Whitehorse Daily Star

YG will pay for dock, but not transit: NDP

The bickering between the governing Liberals and the Yukon NDP over free public transit continued Monday in the legislature.

By T.S. Giilck on November 1, 2023

The bickering between the governing Liberals and the Yukon NDP over free public transit continued Monday in the legislature.

NDP MLA Lane Tredger said, “The minister of Community Services has told Yukoners that there is no additional money for free transit despite the City of Whitehorse saying more money would be needed in coming years to make it happen.

“This is a real disappointment to Yukoners who have been waiting for free transit,” Tredger said. “It would help Yukoners reduce their carbon emissions by driving less.

“Despite the minister claiming there isn’t enough money to make it happen, (Community Services Minister Richard Mostyn) somehow found an extra million dollars in his department’s budget to help pay for an ore dock (in Skagway),” they added.

“That money was cut from the Better Buildings program budget, a program meant to help Yukoners cut greenhouse gas emissions by funding home retrofits,” Tredger told the House.

“Why is the minister okay with moving money from climate initiatives to pay for private mining interests but not to fulfill his commitment for free public transit?” they asked.

Mostyn immediately bristled at that.

“I will take exception to the assertions of the member opposite. We are committed to working with the City of Yukon and the Yukon NDP caucus to explore replacing fare-generated revenue to make public transit free in Whitehorse,” he said.

“We have a transit working group made up of one Yukon NDP MLA and a representative from the City of Whitehorse. The working group is an important place for these conversations to happen.”

The government has allocated $1.5 million for free transit as per the Confidence and Supply Agreement the Liberals signed with the NDP last Jan. 31.

“We want to make sure that the free transit initiative that was put forward by the Yukon NDP through the Confidence and Supply Agreement ment sticks to the budget of $1.5 million,” Mostyn said.

“We’re going to do that.”

Tredger didn’t relent.

“Free transit is not just about climate action. It would also make transportation more affordable for Yukoners,” they said.

“Yukoners who already use public transit save a lot of money on monthly passes or bus tickets. Those who own a car could save a lot of money by choosing the bus instead,” they added.

“Our initiative is a win-win for everyone. But instead of helping low-income Yukoners, this government is giving over a million dollars through their landlord subsidy to people who already own multiple homes,” Tredger told the House.

“Instead of helping Yukoners meet rising transportation costs, the Liberals chose to subsidize those who already have the most.”

“Once again, I will say that we are fully prepared to honour — and want to honour — the agreement we have with the Yukon New Democratic Party through the Confidence and Supply Agreement to provide free transit for Whitehorse,” Mostyn responded.

“The budget for that initiative – agreed to with the Yukon New Democratic Party caucus at the time of the Confidence and Supply Agreement – was $1.5 million. We have that money, and we are prepared to spend it on free transit,” Mostyn said.

Comments (10)

Up 43 Down 1

Tagish8@yahoo.com on Nov 2, 2023 at 4:01 pm

Many of us live beyond the present transit service so it is a limited option reserved only for Whitehorse residents, but the budget belongs to all Yukoners. Fair eh?

Up 24 Down 3

just sayin'... on Nov 2, 2023 at 12:56 pm

...if you want to address climate change through increased ridership, increase routes and frequency. There is a body of evidence that improved service increases transit usage far more than reduced cost.

Up 70 Down 2

TeeJay on Nov 1, 2023 at 10:55 pm

@NDP It is not FREE! Someone has to pay for it. What are you willing to give up to get a zero cost transit?

Up 63 Down 7

bonanzajoe on Nov 1, 2023 at 8:04 pm

Tredger asks, “Why is the minister okay with moving money from climate initiatives to pay for private mining interests..." Well, mining interests pay taxes and fuels the economy. Climate interests only eat taxes and don't don't pay for anything. Why is that so hard for left wing politicians to see that? They think money just grows on trees and harvested in the fall. So Tredger, show us how climate change has ruined our lives - outside of bringing anxiety to so many, and show us what all those carbon taxes have done to stop "climate change".

Up 55 Down 4

Nadine on Nov 1, 2023 at 6:49 pm

Nothing is free, nor should it be free.

Let’s put this in simple terms. The NDP makes massive drama in the legislature because they are hoping to achieve a “win” on their overarching agenda of holding the liberals over a barrel. Their means to an end: to make the liberals send the tax payers another bill so everyone can have free rides.

Free rides are coming to an end soon.

Up 51 Down 3

george on Nov 1, 2023 at 5:37 pm

Its not a win win for everyone, Its a win for those who think riding the bus actually reduces emissions. I drive when I need to drive and where I need to drive, I drive an efficient vehicle, I drive efficiently- i dont drive around in circles over and over with a few passengers ( exception for the after shcool bus rush) and blow out plumes of inefficient diesel smoke like those hog buses do. If we all lived in a straight line maybe the concept would work, unfortunately, it doesn't work here.

Up 65 Down 4

YT on Nov 1, 2023 at 4:06 pm

Lane and the rest of the NDippers live in a fantasy world.

Up 60 Down 5

SHANE on Nov 1, 2023 at 3:42 pm

Lane! get over it.
People that drive won't be parking their cars just because there's free transit.
The majority of Yukoners want nothing to do with taxpayer funded transit.
Or your NDP government. stay home call an election.

Up 30 Down 3

Erwin Glock on Nov 1, 2023 at 2:59 pm

“I will take exception to the assertions of the member opposite. We are committed to working with the City of Yukon

Mr. Mostyn: getting a bit confused with the City of Yukon ?

Up 62 Down 1

Free stuff on Nov 1, 2023 at 2:44 pm

Of all the things going on in our community and the NDP are focused on "free transit".

Taking the public transit system is quite inexpensive - making it free is not going to push more people to jump on a bus. If anything, this is going to move our very large crime problem from downtown, into all the other communities of Whitehorse. Where we at with the Alpine Bakery? A staple in Whitehorse for many years - lets tackle that!

Please end the CASA agreement and lets get on with an election. PLEASE!

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