Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

ENTERING A WHOLE NEW ARENA – Dr. Brendan Hanley, who has been appointed as the territory’s Liberal candidate for the pending federal election, is seen Tuesday afternoon outside the Yukon Arts Centre with members of his family. From left to right are son Finnian, wife Lise and daughter Aniela.

‘This is the right place to be,’ Hanley says

One of the Yukon’s most visible personalities is now poised to potentially take his act national.

By Tim Giilck on August 11, 2021

One of the Yukon’s most visible personalities is now poised to potentially take his act national.

Dr. Brendan Hanley, the Yukon’s chief medical officer of health, has announced he wants to take Larry Bagnell’s place as the territory’s Liberal MP.

Bagnell announced his upcoming retirement from politics last Thursday. He introduced Hanley as the next Liberal candidate on Tuesday afternoon.

The announcement came at a hastily-arranged news conference outside the Yukon Arts Centre.

Hanley made a dramatic, last-minute appearance as Bagnell began to introduce him.

Bagnell told the audience, which consisted mostly of reporters, the identity of the candidate should be obvious.

Bagnell then said: “I’m giving you another hint – he’s been the chief medical officer of health for about 12 years.”

As he uttered those words, Hanley appeared, with his family in tow.

The 62-year-old Hanley then took the stage to make his introductory remarks.

“In many ways, I’m still surprised myself being in front of you today as the federal Liberal candidate,” he said.

“However, I feel grounded in the belief that this is the right place to be. At a personal level, this is a good challenge for me.

“I’m certainly new to politics, and I’m happy to acknowledge that, but I do bring some strong experience and some public recognition,” he said. He cited his record during the pandemic and his time as medical officer of health as a whole.

“I’m in a good position to advocate for Yukoners at the national level,” he said.

Hanley was more off the cuff while taking questions from reporters.

He didn’t say exactly how long he and the party had been in communication over his potential candidacy while Hanley was still carrying out his duties as the medical officer of health.

He did, though, confirm that he approached the party with his ambition to be an MP. He added he had been through the party’s vetting process, and had received the official nomination.

Hanley said his three issues of particular concern were reconciliation, climate change and mental health initiatives.

Hanley said he wasn’t sure he’d agree he is a polarizing candidate due to his management of the pandemic over the last 18 months.

He did agree that some people will appreciate his work while others may not.

The Liberal party put out a news release giving some background on Hanley.

“A northern physician for over 25 years, his work has been primarily focused on northern, remote, and Indigenous populations,” it stated.

“Currently taking leave from his position as Yukon’s chief medical officer of health, Dr. Brendan Hanley acknowledges the legacy of outgoing MP Larry Bagnell.

“Larry’s tireless and heartfelt dedication can never be surpassed, but I am excited to use my own varied experience and skills to continue to strengthen Yukon’s voice on the national stage.

“Like Larry, I have always strived to address issues through partnerships and collaboration — an approach I intend to continue if elected to serve as Yukon’s member of Parliament.”

The backgrounder said Hanley began his career in Newfoundland and Labrador, and worked in many areas in Canada and internationally before arriving in the Yukon in 1995.

He has a previous background in emergency and family medicine and international relief work. 

Hanley and his wife, Lise Farynowski, a born-and-raised Yukoner, live with their two teenaged offspring in Whitehorse.

Hanley’s leave from public health is unpaid.

If his election bid is unsuccessful, he said, he would return to his position as chief medical officer.

Dr. Catherine Elliott – the deputy chief medical officer – will take over Hanley’s role next week, after she has completed her vacation.

Jonas Smith is the Conservative Party’s candidate in the Yukon for the coming election.

No one has publicly declared an intention to pursue nominations for the NDP nor Green Party.

Comments (79)

Up 4 Down 3

wrappinitup on Aug 18, 2021 at 7:22 am

The author writes, " Hanley and his wife, Lise Farynowski, a born-and-raised Yukoner, live with their two teenaged offspring in Whitehorse."
How PC is that... they are called children people... children. off spring. how Brave New World of you.

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My Opinion on Aug 17, 2021 at 8:01 pm

Do you suppose that Larry waited to the last minute to resign???
Do you suppose that Hanley could possibly have made up his mind that quick to throw away a million dollar job?????

Do you think their was any link with Dr. Hanley opening everything up and opening borders with the US (while our COVID numbers are still high) and then mysteriously appearing as a Candidate for the Liberal Party of Canada? Hmmm

Same with the Conservatives, do you think they didn't already know their candidate, they almost won with him in the last election.
Then somehow or another Barb Dunlop steps forward in the nic of time. Amazing, it can't possibly have anything to do with her connections to very influential people in the Yukon Party could it?

So now Jonas is going to run as an independent. He is the only one that showed his true colours and stood by what he believed. I know how I am voting. For honesty.

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Groucho d'North on Aug 17, 2021 at 4:11 pm

The Yukon Government has been remote controlled from Ottawa since the Silver crew got elected. Why would things change now? The Doctor has been nearly two years in his official training to follow orders from the east. Sit, lay down, roll over - Gboy!

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jack on Aug 16, 2021 at 8:33 pm

Was there a nomination meeting in case anyone else wanted to run (like it's supposed to happen) or was this just a back room stitch-up by Liberal party decree?

Up 36 Down 11

ShameonyouHanley on Aug 16, 2021 at 10:14 am

Shame on you, Hanley. Your Hippocratic oath just went out the window by associating with a party that wants control over my body.

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Obi on Aug 15, 2021 at 4:38 am

What a shame!
In this day and age, what do we need more, a Doctor, or another back benching,
run of the mill, baby kissing, politician?
“Beam me up Scottie”.

Up 43 Down 8

And another thing on Aug 15, 2021 at 2:14 am

I'd like to mention a few factors concerning Dr. Hanley's claimed pandemic successful run as CMOH. He did some good somewhere I'm sure, these are not those in no particular order.
1. In the early days for some months mask wearing which was deemed to be the #1 defense against the virus until complete vaccination wasn't even on your safe six list. It was added after the fact hence 6+1.
2. The rubber tire border control was a complete joke as many witnessed foreign plates all over the Territory where they weren't supposed to be.
3. Your weekly updates except for numbers, supplied no one with any useful information and became like a recording.
4. Your political ambition and disillusionment showed somewhat when you tried to speak French at your first news conference whereby I could have tied you with my grade nine French.
5. Your set-up of contact tracing has been abysmal in detection and information.
6. I didn't vote for you.
Liberal bosses you weren't around through the thin years but your return there will be swift with upper-handed moves like this.

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Sheepchaser on Aug 13, 2021 at 9:03 pm

In summation:

Good guy, slimy play. The game continues.

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Dentist47 on Aug 13, 2021 at 5:44 pm

So Hanley is cushioning his potential loss by taking a leave of absence from his current job. IF he really thought he had a chance at winning he would have done the honorable thing and quit. It seems like a Liberal thing however with the mayor doing the same thing.

Up 18 Down 31

Patti Eyre on Aug 13, 2021 at 3:21 pm

@BJoe: I’m sad for you, you see life as divided into sides, well I don’t even know what a marxist liberal is. I will pray for your mental emancipation!

Up 16 Down 46

Bandit on Aug 13, 2021 at 10:43 am

Here's a thought I never dreamed I would entertain, Vote Liberal. First we get rid of Hanley, secondly the Federal election is not going to work out for JT so a Liberal backbencher is going to do as much in Parliament as we get now. Sorry Jonas you would have had my vote but Liberal is the unfortunately the way to go this time around. A vote for Jonas means we are stuck with Hanley and come Flu season get out the Masks again.

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Doctors without borders, indeed on Aug 13, 2021 at 10:18 am

Who takes a $1 million+ per annum pay cut? A power mongering globalist sleeper does. Prepare for restrictions like we haven't seen yet, especially now that the flaccid O'Toole has kicked Smith to the curb.

Up 13 Down 5

JC on Aug 13, 2021 at 8:00 am


Lambs to the Cosmic slaughter
Tell me you don't read and watch Rick and Morty, without telling me you don't read and watch Rick and Morty.

How embarrassing.

Up 38 Down 15

JC on Aug 13, 2021 at 7:43 am

If the comments are any indication, not a damn person in this Red Scared corner of the world has any idea what the terms "communism," "liberal," "Marxism," or "socialist" means
Hate to break it to you, but all these fools are neoliberals. Even the NDP. Even Kate White is firmly entrenched in this dominant ideological landscape.

Y'all need a political education, but I'd be happy if you could show you had even a regular education.

Up 21 Down 28

JC on Aug 13, 2021 at 7:39 am


You keep using the term Liberal Marxist
Like it's a real thing
Like you know what you're talking about

Reading your comments is like wandering into the boomer corner of Facebook.

Just nonsense.

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Steven on Aug 13, 2021 at 7:38 am

Some of these comments are hilarious. Weeks/Months ago some of you obvious conservatives were crying and yelling that Hanley should get rid of masks and open things up because "there is no virus" and things "are safe" and he's "trampling on our rights". Now that he HAS lifted the mandate, you're all crying and yelling again but saying he should have KEPT the restrictions, and saying he only lifting them for the sake of political theatre. So which is it? Do you even know? Or do you just find reasons every day to hate the Liberals, even though those reasons make no sense? I'm so glad your candidate got axed BY HIS OWN PARTY. It just goes to show how redneck yokel Yukon Conservatives are, and how unfit for leadership the Cons are.

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TheHammer on Aug 12, 2021 at 11:17 pm

Kindness now@ "his intention to help Yukoners is pure." Politics is not about purity, it's about power. If anyone has pure intentions to help Yukoners the cesspool of Federal political corruption, and a self serving senate, is the last place to launch a one man canoe.

Up 19 Down 56

Astonishing on Aug 12, 2021 at 11:08 pm

@Kindness Now
Thank you for saying what was needed to be said. People, you watch too much TV. You really think Dr Hanley is stepping up to this task because he’s always wanted to run for a political position? Nope..I bet he feels obligated and called to help. Dr. Hanley has provided this territory with calm and focused leadership over the past 18 months. Do you all have any idea of the hours of work he has put into trying to keep Yukoners safe with the information available to him and his team? Do you think people work that hard because they want to be the star of a stupid day time drama??
I ask you..what are you doing to help your community remain safe? What sacrifices are you making in order to help your neighbours get through these days? Would you take a pay cut if you thought your talents and insight could help Yukoners to thrive? If your answer is yes, you likely have a clue why Dr Hanley is an excellent choice to represent Yukoners in Ottawa.
Those of you who laugh at this post and think I’m speaking in ideals and think that I don’t understand what your fabricated reality of Dr Hanley really is…stop wasting our time with your negative comments and cruel assumptions and try doing something positive for Yukoners …for once. And for the person who is annoyed by a poem being read by a thoughtful leader trying to inspire his community in the middle of a pandemic , I bet you complain about sunshine, kids laughing and people holding hands also. Drives you crazy ..I bet.

Up 64 Down 13

One percenter on Aug 12, 2021 at 9:43 pm

Larry Bagnell, at the peak of his popularity, was extremely popular with the working poor and the disadvantaged in Yukon society. This was when he was winning in landslides. He lost touch with that constituency over time and his election margins shrank accordingly. Dr Hanley lives in a mansion in the southern end of Whitehorse and has a five car garage that is filled nicely, thank you very much. He is a true one-percenter. I don’t see how he could ever capture the popularity that Larry once enjoyed, but I am sure he will be very popular with the entitled elites in the Yukon.

Up 34 Down 5

Ice fog on Aug 12, 2021 at 7:09 pm

Shave your neckbeard, get off the internet and move into a hovel/shared accommodation (roommates). It’s a right of passage. You’ll learn how to cook, clean and do your own laundry like a big boy. Work hard. Save money.

There is no direct path from your mom’s basement to a brand new 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 2 car country residential palace.
You’re already a decade behind your cohort. Best get moving!

Up 28 Down 15

ytres on Aug 12, 2021 at 6:09 pm

Annnnnnd Jonas is out.
Too crazy for the Cons eh.

Up 48 Down 15

Beaker on Aug 12, 2021 at 5:53 pm

“Right place to be” really Dr. Seuss. Forth wave now officially on its way and it’s all of a sudden ok to have an election? The liberals are by far the most arrogant power hungry bunch failing at leading this country. There is NO need for an election period!

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Patricia on Aug 12, 2021 at 4:56 pm

The territorial Liberals called a snap election and it didn't turn out as anticipated. Of course the Federal Liberals have been using Facebook, the media and surveys to gain the public's opinion, while spending tax payers dollars to buy votes so all this pre-election planning may achieve their goal, or it is a waste of money and we are right back where we were.
Is it possible to have a fair election anymore? At the last election we saw interference by a former USA president, and campaigning by a youth environmentalist. I hope there is a clean race with no dirty name calling. Just stick to the issues and allow all parties to have a good debate.

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martin on Aug 12, 2021 at 4:42 pm

Heard on the News today, that rumors are that Sunday JT is going to ask for the Parliament to be dissolved; How much inside information has this "citizen" had? How much is hiding from the public?

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bonanzajoe on Aug 12, 2021 at 4:07 pm

Patti Eyre: The haters come out of your side, the Marxist Liberal. They caused all the mess we have in Canada today.

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Kim on Aug 12, 2021 at 2:29 pm

Congratulations to Dr. Hanley, his family and the Liberals. They have a strong candidate. People have short memories on how thankful they were in being protected in this pandemic. Canadians need to learn more appreciation and respect for people who choose to run for politics. I'm thankful for everyone who chooses to put their name forward to run. Looking forward to having a professional candidate who has a strong health background, collaboration, political acumen, and will place a priority on much needed mental health services in the Yukon.

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Charlie's Aunt on Aug 12, 2021 at 2:27 pm

All we need now is for NDP to name their candidate so they can hope to travel from Kate's 'The' Yukon to The Ottawa in The Ontario.

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john on Aug 12, 2021 at 1:41 pm

Prediction in Yukon Federal election - Conservative by a landslide...why ? Not because of the who but because or the why. We feel cheated.

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Dave on Aug 12, 2021 at 1:23 pm

I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when I heard about Hanley running for the Liberals. He has obviously acquired a taste for ruling a jurisdiction without question and seemingly thinks that will fit right in with Justin’s government. Trudeau also seemingly wants to rule this country without the inconvenience of being hobbled by answering to parliament as a minority government. I would also be interested to know if an ethics committee should be formed and an inquiry held into Hanleys actions in his prior position considering his political aspirations. It sure smells to me.

Up 31 Down 22

Wilf Carter on Aug 12, 2021 at 12:36 pm

I have request do we call you honorable Dr Henley like Larry was called for doing what and collect your $200,000 year income?
Ha Doc can you please use the carbon tax to fix our climate as your number issue as you see it is climate change.
Tell Yukoners what you know about climate change and how it effects Yukon weather.
I have never ever seen so many liberals in Yukon ticked of at the liberal party Federal and Yukon. WOW

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Neville on Aug 12, 2021 at 12:26 pm

Maybe this person can make housing more affordable here. I'm in my 30's and stuck in my parents house as I can't afford a place. Makes it pretty hard to meet women.

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Al on Aug 12, 2021 at 11:51 am

Using your position in government to advance your political ambitions is unethical to say the least. That does not mean that civil servants can not hold political beliefs - in fact in a pluralistic society we encourage such thinking. BUT to expressly act on these views is clearly crossing the line in the sand if used to further your self interests or others. Employees (regardless of status in the hierarchy) are required to remain visibly neutral in their day to day activities on the job. Mr Hanley deliberately and dishonestly used his position to clearly advanced his own interests, by his own admission.

When one looks back over the past 1 1/2 years it becomes obvious that his machinations were intended to align with the political thought of the Liberal party's agenda. Both federally and locally. The fallout becomes somewhat transparent (the word transparency and Hanley in the same sentence is in fact an oxymoron) that the interests of the citizenry and their collective or individual needs was secondary at best.

The most disturbing element is the issue of trust. Politicians by their very nature are looked at with winced eyes. With Hanley, he embodies all that folks dislike in politicians. Sad - truly sad that his actions will continue to perpetuate this believe that most folks have. Politicians cannot be trusted...

Up 51 Down 13

Justin on Aug 12, 2021 at 11:47 am

Our very own Dr Brendan Hanley is running for the liberal party of Canada. Who would have thought?
And now he wants to be the official local puppet for the liberal party. But only after unjustly enriching himself by way of a contract extension that helped fatten his bank account by about $750,000.00 dollars, of your tax dollars.

And then, while we’re still in the midst of this so called pandemic, he has the gall to take a leave of absence after announcing his liberal candidacy? So tell me again how much he cares about you and your health and well being. He’s been the local captain of this ill fated, yet well planned disaster, and now he’s abandoning everyone to further his own interests.

Folks, over the past couple years, I tried to help everyone see what was going on. And failing that, to help individuals in any way that I could. Now I have seen that I’m incapable of helping anyone, perhaps I might be able to make them think.

Thank you all for your time, be safe, be well, and take care of each other, nobody in government will.
All the best

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Groucho d'North on Aug 12, 2021 at 11:23 am

So if elected will the good Doctor be working for Yukoners or the Liberal Party? Larry had some difficulty deciding his purpose a number of times. We don't need another MP on a leash held by his boss.

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Yukoner1 on Aug 12, 2021 at 11:12 am

This will be interesting. Very few people believe that Hanley handled this pandemic 100% perfectly. In reality, there are two camps that comprise the vasy majority of the Yukon population:
Camp A believes that he didn't go far enough with restrictions and public health measures.
Camp B believe he overstepped in authority.
On doorsteps, he will need to answer to these two camps. He has two choices. Either he didn't perform well enough (in either scenario of not going far enough, or going too far), or a lot of the decisions were political in nature and not in his control.
If he chooses the former, then why would we elect someone who couldn't perform well enough in their last job?
If he chooses the latter, that's fine, so he disagreed with the politicians but had no choice. Except he's now asking people to vote for the same political stripes that he disagreed with.
This should be fun.

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Bandit on Aug 12, 2021 at 10:33 am

Unfortunately it's a win-win for Hanley, if he wins he will take a huge cut in pay but have a cushy office in Ottawa, (a win for Yukoners) if he loses he will still have his job as CMHO which is a loss for Yukoners. If he wants to run he should step down PERMANENTLY as CMHO.

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JSM on Aug 12, 2021 at 9:55 am

Seems mighty suspect that the person who had control over our civil liberties now wants to run for MP. Very obviously power hungry and now that his iron fist is loosening due to the covid pandemic ramping down he must find a new way to control. This is text book red block communism and I would be very afraid of what this means for our country as a whole. This sets a scary precedent that people in bipartisan positions in this country can secretly be operating out of bad faith. If you are still a liberal supporter after this you truly are lambs to the cosmic slaughter.

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Wow on Aug 12, 2021 at 9:49 am

Wow, Hanley this is a greasy move. Used the pandemic to get your face and voice on the TV and radio everyday, while Silver hid in the background. Now parlay this into political run after raking the taxpayer for 800k because of a global health crisis.

Simply Wow.

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Captain Obvious on Aug 12, 2021 at 9:21 am

Currie's Clickers are back (Yukon Party staffers paid with your tax dollars to slant the comments and run up the score to misrepresent public opinion) as we saw in the territorial election when the Clickers clicked their way often to a 10 times advantage that failed to materialize at the ballot box. Ditto here.

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jeff bikiaboom on Aug 12, 2021 at 9:16 am

Job well done hypnotizing Yukoners into being guinea pigs, get out before the adverse reaction numbers are out. Is it time to usher in the climate change tyranny, or time to start a war on the unvaxed? Either way it will have to be done through political propaganda instead medical. It will be interesting to see the route they choose.

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Wes on Aug 12, 2021 at 8:10 am

Jonas has a taste of the good life when he was The Pharmacists gopher.
And given his lack of education or talents, politics is his only real hope of getting that sort of job back.
I’d vote for Hanley for the simple fact that he’s educated, he’s got more going for him than just a fancy hairstyle, and he could be doing a lot of other jobs and the job of MP is a step down pay wise.
Also, Hanley would have a real chance at getting a ministerial post in a government, and if you don’t think that would be good for The Yukon, you need to think again.

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Grorge on Aug 12, 2021 at 8:01 am

Taking advantage of an appointed public trust position for political gain in unethical at best. I would never vote for this person.

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Vern Schlimbesser on Aug 12, 2021 at 5:35 am

This was quite plainly a reward for being the Liberal front man during the pandemic. I was naive in believing that there was some degree of independence, or at least some objectivity during all those decisions.
It appears I was wrong, again.
The Liberal party in Government achieved many things on their agenda from this pandemic. Is that wrong? Was it honest?

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Shaken not stirred on Aug 12, 2021 at 5:13 am

Well at least he's not coming from the needing a job position unlike the other unmentioned party. That being said I'll be spoiling my ballot in the next election for the first time.
Liberal bosses you can't cram this stuff down peoples throats, especially a non-transparent secret agent. This will not have a good result except maybe for the NDP.

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jack on Aug 12, 2021 at 1:54 am

Wow, talk about opportunism!!

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CJ2 on Aug 11, 2021 at 10:45 pm

Is Hanley saying he was going to contest Larry's nomination? I don't understand the timing. He was vetted between last Thursday and now?

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maggie kay on Aug 11, 2021 at 10:28 pm

I don't understand why the Liberals don't have an open nomination process. So disappointing. I have voted in this direction in the past but honestly can't stand this process that is elitist right from the get go. We should be looking for the best candidate - instead we are appointed the same old... "privileged white male" ...having said that, maybe he would have been the best candidate ... but how would we ever know who else is out there that is personable, passionate, purposeful, productive, problem-solver, perseverance and most of all principled. That's the Political 6 p's plus one and most of these guys only want to be popular and powerful.

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Aurora on Aug 11, 2021 at 10:25 pm

For a change I can sit back and enjoy myself reading the comments and knowing that most everyone else has things covered here....very little I can add because 98% of them could not have said it better. I was concerned that most of the public would be petrified to speak out against him being that he is the manufactured anointed one with a tin halo over his head and stardust everywhere he walks. Shame on him for being an unethical opportunist here....shame on him tenfold over and above what he is already guilty of with the 'plandemic' fear campaign.

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DL on Aug 11, 2021 at 10:14 pm

More evidence that covid always was a political virus. So, after destroying several businesses with unnecessary lockdowns with disastrous consequences (depression, overdoses, domestic abuse) now he's moving on to the Libs “Great Reset” agenda to further impoverish Canadians. That quarter million $$$ salary as CMO sure was convenient for padding the political campaign chest. That was taxpayers money though. Goodbye democracy.

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yuukon mom on Aug 11, 2021 at 10:13 pm

What AI said... Definitely very bad optics. it appears the CMOH, which should be a totally independent role has gotten way too cozy with the liberal government. The questions about whether covid decisions were based on science or political expediency will resurface with greater strength.

And replacing one older white male with a slightly less old white male without any nomination meeting must be frustrating for the local liberals. Taking a page from the CCP!! I was really hoping with Larry retiring there was the possibility of someone coming up that i could vote for. Perhaps if Justin is in such a hurry to call an election, Larry should have made a decision earlier so that a democratic decision could be made about who his successor would be.

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EJ on Aug 11, 2021 at 9:53 pm

haha - man this guy is so screwed. Half the people I see commenting on social media think he is horrible for opening up too soon. The other half I see, are roasting him for shutting everything down and destroying the economy and businesses. There is literally nothing he can do to make everyone happy.

I suspect that people who want to shut everything down again will vote NDP while those who think covid is a conspiracy and vaccinations are evil, will vote Conservative. I'm not sure there are enough people in the centre between those two extremes to elect him.

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Outback and beyond on Aug 11, 2021 at 9:17 pm

Am I the only one who Remembers that time during the Lockdown press conference he decided to read a lengthy poem?

God help us all.

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Patti Eyre on Aug 11, 2021 at 8:39 pm

I’m never surprised at how many haters there are. Well I think Hanley will do a fine job as MP.

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just wondering on Aug 11, 2021 at 7:59 pm

Figured it would be him or Curtis going for this. Stepping stones hey Dr Hanley.

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Kindness Now on Aug 11, 2021 at 7:28 pm

I don't care what your political stripes are - the Yukon is extremely fortunate to have such a high caliber candidate to want to represent the Yukon.

It's unfortunate that so many folks feel the need to comment so harshly. It takes no time at all to see that his intentions to help Yukoners is pure. Think about it, if elected, he would take a significant pay cut for a job that is thankless, at a time when most would be considering retiring. He doesn't need this money or this pension - so why is he doing it? Well if that doesn't show you his commitment to Yukoners I don't know what will.

At a time when the world, this county and our territory are grappling with mental health - and at at time when we are teaching our children that above all, be kind, I'm so disappointed by the aggressive and ill-informed comments.

Let's remove the political stripes again for just one moment. Dr. Hanley's resume is long and impressive. Hard Stop. Dr. Hanley could very well earn himself a Federal Cabinet Minister seat. Imagine the benefits to the Yukon then....

So Yukoners, ask yourself....do you want an experienced public servant serving you or not - because that is what it will come down to.

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Salt on Aug 11, 2021 at 7:18 pm

A disgusting, but all together unsurprising example of the state of our political class. Almost amoral and completely shameless. All they see are themselves.

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Oh gawd on Aug 11, 2021 at 5:30 pm

The very next article says, 'State of emergency to end in two weeks'. There goes the half million dollar top up to his quarter million dollar CMO job! Time to work on the pension.

But seriously. Brendan has proven his ability to read the reports from Ottawa to Yukoners. He is reliable. He will say and do what he's told for the Liberal Party establishment in the Yukon, and for Justin in Ottawa. They didn't dare risk losing him by having a democratic leadership election.

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TheHammer on Aug 11, 2021 at 5:23 pm

Reconciliation, he did a bad job with FN concerns over reopening. Climate change, there's absolutely nothing he can do about that. As for mental health, that requires a total transformation of Canadian culture, generally something in the hands of prophets, secondly Medical Doctors are not mental health specialists, on the contrary they specialize in pills for the soul. However, he had nothing to say about nuclear disarmament, a definite priority for anyone in the medical profession. Finally, being a medical doctor is not a qualification for politician. Hanley is not in touch with the poor working class, and not cognizant of FN wellness issues and how to deal with them, neither has any elected government, provincial or federal.

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Matthew on Aug 11, 2021 at 5:17 pm

Oh heck no! He has ruined us in 1.5years.. can you imagine 4 years of him!? Wow.. how does he even sleep at night!? I hope he does run, ill be there asking questions that will make him look like a 5 year old!

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Lost In the Yukon on Aug 11, 2021 at 5:15 pm

WTF … Surprised but not surprised. He is the last person I would vote for. He has been power tripping since the start of the pandemic, playing fast and loose with everyone’s freedoms and as he announces a relaxation in restrictions the motivation becomes abundantly clear … an opportunist? An overly inflated sense of his own importance?

As stated by someone earlier this has been in the works for a long time therefore everything he has said and done for the past year has to be questioned and examined as to how self-serving has he been all along … at everyone else’s expense.

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Oya on Aug 11, 2021 at 4:48 pm

What an opportunist! This makes me want to hurl. An overpaid a**kisser....
Not enough pension for you yet, Hanley?

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Nathan Living on Aug 11, 2021 at 4:45 pm

Love the comments here. I do wonder if any other nominations were considered and what the nomination process was.

Nevertheless, Dr. Hanley seems like a good person and I welcome his perspective, integrity and leadership.

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Lindsay Graham on Aug 11, 2021 at 4:23 pm

This clearly puts all of his advice during the last year in the category of “I’m doing this to get a good name so I can be a politician”. This is a mix of sad to see, from someone in his position as CMOH, where others have made great strides to be apolitical, to extremely disappointing and self-serving at best.

It also disappointing to see our Yukon reporters skimming over this. How about during the next news conference, ask Sandy: “how can you ensure that the actions of the CMOH are science based and apolitical and not part of political agenda, when Hanley has taken a leave to be the Liberal MP?” Spoiler alert: you can’t. It’s a clear bias.

In a time when science and scientists are being politicized, this doesn’t help and shows his self serving intentions….or his pure ignorance of this (not sure what’s worse).

While people may say his previous advice wasn’t political (and you may be right), with him now as the Liberal candidate, you unfortunately can’t prove that. It's also hard to swallow that this was such an emergency, when the guy running it was clearly just planning his political career the whole time (unless you actual believe this just came out of the blue for him…if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you).

This will be an unfortunate stain on Yukon government science for a long time.

Up 32 Down 14

Bingo on Aug 11, 2021 at 4:22 pm

Doesn’t it seem all too coincidental that an election is going to be called and all of a sudden, no masks, no safe 6 basically they’ve been told by the lunacy liberals to ensure it’s all open otherwise they can’t call an election. If Canadians have any integrity they would send a message loud and clear to these elitist casting away our health for their power trip.

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Joe on Aug 11, 2021 at 4:18 pm

Hidden agenda, all along. I can't believe how much this upsets me. Our chief medical officer was playing politics all along. I will not vote for you.

Up 149 Down 63

What a Sham on Aug 11, 2021 at 4:12 pm

I am not surprised by this at all. He has capitalized off the pandemic situation and it appears made enough extra money at it to afford to run for office. This entire thing has been political from the beginning and this manis using his publicity received from a pandemic to launch his political career. Disgusting. We Yukonners deserve better but likely won't get it.

Up 98 Down 53

Josey Wales on Aug 11, 2021 at 4:09 pm

Gee...wadda know, I was right again with this liberal talking head.
There ya go idiots, another political blowhole to vote for.
Seems the infants like being treated as such, love being subjects...

In our next alleged secure election, select this blowhole and follow the ideology...blindly.
Many other idiots ahead of you have done just that like drugged sheep.

What we got hear, is a failure to communicate...

Up 62 Down 175

edie rue on Aug 11, 2021 at 4:01 pm

Ok, here you go Dr. Hanley, it's yours to take. You are an incredible person, Doctor and leader, I would choose you any day over others. Your motivation is altruistic and impressive to observe. You need nothing, but want to subject yourself to the aggressive and time consuming nature of federal politics. You have my vote and I hope the vote of others.

Jonas, you better polish off your resume, or restring the guitar, cause you don't stand a chance.

Up 122 Down 51

PETER on Aug 11, 2021 at 3:54 pm

You got to be kidding! Does want to be another blind follower of the Liberal party and Liberal party leader? Larry did nothing until his chain was pulled by the liberal leader and told what to do.
Never listened to Yukoners and in my opinion never cared as long as he got a paycheck and perks.

Up 186 Down 29

ElectionYT on Aug 11, 2021 at 3:49 pm

First, Hanley appears to be a good guy and may or may not be a good MP.
But this is a terrible move from a communications and public policy perspective.
He has swiftly eradicated trust in public health by outright politicizing the CMOH role. That stain will not go any time soon - no future CMOH will be trusted to be nonpolitical for many years.

Politicizing the pandemic and vaccine uptake is exactly the wrong approach right now. This will only make the anti-vaccine crowd even more firm in their beliefs that this whole thing is political.
It is quite cynical and sneaky for our top doctor to enjoy his weekly press conferences and want to cash in on the fame he's gained during the pandemic.
I hope to see him lose, and I think it would be unacceptable to see him return to the CMOH role if he does. Civil servants should not be leveraging their role like this.

Up 140 Down 27

Al on Aug 11, 2021 at 3:45 pm

I am troubled by this declaration. The first is that I am surprised there was no nomination meeting here in the Yukon to allow local Liberals to select their candidate.

That being said I am more troubled an independent office that is/was not independent at all. We all know that perception in politics generally wins out. I am not going to sugar coat this: I had very little faith in Mr Hanley (some refer him to as Dr Fear). I found him to be less than transparent. He always appeared to have a hidden agenda (that was my perception). Rather than work with the community he "ruled autocratically" to the detriment of many folks who were/are on the receiving end of his pronouncements, tumbling the economy into a free-fall. It is quite apparent to me that he did not act independently but rather in concert with Silver. Why? good question.

It is he and only he that is responsible for how the third wave got out of control and the inaction of he and his team. To add some icing to this mixture is the amount of money he has received in the last 16+ months - in excess of a million dollars.

The last thing for me is to have him as our MP. I don't like the way he has stick handled the citizens to meet his own objectives.

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james i woods on Aug 11, 2021 at 3:37 pm

The communists are coming in through the back door of the parties, though liberals are the new communist party now, the rest are a breath away.

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Pierre on Aug 11, 2021 at 3:28 pm

Not sure how anybody who could put asleep a colic baby would be a welcome site nationally but I digress he's running for the Code Reds.

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Juniper Jackson on Aug 11, 2021 at 3:27 pm

Just when i thought things were looking up with Bagnell's departure. I knew Hanley was Liberal. If he gets elected, I can only hope we don't get the same wishywashy, contradictory service we received from him as a medical officer. Fear? Anxiety? was his way of keeping the public informed. He operates in secrecy, which is a Liberal trait, and doesn't seem to have a grasp on events outside of his little cubicle.
The good news is, he isn't the medical officer anymore. Maybe we'll hear better kinds of news, like, pandemic is winding down, but good health isn't.. take your vitamin D, eat healthy.. building up your immune system etc. Like.. Dawson has X cases, Faro, X cases. I'd like to hear, the Emergency Act is shut down. People have been complaining, not just me, but many posters, about the side affects of lockdown, drugs, booze, family violence, divorces and separations, suicides.. and NOW, Hanley is interested in mental health? yeah.. right.

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Ginger Johnson on Aug 11, 2021 at 3:04 pm

Yet another anointed candidate.
Why don't we have inter Party choices anymore ?

Up 101 Down 17

Groucho d'North on Aug 11, 2021 at 2:57 pm

I'm wondering who else was in consideration for the Liberal party MP role? Hanley's nomination seems a bit rushed and panicked. Who's agenda is at play here? Will Justin call the election tomorrow?
Should Doctor Hanley be successful in his campaign and become the Yukon's next MP I hope he is more resistant to the party whip than Larry was.

Up 135 Down 30

Rick S on Aug 11, 2021 at 2:44 pm

Speaks out both sides of his mouth, gives rambling, incoherent answers to simple questions, sows fear and confusion amongst the public, treats the public as subjects instead of citizens.

In other words, he'll be perfect on the Liberal bench at Parliament.

Up 107 Down 29

iBrian on Aug 11, 2021 at 2:42 pm

Ah NO. Not a chance. He’s already displayed a secretive way of his “Communication” as well, being a Frenchman would not call him
Bi-lingual, more like Frenglish.
He lost all my respect and many other with his cookie crumb delivery of limited and incomplete information.
Not a Liberal to begin with. But can tell you anyone who works to reduce the Social Assistance hand out, and free money give aways will get my vote.
Not even sure we have a Federal Candidate that is like minded.

Up 130 Down 40

TMYK on Aug 11, 2021 at 2:22 pm

Word is that Hanley and the Liberals have been planning this for well over a year. They helped him use COVID to build his profile in preparation for him to run.

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