Photo by Whitehorse Star
Premier Sandy Silver
Photo by Whitehorse Star
Premier Sandy Silver
The Yukon government has provided $25,000 in Canadian funds to the Salvation Army Alaska Division to support relief and recovery efforts in Haines, Alaska.
The Yukon government has provided $25,000 in Canadian funds to the Salvation Army Alaska Division to support relief and recovery efforts in Haines, Alaska.
The contribution will go toward December’s South East Alaska Winter Storm Response to help families who are in need of emergency support after the devastating storm and landslides that killed two people.
It also builds on the government’s immediate efforts to clear the Alaska Highway and facilitate the movement of support from the rest of Alaska.
“Our shared geography with Alaska makes us neighbours, but our shared interests make us friends,” Premier Sandy Silver said Wednesday.
“Yukoners were shocked and saddened at the tragic news of the loss of life, flooding and ensuing disaster.
“The ongoing efforts of the Salvation Army and emergency crews in responding to the disaster and bringing aid to those affected are greatly appreciated during this challenging time.”
He spoke with Haines borough Mayor Douglas Olerud on Dec. 5 to offer the territory’s support.
Gov. Mike Dunleavy declared a state of emergency for the Haines area in early December after torrential rains washed out roads and created sinkholes and mudslides, temporarily isolating the town centre from the airport and ferry terminal.
The Yukon government offered emergency response resources and support to U.S. Homeland Security and Emergency Management.
Yukoners who wish to assist can make individual contributions to the Salvation Army Alaska Division.
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Comments (10)
Up 19 Down 12
Anie on Jan 18, 2021 at 12:49 pm
Total BS, who are "our own people"? Do you draw the line at international borders? Provincial ? Maybe City of Whitehorse, or perhaps your neighbourhood? Maybe just your relatives fit your definition of "our own". Hope you never need a hand on the highway. Someone might come along, check your plate and decide "Nope, not one of us, drive on"
Up 23 Down 18
TMYK on Jan 18, 2021 at 9:58 am
Please note that the City of Whitehorse and YG will spend more on a virtue signaling sidewalk than actually helping our neighbors!
Up 30 Down 24
jack on Jan 17, 2021 at 2:50 am
This amounts to a slap in the face of our Alaskan brothers. Basically giving as little as possible and trying to make it a headline.
I find this completely embarrassing.
Up 31 Down 17
Nathan Living on Jan 15, 2021 at 4:10 pm
I wish they had given more. It's my understanding they offered to send emergency response personnel but it may have been declined.
As the covid situation improves Yukoners will bolster the Haines economy by visiting the town.
Up 26 Down 19
JC on Jan 15, 2021 at 3:41 pm
Total BS. If it was us, Alaska would have stepped up. And look what a beautiful highway the Americans built for us. When the Alaska highway was built, Mackenzie King was Prime Minister. I doubt if he even knew where the Yukon was. Our gift was a fine gesture to a fine friend and neighbour.
Up 17 Down 20
David on Jan 15, 2021 at 2:39 pm
To total BS
Are you so completely delusional that you honestly think Canada is supporting the USA? People in a small area are supporting other people in a nearby small area. Many US states have larger economies than the entire nation of Canada. I believe California, Texas and New York each have economies larger than not just Canada but the entire collection of you that worship a queen so how about you get over the $19,600 ok bud?
Up 25 Down 19
Denis on Jan 15, 2021 at 1:09 pm
A very great neighborly thing to do--THANK YOU--When this covid thing is over, no doubt we will again see Alaskans returning to YT to visit friends and patronize our businesses including Doctors, Dentists, Optometrists, Veterinarians etc.
Hope Yukoners will still be able to purchase the excellent Alaskan seafood in Whitehorse from Haines owner/supplier who also pays business taxes and property rental.
Up 30 Down 23
Seriously? on Jan 15, 2021 at 9:30 am
To Total BS:
Good grief. $25,000 is very little in the grand scheme of things. $25,000 given to a neighbor will not negatively impact you in any way.
Up 38 Down 28
JC on Jan 14, 2021 at 3:00 pm
Good plan. Finally, the Yukon Liberal Gov. did something right.
Up 35 Down 52
Total BS on Jan 14, 2021 at 1:52 pm
How about we keep our own money in our own country and help our own people??!!