Photo by Vince Fedoroff
MESSAGES FOR THE PM – Protesters attend the MacBride Museum on Sunday evening for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s arrival to speak at a Liberal party fundraiser.
Photo by Vince Fedoroff
MESSAGES FOR THE PM – Protesters attend the MacBride Museum on Sunday evening for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s arrival to speak at a Liberal party fundraiser.
Photo by Vince Fedoroff
TRUDEAU TO TRUDEAU – The prime minister has a friendly word with eight-year-old son Hadrien during his speech.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was in town Sunday and today to mark the 50th anniversary of a Yukon document that laid the groundwork for modern land claims treaties in Canada. It was his first visit to the territory since Canada Day 2018.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was in town Sunday and today to mark the 50th anniversary of a Yukon document that laid the groundwork for modern land claims treaties in Canada. It was his first visit to the territory since Canada Day 2018.
As the Yukon began celebrations of half a century of Together Today for Our Children Tomorrow, Trudeau helped mark the occasion by stopping in at the Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre on Sunday afternoon. He took in a hand games tournament, greeted Yukoners and met with First Nations elders.
Trudeau spoke to a room full of First Nations elders at the cultural centre after watching some of the hand games tournament with his son Hadrien, as part of the anniversary celebrations.
Trudeau was received warmly at the anniversary festivities, taking selfies and shaking hands with a mob of Yukoners, many of them First Nations people enjoying or taking part in the games.
He then drank tea and had supper with a number of elders from First Nations communities, some of whom were involved in the drafting of Together Today, where he received applause as he took the stage for a short speech.
“It was wonderful and important for me to be able to come here to the Yukon tonight and somewhat fitting because 50 years ago, you came to visit my father (prime minister Pierre Trudeau) in Ottawa,” he noted.
Tuesday marks the anniversary of the document that a number of First Nations Yukoners, led by the late Elijah Smith, delivered to Pierre Trudeau to demand compensation for the harmful impacts of colonialism, and for the First Nations’ right to self-government.
Fittingly, Justin Trudeau was introduced by Council of Yukon First Nations Grand Chief Peter Johnston.
His own father, Sam Johnston, was among the group that brought Together Today for our Children Tomorrow to Ottawa on Feb. 1, 1973.
Elijah Smith’s son, Steve Smith, was also there to hear the prime minister’s words.
“The importance of that gesture, which led to the successful negotiation of modern treaties, goes so far beyond what you accomplished here for Yukon,” Trudeau said.
“It set the path for so much of what we refer to as reconciliation today.”
The document laid out a list of grievances First Nations Yukoners had with a rapidly developing territory which they felt increasingly powerless to shape – and ways the federal government could atone and provide governing power to the First Nations people of the territory.
At the heart of Together Today was the demand that First Nations have a say in what happened to their people, their communities and to the land they’d lived on for millenia.
It ultimately led to the Umbrella Final Agreement in 1993, which in turn resulted in final agreements with 11 of the Yukon’s 14 First Nations.
Current land use negotiations and co-developed mining legislation, for example, would not have happened without Together Today.
The 1973 meeting “set the path for so much of what we refer to as reconciliation today,” Trudeau said.
“That vision that they had shapes not just the Yukon, it shapes our whole country. That meeting helped lay the foundations for modern treaties that have benefited First Nations across the country,” he added.
“Five decades later, modern treaties have provided Indigenous ownership of 600,000 square kilometres of land – that’s about the size of Manitoba – capital transfers of about $3.2 billion, participation in land and resource management decisions, self-government rights, political recognition, and of course protection of traditional ways of life.”
Grand Chief Johnston thanked Trudeau for coming north on the anniversary, and for his continued dedication to the vision of Together Today.
“It’s very important that we not only honour the agreements that we signed many years ago,” Johnston said, “but more importantly, that we look towards tomorrow with not only vision, but inspiration for, especially, the next generation.”
Betsy Jackson of the Ta’an Kwach’an First Nation was one of the elders invited to take tea Sunday with the prime minister.
She said there’s still more work to do to fully realize the vision Elijah Smith laid out in Together Today. However, she’s been encouraged by the progress of the last 50 years and was happy to see Pierre Trudeau’s son make the trip to them this time around.
She told the Star she helped Smith type the document more than 50 years ago, becoming convinced of its necessity after Smith told her of his time in England after the Second World War.
“He said, ‘I saw the land, and I saw every inch of land was taken up,’” Jackson said.
“I did not want to see that happen in the Yukon. Not without the Yukon First Nation people being a part of it.”
After dinner, Trudeau ventured down Front Street to a $250-a-plate Liberal party fundraiser at the MacBride Museum.
There, dozens of protestors outside the entrance gave him a much harsher reception than he’d received at the cultural centre.
Some signs and banners were peppered with expletives. Those who attended the fundraiser heard profane chants as they entered.
“You’re having dinner with a criminal!” one protester shouted.
The rally was similar to a regular protest that forms at Rotary Peace Park in Whitehorse every weekend, which itself echoes grievances protestors voiced in the rallies that shut down part of Ottawa in eary 2022.
Trudeau spoke at the fundraiser along with Yukon MP Brendan Hanley and federal Indigenous Services Minister Patty Hajdu.
The PM acknowledged the protesters outside were exercising their democratic right, but he’s become wary of a political sphere increasingly full of angry and hateful rhetoric.
“Once you’ve gotten people really, really angry at the government and each other,” he said, commenting on populist politics and media coverage, “it becomes really hard to solve the challenges that are making them angry.”
Trudeau remains in Whitehorse today. He met with Premier Ranj Pillai, who attended last night’s fundraiser, this morning, and the duo held a morning news conference in a hangar that covered several major subjects, including Saturday’s shooting-down of an unknown object over central Yukon.
The premier, along with his counterparts from the other provinces and territories, met with the prime minister in Ottawa last Tuesday to discuss federal health care funding.
The premiers met by conference call this afternoon (eastern time) to discuss whether to accept, reject or make a counteroffer to the federal proposal of nearly $200 billion in health care funding over the next decade.
Pillai also spoke with Trudeau and the minister of Defence on Sunday about the foreign object Trudeau ordered shot down over the territory.
The premier said Sunday he hadn’t been told exactly what the object was, but has been assured there is no present threat to the territory or country.
He flew out of Whitehorse in the swirling snow at mid-day today.
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Comments (48)
Up 2 Down 0
Gone are the days of respect for Canada… We have become a nation of sheepish intent on Feb 21, 2023 at 1:17 pm
Thanks for the clip DL on Feb 19, 2023 at 2:37 am:
Trudeau is a disgustingly dangerous narcissistic, megalomaniac, intent on taking our/your freedoms.
Trudeau must like Janis Joplin… Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose… It has almost got us there!
Can you imagine living in a country where people actually believe that FREEDOM is a far right weaponization of virtue… FFS - It’s right out of the book on authoritarianism - Freedom is Slavery, War is Peace, and Ignorance is Strength.
From 1984:
“The society that Winston finds himself in puts forth the slogan, "War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength." The meaning of this phrase is to force confusion upon the members of the Party. It is a form of propaganda, or misleading information typically given by a political party.”
Up 5 Down 3
Atom on Feb 19, 2023 at 7:39 am
Whoa....it's so much fun reading all the anti-trudeau stuff. Folks only need to say something in these folds, and it's true!
It's really mid-Feb in the Yukon....need more light....happier then.
Up 4 Down 2
DL on Feb 19, 2023 at 2:37 am
"Joe Rogan SLAMS Canadian State Broadcaster CBC for Saying "Freedom" is a Far Right Word"
Up 9 Down 4
DL on Feb 19, 2023 at 2:05 am
Once again, the protest was a demonstration against the Turdeau’s agenda, adopted from the World Economic Forum, including the great reset, Digital ID, covid mandates, etc.
Some posts below make false accusations of racism against protesters. Fact is there have been several FN participating in these protests. And absolutely no Nazi stuff or racism of any kind.
These slanders against protesters are meant to divide people and to detract from the real issues. Which are that the covid lockdowns have severely damaged our economic and healthcare systems, that the coerced covid jabs are neither safe nor effective, our rights to informed consent have been trashed, the corporate media has been turned into a propaganda tool, etc. We need journalists with integrity more than ever.
Up 9 Down 20
Nope on Feb 17, 2023 at 5:12 pm
@ Jeff. I was down there and a saw the guy doing Nazi salutes. There were people in shipyards holding swastika signs last winter at the Saturday Smoothbrain protests. Don’t kid yourself.
These people were protesting ‘Freedom’ now have moved onto anti-immigration hate as well as raging against other minority groups including the FN and LGBT people.
Up 21 Down 6
We're good then? on Feb 17, 2023 at 3:31 pm
Just to make things clear, seing all those indigenous people posting selfies with JT, all smiles out, and bragging about spending time with him....
Reconciliation : check?
Then you'll stop treating each person looking pale as a settler??? right??? lol
Up 17 Down 8
Joe on Feb 17, 2023 at 2:31 pm
PM Truedumb was in Whitehorse. Big deal. Glad I was on holidays.
Up 13 Down 5
DL on Feb 17, 2023 at 1:53 pm
Ever wonder how big pharma wrong-doings get buried?
They buy the corporate media, politicians, and they hire troll farms.
“Pfizer Controlled The Corporate Media Globally - Dr Robert Malone”
Up 20 Down 8
Jeff Bikaboom on Feb 17, 2023 at 10:42 am
"You want the media to interview the guy doing Nazi salute in front of the museum"
I am not sure those people are nazis. I don't see much antisemitism, white power, or eugenics coming from them. I don't think they are in favor of building camps and filling them with people they say are secretly conspiring to rule the world.
I suspect these protesters are actually apposed to camps, travel restrictions, mass surveillance, discrimination, censorship, coercion, segregation, and human rights violations. Is this a problem for some people? Do you want these things?
But call them nazis and make fun of the old man's sign. Call them paranoid for standing up for something they believe in. I see a common theme in the comments of unhinged woke extremists. The words nazi, racist, and sexist are now used as a response to anyone with differing views. The words have lost all meaning. When everyone you disagree with is a racist, how do you call out an actual racist?
Up 4 Down 7
martin on Feb 17, 2023 at 5:33 am
I had the opportunity to speak to a few of these "Freedon Fighters" and mostly they adhere to DJT line of thinking. Same as DJT, not wonder why they have a small sect of followers.
Up 1 Down 1
Anie on Feb 16, 2023 at 4:41 pm
AdmiralA$$ - if you are going to tell us what the constitution says, then please take a few minutes to actually read it, I think you are actually referring to the Charter, which is a fairly recent (depending on how old you are) addition to the Constitution. The Charter, section one, clearly states that all rights identified in it are subject to the reasonable restrictions encapsulated by laws. And nowhere, absolutely nowhere, does the constitution provide the right to protest subject only to a non violence requirement. Maybe that's what some of todays protestors may want it to say, but it does not.
Up 34 Down 12
AdmiralA$$ on Feb 16, 2023 at 10:30 am
Canada is a constitutional monarchy with a Parliamentary democracy, Canada is not a a full democracy full stop. That basic contract is called a constitution, that is the contract signed by both the people and the governance. In said contract we the people have the right to protest in anyway that we see fit that condones no violence.
Amazing all the leftist hypocrisy on display here screaming about acceptance while showing such unacceptance for others and their contractual rights. I never told you not to take the hand outs the last 3 years, I just said there would be consequences for consuming without producing. I suppose the 12% increase in prices was not enough so the 3.5% increase in tax should help prove a point. We have failed ourselves and each other for buying into this division stoked buy our own government and media.
Up 12 Down 3
Bandit on Feb 16, 2023 at 4:37 am
I agree with what you say most of the time, but to keep it real and in context the plane burnt probably closer to 20,000 +/- litres of fuel to come from Ottawa. If the plane used the amount of fuel you said in your post none of us could afford a trip to YVR.
Up 23 Down 33
Roy on Feb 15, 2023 at 9:30 pm
There are a grand total of 4 protestors in that photo
Sure there may be more outside the shot but c'mon - that's not very impressive
and a F* Trudeau flag - classy and mature and consistent with the level of intelligent discourse the fringe brings to the table.
There is a reason the Star didn't interview one of th few protestors - cause even they have standards of decorum and respect. Sorry they are not on your side.
Let the reality of that sink in while you press thumbs down.
Up 32 Down 8
Hobo on Feb 15, 2023 at 7:55 pm
Glad to hear FN are happy with UFA and the Claims are as they expected; now they can stop calling the rest "colonizers"
Up 20 Down 32
Lawl on Feb 15, 2023 at 6:31 pm
You want the media to interview the guy doing Nazi salute in front of the museum? What about the ingrate holding the F*ck Trudeau flag? Or the guy with random words written haphazardly on bristol board?
What gems of knowledge could these up standing folks offer up?
These folks are the leftovers of the 1% Freedumb convoy. They don’t even know why their mad any more but they’re to deep in to turn back now.
Meanwhile, the rest of us carry on in life.
Up 34 Down 43
@ DL on Feb 15, 2023 at 2:38 pm
Why didn't the Star interview any of the protesters??? Possibly because the majority of them have nothing coherent, factual or relevant to say. They are stuck in 2020. Most can't speak without profanity (case in point the embarrassing signs/flags) and represent some of the worst, roughest and most negative people in our city. This fringe group is unable to move forward and enjoyed being a part of something that gave them some meaning. It's unfortunate they can't move past the last few years. With the amount of anger and hostility they have I certainly hope they actually vote in the next election. These types of people that I know like to complain A LOT but not actually do anything about it when given the chance.
Up 41 Down 7
Just Sayin on Feb 15, 2023 at 8:42 am
So the PM came to the Yukon to support the events 50 years ago. Great, no issue!
Then he goes to a Liberal fundraiser where people pay 250.00 a plate to have a gourmet meal with the Yukon Premier, the Yukon MP and et al. while common folk are struggling to afford groceries. I understand fundraisers are necessary for political parties, but you could have come here on your party's dime; you should at least pay us taxpayers back for half the flight.
You could have donated those meals to elders or bought a community food for a week. How out of touch are these people? 250.00 *10 = 2,500.00 for the party; we know there were more than 10 plates sold.
Up 19 Down 31
edie rue on Feb 15, 2023 at 7:31 am
I visualize the "Crazys" nearly breaking their necks running to the comment section of a Trudeau story. I'm blown away with the level of paranoia and misinformation in this comment section. It was clear from the Shipyards Park gathering that we had a small and colorful population in Whitehorse. However, for fear of my own safety, I didn't stop to talk to any of them. Now I can see in their minds, and it's scary and comical. What's not comical is the "Trudeau" truck going around town. Police, please take that man off the streets, tha'ts not free speech law.
Up 15 Down 32
Kathleen on Feb 15, 2023 at 7:08 am
It is very sad to see how propaganda (Russia, American, CPC) pushed through social media have been successful in drumming up so much hate for our Canadian democracy. The useful idiots are on full display in this comment section.
Up 36 Down 4
Bandit on Feb 15, 2023 at 4:35 am
@ I said pardon
When Papa Pierre was here in the 70’s he was able to walk down Main Street and actually dialogue with people. Perhaps those days will return.....
If my memory serves me well, Trudeau Jr. was here at the start of his tenure, and he did walk down Main St. hand in hand across the Rainbow crosswalk at 3rd and Main with Larry Bagnell (Front page of the Star photo) There were no Protesters or any fanfare because nobody gave a f%$K he was here and he hadn't been in long enough to destroy this country.
Up 25 Down 5
Do the FN's have such a short memory, really? on Feb 15, 2023 at 1:39 am
"Grand Chief Johnston thanked Trudeau for coming north on the anniversary, and for his continued dedication to the vision of Together Today."
For the young ones in the audience, just google "White Paper 1969" and see where his daddy's heart was at.
Up 15 Down 23
Anie on Feb 14, 2023 at 4:57 pm
According to the article "The rally was similar to a regular protest that forms at Rotary Peace Park in Whitehorse every weekend, which itself echoes grievances protestors voiced in the rallies that shut down part of Ottawa in early 2022.". Seriously - don't any of them read the news? What are they protesting every weekend? Maybe it's just a unique social circle. Some people visit in comfort, some hang out in the snow, waving unoriginal vulgar slogans. What do we want? Not sure. When do we want it? Whenever. It's not as if it matters.
Up 43 Down 23
DL on Feb 14, 2023 at 3:31 pm
We have to rely on the independent media for data on the rising rates of excess mortality that began with the distribution of the covid injections. And on brave medical experts who risk punishment for speaking out.
Just a couple of examples (among many others):
“Global Excess Mortality Rates — Where’s the Investigation?
Are scientists and the media deliberately overlooking COVID-19 vaccines as a possible factor in global excess mortality rates?”
“Five Canadian teenagers ages 17-19 died suddenly in their sleep in the past month...”
Up 77 Down 30
DL on Feb 14, 2023 at 3:03 pm
Despite the short notice for this event, there were approximately 100 protesters around the McBride museum, with many signs clearly stating what the protest was about: Turdeau’s imposition of the World Economic Forum agenda, i.e. the Great Reset, health care controlled by Digital ID and big pharma, the unsafe and ineffective clot shot that crippled and killed many Canadians over the past 2 years, Bill C-11 censorship, etc. Many protesters made articulate speeches on these issues.
So why did the Whitehorse Star reporter not interview any protesters? Is our government and mainstream media so completely controlled by big pharma and WEF?
Fact is, for the past couple of years Trudeau has been met with protesters everywhere he goes in Canada. Ever since Trudeau refused to speak with the peaceful 2022 Freedom Convoy protesters. Instead he froze their bank accounts, put many in jail, peaceful protesters were assaulted and injured, their property confiscated, etc.
Canadians have good reasons for being angry. We’ve been censored at every turn, our rights to informed consent have been trashed, critical health professionals have been punished for speaking out against lockdowns and the unsafe covid shot.
Up 39 Down 79
mike hawley on Feb 14, 2023 at 1:46 pm
50 anti vaxxers protesting covid from 2019 and using the Canadian flag to be unpatriotic does not make you a freedumb fighter. These people do not speak for the 43950 sane Yukoners
Up 24 Down 93
edie rue on Feb 14, 2023 at 12:04 pm
I do love Trudeau, he has done an excellent job thus far. For all the commenters and those protesting, please make some sense. It's quite pathetic.
Up 35 Down 28
Jeff Bikaboom on Feb 14, 2023 at 11:02 am
"Protesting is one thing but swearing at political leaders and attendees to an event shows that you don’t belong in a democracy. And yes, Canada is a democracy. Full stop"
Human rights violations do not belong in a democracy. I assure you that whatever these protesters said pales in comparison to what gets yelled at them by people having full on woke mental breakdowns.
Trudeau should have got UN Peace Keepers to trample the crowd with horses, or at least froze their bank accounts.
Up 25 Down 23
I said Pardon on Feb 14, 2023 at 9:50 am
Sorry, unfortunately Canada is not a democracy, but a constitutional monarchy. You can vote whichever way you wish, but without the King’s approval “aka Royal Assent” your vote means nothing.
I do agree that political engagement has hit a low. Had Mr. O’Toole been elected prime minister and been here, there’d be protesters yelling and screaming at him as well. That type of behaviour is gross no matter where it comes from. When Papa Pierre was here in the 70’s he was able to walk down Main Street and actually dialogue with people. Perhaps those days will return.....
Up 58 Down 16
Yukong on Feb 14, 2023 at 8:58 am
The PM acknowledged the protesters outside were exercising their democratic right, but he’s become wary of a political sphere increasingly full of angry and hateful rhetoric.
“Once you’ve gotten people really, really angry at the government and each other,” he said, commenting on populist politics and media coverage, “it becomes really hard to solve the challenges that are making them angry.”
What's making people angry is that the government doesn't listen to the citizens, and continues to impose policies that impoverish the population, all while riding high on the projects funneling taxpayer money into their own pockets.
But this gaslighting PM would have you believe that you, and your anger are the problem.
Kudos to the protestors, wish I had known ahead of time where these politico cockroaches were hiding because I would have joined you.
Up 42 Down 10
Dave on Feb 14, 2023 at 5:34 am
Wishful thinking. I thought he was going to announce an election.
Up 65 Down 19
Dave on Feb 14, 2023 at 5:12 am
Clown says there’s a climate crises and he burns over 350,00 litres of jet fuel for a photo op.
That’s called an oxy-moron.
CALL THE election pullai.
Up 57 Down 16
Max Mack on Feb 14, 2023 at 12:32 am
Trudeau and his ilk (you?) would like for protestors to be neat, tidy and quiet. His brutal repression of the Freedom Convoy and their supporters are ample proof of how he is determined to absolutely quash any meaningful dissent that does not conform to his views.
People tend to become angry when their beliefs and values are minimized, ignored, delegitimized, ostracized and suppressed. A little yelling and swearing at Trudeau and fellow politicians might actually be healthy.
Up 51 Down 11
Genocidal Jerkface Justin on Feb 13, 2023 at 10:43 pm
The best headline yet...." Protesters cause Trudeau to exit near the garbage bins." Appropiately I must say. I didn't waste my time or energy on him that day but I almost wish I had.
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Vince Anderson on Feb 13, 2023 at 8:44 pm
How much did it cost taxpayers for this trip? He came up here for one reason only and that was to campaign on taxpayers dollars.
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Nathan Living on Feb 13, 2023 at 8:23 pm
I have no problem with peaceful protests.
If people doing it use profanity or use swear words on signs they should face public nuisance charges and fines.
It was so nice to see Justin Trudeau come here to recognize our land claim agreements.
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bonanzajoe on Feb 13, 2023 at 7:59 pm
@Matthew on Feb 13, 2023.
Former US Congresswoman from Hawaii said it best, "Justin Trudeau is afraid of a free people".
Up 56 Down 19
bonanzajoe on Feb 13, 2023 at 7:55 pm
@BnR on Feb 13, 2023: Canada is no longer a Democracy of freedom. Believe me. I'm in my 8th decade now and know what freedom and democracy is. I served 8 years to protect it. But, Justin Trudeau took all that away, when he invoked the Emergency Act, during the truckers strike. He also, had hundreds of peaceful demonstrators jailed since the covid as well as bank accounts frozen and GoFund Me donations shut down and seized. And during this, he went into hiding.
I cannot remember in all my lifetime, when a PM went into hiding. All he had to do was meet with the truckers and talk to them. They weren't going to harm him. But, he invokes the Emergency Act and goes into hiding. JT is not a democratic leader, he is a wannabe dictator. That's another thing, unlike other PMs he seems to be afraid to give ample notice of his itinerary. Is he afraid of something? Is his body guard detail not enough to make him feel secure. He needs to resign. There must be something out there that is is capable of doing. Excuse me for my rant, but, I was born free and I want to leave this world free. And I want to see all Canadians live free and die free. After all, isn't that what so many of us served for?
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bonanzajoe on Feb 13, 2023 at 7:39 pm
So, outside of his meeting with the FN, what did he do for the other races represented in the Yukon? Would like to know how many paid 250.00 to eat with him. Every time PM Harper came up, he didn't charge anybody anything. He came up every year. And he did a tour. He wasn't afraid to go among the people like JT.
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CJ2 on Feb 13, 2023 at 7:34 pm
Well, I love him. And I would have loved to see him in person, but I guess the malcontents have accomplished something, now they can't publicize his agenda. I thought he was only here for a few hours at the fundraiser, not a couple of days.
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UN on Feb 13, 2023 at 4:46 pm
Capital transfers of $3.2 billion do not include all the other monies, such as grants, special programs, and land claims, and Indigenous peoples are still living in poverty on SA. Many of those who have passed due to drug OD's have been Indigenous; people are satisfied with this.
How about the Prime Monster's father, who unveiled the White Paper Act policy? Mr. Trudeau discriminates like his father did.
Justin Trudeau has done lip service, photo opportunities with First Nations for political gains, again.
Mr. Smith, if you were still around, we would not be in the this mess. The Yukon would be a better Territory and the Indigenous would be thriving instead of just surviving.
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Juniper Jackson on Feb 13, 2023 at 4:10 pm
By invitation only? I didn't get a chance to view his almighty presence. I have nothing but scorn for a fool. There is an old saying about fools and money..i wonder how much he raised before taking off to continue littering our environment with more carbon?
Up 116 Down 34
Joe on Feb 13, 2023 at 3:53 pm
Glad I missed the bs festival, i was out ice fishing. Both federal and territorial coalitions do not have a public mandates and continue to divide what used to be canada.
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Matthew on Feb 13, 2023 at 3:38 pm
Hypocrisy all over his face.. cowards aren't scared of their own citizens. It's his own words thats divided this country the past 3 years. No one else's. He working hand in hand with the WEF to make sure "we own nothing but will be happy"
Up 129 Down 29
Little Big Man on Feb 13, 2023 at 3:19 pm
Beware of the man he speaks with a forked tongue.
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Thomas Brewer on Feb 13, 2023 at 2:48 pm
Gotta love a taxpayer funded junket to the north for a Liberal fundraising dinner. Nobody else see an issue with this? ugggggh.
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BnR on Feb 13, 2023 at 2:47 pm
Protesting is one thing but swearing at political leaders and attendees to an event shows that you don’t belong in a democracy. And yes, Canada is a democracy. Full stop
Our democratic process allows for a minority government. It could just as easily been the Conservative Party of Canada under Mr OToole who formed a minority. I wish it had been as I think Mr OToole wolf would have been a good PM.
That being said, in a democracy you don’t always get what you want. It’s about working with others whether you agree or not. Without that basic contract, democracy fails.
These protestors were certainly exercising their rights, but at the same time showing to all their utter lack of class.
Grow up. You don’t always get what you want.
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Roids51 on Feb 13, 2023 at 2:47 pm
Mr. Prime Minister, newsflash, you are the reason for all that anger and hateful rhetoric !!!!!!