Whitehorse Daily Star

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Dr. Catherine Elliott

Total COVID case count nearing 1,000 mark; more exposure notices issued

Dr. Catherine Elliott, the acting chief medical officer of health, reported 23 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 late Monday afternoon.

By Whitehorse Star on November 3, 2021

Revised - Dr. Catherine Elliott, the acting chief medical officer of health, reported 23 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 late Monday afternoon.

The cases were recorded from noon last Friday through noon Monday. Twenty-two of the people affected are Whitehorse residents, while one is a resident of Carmacks.

People from out of the territory who are diagnosed in the Yukon are counted in the territory’s active case count but not in the Yukon’s total case count, as they are counted in their home jurisdiction.

The number of active cases as of Tuesday was 80. As of yesterday, the total number of confirmed cases in Yukon residents since March 2020 was 965.

Since March 2020, 883 people have recovered, while 10 have died.

The Department of Education has sent out what it calls “an urgent notice” for parents of children attending École Whitehorse Elementary School.

It says Yukon Communicable Disease Control (YCDC) has confirmed positive COVID-19 cases connected to the:

• Grade 2C class, Oct. 28-29;

• Grades 3/4 split class, Oct. 25- 27;

• Grades 4/5 split class, Oct. 25; and

• school bus #11, on Oct. 25.

The latest public exposure notices are:

• Canada Games Centre – Family Pucks and Sticks, Northwestel Ice, Oct. 24, 3:45 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.

Anyone at this location during this time should self-monitor for symptoms until Nov. 7, and get tested if they develop any symptoms.

• Canada Games Centre – Wellness Centre, Oct. 26, 10 a.m. to noon.

Anyone at this location during this time should self-monitor for symptoms until Nov. 9, and get tested if they develop any symptoms.

• École Émilie-Tremblay, Grade 6 (this is not the 5/6 split class), Oct. 25 and Oct. 27.

Affected are students and staff who attended or worked in the class.

• Holy Family Elementary School, Grade 3, Oct. 26-28.

Students and staff who attended or worked in this class are affected.

YCDC has directly advised everyone involved at the two schools with a notification letter.

On Tuesday, Elliott’s office added the kindergarten class of Takhini Elementary School to the alerts list for Oct. 27-29.

She continues to remind everyone who has symptoms to get tested.

Anyone experiencing symptoms in Whitehorse should call the COVID-19 Testing and Assessment Centre at 393-3083 or book online to arrange for testing.

People in communities should contact their rural community health centre.

Yukoners are also reminded that the best way to protect themselves and the people around them is to get fully vaccinated.

“COVID-19 and its variants spread easily,” Elliott’s office said in a statement.

“People can pass infection on even if they do not have any symptoms. Everyone aged 12 and older can get vaccinated in the Yukon.”

Comments (12)

Up 1 Down 2

Spud on Nov 9, 2021 at 2:34 pm

Just this past Sat. & Sun. I was marooned in disability parking at Walmart. Observed most patrons leaving store with masks. However also observed some leaving store without masks. Not going back to Walmart unless they clean up!!!! Our prescriptions exceed $1000.00 per month. Nothing stopping us from going to other Drug Stores!!!!!!

Up 5 Down 15

Look up the names on the petition-FED UP. on Nov 8, 2021 at 12:21 am

Somebody shared a link in 'Whitehorse Anonymous' on FB to all of those who signed the anti vaxxx petition. I see you protesting, and now I see your names and took an hour to read all signatures. Your children, you and anybody who doesn't get the vaccine or take this pandemic seriously is not welcome in my house or office at work. I see several education staff names on there and other high ranking gov people as well. One of the ministers kids is on there--guess which one? Just go around the school or all over YTG and don't take this whole thing seriously?
I hope that the government sticks to their mandate--protect us all from these anti vaxxers. Whs Elementary is hit hard and I wonder why. Teachers, nurses, doctors, and daycare/elder care workers MUST BE VACCINATED. Don't like it?-- don't work. I don't need to wear a mask forever at work/stores/elsewhere because of you. And look at many of the names and you see why they are signing. Not a lot of 'critical' thinking skills in some of these protesters. You hate authority right? Government won't tell you what to do!! Pathetic!

Up 18 Down 8

Bob on Nov 5, 2021 at 9:36 pm

Charter of rights and bill of rights. Read them please before u say people should do this or that. Who gave people the right to govern someones life?

Up 18 Down 7

Bob on Nov 5, 2021 at 9:35 pm

People should look at the facts. Vaxed people dying. And unvaxx dying. But what is the actual death rate? This is important. Did you drive to work today? Hmmm have you looked at the numbers in Canada that die on the road? How bout drugs? Hmmm have you seen the overdose numbers? Suicide? Hmmm. Hasn't e everyone lost a person in the past few years? hmmm. I really am shocked that people don't think independently. None of the stuff we focused on makes sense.

Up 17 Down 1

Bob on Nov 5, 2021 at 9:30 pm

So while we go around blaming each other, we are all divided while the real questions are never asked or answered. If you don't like freedom why do you live in Canada? North Korea would love this kind of division.

Up 20 Down 1

Bob on Nov 5, 2021 at 9:28 pm

Still blame, blame, blame. Who has time for this. Can we move on now please. Does anyone factor the psychological damage done to us all. Stop all read. Get back to living people.

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bonanzajoe on Nov 4, 2021 at 8:40 pm

Freedumb: And what UTube video did you get that information from doc? As a late stage senior, the future of side effects of the vaccination don't worry me. I remember, when Thalidomide was the magic wand for woman. Maybe you might want to read up on that great wonder drug. I probably won't be around when the negative results come out years from now about the great wonder drug for covid19. Good luck with that doc.

Up 24 Down 20

Max Mack on Nov 4, 2021 at 3:31 pm

Your obvious contempt for "chuckleheads" and "anti-vaxxers" is emblematic of a glaring and growing problem in our so-called liberal democracy.

Sadly, such intense feelings are being openly encouraged by manipulative "advisory councils", government agencies, "researchers", politicians, the media, and large tech firms -- all who are determined to force you and I to take the jab.

Your claims that the unvaxxed are putting others at risk is factually wrong. It is INFECTED people that expose others to risk - whether they are vaxxed or not.
Perhaps think hard about that instead of spewing hatred.

Up 27 Down 29

Freedumb on Nov 3, 2021 at 9:50 pm

You chucklehead anti vaxxers (and those of you who have the shot but are choosing to stand with them for some odd reason) are responsible for the rising cases we are seeing here and elsewhere. We already know you guys consider our elderly and immuno-compromised, like those fighting cancer, to be expendable, you have made that crystal clear. But what you might not realize is that you are also endangering our kids who can't get vaccinated.
You guys are so bloody scared of unknown long term side effects from the vaccine, yet don't seem to care in the slightest about the long term affects for children who have had covid. If you already understand this and still want your/our children to take the risk of unknown effects rather than yourself, you are nothing but Cowards. Many diseases seem mild at first but then cause very serious health issues a bit later in life. So just remember that if your kid develops a serious, life altering heart or lung condition (which are showing up more and more) as a result of getting covid, just remember that it was YOU who chose to sacrifice your child's health for some twisted notion of American inspired freedom. I hope it is worth it.

Side note: Before anyone comes back saying "But vaccinated people spread it too!", yes they can, but the likelihood is GREATLY reduced. They don't carry the same viral load. Most major health authorities agree so please don't try to post some obscure study or youtube video as if it carries equal weight.

Up 30 Down 22

JustSayin' on Nov 3, 2021 at 4:36 pm

Data indicates Masks and the safe 6, isolation, decreasing traffic from those who are not local decreased COVID19.

Up 45 Down 21

Juniper Jackson on Nov 3, 2021 at 3:37 pm

Jeez.. what on earth are all these healthy people (asymptomatic = healthy, no symptoms = healthy) doing walking around spreading covid? One would think if you are healthy enough to be going to the CGC, gyms, shopping, flying, that you should stay home, you know.. just in case. (not everyone recognizes sarcasm..so.. above.. is sarcasm.)

I truly do not understand why people are so panicked about this. I don't know what information can be relied on. One "expert' says you can get covid more than once, and the other 'expert' says, no, you can't. Antibodies do not have an expiration date yet, not enough time has passed to accumulate that data. But, there is not a clear yes/no test. The people that claim to have covid repeats were misdiagnosed the first time. Mask, oh yeah, a piece of paper is good..no, 3 layer, there are drugs that are effective, no there aren't.. what's true today is not true tomorrow.. If you don't agree to government hype, you're an antivaxxer, you're a conspiracy theorist, you're uncanadian, you won't be allowed to work, travel, eat in a restaurant, swim, renew your drivers license.. WTH?
The Feds, and local governments have spent billions of dollars scaring us into a deep black hole..the least we can do to show our appreciation is stay in it.

Up 51 Down 36

North_of_60 on Nov 3, 2021 at 3:30 pm

Most of the "cases" are people who are already "vaccinated", but that fact is conveniently omitted from the public announcement. We can be sure if most of the "cases" were "unvaccinated" they would be repeating that numerous times in the story.

The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. The Lockdown Has No Scientific Basis.

These invalid Covid-19 “estimates” have been used to justify confinement, social distancing, the face mask, the prohibition of social gatherings, cultural and sports events, the closure of economic activity, as well as the mRNA “vaccine” launched in November 2020.

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