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NO CASES FOR THREE WEEKS-PLUS – Premier Sandy Silver (left) looks on as Dr. Brendan Hanley speaks at Tuesday afternoon’s COVID-19 update. Photo courtesy YUKON GOVERNMENT/ALISTAIR MAITLAND PHOTOGRAPHY
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NO CASES FOR THREE WEEKS-PLUS – Premier Sandy Silver (left) looks on as Dr. Brendan Hanley speaks at Tuesday afternoon’s COVID-19 update. Photo courtesy YUKON GOVERNMENT/ALISTAIR MAITLAND PHOTOGRAPHY
A slow and methodical plan for reopening the territory is coming later this week, according to the premier and chief medical officer.
A slow and methodical plan for reopening the territory is coming later this week, according to the premier and chief medical officer.
“We are not ready to declare the territory risk-free,” Premier Sandy Silver said Tuesday afternoon.
The territory hasn’t seen a new case of COVID-19 in more than three weeks, but there is still a risk of imported cases while the virus exists in other parts of the country and the world.
Dr. Brendan Hanley, the chief medical officer, told a media briefing that expanded testing criteria have seen an increased number of people being evaluated for COVID-19, but no new cases have surfaced.
As of Tuesday afternoon, the Yukon has tested 1,106 people for the virus, with 1,077 resulting in negative results. Eighteen tests are currently pending.
There are no active cases in the territory.
“As we look to the future, our biggest pandemic threat is that COVID will be introduced from outside the territory,” Hanley said.
“As we look at easing restrictions, we must continue with stringent border controls.”
Hanley said he has heard numerous concerns that Americans travelling through the territory will bring the virus with them.
“That has not happened,” Hanley said.
Hundreds of people have travelled through the territory since the beginning of the pandemic, he noted. (See p. 10 for the latest on the Canada-U.S. border closure.)
There will likely not be any international flights allowed to land in the Yukon this summer, Hanley said.
Condor Airline still has flights from Frankfurt to Whitehorse listed on its website, with the first scheduled to land on June 27.
“That flight will not be arriving,” Hanley clarified, when the listings were queried at the media briefing.
“I think there are still some communication connections to be made but we will not be in a position to welcome international arrivals.”
Hanley said there are approximately 30,000 Canadians outside of the country who will be returning home once international border restrictions are lifted.
When these people arrive home to Canada, they will be under federal quarantine.
Yukoners can expect the territory’s border restrictions to remain in place for the time being.
Earlier this month, Hanley estimated that the borders will remain closed until a vaccine is widely available, expected to be approximately 12 to 18 months.
“Yukoners who leave the territory for any reason, and I recognize there will be legitimate reasons to do so, will be required to self-isolate on return,” Hanley said.
If Yukoners are making plans to leave the territory, he recommended, they should ensure they have a place to safely self-isolate upon return.
Hanley is also relaxing his recommendation to only travel to Yukon communities when necessary, in recognition of many campgrounds reopening on June 4.
“I think the words ‘safe, respectful’ and ‘limited travel’ might be the best way to prepare us for the summer,” Hanley said.
A comprehensive plan for reopening the territory won’t be announced until Friday afternoon.
Silver said his government has been working to get information out as quickly as possible. He denied that there has been any delay in providing an outline for reopening.
“We made a conscientious decision that we would follow a scientific approach to getting information out,” Silver said.
“We aren’t looking to act politically when it comes to those announcements.”
As businesses reopen, Silver said, food trucks and community markets are also preparing for the summer season. They are doing so with guidelines from the government.
A plan for childcare will also be presented later this week, Silver said.
Childcare operators and summer camps will be contacted in the coming days to plan for the summer season.
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Comments (29)
Up 3 Down 2
Willhem Austermacker 3rd on May 20, 2020 at 1:59 am
@Yukoner by birth, Conservative by choice:
Up 3 Down 1
melba on May 19, 2020 at 4:38 pm
Sheeple Chaser
'the mortal peril we are in' ? Zero cases for over three weeks, while the rest of the jurisdictions who actually have cases are opening up around us. 'thank the nurses and truckers and a billboard for Hanley' - the truckers are sitting in their trucks, alone with maybe a dog along for company, and there has never been a single case of corona virus / covid 19 in the Whitehorse General. Hanley is a retired physician who found himself thrown in the spotlight when his usual position of commenting on labels on liquor bottles was vastly upgraded due to an unexpected world wide pandemic. I think he seems like a nice person, and I appreciate his cautious approach and concern for Yukoner lives, but I do not think he has the breadth of perception to grasp and balance all the other impacts involved here. He's a doctor, and being safe and saving lives in a medical sense is his world. There are in fact other considerations here.
How about saving your worship for the people at the check-out counter at the grocery stores? They are getting $14 an hour with a little 2 dollar top up, while government workers are sitting at home getting full $35 an hour paychecks and benefits.
Honestly, I look at some of the hero worship going on here and I shake my head.
Up 15 Down 7
Unfeckingbelievable on May 18, 2020 at 9:02 pm
Dear Salt,
I stand corrected. My sincerest apologies. I agree with you that you “ literally called them foolish petty tyrants in my first post.”
The only good Liberal is a Liberal who cannot speak.
Up 19 Down 19
BnR on May 18, 2020 at 8:28 am
The conspiracy theorists are running at full steam I see.
You'd be the first ones screaming bloody murder if our hospitals were packed full of C-19 cases though.
With rights come responsibilities. If living in a civil society is such a burden to your "freedoms", go live in the bush somewhere.
Up 15 Down 12
Josey Wales on May 16, 2020 at 9:12 am
Gee...upon reflection of the state of our nation...
remove the word risk from the headline, and spot on it is.
We are not yet ready to declare the territory free.
From Canadian Oxford...Subject, 4a - a person owing allegiance to and under the protection of monarch or government.
4b - any person under the control of or owing obedience to another.
Clearly we are subjects, "change my mind" oh so wise progressives. (LWC)
Up 31 Down 14
Yukoner By Birth, Conservative By Choice on May 16, 2020 at 8:09 am
Sheepchaser: 'If Churchill told me to douse the lights and draw the curtains during the blitz I'd have done it.' True that, but if day after day and then week after week went by and an enemy airplane never even flew over let alone dropped a bomb I'd start wondering if Churchill was either off his rocker or just scaremongering like Trudeau, Silver and Hanley have resorted to doing.
To Trudeau it's now become all about sneaking in the socialist agenda under the guise of a pandemic. Overboard gun control, check. Minimize parliament, check. Restrict peoples right to assemble, check. Guaranteed minimum income, check. Uncontrolled runaway government debt, check. The socialists were quick to realize they could use this pandemic for all its worth and they're making the most of it.
Up 21 Down 12
Yukoner ‘71 on May 16, 2020 at 6:05 am
Sheepchaser, you sound more like a sheep than a chaser. Government only gets people’s co-operation by trust or force, they have broken the trust and if they ever send their stooges to use force they’re welcome to try. Just like you, many sheeple throughout history have bleated that they were only following their governments instructions, with Nazis and communists being several glaring examples. You might be a sheep but I’m not and never will be, I’m enjoying the weekend doing what I want, where I want, not cowed by government generated fear.
Up 13 Down 8
One One-Lesser-Voice on May 15, 2020 at 1:14 pm
Sweden seemed to fail people in nursing homes and last time I looked their covid death rate was over 300
per million and it may go to about 1000 deaths per million.
Overall they have done well and yes they have made good progress on herd immunity.
Up 10 Down 5
Salt on May 15, 2020 at 1:11 pm
The quote you attributed to me was from a post by someone else.
I have no idea why you are lumping me in as a Liberal government supporter. I literally called them foolish petty tyrants in my first post.
Up 16 Down 22
Yes, Sweden.... on May 15, 2020 at 12:46 pm
There are a few things about Sweden - they didn't just decide to pretend the virus wasn't dangerous, as some would have us believe. The best explanation is an article in the NY Times, part of which says "Trust is high in Sweden — in government, institutions and fellow Swedes. When the government defied conventional wisdom and refused to order a wholesale lockdown to “flatten the curve” of the coronavirus epidemic, public health officials pointed to trust as a central justification.
Swedes, they said, could be trusted to stay home, follow social distancing protocols and wash their hands to slow the spread of the virus — without any mandatory orders. And, to a large extent, Sweden does seem to have been as successful in controlling the virus as most other nations." And it seems to have worked - but in Canada? or the US???? I don't think so
Up 50 Down 11
Yukon Cornelius on May 15, 2020 at 12:25 pm
@ Salt
As far as your ill-informed claims that: "Another strong dose of reality is Sweden. They never locked down, the medical system was never overrun and they are doing better than many other nations that imposed strict measures." is concerned, for the record, Sweden has a population of 10.23 million.
As of May 15, 2020, Sweden had 3,646 COVID-19 deaths out of 8,617 'Closed Cases' (cases which had an outcome). Sweden's COVID-19 Case Mortality Ratio (the percentage of people hospitalized for COVID-19 who died from it) is 42 per cent (in April 2020 it ran as high as 80 per cent). As of May 15, 2020 Sweden has 20,590 Active Cases of COVID-19.
Canada has a population of 37.59 million. As of May 15, 2020 Canada (which eventually locked down its economy in March 2020) has 5,553 COVID-19 deaths based on 42,300 'Closed Cases', yet its population is 3.67 times that of Sweden's. Canada's COVID-19 Case Mortality Ratio is 13 per cent (compared to 42 per cent in Sweden).
Adjusting for the population difference between Sweden and Canada, Sweden (which as of May 15, 2020 has 3,646 deaths) would have 13,381 COVID-19 deaths or almost 2.4 times the number of deaths than Canada has as of May 15, 2020. So once again, Salt you're just plain wrong.
For calculation of Case Mortality Ratio, see 'Closed Cases' (Cases which had an outcome) and 'Deaths'.
Up 20 Down 50
Salt on May 14, 2020 at 10:46 pm
Another strong dose of reality is Sweden. They never locked down, the medical system was never overrun and they are doing better than many other nations that imposed strict measures. Considering that Sweden’s numbers are front-loaded and that they are a lot further down the road towards herd immunity than any locked down country, their numbers look even better. Sweden is definitive proof that the “experts” models and projections were complete garbage.
Up 20 Down 50
Salt on May 14, 2020 at 9:32 pm
FACT: 11 total cases identified in the Yukon.
FACT: 0 hospitalizations
FACT: 0 deaths
FACT: social distancing and the general shutdown of large parts of civil life where justified by the governments as necessary to prevent the medical system from being overwhelmed. The goalposts have now been moved 500 yards downfield to where zero transmission is the goal. The infantile, narcissistic arrogance behind this is stunning.
Up 24 Down 20
Unfeckingbelievable! on May 14, 2020 at 6:35 pm
Klaus G., Sheepchaser and Salt: Your opinions have no foundation in fact. You are condoning poor governance by Hanley and Silver. Liberal ideologues are the last people you want in charge of anything to do with people management, crisis management or dog walking. The negative impacts that this Liberal government has burdened Canadian Society with will have profoundly deleterious effect and affect for years to come.
These people you put forward did not handle themselves or this situation well at all. The pure and simple irony of this will be that many people are too stupid or gullible to see what is there in front of their faces... And these are the ones whose voices are heard in the herd... The talk of the flock... Baaaa, baaaa, baaaa, bleeted the sheeple in unison...
Up 34 Down 10
Let Freedom Reign on May 14, 2020 at 5:55 pm
First they said we needed to lower the curve. That was done. Then they said we needed to plank the curve. That was done. Now there is no more curve and no Coronavirus cases new or old whatsoever for weeks. Quit moving the goal line, stop the fear and quit letting the territory be governed by unfounded fear. You can’t make us keep hiding in our homes forever slowly going bankrupt.
Up 24 Down 18
SheepChaser on May 14, 2020 at 4:30 pm
Reply to: "Salt on May 13, 2020 at 11:00 pm
...I'm finished co-operating with this sham and am going back to pre-pandemic life as much as possible, anyone in government wants to get in my way you go ahead and try."
So, you feel you're entitled to wave off the orders of your elected leaders? And your justification is 'well they did it first!' while point a sulky finger? That's about the perfect case study of entitlement I've ever seen outside of a pre-school playground.
If Churchill had told me to douse the lights and draw the curtains during the Blitz, I'd have done it. Trudeau has told me to put the community before myself and I am doing it. Just like anyone who has any self respect, when the Prime Minister asks me to do something for the sake of my country I don't first stop to check if I approve of his politics. You can't only stand for the anthem before the game and call yourself Canadian. You must sacrifice as generations before us have sacrificed; for the sake of the next generation. Otherwise, you tarnish their honour and your own.
Just because you can't see a virus like you can bombs, doesn't make your sacrifices as a citizen any less valuable. If being Canadian isn't about stoic sacrifice for health, peace and happiness... then I don't know what else it is really about once you strip away the commercialized hockey night BS.
Please reconsider your position.
Up 63 Down 25
Yukon Cornelius on May 14, 2020 at 1:12 pm
@ Juniper Jackson who on May 13, 2020 at 11:01 pm wrote:
"The virus does NOT spread outdoors."
FACT: If a person is close enough to and/or downwind from (say, while sitting around a campfire) someone who is infected with SARS-CoV-2 and neither of those people are wearing an N-95 respirator, that person will like contract SARS-CoV-2.
Much like the person recently observed vaping while standing in line outside of the liquor store, without sufficient social distancing, people downwind from someone infected with SARS-CoV-2 and inhaling second-hand smoke will likely contract SARS-CoV-2. Because public health officials can't sit there and babysit everyone, everywhere, we need basic common sense social distancing restrictions - and YES - even those banning camping until it's safe to do so.
Up 57 Down 18
Yukon Cornelius on May 14, 2020 at 1:03 pm
@ Salt who on May 13, 2020 at 11:00 pm wrote:
"You keep referring to ‘plague ridden cities’, which is ridiculous hyperbole."
FACT: With 1,443,946 cases of Coronavirus and 86,244 COVID-19 deaths as of May 14, 2020, the U.S. has more active cases than ALL EUROPEAN COUNTRIES COMBINED - so, no 'plague-ridden cities' is NOT hyperbole, and continuing to allow Americans to drive through the Yukon, stop wherever they please to shop along side Yukoners and put us all at risk is just plain irresponsible of Sandy Silver.
"You rant about the gov not imposing travel restrictions soon enough, as if that decision resulted in something tragic, which is utterly and inarguable false."
FACT: The U.S. (and Canada) got into this mess by continuing to allow air travel to and within its borders a full 2 months AFTER the World Health Organization's first Global Public Health Alert on January 30, 2020 regarding the airborne Coronavirus epidemic in Wuhan, China, so once again, you're wrong.
"The virus is simply not living up to your hype. Also, Hanley saying that we will need a vaccine to reopen the borders is idiotic."
FACT: SARS-CoV-2 is approximately 3 times more contagious than the Spanish Flu of 1918 which killed an estimated 20 - 50 million people worldwide.
Up 38 Down 24
Yukoner '71 on May 14, 2020 at 12:30 pm
The federal Liberals have just completely delegitimized the entire process by announcing that Saskatchewan indians don't have to abide by social distancing rules. So being typical socialists they've started exempting groups based on race now which completely pulls the rug out from under the entire thing, by doing so from this point forward it's just become a PC paper game. I'm finished co-operating with this sham and am going back to pre-pandemic life as much as possible, anyone in government wants to get in my way you go ahead and try.
Up 33 Down 63
Juniper Jackson on May 13, 2020 at 11:01 pm
I don't think anyone, not even me, has asked that the territory be declared 'risk free'. But, I have asked, several times now.. to open up, but don't be stupid about it. The Costco stores have opened their doors, no mask no entry. Easy enough.
The virus does NOT spread outdoors. What's the point in keeping the camp grounds closed? Over 80% of Covid deaths are seniors and in senior facilities. Protect them as you are doing now. Healthy? 11 people got it, all recovered without hospitalization. The borders are not closed. 1,500 + people scooting on down the hiway. 16 people turned back. Is that really closed? People have to be responsible for themselves too. Although I am shocked at how many people are just happy to have the government take care of them, and they can stay on their couch forever.
Corona virus's are not new. But the way this one is mutating is new. Latest update is saying two highly contagious strains, L and S. L attack old lungs and damaged lungs. The new strain, presents in all the vital organs, This is an excellent piece on covid, with new symptoms too.. Super Store was rationing meat, and shelves empty, no yeast, no powdered milk.. Super A, had no chicken. Stay closed down until there is no food waiting for a vaccination that may never come because of the mutating factor? Or open it up, get life moving again, with sensible recommendations in place...
I don't like it when government uses the law as a weapon. Where does the common good become the common jail? I have every faith, that people want to live. They want their families to live. Just explain things and let people follow willingly, keep passing laws forcing people and it's going to get ugly. Some places are ugly now. Maybe start by explaining why parks are not open for children to play in, why campgrounds are closed. Maybe Pauline Frost can add something about why welfare is getting an additional $2000. a month when they don't meet any of the criteria that the rest of us have to have. (Senior here, we don't qualify for much.)
Up 25 Down 57
Salt on May 13, 2020 at 11:00 pm
Cornelius, this whole chicken little routine of yours is like a part time job. You keep referring to ‘plague ridden cities’, which is ridiculous hyperbole. While we seem to agree the government are fools, it’s not for the same reasons. You rant about the gov not imposing travel restrictions soon enough, as if that decision resulted in something tragic, which is utterly and inarguable false. As a historical event, we don’t need to rely on false experts with bullpucky mathematical models to guess as to the impact of that decision. It obviously had no discernible negative impact, yet here you are playing the drama queen. The virus is simply not living up to your hype. Also, Hanley saying that we will need a vaccine to reopen the borders is idiotic. There is no small chance that an effective vaccine is ever found and he should know that. Frankly it’s not his decision either.
Up 33 Down 32
SheepChaser on May 13, 2020 at 8:28 pm
Have to admit that Hanley is doing a great job. Stay strong, man! You're threading the needle amazingly. Thank you for your steadfast commitment to dispassionate analysis, prioritizing human life over profit, and shouldering an unpopular burden. You're doing so much for those who's value and dignity as human beings would otherwise just be thrown under the gears of greed.
How can reasonable folks who understand the mortal peril we are in show support for this guy? Let's thank the truckers and the nurses, for sure. Maybe Hanley deserves a billboard or t-shirt too. Just a thought.
Up 22 Down 28
Julio Sanchez on May 13, 2020 at 7:09 pm
Max Mack and Yukon Cornelius - You are both correct. Silver’s government is imposing sociopolitical interventions rather than scientific ones. So is the puppet master Hanley. The only scientific aspect to all of this will be the endless fount of research material on the subject of human gullibility, authoritarian natures, and the inherent contradictions of those who advance Liberalism as an ideology. What we got here is a failure to appreciate...
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KC on May 13, 2020 at 6:43 pm
The Yukon Government? Taking something slow? Never!
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Kristof on May 13, 2020 at 6:14 pm
Border closed for another 12 to 18 months? This is irresponsible and will kill most private businesses, big and small. However if you receive a Bi-weekly government paycheque then you don’t have to worry. How about leaving the panic mode behind and work on a rational reopening.
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Klaus G. on May 13, 2020 at 6:11 pm
In all fairness this thing came up kinda fast and no one had ever dealt with the full blown pandemic before. Now we know, now we go. Liberals putting it together, who else would you want in there? Precisely.
On the C.B.C. site there is a story by Mark Gollum and it relates to the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918. It shows how places like Seattle that didn't open up social constraints as quickly as others fared much better in the body count.
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JC on May 13, 2020 at 5:30 pm
Of course Silvers and Hanley have no plan. For the most part they are just checking to see what Trump is doing. They will base a plan from that info. And they don't care how long they shut the Yukon down for. After all, since the Yukon has no industry of its own anymore, the the bank manager Larry B from the Bank of Federal Liberals will keep the Yukon in ready cash. So, why not shut us down for another year or so. But, somehow these two don't understand the concept of "cabin fever". I'd say, by the middle of summer, there will have to be full re-opening or they better start training a few more Corrections Officers.
Up 98 Down 54
Yukon Cornelius on May 13, 2020 at 4:03 pm
“We made a conscientious decision that we would follow a scientific approach to getting information out,” Silver said.
TRANSLATION: The Yukon Liberals don't have a re-opening plan, just like they didn't have a plan to deal with a global airborne Coronavirus pandemic. They continued to allow 54 flights/week (7,067 passengers/week) to land in Whitehorse through March 2020 and are now continuing to allow people from plague-ridden cities in the U.S. (a country with more Coronavirus cases than all of Europe combined) to drive through the Yukon on their way to Alaska where they promptly stop and shop along side Yukoners in our grocery and department stores - putting our health at risk.
Sandy has no 'information' to get out there, because just like during this global airborne pandemic, he has no plan - period. If he was so concerned with employing a 'scientific approach', he should have halted all flights into the Yukon on January 30, 2020 when the World Health Organization issued its first global public health alert regarding the airborne Coronavirus epidemic in Wuhan, China which started on November 17, 2019. He should have prevented people travelling through the Yukon from plague-ridden U.S. cities while we Yukoners were 'sent to our rooms' like children.
Thanks for looking out for us all, Sandy!
Up 40 Down 92
Max Mack on May 13, 2020 at 3:29 pm
Risk-free is not a thing. The ONLY way we can completely shield the Yukon from SARS-COV-2 is to block any and all traffic into the Yukon INDEFINITELY.
Silver leans on "a scientific approach". What he fails to disclose is that responses to the pandemic are not scientifically determined. There is no such single scientific view. There are - in fact - a variety of scientific views on the best approach.
Silver's government is imposing political-social-economic interventions - many of which have limited scientific support.