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Photo by Whitehorse Star
Yukon Party Leader Currie Dixon
Photo by Whitehorse Star
Yukon Party Leader Currie Dixon
The Yukon Party (YP) has announced a $28-million universal childcare benefit as it attempts to out-do the governing Liberal party.
The Yukon Party (YP) has announced a $28-million universal childcare benefit as it attempts to out-do the governing Liberal party.
At a news conference held this morning, Yukon Party Leader Currie Dixon outlined the details of the program – which would cost $3 million more than the Liberal offering released in the March 4 territorial budget.
Dixon called the YP program a “truly universal” frame work as compared to the Liberals’ ideas.
Every family in the territory with children 10 years old and younger would qualify for the benefit, regardless of whether they are enrolled in a daycare program.
That’s why Dixon means by “truly universal”. His program isn’t tied to daycare, but instead to children.
The program would be available on a sliding scale. Families with children up to the age of five would qualify for $500 a month per child.
After that, the benefit would be reduced to $100 a month.
No funding would be available for children older than 10.
Dixon said the Liberals had projected their universal childcare program to cost $25 million this year.
The YP would add another $3 million to that. Dixon said the extra funding could be found within the department.
The Liberal program will kick in April 1, and is based on children enrolled in licensed childcare programs.
Dixon said that leaves many people who don’t qualify, including stay-at-home parents or children in the care of family members, such as grandparents.
He said that’s the key difference in the program the YP is bringing forward.
Dixon also said the Liberal program will create a lot of “red tape” and increased staff and regulatory expenses.
As well, it will create far more paperwork and administration costs for participating daycares.
“Our program is available to all,” he said. “The Liberal plan leaves people behind and provides no choice.”
According to a news release, with the program, the Yukon Party would:
• Create the non-taxable Yukon Universal Child Benefit of $500 per child per month for each child up to the age of five paid directly to parents to help with the cost of childcare.
• Provide a non-taxable $100 benefit per child per month directly to parents for each child between the ages of five and 10.
Dixon also rolled some election promises on early childcare education and associated professionals into the announcement.
“To help enhance quality of early childcare education and support childcare operators and educators,” a statement said, a Yukon Party government would:
• Recognize the value of early childcare educators by increasing their wages.
• Create incentives for early childcare educators to enhance their education, their skills and their training.
• Work with the early childcare educators community to review their certification system and explore creating new levels.
• Explore the development of an Early Learning Degree program at Yukon University.
• Develop a teaching lab facility to support the current Early Learning and Childcare program at the university.
• Provide support for much-needed improvements to daycare facilities by enhancing funding for physical space improvements.
• Continue with planned direct operating grant changes and increases.
• Enhance and provide long-term, stable funding to the Yukon Child Development Centre.
“Families are best positioned to decide which childcare options work best for them, and we are focused on ensuring we leave no child behind,” Dixon said.
“As a father of two myself, I have seen the incredible work of early childhood educators and have heard many stories of families struggling with the cost of childcare.
“Our plan aims to improve the affordability and quality of early childhood education and childcare for every single child.”
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Comments (25)
Up 10 Down 4
Moose on Mar 26, 2021 at 11:13 pm
I know a few people who make well over that. Also, I only picked that number arbitrarily. Even people making 150k could afford to have one parent stay home easily. Bottom line is that if the Yukon Party wants to give straight up cash to parents and not have it tied to daycare at all, they should at least tie it to income so we aren't giving free money to the richest folks in our society who don't need it. At least the Libs plan is tied to actual daycare use and getting people back into the workforce.
Up 3 Down 8
HA on Mar 26, 2021 at 9:23 am
Moose, how many people do you know who make $200,000/year?
I can think of 3 or 4 of about 250 people I've gotten to know over the last 30 years.
Up 8 Down 9
Mark on Mar 25, 2021 at 7:10 pm
@KC and Jason.
Why should I pay (my taxes) for your kids? You had them, you support them!
If you can’t pay someone else to raise your kids, how about raising them yourselves like you should be grown up enough to do?
If you vote for the highest bid yielded to you, that’s sad.
Personally, I vote as a Canadian with Canada as a whole in mind. I can’t stand Trudeau (that is truly an understatement) , with that in mind, I don’t want him to have a premier here in the Yukon. I also detest communists so the NDP is out of the running for me.
What the government gives me personally has no bearing on my vote. I vote with Canada in mind so for me it’s Conservatives forever.
Up 5 Down 3
Pete Ladrew on Mar 25, 2021 at 6:20 pm
Curry could you tell us if the Daycare benefits have anything to do with BVRs and how would that apply under a Yukon Party government?
Up 4 Down 3
U. Saufunny on Mar 25, 2021 at 5:02 pm
@ Why am I... It takes a community to raise a child... Move outside the city limits and ask for your exemption.
Up 27 Down 8
Why am I paying for others' personal choices? on Mar 25, 2021 at 8:58 am
This is ridiculous. I chose not to have kids but I will still be indirectly paying for them. Our parents never had handouts like this, let alone as much help to raise their children in society in general and they made it work. People should have to pay for their personal choices.
Up 22 Down 9
iota on Mar 24, 2021 at 2:47 pm
Hey Moose, who do you think generates all the tax dollars? Why should people earning money and paying all the taxes get fewer benefits than those who don't put in the time and work to get those high wages?
Up 11 Down 19
DA on Mar 24, 2021 at 9:08 am
I probably know at least 100 families in the Yukon. Of those families, maybe a handful have all the toys you've mentioned. The family with the "two skidoos, a side by side, and two trucks in the driveway of their 3000+ square foot house", is the exception.
Up 20 Down 17
EJ on Mar 23, 2021 at 11:39 pm
Its kind of crazy how the Yukon Party is just copying everything the Liberals are doing. I mean if the Liberals had not announced a univeral daycare program, there is no chance that the Yukon Party would have done so, considering they didn't even mention it in their previous 15 years of governing.
Do they have anything in their platform that is an original idea and not just building off of what the Liberals are doing? If so, I have yet to see it. It doesn't even seem like they will be opposing the carbon tax anymore lol. Currie has been oddly silent on that one!
Up 14 Down 10
Yukong on Mar 23, 2021 at 10:37 pm
Consider child care that doesn't fit in the category of licensed daycare or dayhome. Babysitters, after school care etc. This costs money too. That's why this plan actually addresses child care costs for ALL Yukon kids.
Up 2 Down 1
JustSayin' on Mar 23, 2021 at 9:57 pm
@KC, sorry that comment was met for @Jason.
Up 21 Down 2
JustSayin' on Mar 23, 2021 at 9:57 pm
Your kid, your problem. Obviously, education needs to increase to teach people fiscal responsibility and personal accountability. If I can't parent your kid, I shouldn't have to pay for you to take care of them.
Up 17 Down 15
Moose on Mar 23, 2021 at 9:53 pm
So under this plan, people making $200,000 or even a million dollars a year will receive $500 bucks per child? These are the people who can easily afford to have one parent stay home full time, so why are you taking money away from others for them?
Under the Liberal plan, parents get $700 per child if they are in daycare.... but the Yukon Party will drop that amount to $500 so that rich folks who can afford to live on one income will also get a payout. This is straight up vote buying.
Also, Currie Dixon said that their plan will cost $3 million more than the Liberals plan and they will simply find $3 million within the existing Education budget. Well guess what, there probably isn't $3 million just laying around unused in the department, so what that really means is a $3 million cut to Education. So tell us what is on the chopping block Currie.
Up 18 Down 5
Nathan Living on Mar 23, 2021 at 8:01 pm
Do not give money away to people who do not need it.
Universal programs benefit all but it's a give away for many people and it just adds to our countries debt.
Our tax base will not support this so the rest of Canada supports us again.
People with good family incomes who get this windfall may spend it on toys.
Up 17 Down 6
Juniper Jackson on Mar 23, 2021 at 6:54 pm
Years ago, there was a sign at the old Yukon Inn...Eat here or we'll both starve. That's what's happening with our SA system. The governments are robbing the people that work their **ss** off, taking sometimes, more than half their pay checks to provide all these perks for that single Mom with 5 kids, all different dads. No fathers providing child support because Mom says, hmm not sure who the father is..and society accepts that. At the end of the day, Mom got huge money for those kids, 3500 a mo. on tax benefits, welfare, all her bills are paid, for many, there is a man in the household, not talked about! Her kids can have free CGC entries, George Arcand provides some sports equipment and programs, free. Food Banks, dental, medications, all covered. While everyone gripes about a government workers income. I haven't been with Government for 15 years, but, I'm telling you.. some of those jobs, don't pay enough to put up with the *h*it some people pile on them. At the end of the day, they live in a nicer house, drive a nicer car. Have nothing else, struggling to pay for these poor poor peoples life style. Mean's testing is a POS. Some 20 year old looks at your income and decides if you can have food bank or not. Child care or not. Medical or not. Help or not. They have a scale, designed..where? Seniors are severely penalized by the mean's test that was developed in Alberta. We do not get extra money for paying a 150. power bill, when that developer pays 20.00. I won't be around to see the end, but i am sure the end is coming.
Up 22 Down 4
KC on Mar 23, 2021 at 3:24 pm
@Jason - Our youngest recently started Kindergarten so I understand the expense. The actual low income childcare subsidy is really only a small part of the story. Daycare expenses are tax deductible so if you're middle to high income you will be getting 30-40% of that back. Also the lower your income the more Child Care Benefit which maxes out at $563 a month. You would receive some amount of CCB up until you have a family income around $200,000. It is complicated and I'm sure there are gaps that ought to be filled but handing out $700 to folks who don't need it isn't the answer either.
Up 11 Down 19
jason on Mar 23, 2021 at 12:36 pm
@KC do you have daycare aged children? It's like $900/month if you don't qualify for subsidies. That's like a quarter of my after tax income monthly and I have a decent paying job.
Up 25 Down 25
SH on Mar 23, 2021 at 10:19 am
I'm in agreement with this childcare plan as it reflects the value of both the stay-at-home parent and the daycare system. It'll make full-time employment more viable for young mothers (and fathers) but will also benefit parents who would rather not send their kids to daycare.
Up 33 Down 6
Dave on Mar 23, 2021 at 7:28 am
These territories political parties have been reduced to unabashed vote buying in order to get elected which is resulting in a never ending death spiral of debt. Once you go down that path there is no financial escape. But hey, in 2021 everything is about me and right now isn’t it? “Spending today for our children to pay tomorrow.”
Up 23 Down 17
Yukoner61 on Mar 23, 2021 at 12:01 am
Wow, never thought I would see the day that the Yukon party actually embraced socialism rather than treating it as an evil word. I'm pleasently surprised with Mr.Dixon and the direction he is taking the party. He is leaving behind the old outdated conservative ideology and values of their federal party, and instead embracing very progressive ideals which are the way of the future. If he can pull off a win with these policies it will be a signal to all future party leaders that a return to conservatism would be suicidal for the party. On the other hand, if Dixon loses while running on a very progressive platform, he will likely have to go back to the party's conservative grassroots ideals. Interesting times for sure!
Up 39 Down 18
Mike on Mar 22, 2021 at 9:05 pm
Currie if you and your team are elected, I hope you utilize the talent they all have and restore the moral back into the TERRITORY. Stay to task one thing at a time, keep it honest and remember you work for the people you govern on our behalf. Fight as hard as every Yukoner has during this trying time and don't waste one tax dollar. You will be inheriting a huge debt. Be creative and open and work as a Territory.
Up 47 Down 6
Yukoner on Mar 22, 2021 at 6:05 pm
Families wouldn't be struggling so much if they also didn't have two skidoos, a side by side, and two trucks in the driveway of their 3000+ square foot house. But really all of these plans fall short of helping those who really need it. There is no reason a family with two YG jobs need support and now they will be double dipping for the first year on their topped up maternity leave.
Have any program income tested, families earning <$60k (or some number) are fully covered and a sliding scale up to no coverage. For a lot of high income earning families you are just funding their toys with both this and the Liberals plans.
Up 26 Down 43
Harvey on Mar 22, 2021 at 6:03 pm
What a complete and utter disgrace as the weak Yukon Party tries to copy and upstage the responsible governing Liberals.
Up 28 Down 7
KC on Mar 22, 2021 at 5:23 pm
The YP isn't wrong here philosophically but this is disappointing. Between the CCB, the deduction of child care expenses on your taxes and the means tested child care subsidy there is already plenty of support for those who need child care. Meanwhile it is difficult to get an EA for your child in schools and folks are still fighting the penny pinchers at insured health for health care travel. We have more important priorities than getting more money into the hands of upper middle class parents with child care expenses.
Up 34 Down 15
Matthew on Mar 22, 2021 at 4:26 pm
What about the people with no kids? What do single folks get? Besides roommates they don't want? No one forced people to have kids, so why the special treatments? Oh.. right.. votes for money..