Whitehorse Daily Star

Wolf’s possible attack on dog investigated

Yukon conservation officers are investigating a potential wolf attack against a dog in Dawson City.

By Whitehorse Star on November 7, 2023

Yukon conservation officers are investigating a potential wolf attack against a dog in Dawson City.

The alleged attack occurred last Sunday in the Dome Road area.

According to a social media post, officers have been made aware of a wolf presence in the Henderson Corner area, the Dredge Pond subdivision, and the Dome subdivision.

“We are collaborating with the Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in government fish and wildlife branch,” the post said.

“If you are walking your dog, please avoid the area of Upper Ninth Ave. and Buried Treasure trails. Signage has been posted at the entrances of these trails.”

Conservation Services says, “While it is extremely rare for wolves to attack humans, they have been known to attack pets and livestock.

“If you encounter a wolf, remain calm and do not run, keep pets on a leash and children close.

“If you cannot move to a safe location, stand your ground, make yourself larger, make loud human noises, prepare your deterrent or look for anything that can be used to defend yourself.”

Yukoners are asked to report any wolf sightings or unusual wildlife behaviour directly to the TIPP line at 1-800-661-0525.

Comments (1)

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Nadine on Nov 8, 2023 at 6:27 pm

I know who you can contact to take care of a wolf in your yard… I suppose now, he would be understood for the valid actions he took.

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