Stay up to date with vaccines, minister, MD urge Yukoners
Yukoners aged 18 and older will soon have access to a Moderna bivalent COVID-19 vaccine.
Yukoners aged 18 and older will soon have access to a Moderna bivalent COVID-19 vaccine.
The doses are anticipated to arrive in the territory later this month. They will then be made available to Yukoners as soon as possible.
Health and Social Services Minister Tracy-Anne McPhee and Dr. Sudit Ranade, the territory’s chief medical officer of health, made the announcement Thursday afternoon.
This is the first bivalent COVID-19 vaccine authorized in Canada.
Announced Thursday as formally approved by Health Canada, the vaccine provides protection against both the Omicron and the original COVID-19 variants.
“Adults 18 years of age and older who are recommended to receive a booster dose should be offered an authorized dose of the bivalent Omicron containing mRNA COVID-19 vaccine,” McPhee and Ranade said in a joint statement.
“Yukoners who are eligible for a booster, especially those at an increased risk of severe outcomes, should not delay their planned vaccination in anticipation of a bivalent vaccine.
“This vaccine is recommended no sooner than six months after receiving a previous COVID-19 vaccine dose, and at least three months after a COVID-19 infection,” McPhee and Ranade added.
“As we approach flu season, Yukoners are encouraged to stay up to date with their vaccines, including immunization against influenza.
“Vaccinations are the best way to maintain personal health, protect family and friends and reduce pressures on our health services.”
Meanwhile, the government’s COVID dashboard reported 18 new official COVID cases in the territory between Wednesday and Thursday, as well as 20 active cases on Wednesday and 22 on Thursday.
There were 24 new cases officially recorded in the territory between Monday and Thursday. This compares with 19 new cases for the same period a week ago.
Official active cases in Whitehorse on Wednesday stood at 11 and rose to 13 on Thursday.
The test positivity rate stood at 39.7 per cent on both Wednesday and Thursday.
Dawson City recorded two new active cases on Wednesday, after reporting no official cases on Monday and Tuesday.
Haines Junction had one new case Thursday after having had no COVID cases since Aug. 19.
The number of citizens who have been hospitalized since the start of the pandemic rose by one to 160 on Wednesday.
The status of the Whitehorse General Hospital went from yellow to orange on Wednesday. Orange is a mix of yellow – space limited in some service areas – with red – space extremely limited in a full hospital.
Comments (31)
Up 6 Down 2
@Jeff Bikaboom - Ivermectin on Sep 9, 2022 at 11:32 am
Funny, I couldn't find anything on cdc website or fda website about ivermectin being approved to treat Covid (most recent update was April 2022). The opposite in fact - still approved to treat certain parasites, but the update basically said no more $$ were going to be spent on research, as study after study showed no effect on Covid. If you or others have a link that says differently, please provide it
Up 5 Down 5
AdmiralA$$ on Sep 9, 2022 at 8:34 am
Indeed Mr. Bikaboom,
Unknown cause of death. Now the leading cause of death in the province of Alberta. In a first world country with publicly funded medical institutions in 2022 "unknown cause of death" has become a leading cause of death. They made a new acronym for it too, SADS or "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome".
Ahhh, the new normal, as we are told to call it looks anything but. Oh yeah and Wednesday BoC pushed overnight rates up another 75 base points. BoC rate now 3.25% and climbing next November again.
Up 5 Down 5
Roy on Sep 8, 2022 at 5:08 pm
@ Jeff B
"It was added to the CDC website. Quietly."
Then surely you have the link - when I search CDC and ivermectin I get this
"Ivermectin is not approved by the FDA for the treatment of any viral infection."
"The Panel recommends against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19, except in clinical trials"
So it's not approved. And it's not recommended. Yet you and Gus want us to think that it's quietly been added to the list of approved covid treatments. So quietly that right wing media like Rebel News and Fox News haven't bothered to report on it - even though they would blast this news daily if it were true.
It's the same story with your constant harping on increased deaths - if this is from the vaccines then these same news sources would be covering the story daily. Yet you can't find a single new source covering it - so either it's not true or you're saying Rebel News, Breitbart, Trump and his truth social clowns, and Pierre Polievre are all compromised and are in on the coverup. Sure sure. Only Jeff B in the Yukon has the real info on the risks of the vaccines and the coming storm of death!
And as for your "the truckers saved us" maybe check in on how that is going - the Ottawa losers have been evicted and the Alberta losers are going to jail for plotting to kill police. The majority of truckers in Canada are vaccinated and want nothing to do with these people. You live in a dreamworld where these losers "saved us" LOL
Up 14 Down 3
Jeff Bikaboom on Sep 8, 2022 at 1:15 pm
Has this new vaccine been approved? Emergency approval? Are we in a state of emergency?
I like to reference the Alberta statistics, but vaccine outcomes have been removed from the site. They did this at the same time as Ontario because vaccinated outnumbered unvaccinated in covid cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. Proportionally.
This is negative efficacy. Add to this that 'Unknown Cause' of death is double that of covid deaths. Only vaccinated are effected by this 'Unknown Cause' of death. Perhaps this is what has caused the 30 percent increase in deaths in the Yukon for the last two years.
I suggest people research how the human trials for these new shots went, or if there even was any.
Trudeau has already made threats if we don't see 80-90 percent of eligible people take the shot. Unvaccinated are not eligible so it is up to the double shot to rise to the occasion for some noncompliance.
"Please show where Ivermectin is now approved for use in Covid. I'd like to see that. "
It was added to the CDC website. Quietly.
Up 15 Down 4
AdmiralA$$ on Sep 8, 2022 at 12:28 pm
Does it provide immunity? oh...only to the manufacturers, interesting.
Up 6 Down 12
bonanzajoe on Sep 6, 2022 at 8:34 pm
Sorry Roy, gave you a thumbs down by mistake. Good comment.👍
Up 18 Down 4
Hey Dave on Sep 6, 2022 at 6:28 pm
You made a decision, dug in, and now you have to try and convince everyone (and maybe yourself) that it was the right one. I couldn't care less if you, or anyone, gets boosters, and I say nothing to anyone about the vaccine. Keep 'speaking up' as you put it - your audience is very small.
Up 20 Down 39
Roy on Sep 6, 2022 at 4:38 pm
@ Gus
Please show where Ivermectin is now approved for use in Covid. I'd like to see that.
Vaccines are clearly helping - just not as much as we were promised. But it's clearly helping. You should expand your mind beyond the binary "it works/it doesn't work" mindset.
Superspreader events were 100% a thing. Be glad you never went to one. Ask the Yukoners who ended up in intensive care how they feel about contracting covid.
Hey what ever happened to hydroxychloroquine - that used to be everyone's favourite fringe treatment - why did y'all switch to wanting a dewormer to fight off a virus? Especially a virus that you say is just a cold.
You guys can never keep your stories straight. It's a fake pandemic but it's also a bioweapon from China while simultaneously being developed by Bill Gates and Soros - who also developed the vaccine because they want to depopulate the world using 5G signals - and it's just a cold or a flu but if you get it you should take a deworming medication and we should all just be focused on healthy living but let's drive around in our jacked up trucks and honk the horn and keep being obese and never exercise. And the vaccinated are all going to die from immune system shut down. Either next month or in 5 years or maybe 10 years. Let's call it 15 years from now just to be safe - that way no one can ever say you were wrong.
Up 27 Down 16
DL on Sep 6, 2022 at 1:09 pm
There's been a total lack of transparency with this Liberal-NDP regime about the risks for this experimental covid injection. They withhold data about the context of those so-called covid deaths/hospitalization, although in the few cases that the public knows about, the patients were old and frail with severe pre-existing conditions. The Liberal-NDP regime has also withheld information about successful treatments for covid, such as Ivermectin. They even coerced people to take this experimental covid injection for travel or work. They've behaved in complete violation of informed consent.
Now, tell us about the severe adverse reactions and deaths to this covid injection. Tell us about the non-covid "excess deaths" following this injection. You can't cover up the truth forever, it's coming out now.
Up 31 Down 9
Juniper Jackson on Sep 6, 2022 at 3:36 am
To: A woman’s prerogative: If you had followed any of my posts, you would have read that I have a great respect for most of the Doctors in the Yukon. And at 3 am with a stroke? oh yeah.. they ARE my heros'.. the pseudo non-working office doctors? Not so much. They are dancing to the Liberal tune "Health and Social Services Minister Tracy-Anne McPhee and Dr. Sudit Ranade", and no.. I wouldn't trust them. I'm even concerned about the annual flu shot..what might this government decide to sneak into that shot.. For my own good of course.
I have never been in favor of this untrialed covid non-vaccine. But, I have always been in favor of choice. You want it? Go get it. You don't want it? than walk on by. Not I, nor anyone else should be privvy to your health, and you alone should be responsible for your health decisions.
By the by.. did you have any opinions about this topic? Or just read comments to take a poke at posters. It really irritates me when people censure others posts and comments. You must be a Liberal, they seem to be the only one's wanting to close down free speech.
Up 35 Down 19
Gus on Sep 5, 2022 at 8:52 pm
Masks didn't work, jabs weren't effective, super spreaders were never a thing, Ivermectin is now an approved treatment, and the unvaccinated are still here hanging out doing fine. Boy oh boy, some of you guys sure got bamboozled by The Science™ and The Experts™, didn't ya??
Up 20 Down 17
Idiom for idiots on Sep 5, 2022 at 11:27 am
@ implicit sexism. It has nothing to do with either. It’s an old expression which goes as follows: It’s a woman’s prerogative to change her mind.” It was a reference to JJ’s apparent 180 with regard to the medical establishment and nothing more. I would not have chosen the term if I did not know its meaning. We all have a dictionary and a vocabulary. Everything isn’t about gender ideology. Is the expression “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” also offensive to you? I offer this comment to all of person-kind in peace.
Up 16 Down 15
Inclu on Sep 5, 2022 at 11:09 am
@ implicit sexism: it’s an old expression and nothing more. Sort of like cart before the horse or rule of thumb. Everything isn’t about gender ideology. I’m sorry you struggle with figures of speech such as metaphor but it’s great that you are able to cut and paste dictionary definitions. Good for you! I would not have likely chose the term if I was struggling with its definition, though. I, too, own a dictionary.
Up 49 Down 21
Adam Morrison on Sep 5, 2022 at 8:05 am
The "experts" said that you need two weeks lockdown to prevent C19, they said you need six weeks masking to stop it, they said two vaccine shots will finish it, they said double boosters will just end it. If you still believe these "experts" your belief is blind and harmful.
Up 35 Down 16
Sourdough on Sep 4, 2022 at 9:24 pm
Tested on 8 mice. No thanks. No evidence of any usefulness.
Up 53 Down 20
Dave on Sep 4, 2022 at 3:58 pm
Hey Chirping- So according to you it would be so much better if people just stayed quiet and didn’t remind everyone of the misinformation we’ve been subjected to regarding the ‘fully vaccinated’ status that turned out to mean anything but that. That little gem from the medical establishment could just be allowed to kind of fade from peoples memory then couldn’t it? I however will continue to speak up whenever and wherever I can on the subject as is my right. If you want to stick your fingers in your ears and bury your head in the sand that’s your right.
Up 24 Down 24
Implicit sexism… Gender norming… on Sep 4, 2022 at 9:47 am
In response to A woman’s prerogative on Sep 3, 2022 at 11:24 am:
I am curious about your handle. Can you tell us a little more about your statement? At what point does the assertion of one’s prerogative become sexist?
Can men or members of the alphanumeric community not change their minds too as a matter of prerogative or is this a right reserved to women only?
1a : an exclusive or special right, power, or privilege: such as. (1) : one belonging to an office or an official body. (2) : one belonging to a person, group, or class of individuals. (3) : one possessed by a nation as an attribute of sovereignty.
Talk about female privilege…
Up 68 Down 22
Ben on Sep 3, 2022 at 1:38 pm
Nope. You blew that one. I won’t be getting another shot in my life. That’s enough of that.
Up 27 Down 31
A woman’s prerogative on Sep 3, 2022 at 11:24 am
@Juniper Jackson. Now you feel like a test piggy who’s been lied to? Last time you weighed in, the doctors were heroes. When you’re lying in that emergency room, be sure to let the doctors know exactly how you feel as of Friday. You’ve come a long way, baby!
Up 49 Down 28
41 shots on Sep 3, 2022 at 11:05 am
Has it ever occurred to you vaxtards there is no variant-specific Covid test? Has it occurred to you if you have to take them in perpetuity they DON’T WORK AGAINST COVID? Great, now it’s time to ask what the vaccines DO.
Up 33 Down 11
Max Mack on Sep 3, 2022 at 9:43 am
Listen to what Dr. Vinay Prasad has to say about the FDA approval (Health Canada is just copy-catting the FDA approval) and then decide if it's worth the risk.
Up 51 Down 37
Some people still can't resist chirping about it on Sep 3, 2022 at 7:07 am
Don't want this? Don't get it. Tired of hearing about it? Don't get it. Think the virologists are lying to you about this? Don't get it. But just shut up - you don't need to tell the world why you don't want it, everyone else has pretty much moved on.
Up 42 Down 22
North_of_60 on Sep 2, 2022 at 11:41 pm
If I'm not C0vaxzd then I'm 100% protected from the adverse reactions that are causing the increase in sudden unexplained deaths, and unprecedented excess mortality.
CoronaVax safety in the Netherlands - Is is excess mortality related to vaccination?
Up 60 Down 11
The party of “science” on Sep 2, 2022 at 7:38 pm
“We believe in science”
Give me a break
Up 53 Down 24
bonanzajoe on Sep 2, 2022 at 5:45 pm
This should tell us why the gov is promoting Moderna - A year ago, Moderna stock was $450.00. Today, it's $138.00. A drop of $312.00. I wonder how much JT has personally invested in Moderna and Pfizer? From what I heard earlier this week, he's worth over 450 million dollars. And that since he became PM. Check it out.
Up 49 Down 17
bonanzajoe on Sep 2, 2022 at 5:37 pm
I had 3 and thats it! Jail me.
Up 59 Down 15
Matthew on Sep 2, 2022 at 5:11 pm
LOL! But wait, more dead from overdose than Covid since its been around.. why aren't we removing free drugs from the streets? Here we are living backwards and giving drugs away..
Up 100 Down 30
Dave on Sep 2, 2022 at 4:31 pm
No, I was told I was fully vaccinated a long time ago. I’m tired of being lied to by health officials and government and I’m not going to keep injecting this stuff into my body.
Up 83 Down 30
RickS on Sep 2, 2022 at 4:05 pm
If anyone wants mine, they can have it. That's a four-for-two quadvalent vaccine! What a deal!
Woe to anyone still taking advice from these politicians, bureaucrats, pharmaceutical companies, and other associated slugs.
Up 89 Down 33
Juniper Jackson on Sep 2, 2022 at 3:24 pm
These medical announcements are so full of crap.. what are they doing? How can they possibly know how many cases of anything there are anywhere? Reporting is not mandatory, WHO has removed covid from pandemic status. The Silver/Trudeau Liberals are the same ones that told Terry Coventry he could go ahead and die if he wanted to stay in his home with his family and friends, they were not going to spend $40,000 on the machine that would save his life..but 10 million for a running track was ok.. Their priorities are so skewed.
So, now they want me to trust them? I don't think so.
"This is the first bivalent COVID-19 vaccine authorized in Canada." What the hell is this anyway? (A vaccine that works by stimulating an immune response against two different antigens, such as two different viruses or other microorganisms.) Yeah..I am going to skip this one. I'm pretty done with being a test piggy. First time in Canada huh? Lord, help us all. The country is so close to the sewer on all fronts.
Up 90 Down 41
The sinister minister on Sep 2, 2022 at 3:23 pm
Shut up! We are tired of your interference in our lives and we want our “democracy” back!