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Premier Ranj Pillai

We engage with you, premier tells Yukon residents

Premier Ranj Pillai has reminded Yukoners that he runs a government that engages with them.

By Whitehorse Star on November 2, 2023

Premier Ranj Pillai has reminded Yukoners that he runs a government that engages with them.

“Our government believes that communication with Yukoners is a two-way street,” he said in a statement Wednesday.

“Yukoners’ views, knowledge and stories help the government make better decisions.

“And, in turn, the government has a responsibility to communicate openly and honestly with Yukoners about how we hear from them, what we’ve heard from them and how the information they provide helps to shape the future of our territory.”

Ministers and public servants are available to speak to the media, Pillai added.

Updates are provided through the use of direct mailings, social media, ministerial statements (with the opposition parties’ consent), and during question period and debate in the legislature, he said.

“We conduct public engagements to hear directly from Yukoners, to provide an opportunity for them to voice their concerns and beliefs, and so that they can directly inform policy design and government decision-making,” the premier added.

Since 2017, the government has conducted over 100 territory-wide, public engagements, he said.

It recently consulted with Yukoners on the Whitehorse school facilities capital planning, “where we spoke to Yukoners about their needs, ideas and considerations for Whitehorse-area school facilities,” Pillai said. A What We Heard report will be issued on this engagement shortly.

“We also consulted with members of the LGBTQ2S+ community on implementation of the LGBTQ2S+ Action Plan, which will help us determine our progress,” he said.

The government also consulted on identifying barriers to Indigenous recruitment and retention in the public service, to help explore barriers that Indigenous applicants and employees experience throughout the recruitment and employee experience with the government.

“It has been over six years since we promised Yukoners we would include them in the decision-making process and the development of the strategies, policies and actions that affect them the most,” Pillai said.

There are currently several engagements open to the public, including:

• The five-year review of the Cannabis Control and Regulation Act, which looks at how the relatively new piece of legislation is working;

• A review of the Public Interest Disclosure of Wrongdoing Act, which will look for potential improvements to whistleblowing legislation, such as expanding the act to cover other organizations and groups; and

• The engagement process for improving the sustainable solid waste management system for the Yukon.

Comments (16)

Up 26 Down 1

Groucho d;North on Nov 8, 2023 at 8:57 am

Our Prime Minister likes to perform in front of town hall audiences where he ignores the questions he doesn't like and bafflegabs an unrelated promotional response. Perhaps Mr. Pillai should conduct one of these meetings where the electorate and himself could have an honest and uncensored face to face dialog on how we all see things in our happy little territory these days.

Up 23 Down 1

TheHammer on Nov 7, 2023 at 1:29 pm

How can you engage with a community of strangers from diverse cultures that don't even communicate with each other?

Up 47 Down 2

Just sayin on Nov 6, 2023 at 9:14 am

They do engage (sarcasm); look at all the surveys they sound out with leading questions.

Up 33 Down 1

Randal Stuggs on Nov 4, 2023 at 4:35 pm

This is the best joke the premier has told yet!

Up 12 Down 1

Citizen of The Yukon - NOT HEARD on Nov 3, 2023 at 2:44 pm

Well, yes we all know the "what we heard" statements. However, what you truly hear and what you actually do are COMPLETE OPPOSITE of what the "PEOPLE" want! Because I see a lot of news releases about stuff that well... mouth service.
I haven't been heard and neither has most of the Yukon population!

We have a MLA who resigned from Premier Position, maintained his MLA position that NO LONGER ACTUALLY RESIDES IN THE YUKON!

We should have had an election to determine who we wanted to be the "Premier" when Silver stepped down from his "Post" early. Pillai was voted by his own party to be the "leader" of the Liberals, but NO ONE VOTED HIM IN FOR PREMIER! We all can tell who is still calling the shots (Silver) because Pillai has not once provided his own platform for the position he currently holds.


I see a lot of mouth action on the stupidest of topics, but the real topics are swept under the carpet and Liberals wants no one to question anything in the Leg.
Why are you taking money from projects on the books and diverting it to a dock in the USA that will never be used.

Why are you doubling the Permanent Art crap when that money should go to the programs and services that are lacking and hurting Yukoners?

The icing on the cake is that Silver and the Pillai seem to think all of us have bottomless pockets of extra money to afford the crap they keep piling onto us - Carbon Tax on Home Heating Fuel! And yes all forms of heating in the North should be EXEMPT, not just a select few. And in recent weeks, Silver has clearly stated that he does not support the Federal Decision. Silver we do not live in a warmer climate to be able to offset those costs at -40.
and this one - Atco is making a profit and should not be. lobby better for better rates and you wouldn't have to creatively give credits on our bills (which should be more than 50$ and last at least the 6-8 months of the Coldest weather and the longest darkness.

Wake up and smell the coffee - Your hanging on by a thread - AKA NDP. And it sounds like your pissing them off now too with the stupid decisions/statements recently made. Come on NDP none of us want to wait it out for an Election, Yukoners are NOT happy.

Pillai is just silvers puppet.

Up 82 Down 2

Lost In the Yukon on Nov 2, 2023 at 9:39 pm


Up 79 Down 6

bonanzajoe on Nov 2, 2023 at 7:59 pm

"he runs a government that engages with them." How many times have I heard that line from liberal governments in the last 50 years. It usually happens close to an election.

Up 99 Down 3

Matthew on Nov 2, 2023 at 7:53 pm

Huh!? Since when, you don't listen to actual needs and priorities, let's just use Alpine bakery as 1 example, plenty more to use.. why don't you hold quarterly meetings where you answer to general public and not preloaded questions from the media?

Up 90 Down 5

john on Nov 2, 2023 at 5:12 pm

Well Mr.Pillai you're obviously engaging with a select group cause the message I get from just about everyone I talk to is call an election.

Up 15 Down 52

Nathan Living on Nov 2, 2023 at 4:14 pm

This is so refreshing!

Unlike the City, as an example, where they engage and have resident surveys and then have administration ignore the engagement and surveys and of course council then signs off on it.

Up 86 Down 2

Groucho d'North on Nov 2, 2023 at 3:54 pm

In order to improve your dialog with Yukoners Mr. Pillai, allow Yukoners to select the topics for dialog.

Up 83 Down 5

shane on Nov 2, 2023 at 3:39 pm

Then call an election!!
Can you HEAR me now.

Up 75 Down 1

Ronnie on Nov 2, 2023 at 3:28 pm

How does this qualify as news?

Up 91 Down 2

Yukoner on Nov 2, 2023 at 2:44 pm

Is this a news story or a PR piece? It is literally just a giant quote. How about a story about how people feel about the consultation and if they are happy with the outputs.

Up 91 Down 5

KC on Nov 2, 2023 at 2:41 pm

Bologna. YG consultations are about ticking a box to say they've consulted. Everyone knows that. And the end product is always going to be what the bureaucrats (particularly those in management) want -- which is whatever makes their own lives easier, enhances their power and authority, and shifts the cost and hassle to private actors as much as possible.

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