Whitehorse Daily Star

Ukrainian family support desk launched

Yukoners with family members or relatives in Ukraine who are looking for safe haven in the territory can now visit the new Ukrainian Family Support Desk.

By Whitehorse Star on March 8, 2022

Yukoners with family members or relatives in Ukraine who are looking for safe haven in the territory can now visit the new Ukrainian Family Support Desk.

The desk will help Yukoners and Ukrainians find pathways and resources for Ukrainians who are looking to seek residency in the Yukon and Canada.

It will be staffed by Department of Economic Development personnel who are equipped with extensive knowledge of immigration and temporary resident pathways.

The family support desk will:

• provide information on federal programs to assist with immigration and family reunification;

• connect employers who want to offer employment to Ukrainians arriving in the Yukon; and

• guide Ukrainians looking for employment opportunities in the territory.

More information can be found at https://yukon.ca/en/immigrate-yukon, by calling 456-3920 or by emailing refugees@yukon.ca.

“It is important that during a humanitarian crisis such as the Russian invasion of Ukraine that we unite as a global community to support Ukrainians with all the tools available,” Economic Development Minister Ranj Pillai said Monday.

“By working closely with the Yukon’s Ukrainian community, the federal government and Yukoners, we are helping ensure that Ukrainians have a pathway to work and live in the Yukon.

“The Yukon government will continue to monitor the situation and explore every opportunity to help Ukrainians in need of sanctuary.”

Refugee status in Canada is determined by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the federal government.

Ottawa provides transportation to Canada and settlement supports for government-assisted refugees.

Comments (12)

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David Brink on Mar 20, 2022 at 7:56 pm

I have one bedroom available in my home for a refugee from Ukraine. David

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Liberalism Kills! on Mar 14, 2022 at 1:05 pm

At - Groucho d'North on Mar 13, 2022 at 11:27 am - In a free society that would be a great idea, to have a drink and discuss the factual underpinnings of these social ideals and their meaning to us as a society.

However, as you are aware there are punishments, targeted punishments, that preclude fulsome conversations about the constructed nature of our realities in the full light of day. This suppression is necessary to support the current delusional matrix of an unimpeded democracy.

Everything that is happening right now is occurring in spite of reality, it is arbitrary and capricious, the product of a soft intellect hardened by a tempestuous emotionalism of prejudiced minds tempered in the crucible of a violent and vindictive whimsy seeking retribution by an imagined boogeyman… The white devil… To obscure the complicity of a classism in the form of privileged, usually, but not always, white people.

What is sickening from my point of view and the view of others with whom I speak is that this classism/politicization of race, gender, and everything is the final solution, the great assimilation into to the political system… One that kills, takes, breaks, and manipulates the public will into the current chaotic monstrosity of the Hobbesian horror - The Liberal vision of life as something nasty, brutish, and short.

I wish it were possible to meet and discuss these things that I see and can example, one after another, as self evident. But for the postmodernist reductio ad absurdism of Liberalism life would be more enjoyable, politics more reasoned, tensions eased, and greater cohesion throughout the social fabric…

But alas, Liberalism, a Bayesian perversion of collective behaviourism as a regression to the mean of “mean”.

Perhaps one day it will be safe… But I don’t want to end up on the Liberal no-travel list, have my bank accounts frozen, be fired, or otherwise be ostracized or cancelled by Liberal Goons as defacto fascists imposing acceptable views in the name of exclusion defined as inclusion - Too many sheeple!

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Groucho d'North on Mar 13, 2022 at 11:27 am

@Liberalism kills!
I would like to buy you a beverage and chat for a bit. You have seen what is happening in plain sight all the while people are being distracted by trying to make ends meet and deal with all the other friction our federal Liberal government has tossed on the fire for we citizens to take in stride.
I believe the Trudeau Liberals are working to bring our nation to a collapse so that the Great Reset will be heralded as the saviour to all our woes. It is a time-tested technique that has proven to work throughout history, but many would say they are smart enough to see such a dramatic change coming and they are smart enough to choose to avoid such a significant reduction in their quality of life and its freedoms. If it all goes according to the plans of the Davos gang, we will become so many slaves working for those puppet masters who will own all that we own now.
Here is a little story that outlines the strategy being used on us. http://www.targetofopportunity.com/catching_wild_pigs.htm

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YD on Mar 11, 2022 at 7:44 am

Dave, I'm guessing not (unless the war in Ukraine in permanent).

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Snowball on Mar 10, 2022 at 4:00 pm

I guess people don't care for poor and homeless Canadian's 14 dislikes lol

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Liberalism kills! on Mar 9, 2022 at 9:18 pm

Hello Wilf - It seems rather apparent that the Liberal plan for housing is to continue to manipulate the market so that housing prices continue to over inflate. Then they will implement tax regimes such as inheritance taxes, home equity taxes, and other sundry taxes to leverage the savings of Canadians into government coffers.

They have already introduced the idea to everyone. Now to implement it. If you actually create more new housing you decrease the potential tax base by flooding the market with cheap housing. You keep the heat on the ‘haves’ by placing them in opposition to the have nots.

You open up FN lands to leasing opportunities and tell people they will own nothing and be happy. You suppress opposition and protest by signalling to all Canadians that they will have their freedoms severely restricted if they protest against the Liberal mandate such as, no travelling, no jobs etc. Pretty soon people will shut up and do as they are allowed or told for fear of being socially castrated.

You destabilize the country through mass immigration of people who are fleeing other despotic countries and you commence with propaganda telling people how lucky they are to have the freedoms they are allowed while those freedoms are continually eroded through incremental change. Then you deploy the shills who reiterate the message giving a sense of legitimacy to the slow creep into fascism.

How do you know when fascism has taken root? When your leaders say one thing while doing another. For example, mandating mask mandates under the guise of health and safety while they travel the world and do their thing without adhering to the rules they have imposed upon the peasantry.

Meanwhile you have them and their supporters telling you not to believe the evidence you have seen with your own eyes as if you are not to be trusted, not even by your own self…

Another indicator of fascism is societal polarization wherein no person discusses the facts but rather their perception of them. This is because facts stand for themselves. However, in fascist societies the ability to create facts rests in the power of reputational privilege such that they become manifestations of power and privilege and nothing else. It becomes the mass delusion, even a mass hysteria. This is psychoses, a mass formation psychoses. Check it out, it’s real.

Meanwhile, in the background of all this you have the inter generational squabble between millennials and boomers being deliberately fuelled to destabilize the possibility of societal cohesion - You get chaos!! Which is what we have now. Meanwhile the people of the generations in between are on the sidelines going WTF is wrong with all of you that you would dehumanize one another with such animus?

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Wilf Carter on Mar 9, 2022 at 11:29 am

Can any one explain what the liberals are doing in Ottawa and Yukon? What is their plan for housing?

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Snowball on Mar 8, 2022 at 3:42 pm

Let them step over born and raised Canadian's too but who cares about poor and homeless Canadian's?

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bonanzajoe on Mar 8, 2022 at 3:21 pm

Ukrainians have contributed to Canada's culture since its founding. They have greatly helped build this nation. Ukraine has about 45 million population Let's bring in 3 or 4 million now. Canada could use them.

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ProScience Greenie on Mar 8, 2022 at 2:34 pm

Good on Ec Dev for this. And all parties for their support. Thank you. Salva Ukraini, may peace come soon.

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Matthew on Mar 8, 2022 at 1:52 pm

And live where exactly..

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Dave on Mar 8, 2022 at 1:35 pm

Are these new government positions permanent?

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