Photo by Vince Fedoroff
VEHICLE PURSUIT ENDED IN GRANGER AREA – An RCMP officer examines the stolen truck on Hamilton Boulevard after officers disabled it Monday afternoon. The tires had been shredded by a police spike strip.
Photo by Vince Fedoroff
VEHICLE PURSUIT ENDED IN GRANGER AREA – An RCMP officer examines the stolen truck on Hamilton Boulevard after officers disabled it Monday afternoon. The tires had been shredded by a police spike strip.
The RCMP continue to investigate a series of occurrences that took place Monday afternoon in Whitehorse, some of them posing serious dangers to members of the public.
The RCMP continue to investigate a series of occurrences that took place Monday afternoon in Whitehorse, some of them posing serious dangers to members of the public.
At about 1:10 p.m. Monday, police received a call about a pickup truck stolen from Cobalt Construction on Range Road. It took off at a high rate of speed, police said Tuesday afternoon.
It was believed that more than one person was involved in the crime.
“The stolen vehicle was located numerous times but fled from police,” the RCMP said.
At about 2:30 p.m., police received a call about an armed robbery in progress at Heather’s Haven Convenience store off Wann Road in Porter Creek.
The stolen Cobalt Construction pickup was involved.
“Two armed, masked individuals entered Heather’s Haven and demanded cash from the worker, while a third masked individual stood outside,” police said.
“The worker turned over the contents of the till and the suspects fled the scene.
“The stolen truck left and drove around Whitehorse at dangerously high speeds with complete disregard for the public, nearly causing numerous collisions around Whitehorse.”
Police successfully deployed a spike strip, deflating the truck’s tires, but the driver refused to stop.
The suspect vehicle was disabled by police on Hamilton Boulevard.
The driver was taken into custody and the passenger fled into the Granger area.
Whitehorse Police Dog Services were engaged and tracked the passenger to a nearby residence, where an individual was taken into custody.
The third suspect was found in another previously reported stolen vehicle near Squatters Road on the outskirts of Whitehorse.
The suspect fled on foot and the police dog and handler were engaged again.
“This suspect was located and taken into custody,” police said.
Tyrell Sidney, Nathan Ouimet and Kody Smith appeared in court later Tuesday.
Sidney had been released from custody on March 20 after similar charges related to numerous stolen vehicles, stolen property and flight from police on numerous occasions.
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