose not to vaccinate do so of their own choice so why spend millions of dollars and infringe on privacy rights trying to convince a few when it makes no difference at all.
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Wilf Carter on May 20, 2021 at 2:35 pm
MInister of Justice for Federal Government stated our rights in Canada has limits when he talked about human rights. Human rights is the freedom of people to be protected from bad behavior which Tracy McPhee is siting. Federal governments like other countries as she has referred to have set up data bases where one region can supply secure info on peoples situation for any kind of communicable health issue which this is. Trudeau did nothing to put in place a system so Canadians can travel in our country safely.
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JSM on May 20, 2021 at 2:23 pm
As they should be! Tracy is skirting around the question because she knows she has not been putting in the work. Defending this is absolutely asinine, If regular people put in the same work as Nanny Mcphee you would be fired. SS doesn't have the gall to do the same. Put in the work, it isn't that hard.