Whitehorse Daily Star

YG issues special spending warrant

The Yukon government has issued a special warrant to ensure programs and functions continue while the third supplementary estimates for the 2022-23 fiscal year are debated during the fall legislative sitting.

By Whitehorse Star on September 22, 2023

The Yukon government has issued a special warrant to ensure programs and functions continue while the third supplementary estimates for the 2022-23 fiscal year are debated during the fall legislative sitting.

The chamber will reconvene Wednesday, Oct. 4, Speaker Jeremy Harper announced Wednesday.

The special warrant provides budgetary authorization for up to $15.3 million in additional government spending for the 2022-23 fiscal year – the fiscal year in which retroactive payments were earned by Yukon Employees’ Union members. The entirety of this amount relates to these payments.a

Public sector accounting standards require that any payments occurring – or wages earned – in a specific fiscal year must also be recognized in that year if it remains open.

The Special Warrant (No. 1) 2022-23 is issued as an order-in-council under the Financial Administration Act.

This funding ensures that six government departments continue to have spending authority for operational purposes.

Additional appropriations are included in this special warrant for the Departments of Justice, Health and Social Services, Environment and Highways and Public Works, as well the Executive Council Office and the Public Service Commission.

All other departments are able to fund the retroactive payments from their existing appropriations for 2022-23.

“This special warrant helps to ensure that the government is able to meet its financial commitments outlined as part of the most recent collective agreement with the Yukon Employees’ Union,” Finance Minister Sandy Silver said Thursday afternoon.

“This agreement recognizes the value of our employees and allows them to continue to provide the services Yukoners expect from their government. It also ensures that employees can receive the retroactive pay they are entitled to.”

A special warrant allows government departments to spend money or allocate funds for specific purposes when the regular budgetary or parliamentary approval process is not yet in place.

The special warrant spending will be debated during the coming sitting of the House.

Comments (2)

Up 18 Down 5

Jake on Sep 23, 2023 at 9:38 am

I wonder what the state of Yukons finances really are. Working within the vibes are not good.

Up 26 Down 6

Josey Wales on Sep 22, 2023 at 8:32 pm

Hmmm...I will translate that ridiculous load of gibberish into terms understood.

We...the state...have deemed it super super important that we get...and spend EVEN MORE of your money. As per SOP our union comrades get a slice of the pie.
Thank you common folk for your attention and further financial sacrifices to the state, we are so so very important.
We the state know with your loyal obedience to our goals, that need be you will and can work harder in the rare event we may need more of your money to fund our very very important state agenda.

Ministry of Fiscal Responsibility

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