Photo by Whitehorse Star
Jonas Smith
Photo by Whitehorse Star
Jonas Smith
Jonas Smith isn’t finished with politics yet
Jonas Smith isn’t finished with politics yet – despite being dismissed as a candidate by the Conservative Party of Canada over his views on mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports.
Smith was told he was disqualified as a candidate late last week by party officials.
That was formalized over the weekend, Smith told the Star this morning, despite his last-minute efforts to come to some kind of compromise solution.
As a result, he has decided to run as an independent candidate in the election called Sunday by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
He said he hopes to attract disaffected Conservative supporters to his cause.
Smith also said he hopes to lure voters from other parties, particularly Liberals unhappy with the choice of Brendan Hanley as a candidate.
“I believe I can run as an alternative for the people,” Smith said.
He acknowledged most independent candidates have little chance of election unless they are in unusual circumstances, such as Jody Wilson-Raybould in British Columbia.
She won re-election in 2019 after breaking ranks with Trudeau and the Liberals in a very public spat.
Smith said he sees some comparisons between himself and Wilson-Raybould in that they have encountered difficulties with party discipline and partisanship while sticking to their principles.
Smith said he still finds the actions of the Conservative party very difficult to comprehend.
He had made no secret that he views mandatory vaccination in some job sectors as unacceptable, as well as vaccine passports.
Smith said he considers vaccine status to be part of an unalienable right to privacy and security of the person.
“I support vaccination,” he said. “My kids are vaccinated.
“But people shouldn’t have to be forced to tell strangers about their medical history (for employment or other purposes),” Smith said.
“That’s my belief. Medical information shouldn’t be disclosed. It’s a privacy issue.”
Smith said he was more confused with what the party was telling him after listening to leader Erin O’Toole issue a statement over the weekend expressing much the same sentiments.
“I don’t know where to begin with how I feel,” he said. “I refused to change my views last week when they asked me to, then he makes those comments.”
On Sunday, O’Toole skirted around national media questions about whether his party is insisting its candidates be fully vaccinated.
Smith said he also couldn’t explain how he managed to get this far into the process and through the party vetting before the issue became a problem.
The party officials who initially grilled him last week didn’t have the authority to strip him of his candidacy, but they said he was gone after the back-and-forth discussion.
Smith said Conservative supporters in the Yukon riding association were “quite upset” over the situation.
He said he had heard from numerous party members and association members who said they were furious over the lack of consultation by the national party over the issue.
Smith wouldn’t name names, but said he has been contacted by association board members who have resigned their positions over the issue.
Many party members, he added, had contacted him over the weekend to say they didn’t want to nominate another candidate for the election as a gesture of protest.
The Star’s efforts to contact the Yukon Conservative Association to confirm what Smith said have gone unanswered so far.
Smith said he will concentrate on getting his name placed on the ballot as an independent candidate as soon as possible. He will start his campaign as soon as possible as well.
He said he has more than enough financial support to run a vigorous campaign without party backing.
So far, Smith – who almost beat retiring Liberal MP Larry Bagnell in the October 2019 election – would be one of two declared candidates.
Hanley spent the weekend in Dawson City, taking the Discovery Day festivities, his campaign manager, Moira Lassen, said in an email.
He has already started knocking on doors and laying plans to visit various communities.
The NDP unveiled its candidate today (see p. 3), while Yukon Green Party officials are set to announce their candidate on Wednesday afternoon.
The election will happen Sept. 20 after a 36-day campaign. That’s the shortest possible campaign length for a federal election.
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Comments (55)
Up 5 Down 2
My two bits on Aug 23, 2021 at 8:55 pm
Unlike a lot of others, I am definitely not a political expert about the Yukon. But I was born and raised and have seen a lot. Right now I am seeing a lot of ego and emotion. Not a lot of common sense. Whether you accept it or not, here is the reality of the Yukon: we are irrelevant to the politics of Canada (small population and we contribute nothing to the national wealth, etc.). Therefore, we need every advantage possible to advocate for us in Ottawa so we continue to get [more than] our fair share of the federal largesse. Without these federal contributions, we don't build new infrastructure (roads and bridges, airports, hospitals, long-term care facilities, schools, subdivisions, and every other public building) or enhanced medical services.
Yup, people are on the internet crying and complaining about the territorial government and services, etc. But these federal monies generate wages for Yukoners who support Yukon businesses. If we don't have a strong voice in Ottawa that is connected to a larger party or agenda, then that crying and complaining will be fixed: we won't have anything to complain about and everyone will have to move back to wherever, except the 25,000 that were here before this present boom.
That being said, I cannot believe that some think that an independent MP would be beneficial for the Yukon. An inexperienced loner in Ottawa with no friends and a wacky agenda? He burned his bridges with the Conservatives. He certainly won't get much help from the other parties if he was elected. He has no knowledge about the Ottawa scene. The Yukon would have both an inexperienced MP and Senator - obviously this would not be good. Does anyone remember Louise Hardy, the NDP MP, who had no profile in Ottawa and the Yukon felt it! Despite all the juvenile rants about Larry, he delivered for the Yukon. Whoever wins the election for Yukon MP, I hope that it is either the Liberals or Conservatives - so we have a meaningful voice in Ottawa. Not an independent, yelling into the wind. But what do I know.
Up 2 Down 0
Observer on Aug 23, 2021 at 6:54 pm
So there Mr. Al the political prognosticator (the one that continues to always pick the wrong horse in the race and result), does the 216 congrats on his FB page mean that the Curry Clickers have found their way on to that site too?
Up 4 Down 1
Dentist 47 on Aug 23, 2021 at 6:37 pm
Jonás will split the conservative vote and Hanley will get in. Jonas is acting like a spoiled brat by running as an independent and thereby causing the conservative candidate to lose. If by some fluke he gets elected he will be stuck up in a corner, and will have absolutely 0% impact on whatever happens. Look at the effect that Jody Reybauld Wilson (sp, I know) had. And she was an experienced parliamentarian.
If JS was Really serious about being a conservative, he would drop out and throw his support behind the conservative candidate.
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Lost In the Yukon on Aug 23, 2021 at 5:23 pm
Very selfish … all his tantrum is doing is ensuring a liberal win.
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John on Aug 21, 2021 at 8:20 pm
Who cares! I’m voting for Lenore, she’s by far the best candidate. Party lines are blurred and all parties follow the flavour of the day so it doesn’t matter which party but the person sure matters.
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SH on Aug 21, 2021 at 11:11 am
A house divided against itself cannot stand. I am fairly confident that this means a win for the liberals.
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drum on Aug 20, 2021 at 6:49 pm
I am a conservative but Jonas has my vote. Ottawa has no right to tell us what to do - they do not know what is best for the Yukon.
Up 24 Down 12
John on Aug 20, 2021 at 12:02 pm
@Bob Niven
You are just jealous you chose the wrong candidate. Suck it up buttercup.
By the way - it is just ordinary folks who want real change and are tired of party politics that produce BS in the end.
Up 24 Down 37
Bob Nevin on Aug 20, 2021 at 11:09 am
"He said he has more than enough financial support to run a vigorous campaign without party backing."
OH ! Really ?
And where is it coming from ?
Alberta oil and/or mining companies would be my guess.
Considering the fortune that they've poured in Smith's campaigns you'd think they'd find a better candidate.
Up 31 Down 17
Al on Aug 19, 2021 at 10:17 pm
A FB note from Jonas this evening sporting a huge smile.
He says "This is the look on my face walking out of the Elections Canada office this afternoon after filing my papers, and I am the first candidate to file. Bank account opened today too. This is really happening people!"
Within an hour of posting - 217 congratulations.
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Joe and jane on Aug 19, 2021 at 3:36 pm
@ Al, ..thank you for the perspective and I agree with you.
Up 23 Down 14
Chris Fox on Aug 19, 2021 at 1:25 pm
JustSayin' on Aug 19, 2021 at 11:22 am
YEP - Smith was Pasloski's Number One.
He ran "Darryl Drugstore's" disastrous reelection campaign.
How many sitting Premier's finish LAST in their own riding when seeking reelection for the first time ?
Darryl did !
Up 30 Down 27
Outback and beyond on Aug 19, 2021 at 1:14 pm
I Never would have voted for Jonas before this happened. Didn’t think he had enough experience.
Now I see he is a strong candidate with integrity.
Up 35 Down 19
marylaker on Aug 19, 2021 at 12:55 pm
Jonas seems to be slippery enough to be a politician. "“I support vaccination,” he said. “My kids are vaccinated."
He did NOT say that he and / or his wife are vaccinated. And he is probably refering to childhood vaccines, not covid, when it comes to his kids.
I think he's trying to be all things to all people. I remember in the last election, he said publicly that he is a "social conservative". And in this statement, he says, "God bless Canada. God bless the Yukon."
God bless? I would prefer a politician who leaves 'god' out of it, given 'god's' opinion on women, gay people, and so on.
No, I think there's a whole lot more going on with Jonas Smith than we are being told. Erin O'Toole just told a crowd in Quebec, "I am not Andrew Scheer. Let me be clear about that."
It looks like O'Toole is going back to the PROGRESSIVE Conservative playbook, which suits me just fine. The new Yukon CPC candidate looks alright, and I have a lot more faith in O'Toole than a third term of Trudeau. I did not vote for Harper and I did not vote for Scheer, but I will vote for Erin O'Toole. I'm not 100% on board, but he is better than the alternatives.
Up 35 Down 17
Al on Aug 19, 2021 at 12:09 pm
It seems you are pointing fingers in the wrong direction my friend. First off Jonas' move as an independent is not a selfish move. It was motivated along by many, more than many supporters of Jonas who encouraged him to run. Remember it was he who won the Nomination for the CPC not Barbara. In fact she was appointed after the railroading of Jonas by National because he stood his ground on advocating for personal rights for all of us ! Think on that before casting a dispersion on his character.
So if there is an up-setter and upstart it is Barbara who should have left well enough alone for Jonas to capture this riding.
Up 14 Down 3
JustSayin' on Aug 19, 2021 at 11:22 am
Smith worked for the last conservative territorial government.
Up 23 Down 10
Suzanne on Aug 19, 2021 at 6:12 am
Curious in reading the article that Jonas says his kids are vaccinated. I thought that his kids were young-too young for the Covid vaccine.
Up 29 Down 19
Jonas was wronged on Aug 18, 2021 at 8:30 pm
Jonas was wronged by the Conservative Party of Canada and he needs our support now. Let's not be told what to do by Ottawa.
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Matthew on Aug 18, 2021 at 8:00 pm
Jonas all the way, I've had a few chats with him, on and off the campaign trail. He is what the Yukon needs right now. I will surely be attending the debates!
Up 24 Down 29
Joe on Aug 18, 2021 at 4:47 pm
What a trainwreck, selfish move by this guy. You won't win, you're gonna kill the conservative push due to vote split and you're gonna allow a liberal seat in an otherwise obvious national push towards blue.
Up 47 Down 24
Bill on Aug 18, 2021 at 1:49 pm
Wow ! Your info on 3 of the 4 candidates being public servants hits the nail on the head. I did some quick calculations about these people's salaries.
We know that Hanley gouged the taxpayers this past 1 1/2 year to near a million. Dunlop as a Director would have hit us up for 130k plus (with now a pension (government dole monies) likely around 80k. Then we have Leduc likely raking in 80k plus. Not a bad haul for these three to help screw us citizens. With these kind of handouts from our pockets we need to shake our heads as to why we would want to send them to Ottawa to sit in the backbenches and be like the proverbial dog in the back of the window nodding it's head to yes boss, whatever you say boss. All this while they get to rake in 180k plus.
Not on your life will I support this fleecing scheme to already overpaid silly servants !!!
Up 5 Down 19
Allan Stanley on Aug 18, 2021 at 1:26 pm
"Patricia on Aug 17, 2021 at 9:11 pm"
I have a relative who is part of Bernier's inner circle - so - YA - I do know.
Up 37 Down 14
Groucho d'North on Aug 18, 2021 at 1:14 pm
Vote splitting does nothing to remove the Liberal blight that is the Canadian tragedy. Our political parties are as disfunctional as the governments they become; and as others have already noted it appears the electorate is being removed from the electoral process by the party leaderships. Accountability is dying alongside all this dictatorial decision making.
Democracy has had better days.
Up 22 Down 22
Bob Nevin on Aug 18, 2021 at 1:14 pm
Why didn't Smith (Pasloski's "Prince Harry") run in the last Territorial election?
Not getting along with Pasloski's "Prince William" ?
Up 24 Down 9
Rick Ellis on Aug 18, 2021 at 12:38 pm
"Wilf Carter on Aug 18, 2021 at 5:26 am"
163 mayoral votes Wilf Carter mocking a female candidate - no surprise there.
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Gilles Fortin on Aug 18, 2021 at 11:31 am
and Smith continues to make Ryan Leef look like a genius
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BnR on Aug 18, 2021 at 9:56 am
Ok, stop me if you’ve heard this one before.
Alright, a bartender and a romance novel writer walk into a Yukon Conservative Party nomination meeting....
Up 55 Down 38
Chris Fox on Aug 18, 2021 at 9:47 am
This confirms what I've always thought about Smith.
He's just in this for himself - chasing the big salary and unreal pensions that MP's get.
Yukon's one MP sitting in the back corner of the House of Commons as an ostracized Independent would be ignored for 4 years.
NOT what we need right now.
Up 8 Down 20
TheHammer on Aug 18, 2021 at 9:23 am
bonanzajoe@ So much for the secret democratic ballot, hoping to lure more of your kind?
Up 58 Down 33
John on Aug 18, 2021 at 8:12 am
Hm, this is interesting as food for thought. Here is the breakdown of who is who:
Hanley, Liberal - currently a public servant
Dunlop, Conservative - recently retired public servant
Leduc, NDP - currently a public servant
Smith - the only true private sector
Seems like an easy choice for me. The last thing we need as another representative that is a public servant, aka bureaucrat.
Up 48 Down 42
Wilf Carter on Aug 18, 2021 at 5:26 am
Barb Dunlop running for conservative party of Canada is big mistake for Yukon. I worked for her at Department of Economic Development where she was director of strategic industry and knew very little about economic development.
Folks vote for Jonas Smith - he is a great person, believes in Yukon and its people.
Up 55 Down 30
Tom Foolery on Aug 17, 2021 at 11:01 pm
Hanley is addicted to the lime light and needs a vaccine for self importance.
I’m proud of Jonas for sticking to his guns. Hanley would just be a yes man like Larry .
Up 28 Down 18
comen sense on Aug 17, 2021 at 9:56 pm
This only helps the misfit Liberal party.
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Patricia on Aug 17, 2021 at 9:11 pm
Allan Stanley how do you know Maxine Bernier’s Party doesn’t want him. Could be he doesn’t want to be a part of that party.
Up 32 Down 29
Let me read your tarot cards... on Aug 17, 2021 at 8:41 pm
The Conservatives took NS, normally a sea of red, the tide has changed and the sea is now blue- this is a message the People of this Country are intent on sending on a federal level - this charade is over.
Foreign nations love when we, as Canadian People, are divided. China and Russia are sitting on the edge of their seats, while we all squabble under the roof of Canada. If we don’t smarten up over what colours we all are and all the other nuances everyone of us contain- you’re going to be speaking Russian or Mandarin in a few years.
Now take that to the poling station. United we stand- divided we fall. Don’t kid yourself for a moment, as that’s the agenda here. Keep playing on what divides and turns us against one another - so they can do whatever they want to us.
Up 17 Down 34
Wes on Aug 17, 2021 at 7:43 pm
Unemployment makes for desperate decisions.
However, if he does get elected, having an independent as our MP will certainly be nothing but good for The Yukon......
Up 50 Down 39
AL FEDORIAK on Aug 17, 2021 at 7:40 pm
Jonas Smith you have just illustrated the kind of person Yukoners' must elect as our person in Ottawa. if we are to be looked upon and accepted as a legal entity or jurisdiction within Canada we cannot continue to send a political puppet to Ottawa as our Member of Parliament. Yukoners; let's elect Jonas Smith, someone we select, not a puppet selected by the people in Ottawa.
Up 31 Down 23
BnR on Aug 17, 2021 at 7:38 pm
Well that’ll show em.
Go get em Jonas...
Up 35 Down 11
North_of_60 on Aug 17, 2021 at 7:29 pm
When running for party leader, O’Toole signed a Canadian Taxpayers Federation pledge to oppose the federal carbon tax. The vow said: “I, Erin O’Toole promise that if elected Prime Minister of Canada, I will: Immediately repeal the Trudeau carbon tax, and reject any future national carbon tax or cap-and-trade scheme.” Now O’Toole says his carbon tax scheme will start at $20/tonne and increase to $50/tonne but never higher. Critics argue that can be trusted as much as O’Toole’s vow to never bring in a carbon tax.
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drum on Aug 17, 2021 at 7:24 pm
Jonas has my vote. He should have never been dismissed from the Conservative Party in the Yukon. Now we will have a split vote. This is the stupidest thing that O'Toole has done. Does he have any idea he just now took the Conservatives out of politics in the Yukon - or does he care?
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Juniper Jackson on Aug 17, 2021 at 7:06 pm
Everyone is entitled to vote for whoever they want. It's up to the candidates to convince them. I well remember Canada before 2015. And, the heart breaking Canada we have today. I don't want anymore scandals, lies, debt, and the rest of the s*** coming out of the current sitting government. I will not call you names, if you vote Liberal, but, I would ask you.. "why?".
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My Opinion on Aug 17, 2021 at 7:05 pm
Look at the Liberals and Conservatives Vying for their 4 year dictatorship. Shameful, don't vote for them, vote independent.
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My Opinion on Aug 17, 2021 at 7:03 pm
So any Conservatives that were supporting Jonas. Do you want your donation back after having your candidate pulled? I know I do.
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My Opinion on Aug 17, 2021 at 7:01 pm
I am a 45 year Conservative. I am with you Jonas. Bad mistake by Conservatives trying to be Liberal Light. Their loss. They could have had this riding.
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Sheepchaser on Aug 17, 2021 at 5:59 pm
“Smith said he sees some comparisons between himself and Wilson-Raybould”
Hahahaha. That’s rich.
Some differences would be that Mr. Smith hasn’t been elected, is not held in high regard within a regulated profession, was not pressured to do something criminal like interfering with an ongoing investigation, and is unable to comprehend that one’s right to privacy ends at the point where danger to others begins.
Wilson-Raybould is educated, successful, with… and here’s the real crux of it… a proven track record in life outside of politics prior to thinking of herself as ready to represent Canadians in a time of complex government tackling complex issues with complex solutions. I very much doubt Smith could survive a debate with Wilson-Raybould without falling back on something like ‘well, it’s just what I believe’ or some other euphemism for being out of one’s depth.
The core tenant of the balance struck by the Charter is that your right to swing your fist ends when it reasonably appears to be travelling towards another person’s face. You’d think that someone asking for the job of parliamentarian, also known as a law maker, would have some understanding of that.
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Olav on Aug 17, 2021 at 5:33 pm
Split the vote!
Congratulations to Dr. Hanley, Jonas has handed you a resounding win.
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Max Mack on Aug 17, 2021 at 5:07 pm
Perhaps O'Toole's real motivations have nothing to do with mandatory vaccines, vaccine passports, and "health guidance".
Perhaps there is something far more sinister afoot.
Still think we live in a democracy?
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TheHammer on Aug 17, 2021 at 4:52 pm
Jonas hopes to throw the Yukon conservative vote under the bus. Good idea. An anti conservative martyr is just what we need.
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Skeptical on Aug 17, 2021 at 4:11 pm
There has to be more to this. I don't buy that the Conservatives turfed Smith over the milquetoast position he has taken -- however much I disagree with him. I suspect the Conservatives found something more extreme they don't want to come out in the middle of a campaign.
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JC on Aug 17, 2021 at 4:06 pm
"More than enough financial support"
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bonanzajoe on Aug 17, 2021 at 3:44 pm
Glad to see Jonas run now as an independent. He has my support.
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Charlie's Aunt on Aug 17, 2021 at 3:33 pm
Good for you Jonas, go for it. I lost faith in the so called political process after hearing Erin O'Toole's speech over weekend. Maybe some know your replacement for Yukon Party, but I don't. After Hanley's declaration that local Liberal members appear to have had no say about, it seems that we are all expected to be a puppy on a leash. At least NDP had a nomination meeting.
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Richard Ablanalp on Aug 17, 2021 at 3:21 pm
"Smith also said he hopes to lure voters from other parties, particularly Liberals unhappy with the choice of Brendan Hanley as a candidate."
Liberals not happy with Hanley will vote NDP or Green.
Not for some sore loser who would be useless to the Yukon sitting as an independent.
Smith once again proves he will be the weakest candidate in the field.
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Al on Aug 17, 2021 at 3:19 pm
Yes - you go for it Jonas. Regardless of the end result I firmly believe in standing your ground when it comes to the rights of the individual as enshrined in the Charter - chapter 15. The conservatives in Ottawa only have themselves to blame for this outcome for which the reasons given made no sense.
So be it. This is the way the cookie crumbles.
It also seems this selection for the new candidate came right out of Ottawa - just a bad as the Lieberals...
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Allan Stanley on Aug 17, 2021 at 2:58 pm
SO - the Maxime Bernier Party didn't even want him !
Something really smells here.