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Premier Sandy Silver and NDP Leader Kate White

Silver offers scathing criticism of petition, YP

Wednesday saw Premier Sandy Silver in an uncharacteristically aggressive mood in the Yukon legislature.

By Tim Giilck on November 12, 2021

Wednesday saw Premier Sandy Silver in an uncharacteristically aggressive mood in the Yukon legislature.

Silver condemned the petition presented Nov. 1 by the Yukon Party that opposes the government’s mandatory vaccine mandate for public service workers.

The petition was organized with the help of former federal election candidate Jonas J. Smith, and has approximately 2,500 names on it.

“The petition urges the Government of Yukon to immediately rescind any and all requirements for mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations in Yukon, first announced on October 15, 2021,” Silver told the house. “The short answer, Mr. Speaker, is no.

“COVID-19 continues to spread and endanger the lives of our citizens. We need to take action to increase vaccination rates to keep Yukoners healthy and safe, and that is what the government is doing.

“The Yukon’s acting chief medical officer of health (Dr. Catherine Elliott) has recommended mandatory vaccines for public servants and those working with vulnerable populations and requiring individuals to show proof of vaccination to access non-essential settings, like bars and restaurants. Science is our best guide when dealing with a pandemic, and we will continue to follow the recommendations of our public health experts,” Silver said.

“Mr. Speaker, I will note for the record the significant difference in position being taken by the Yukon Employees’ Union and the Public Service Alliance of Canada’s national component, which represents employees in the federal government — Canada’s largest workforce.

“The Public Service Alliance of Canada has noted publicly that employers have an obligation to keep workplaces safe — and I quote: ‘No one can be physically forced to get a vaccine against their will. However, according to the limited case law available, grievors must live with the consequences of refusing to get vaccinated.’”

Silver then ramped up his verbal assault on the petition.

“With regard to the petition itself, which was tabled by the member for Watson Lake (Patti McLeod), it contains several duplicate signatures, as well as names of residents outside of the Yukon, and the name of a white supremacist who killed 51 people at a mosque in New Zealand in 2019,” the premier pointed out.

“The day the Yukon Party tabled the petition, there were several supporters outside the house, including one carrying a sign that said: ‘COVID is a hoax.’ Ten Yukoners have died from COVID-19, Mr. Speaker — this is no hoax.

“The leader of the protest was a former Yukon Party staffer and a former federal Conservative candidate,” he added, referring to Smith.

“This is very disappointing to see the Yukon Party embrace this group and their position. The events that day served to undermine our public health system, and the Yukon Party was only too happy to stand by that behaviour.

“I respect the decision of Yukoners to sign a petition and to voice their opinion; that is democracy. I believe that we are doing what is right to keep Yukoners safe, and our government will continue to be guided by science and the recommendations of public health experts.”

Silver continued to hammer away on the issue during a subsequent scrum with reporters.

“My point would be if you’re going to put a petition on the floor of the legislature you should know what names are on it and you should stay behind it,” he said. “So I’ve been asking the Yukon Party to be very clear as to whether they support the chief medical officer of health.

“Clearly, if you’re putting this petition on the floor, you do not support the chief medical officer of health.”

In the legislature, Yukon Party Leader Currie Dixon did not immediately respond to the premier’s denunciations of his party.

Smith, however, offered a terse comment in reply to Silver’s remarks.

“It is very disappointing that the premier would so easily dismiss the concerns of thousands of Yukoners, many of whom are very likely about to lose their jobs in the middle of winter as a result of his actions,” Smith said.

Silver was questioned as to why he’s so concerned with supporting Elliott. He said her recommendations aren’t “beyond criticism.

“No, not at all,” he said. “It’s not about not asking questions. It’s about them (the Yukon Party) coming clean on whether they back the chief medical officer of health or not.

“We’ve never said that any of these are above questions. Questions are great. I would just offer again that we need to, as leaders, come together.

“I think the best way to accomplish that is to not question or not necessarily criticize the recommendations of science,” Silver said.

“We’re either going to follow the recommendations of science or we’re going to act politically. I think there are better questions to be asked.”

NDP Leader Kate White wasn’t too impressed with Silver’s feistiness on the vaccine mandate policy.

“Today in the House, the premier requested the Yukon NDP to ‘take a clear stance on the new COVID measures’ and to say ‘yes or no’ to whether or not the Yukon NDP supports the chief medical officer of health’s recommendations,” she noted.

“To make it clear to the premier, the Yukon NDP supports the recommendations made by the chief medical officer of health, including the vaccine mandate.

“For weeks now, the Yukon NDP has been echoing Yukoners’ concerns regarding the rising cases of COVID. The Yukon NDP asked for the order- making powers of the chief medical officer of health be expanded to include broader measures such as a mask mandate.”

The Yukon NDP also asked that Elliott’s recommendations be made public, she noted, and asked the government to better communicate the details of its vaccine mandate.

“The government responded with blanket statements. Yukoners need more than this from the government. Yukoners need leadership and clear communication while facing another wave of COVID. Yukoners do not need the government to needlessly politicize the issue,” White said.

She was equally blunt in her statements in the legislature.

“At the onset, I want to say that the Yukon NDP supports the vaccine mandate, but that doesn’t mean that questions still don’t exist,” she said. “If the premier has found our communications difficult to understand, he now knows how Yukoners have felt these last weeks and months about his government’s COVID communication, especially since the mandate announcement.

“It does make us wonder what took so long to explain further requirements, but instead of stewing on the mistakes of the past, let’s look at life going forward.”

For weeks, she pointed out, the NDP has been asking the Liberal government for more information regarding vaccine mandates.

“Small businesses and NGOs have been left with countless questions going unanswered, and just last week, I tabled a motion urging this government to communicate with NGOs and business owners. I asked that they communicate more details by November 10, which is today, so I guess with this morning’s press conference, they are following through.”

Businesses were given just 2 1/2 days to plan how to manage “the burden” of new state of emergency rules that will take effect Saturday, White noted.

“To enforce a mask/vaccine mandate, businesses are worried that they will need to hire an extra employee to stand at a door checking vaccine status and ID,” she said.

“So, where are employers expected to find these extra employees in a time of such staffing shortages?

“What about security? Every day, we hear stories about violence and harassment directed towards employees in the Yukon and in other jurisdictions. Can the minister tell us how a staff of one person or how any staff is supposed to deal with this?

“The minister spoke of a free QR code reader app that should be available in the next few days. Can the minister confirm that this app will be ready to download by Friday morning, giving businesses time to learn how to use it?” the NDP leader asked.

“What is the plan for citizens who don’t have smartphones? Will a printout of their vaccine status or one of the Yukon health blue vaccine cards suffice?

“Will government help them access these and make printouts, and if so, where should they go? Proof of vaccination needs to be accompanied by ID, so what is the minister’s plan to ensure that all Yukoners have sufficient ID by Saturday, November 13?”

A government-issued photo ID costs $30 and it takes about a month to receive it, she noted.

“Does the minister have a plan to cover the costs of these for those in need, or is the plan to just exclude our vulnerable population from accessing businesses and services that they may need?”

Meanwhile, many NGOs run near 100-percent with the help of volunteers, she pointed out.

“What systems of enforcement are in place for them? Will the organizations now be expected to keep detailed files on the vaccine status of all volunteers?

“Which organizations will be enforcing this and checking said files?”

All this is a lot to take in for all Yukoners, White said.

“We are back in the danger zone; we are back in the state of emergency. People have so many questions, and with the Delta variant going rampant, people are worried.

“Yukoners are looking for leadership, and right now, it’s hard to find.”

See related stories.

Comments (101)

Up 8 Down 0

North_of_60 on Nov 19, 2021 at 12:52 am

"The definition of insanity is repeating the same mistakes over and over again and expecting different results."

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Butch on Nov 18, 2021 at 9:16 pm

Mr Silver..
If fully vaccinated people can get it and spread it ..
Then why aren’t they losing their jobs too!!

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Anonymous on Nov 18, 2021 at 8:03 pm

Can everyone please stop saying the all employees who are under the YTA are against the vaccinations? We were not consulted about this in the first place. We are with the portion of the Yukon that is not counted in vaccination rates because they are too young. Yet, COVID is whipping through our most vulnerable right now. There are many classes shut down for a couple of weeks due to instances. Sad to see people having temper tantrums because they are asked to think of others. Must be nice to be so entitled that your comfort is more valuable than other people's health.

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Doug Twigge on Nov 18, 2021 at 7:43 pm

Irrefutable facts ,
Children do not get as ill infected with covid
The jab does not prevent getting or spreading covid
The jab is temporary without boosters and weakens immunity over time.
The unjabbed child is prevented from many activities.

Why are we standing by allowing this to continue with ZERO positive upside ?

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Apex Parasite on Nov 18, 2021 at 4:18 pm

When there is no room for dialogue about a thing, any thing, we are facing a slippery slope of divisiveness and judgement. People will take hard sides and inadvertently, in the case of covid, create a class system where people are clearly discriminated against and denied freedoms based on a premise (the vax) which clearly is a work in progress and information about efficacy and longevity seems to change week to week. Yet the only conversation seems to be vax or no vax. I'm vaxxed, double vaxxed. I have little faith in it to be honest.

There needs to be more conversations about other ways we can protect ourselves and there are few aside from the big six or whatever it is. Nothing about health and lifestyle choices we could make that would improve our ability to fight off covid. Nothing about obesity being a big risk factor should you contract covid. Nothing about those who get covid and recover which gives them considerably more antibodies than the vax. Nothing about protocols and treatments for those infected to recover more quickly with less risk....and on it goes. So many things to talk about but there is only the vax.

All hail the vax.

Up 47 Down 9

Webster on Nov 17, 2021 at 8:46 pm

Unrelated to this article, but the comment needs to be said ...

@ Sandy Silver
Note what is happening in BC. They just got pummeled by mother nature and are now grappling with the massive damage which coincides with that weather. What did they do? They declared a state of emergency. That is a real emergency. What you've called an emergency here in the Yukon pales in comparison, and using the word so frivolously does little more than bastardize our language.

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Pat maltais on Nov 17, 2021 at 8:32 pm

You'd simply have to be an utter fool....to lap up the "words"(mandates/vax push esp on our kids!) of these so called med experts they label cmoh or whatever if the order is of the letters. Not even elected citizens!
And not once....not fricken once....have they ever shown anything (let alone science) of solid evidence to validate/justify their stance on anything covid.

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Ellen on Nov 17, 2021 at 5:59 pm

Yukoner too

Do you have proof of these death from covid numbers?
Would be interesting to see.

Up 42 Down 6

Ellen on Nov 17, 2021 at 5:47 pm

How about this Sandy Silver, how many Yukoners have died from suicide, over dose, missed medical treatment, heart disease (a symptom of anxiety) compared to actual covid deaths, (Not just death with covid but from covid)?

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Follow the lawsuits on Nov 17, 2021 at 1:43 pm

Looks like some sense is coming back into the USA. When will Canada follow suit.. not soon enough. Take a good look at this one Sandy, and stop trying to divide us with these overbearing rules that don't even protect our health.

OSHA Suspends Implementation, Enforcement of Vaccine Mandate

Up 54 Down 8

John on Nov 17, 2021 at 12:41 pm

@ Patti Eyre
You just don't get it do you Patti? You fail to understand that when someone in authority of your life behaves like a tyrant it is not OK for you to turn the other cheek to all them to take another swipe. If that is your style - go for it.

To respond to tyranny, it is our collective responsibility to react in a manner that removes the tyranny.
So please, stop pontificating.

Up 55 Down 10

Salt on Nov 17, 2021 at 12:29 pm

@ Vern
It is as simple as recognizing the legal right for anyone to turn down the vaccine. Full stop.
There is absolutely no moral obligation to take experimental gene therapy of obviously limited positive effect. It is now accepted fact that it does not prevent infection or transmission.

Again, the current vaccines DO NOT PROTECT FROM INFECTION/TRANSMISSION. Record caseloads in highly vaccinated areas are the irrefutable expression of that fact. Time to revisit your reasoning.

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JP on Nov 17, 2021 at 11:39 am

Does Silver really want to achieve 100% vaccination rates in Yukon?
This is the reality in his dream world


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ben on Nov 17, 2021 at 11:01 am

Thanks John. I am very much disheartened by the comments also, including some that have come out of me. It's true though. There's now 2 states of emergency; one is real, and it's caused by a medical issue, and the other is artificial and it was created by our leader when he chose an option that would divide people and cause hatred when he should really be the one brining us together so we can get through this.

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Patti Eyre on Nov 17, 2021 at 10:38 am

Thank you John, for teaching us to extract and eye for an eye and to not rise above and reach for the high road.

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Marco on Nov 17, 2021 at 6:14 am

So why is nobody question Silver about lying to all Yukoners that when we reach 80-85% vaccinated that everything goes back to normal?! And why are we back in state of emergency? If the vaccine work so fine, then why are so many vaccinated people in the Hospital? And why are we being lied to that our ICU are full, when peoples who work there saying it’s a lie?!!

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Learn from Gibraltar on Nov 17, 2021 at 12:03 am

What's the point of this covid vax if it doesn't prevent the virus spreading throughout a whole population of vaxed individuals? These vax mandates aren't about health, they're about control. Just look at the facts:

'Most vaccinated' place on earth cancels Christmas.
“Amid a surge in Covid-19 cases, Gibraltar has canceled official Christmas events and “strongly” discouraged people from hosting private gatherings for four weeks. Gibraltar’s entire eligible population is vaccinated.”

Up 53 Down 7

ken Hetherington on Nov 16, 2021 at 9:55 pm

I am not surprised Mr. Silver would proceed in this fashion, but it is still hard to be dismissed without any thought of those who decided to speak out. He says it's democracy to present a petition but isn't willing to look at why such a petition ever needed to be signed in the first place.

I'm not sure where Silver said not to question the science, but if he said this that is very bold. Nothing to see here folks, keep your mouths shut and eyes closed and good ole Silver will lead you to safety! Not going to get into details here, but there are plenty of details getting run over in the name of following without thinking that hard where it's leading us.

We are basing our decisions on fear, not science. People are getting this shot for many reasons, some even because they 110% believe in it, but others cause they will lose their job, can't travel, can't eat in a restaurant, believe they will die or cause death to others. People are not dropping dead, yet we are told by Mr.Silver to follow along. At the very least a sensible dialogue by concerning adults needs to take place on what immunity looks like and if ever there shall be immunity no matter how many get the shot.

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Vern Schlimbesser on Nov 16, 2021 at 7:45 pm

Is this not as simple as everyone recognizing the legal right for anyone to turn down the vaccination, but at the same time each of us recognizing our moral obligation to the rest of the population to take it?
You can reflect anywhere, at length or not, it does come down to this. Time to grow up.

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Observer on Nov 16, 2021 at 7:20 pm

When you have the colorful five percent and the con right wing zealots endorsing a petition, I am sure the vast majority just ignore it.

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Fact on Nov 16, 2021 at 6:31 pm

The bottom line is the vaccine is clearly not stopping the virus from spreading so herd immunity cannot be achieved using the vaccine. That means mandating the vaccine is not keeping workplaces or public spaces safe. This renders the reasoning for vaccine mandates null and void. Prove me wrong.

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NickyB on Nov 16, 2021 at 4:09 pm

"If you have to be persuaded, and reminded, and pressured, and lied to, and incentivized, and coerced, and bullied, and socially shamed, and guilt-tripped, and threatened, and punished and criminalized -- if all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance -- you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest."
--Ian Wilson

This government's lack of transparency and accountability, along with continually editing the facts to support their narrative, has given people with good old-fashioned common sense a lot of reasons to distrust Mr. Silver and his medical-bureaucrat on whatever they say.

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Ellen on Nov 16, 2021 at 3:41 pm

Science is always there to be questioned, ask any scientist. Sandy Silver and the acting CMO are simply following orders without question. They are puppets nothing more. Violating Canada’s Charter Rights and basic human rights, which a public health emergency does not override our charter.

Up 63 Down 16

John on Nov 16, 2021 at 3:13 pm

@ Patti Eyre
Perhaps you should have fired your first arrow, not at those who commented here, but rather your beloved Premier. He started all this with his scathing comments and temper tantrum. One might say he opened the Pandora's box. I think you may find that the vast majority of folks who comment here would not be so irate if he cleaned his act up first.

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Atom on Nov 16, 2021 at 2:11 pm

This is better than the post election Doomsdayers....Antivaxxers Aid Opposition....funny the unelected and 2nd place elected can have such petty rationale for placing peoples health at risk....oh just look at the 'studies' presented to prove heart disease from the Vaxx!
I cant pay my mortgage!...this will only hurt for a second sir...

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Patti Eyre on Nov 16, 2021 at 9:38 am

Reading these columns is disheartening. I know we can all be living better lives but it doesn't mean we have to be hateful. Let's be kind and lead with heart not hate.

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Time to Trim the Fat on Nov 15, 2021 at 4:08 pm

Who would have thought it would be the Liberals who would trim the fat from Government. Hey YG: Do us all a favor and don't rush to replace the 10% or so of govies who do their own research. I'm sure we'll survive.

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DL on Nov 15, 2021 at 1:57 pm

The principle of INFORMED CONSENT for any medical intervention (including vaccines) requires that full information about risks be provided to the patient, as well as alternative treatment options. And that the patient is allowed to choose without any coercion whatsoever. Sandy Silver’s vax mandate is failing on these 3 points.

Up 97 Down 35

jeff bikaboom on Nov 15, 2021 at 10:50 am

Some headlines I read over the weekend. There are various real news sources listing these articles plus more.

"Climate change is changing babies in the womb: they are more susceptible to heart disease"
"Rise in heart attacks attributed to pandemic stress"
"Pandemic increasing risk of anxiety, and therefore heart disease"
"Surge in heart disease due to climate change"

The timing of the climate change heart conditions is quite the coincidence. Did anything else happen this year that could be affecting peoples hearts?

Pro covid vaxxers, please enlighten me . Why are tens of thousands of healthcare workers refusing this vax? Are they whackjob antivaxers that read a the wrong facebook post that was more powerful than the entirety of their education?
Or have they seen the effects of it first hand? Many nurses and doctors are speaking out but many are scared. Perhaps they fear not being able to make the mortgage payment on their 750k house if they have to work at Macdonalds.

Please tell me more about how I am a terrible person for not wanting to take this experimental treatment. Please tell me how I deserve to be punished. Actually no, please tell the people I know with internal bleeding that they are terrible if they do not take every planned booster.

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Roy on Nov 15, 2021 at 10:50 am

T - the fact is no hospital or political party (left or right) is releasing the specific details about each covid death. The medical system has never done that and never will. So you can keep *asking* for this as some sort of pseudo-excuse for why you disagree with the government's actions. Since you will never get it you get to have an iron clad "excuse" for your behaviour - but it's transparent what you are doing.

Fact is Currie or Jonas governments would not have released this info either. So you are tilting at windmills. You expect Sandy to do what Currie would not do in his shoes.

You can't say "it's only the old and sick that die of covid" and then in the next breath say "how do I know these deaths are from covid? Prove it to me I demand access to confidential medical information!!!"

And vaccine mandates have existed for a long time. You need to be vaccinated to attend schools. You need to be vaccinated to become a nurse or doctor. You need to be vaccinated to travel to certain countries.
You also need to wear a seatbelt and not drink and drive. Orwellian right?

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Vince Anderson on Nov 15, 2021 at 10:49 am

It was Trudeau who started this with the vaccinated against the unvaxxed, all for political gain. I am all for vaccination but what happened to the science behind 70% and we would be protected. If I am double vaccinated I should be protected and therefore do not need to worry if others are not. Go back and hide in the cottage Justin, lecture all you want, no one is listening anymore!

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jeff bikaboom on Nov 15, 2021 at 9:59 am

"grievors must live with the consequences of refusing to get vaccinated" An intact immune system and a functioning heart. Sign me up.

"The government can replace you with a responsible caring double vaccinated person who will be more than happy to do your job. Good bye antivaxxers. McDonalds is looking for full time people."
I do not work for the government but in my profession you must have between 2 and 7 years of university, but more importantly, experience. We are losing people due to non covid heath issues of staff and their family members, strange they all came about this year. We have never been able to find enough staff and now more are leaving because they are not able to borrow 750k for a house. For this same reason we can find zero replacements. The company I work for is involved in all infrastructure development in the Yukon. The effects of us being understaffed will trickle through everything.

"Can anyone link to an area or jurisdiction anywhere in North America that releases the exact age and co-morbidities of covid deaths?"
Almost everywhere publishes the age and how many co-morbitities they had. Alberta does a great job of this. If you actually look at the numbers you will see that there is basically no risk if you are healthy. The average age of death from covid in Alberta is higher than the average age of death which is over 80. For people under 50 you have more chance of dying from constipation than of covid.

If the government mandated that everyone has to have a spoon of peanut butter, 3 percent of the population would die. Are you telling me this experimental treatment is safer than peanut butter? How many soccer players have to drop dead on the field before the fear based commenters wake up?

I want the bureaucrats to spill the beans about who is putting the pressure on them.

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yukong on Nov 15, 2021 at 7:54 am

I wouldn't so much call it "scathing criticism," it's more of a narcissistic temper tantrum.

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Yukoner Too on Nov 15, 2021 at 7:53 am

Kudos to Sandy and his team. 2500 (with many fictitious names), a pathetic petition. That's less than 6% of our Yukon population. To expect the 94% to go along with the rhetoric of the misinformed extreme minority is absurd. Yes, there are unsympathetic consequences for those people choosing to oppose the world wide fight to mitigate the death rate from this virus.
Your rights allow you to not support this cause but your rights do not allow you to compromise the safety of your fellow neighbours. Your rights allow you to believe most anything you want to believe but not behave in a matter that potentially harms others. Your "civil liberties" are not a free ticket to decimate society.... it's up to the silent sober majority to quell these harmful movements.

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Think Big on Nov 14, 2021 at 8:23 pm

I think Currie Dixon and Jonas need to think bigger. Right now they have the YEU and YTA onside, which is rare for them, so take advantage of this alignment. They should start another petition, but this time work with the YEU and YTA to get it out to all of their members. They have thousands of members and the majority of them must be against the vaccine mandates or these unions would not be taking their current positions. So please call Steve Geick and Ted Hupe and lets make this happen! We can get probably 3 times as many names on a new petition.

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Jeremy on Nov 14, 2021 at 8:23 pm

This paralegal has some great advice and info for everyone here.


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Sheeple on Nov 14, 2021 at 7:04 pm

Herd immunity to a pathogen is achieved when a sufficient portion of a population is simultaneously immune to prevent sustained transmission. Even though we are vaxxed we still can transmit that is WHY herd immunity will never be achieved!!!!!!!!!

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JustSayin' on Nov 14, 2021 at 6:50 pm

Prince Silver,
You continue to punish those who follow the rules. yet, those with children who cannot get vaccinated are allowed to continue their lives. They can go down south without being vaccinated, come back to the Territory and be free to do what they want. If you are in it to protect us, than you need to have these kids be under the same rules everywhere too, regardless that there is no vaccine.

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Nathan Living on Nov 14, 2021 at 4:52 pm


I am sympathetic about people's right to not vaccinate but government and business have the right to demand proof of vaccination before providing service.
Uncertainly regarding the vaccine yes, but the precautionary approach is to vaccinate and protect people.

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Juniper Jackson on Nov 14, 2021 at 4:45 pm

When Trudeau's censorship legislation passes, Canada will be the most censored country in the world, beating out China and Russia. Then Silver will not have to hear anyone disagree with him, or hurt his tender feelings.. Really.. if you can't take the heat, call an election and don't run again. I still remember the Canada of 2015. The Canada of 2021..I don't even recognize it.

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Bill on Nov 14, 2021 at 3:14 pm

Well Mr Silver, you are without doubt a very arrogant individual. Your comments regarding this petition is far below what we expect from an elected official. You have a couple of thousand signatures on a petition how do handle it? Well what you did was to dismiss people's concerns as you would a bothersome gnat.
It is apparent that if citizens do not agree with you then you become dismissive and angered by their simple right to even challenge your "science" and to express their rights in that regard.

Instead of "behaving" in a positive manner, you could have taken the high road and extended yourself to hear their concerns. A missed opportunity. One I am sure many will remember well into the future.

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My Opinion on Nov 14, 2021 at 2:48 pm

Watch this and you can see how this is all connected. Watch the whole thing. I know in this day and age people need very short bits of info, but this ties it all together and it takes a bit of time.


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My Opinion on Nov 14, 2021 at 2:44 pm

This whole thing is completely Orwellion. The Government is already starting to deny services including life saving treatments to citizens that do not conform. Even if you are not effected by this you should be appalled. If you follow Sandy's thought process, then maybe smokers are a burden on the health care system and any illnesses that cause a need for services, should be withheld. Maybe you should be denied treatment for liver treatments if you are a drinker. Fast food eaters are also in the cross hairs. If not taking the Vaccine is such a potential burden then anyone with so called self induced co-morbidities are next.

I am Vacc'ed by my own choice but I have no use for this kind of tyranny. I will fight for the others right to choice, as I hope they will fight for mine when they come for me. History may not repeat itself but it does Rhyme.

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Jeff on Nov 14, 2021 at 2:34 pm

Petition or not, this mandate is discrimination. I will answer whether or not I'm vaxxed and i will not show proof of vaccine to anyone, and wherever I'm asked will be the last time they see me there under that ownership . Restaurant, bar, store whatever. Those who resist discrimination will win in the long run for sure.

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T on Nov 14, 2021 at 11:37 am


No one is coercing and intimidating you into taking the flu shot. You're creating a false equivalency and building a strawman out of it. The same goes for the other vaccines you mentioned, which, unlike the mRNA variety, are actual vaccines, according to the accepted definition.

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yukoner72 on Nov 14, 2021 at 11:13 am

Hearing Services--a branch of gov't--is requiring proof of vaccination or no service. I believe that every yukoner--vaxed or not is entitled to medical treatment. We pay for this branch of gov't with our taxes. This is an overreach of Silver's govt and needs to stop!

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Groucho d'North on Nov 14, 2021 at 9:11 am

If a legitimate petition without bogus or repetitive names cannot be created, don't submit it until it is correct. I recall the criticisms of the many tainted polls during the Peel lands debate, it was not appropriater then, nor is it in this application.

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Numbers are speaking volumes on Nov 14, 2021 at 8:58 am

The empty CGC speaks volumes to numbers of unvaccinated, it’s more than 10%. 40 kids on ice this morning 5 parents. Normally those bleachers are occupied. Parking lot also empty. So what’s really going on here?

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David Dixon on Nov 14, 2021 at 6:53 am

Hi Folks: well I see that the majority of commenters don’t support this government. That is your right. OK don’t get vaccinated that is your choice. There are no ways to support your decision and continue to work for the government. PPE and rapid testing are not as effective as vaccination. Natural immunity to COVID is a weak at best defence. The government can replace you with a responsible caring double vaccinated person who will be more than happy to do your job. Good bye antivaxxers. McDonalds is looking for full time people. The problem is to work there you must be double vaccinated. I don’t know of any Whitehorse business who will hire unvaccinated people.
You are really going to need a lot of luck if you continue to remain unvaccinated.

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Sheepchaser on Nov 14, 2021 at 1:14 am

At least the YEU has done some legal homework now. I wish they had done so before making previous misleading declarations. The consequences of which can be seen in the comments below. Thanks for making this harder on everyone, jerks.

Jonas Smith is still pandering, but only the stupid money would bet on him at this point so he has to take it where he can get it.

Dixon is missing a significant opportunity to appeal to those of conservative values who are non-crazy. He could strike hard at the centrist ground and easily unseat the Liberals by being rational and fiscally responsible. That petition and, more so, the way he tried to use it in an official manner without first doing some due diligence was too revealing. Speaks to his lack of both character and competence.

Silver seems to be the only one taking his responsibilities more seriously than his self-interest in this moment. So, good on him today.

Kate White‘a opinion on the matter is neither elucidating nor helpful. Present evidence or shut it. You can’t ask for the raw Intel from the CMO while simultaneously offering personal interpretations up to the public. Kate, you’re a good critic but an absolute shambles as a leader.

Sloppy all around this week. Do better.

Up 80 Down 23

North_of_60 on Nov 13, 2021 at 11:35 pm

Most of the "cases" are people who are already "vaccinated", but that fact is conveniently omitted from the public announcement. We can be sure if most of the "cases" were "unvaccinated" that they would be repeating that numerous times in the story. The "vaccinated" can and DO catch and transmit C0vid. That's another fact the current medical bureaucrat spokesperson conveniently fails to mention.

The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. The Lockdown Has No Scientific Basis. https://stateofthenation.co/?p=66513

These invalid Covid-19 “estimates” have been used to justify confinement, social distancing, the face mask, the prohibition of social gatherings, cultural and sports events, the closure of economic activity, as well as the mRNA “vaccine” launched in November 2020.

Up 65 Down 19

DMZ on Nov 13, 2021 at 10:55 pm

Well, I am certainly glad our votes in elections are confidential. When you go over the names on a petition with a fine tooth comb, you are not coming from a position of strength. Sandy is not comfortable with what he's doing, and it shows.

Of course, many provinces are in similar situations. Politicians have painted themselves into a corner, saying they will "follow the science". I heard some doctor in Ontario saying the reason there are more cases now is politicians were in too much of a hurry to lift restrictions. Is he kidding? I couldn't believe it.

Honestly, if politicians promised the latest restrictions would last a solid three years, the doctors would be saying, oh, that's too soon. You'd think doctors and politicians were the only people who had to live with this.

Up 89 Down 19

........................... on Nov 13, 2021 at 9:37 pm

Hi Sandy,
Do you know how many day's into your mandate it was that I heard my wife shouldn't be eligible for healthcare because she didn't get vaccinated? Less than one. It happened today. Someone I always considered an intelligent person asked if I felt she should be eligible for healthcare cause she wasn't vaccinated. I replied that I wouldn't be shocked if that was the next thing withdrawn. They did not disagree. I've cried a few times since. Thanks.

Up 23 Down 49

Roy on Nov 13, 2021 at 6:57 pm

Can anyone link to an area or jurisdiction anywhere in North America that releases the exact age and co-morbidities of covid deaths?

Do you posters demand exact details about patients who died of flu (where were they? How old were they? What other illnesses did they have? Please doctor prove to me with 100% certainty that everyone of these flu deaths that you speak of were in fact from the flu. Did you examine the patients yourself doctor? No?! Well then no flu shot for me or my child. Same with measles mumps and rubella. Show me the deaths and tell me about them! ALL OF A SUDDEN I AM ENTITLED.

I’ll wait.

Up 72 Down 21

JP on Nov 13, 2021 at 5:28 pm

The Canadian Government apologized what they'd done silmilar mistakes during WW2 to immigrants and after WW2 to First Nations.
Is their new target the unvaccinated?

Up 78 Down 20

JG on Nov 13, 2021 at 4:02 pm

Oh Sandy and Catherine, you could not keep up with your Liberal friends across the country so you had to declare another state of emergency again.... Just so you could easily implement useless measures that do no good but more harm. You are obviously grasping for straws, and losing your temper in public does not really suit you either!

Up 76 Down 21

Henry on Nov 13, 2021 at 3:00 pm

I must say I am taken aback that a school teacher, by profession, would speak such disturbing words about others. If anything Silver I would expect you to rise above such behaviour and set an example of proper decorum.

I keep asking myself why both nationally and here, we have such divisive politics targeting people. Setting one group off against the other has a ripple affect. It is what leads to what we see in and around our school today. Children learn from what they see and hear. It is no wonder we are seeing an increase in school violence and bullying, when adults, specifically "our leader", behaving in such a disgraceful manner - ridiculing individuals and groups of peoples in order to gain some advantage over them simply because of what they believe in. No wonder we are seeing a rise polarization of groups.

Up 25 Down 59

Innocent Bystander on Nov 13, 2021 at 2:45 pm

I talked to a lady I know, she and a friend were sitting at home when there was a knock on the door and two ladies presented them with a petition (guess which one), they did a poor job of explaining what the petition was about and for. However the lady I talked to and her friend signed the petition just to be nice! They did not have a clue what it was about, something to do with covid. I seriously doubt if scrutinized properly this petition would stand the test.

Up 17 Down 36

NeilAlexGeddy on Nov 13, 2021 at 2:20 pm

It would be wise for Dixon to tread water very carefully concerning this issue, and to evaluate the benefits of teaming up with specific allies who frame the issue in terms of individual freedom over government tyranny. The vast majority of the voting public frame this issue in terms of safety of the masses trumping the rights of the individual.
Dixon squandered opportunity with his silence and Silver capitalized on this effectively. The bulk of the general readership are probably thinking that Smith is the spokesman for the YP on this issue and that is not a good thing. Kate White is the only politician to demonstrate rational thought on this news day. The policies were drafted in haste, the implications were not thoroughly thought out, no consultation occurred, and things need to be reworked. Dixon could learn a thing or two from Kate here.

Up 56 Down 21

Douglas Martens on Nov 13, 2021 at 12:18 pm

It must be extremely frustrating when you are just trying to help the ordinary people but they simply won't accept your generosity, right Sandy? Here you are doing everything possible to force these wonderful injections into the arms of the vulnerable and the unclean masses have the audacity to question your motives! What a shocking display of insubordination! Even more shocking that they dare to question the SCIENCE. I said SCIENCE again!!!!

Up 118 Down 45

Jeff bikaboom on Nov 13, 2021 at 11:36 am

"You must take the jab to keep your workplace safe"
We are in a state of emergency because it doesn't work!

I know two people who were hospitalized this week, not from covid, can you guess what was administered soon before.
This will all stop when everyone has someone close to them that has got blood clots or internal bleeding. I pray for the children.

Up 115 Down 32

Moose on Nov 13, 2021 at 11:30 am

"We support the recommendations of the chief medial officer of health" has become such a creepy, robotic statement given by any of these politicians who are questioned about the nonsensical policies. Why does that one woman have so much power, and why has she made such evil mandates? Vaccine passports will do NOTHING good. When will people see that?

Up 127 Down 20

BB on Nov 13, 2021 at 10:46 am

89% of all Yukoners over the age of twelve are now vaccinated. 85% of us have two shots, (or more). What percent of the current active cases are unvaccinated people? 50%? Less? Funny how Elliot et al have stopped mentioning whether the cases are vaccinated or not. My question goes to the justification for demonizing the unvaccinated the way Silver and Elliot are. Their use of language toward these people is very authoritarian and over the top.

Silver and his apparently politically aligned chief medical officer of health are controlling information that should be transparent and readily available. People should be able to mull it over and come to their own conclusions, whether Elliot and Silver think they are too stupid to come to the "right" conclusions or not. Now they are openly aligning the unvaxxinated with the Yukon Party, making them the supposed enemy of the 89% who are vaccinated. It's not working, Sandy. All it is doing so far as I am concerned is making you look like you are a) an arrogant control freak, and b) using the CMOH as a political tool, hoarding information to bolster your politically based narrative. That narrative is that the continued existence of covid is almost entirely the fault of unvaccinated people. "It's all their fault, and the Yukon Party is on their side and does not support our Chief Medical Officer of Health!"

Listen to the way Silver now talks to us: "grievors must live with the consequences of refusing to get vaccinated”!

You don't want a vaccine? You will live with the CONSEQUENCES! Says Angry Sandy Silver. Elliot said something very similar about a week ago. They are really getting off on demonizing people who do not want vaccines, despite us already hitting and surpassing what was supposed to be the mark for herd immunity.

I have 2 vaccines and am considering a booster shot. I also support the concept of 'your body, your choice.' And I especially demand transparent information that sufficiently justifies targeting and demonizing 11% of Yukoners over 12, who have yet to get a vaccine. Is it really them spreading covid?

Up 99 Down 26

Angela Anderson on Nov 13, 2021 at 7:12 am

Silver: ignore a petition signed by 2300 people, political pivots to make YP look like the bad guys.
White: falls in line, with some whimpers of process
Smith: huh? We can't question recommendations?
Dixon: silent

Meanwhile in the real world, people are losing their jobs and are being isolated from society, small businesses have to spend more for less customers and the disadvantaged, well they could vote without ID but no non-essential services for them! And those who are disadvantaged will grow.

Good job everyone, be proud you are "safe".

Up 91 Down 24

Gerry on Nov 13, 2021 at 7:07 am

The clear, concise, and incontestable fact of the matter is that we now live in a society where discrimination has become mandated under the guise of "following the science" and the "guidance of the Chief Medical Officer." The fact of the matter is that this discrimination is going to have tangible consequences for those in support of it, and puts the consciousness of those supporters on the wrong side of history.
Woe be unto all of those who think that discrimination is the road that leads to health and wellness. It is the failing of an entire institution to declare that discrimination is science. As it was once said, "They must find it difficult, those who accept authority as truth, rather than the truth as authority."

Up 92 Down 25

motive unclear on Nov 13, 2021 at 6:16 am

We live in the age of irony when the word "liberal" which used to mean "generous" and freedom-loving is used to describe pushers of ever-tightening nooses around the necks of human beings simply trying to carry on with basic life-essential processes.

John Streicker and Sandy Silver: Do you have any idea what you are doing to people on the ground? If not, your ignorance is your only defence at this point, because if you are not ignorant of the pain your endless diktats are inducing, then you are simply acting with malice aforethought.

Know this you heartless "folks": we may forgive but we will never forget what you have done and are continuing to do the people of the Yukon!

Up 39 Down 111

Worried on Nov 13, 2021 at 6:12 am

We recently went to the Polls. We have elected a Minority Government. We should expect that all parties would work together and get us through the pandemic.
What we seem to have are a group of poorly informed sore losers who can't accept the results of the Election.
I for one feel a huge sense of relief knowing that the Government is following the advice of the CMO.
I am concerned that Mr Smith and his group show so little respect for democratic process and science.
Enough is enough. No more bogus petitions please.

Up 99 Down 22

Ingrid on Nov 13, 2021 at 4:51 am

I didn’t sign the petition but I would have. Sandy and co. all glossed over the impact on mental health, two tiered society, loss of business and loss of employment addressed in the petition.... those are big impacts that the “science” doesn’t address. I don’t support the CMO or the Premiere because their measures have destroyed lives. They have a responsibility to balance all health and societal impacts.

Up 99 Down 30

Adam Smith on Nov 12, 2021 at 11:35 pm

I see Kate White has decided to stand behind Sandy in all of this. I had a glimmer of hope that she would do what's right when I heard her on the radio after the Liberals first announced the vaccine mandates. She said that she was unsure if it was the right move or not because it might put some people into poverty if they lost their jobs. So she was actually close to getting why this needs to be stopped. But true to form, she decided to take the wrong side as usual.

So on one side we have Jonas Smith, the Yukon Party, the Yukon Employees Union and the Yukon Teachers Association while on the other we have the Liberals supported only by Kate White and her No Development Party.

Hmmm, real tough to pick a side here! (sarcasm)

Up 101 Down 26

Salt on Nov 12, 2021 at 11:07 pm

To paraphrase Silver, “Questions are great, just not questions that I don’t approve of. Also you may not question the unelected bureaucrat, the keeper of “The Science”, the high priestess of the Covidians, our CMO. For she is the truth, the power and the glory, forever and ever.

Up 102 Down 21

Al on Nov 12, 2021 at 9:24 pm

Well Mr Silver, you never cease to amaze Yukoner's in how you manage to keep poking at a hornets nest and not expect any adverse response.

It is beneath any Premier, or leader, to show the disdain you do towards Yukoner's who are exercising their rights. Your belligerent attitude only inflames an issue. Instead of reaching out, the very least you could have done, you instead lashed out. Sad, really and truly sad, your performance.

As for the A/CMO, well you can thank her predecessor, Hanley, for destroying whatever independence the office may have held by his politicizing the office of CMO for his own personal gain. I do not trust the Acting any more than I did Hanley after witnessing his escapades. It is truly shameful that neither your office, or the A/CMO, can be honest and transparent with the public. We are not your children that need to be treated by your condescending verbiage, and secretive behaviour. Most folks just want to know REALLY what is going on. Again if you both, are unable to meet that simple objective move out and let someone else move in who will think of the rights of the people to be kept informed.

Up 100 Down 19

Bethany Laurier on Nov 12, 2021 at 8:03 pm

Had Silver taken anytime to discuss with or find out from Yukoners the real concerns regarding the vaccine mandates, Silver would quickly discover that one sign does not label us all in this "group".

We are not all in the belief that "covid is a hoax". Many of us recognize covid is real.

We have asked our government to not put forth a vaccine mandate that WILL cause Yukoners to lose their jobs. That IS causing children to be segregated from their peers as unvaccinated children cannot participate in extra curriculars or attend recreation centres. A mandate that HAS caused serious divide between Yukoners within families, friends, and the workplace. A mandate that is going to cause further harm to Yukoners' mental health. We have asked our government to consider the adverse impact of these actions.

Some in our growing group want our constitutional rights upheld with regard to bodily autonomy. We are asking our chief medical officer to consider other means of medical interventions and self immunity.
In the above Silver focuses on one sign he recalls seeing "covid is a hoax", making it seem as though that is the messaging from the masses. As indicated above, that is not true.

Silver then goes on to say it is "very disappointing to see the Yukon Party embrace this group and their position" followed by stating he "respect the decision of Yukoners to sign a petition and to voice their opinion; that is democracy" and that his government "will continue to be guided by science and the recommendations of public health experts". But it clearly appears that Silver does not respect the voice of Yukoners as he has not listened or addressed our real concerns. Silver is not requesting his government and the Chief Medical Officer of Health look at other ways and sources to keep Yukoners safe. Silver is trying to point fingers at a group of concerned citizens and the Yukon Party, the only political party that has listened.

Silver should consider spending less time finger pointing and start listening to and addressing Yukoners concerns. They won't just go away the closer we get to the mandates.

Up 101 Down 28

Juniper Jackson on Nov 12, 2021 at 7:26 pm

I didn't see it or I would have signed it too. I absolutely abhor the use of force to enforce your opinion on me. About anything. I abhor having to tell strangers about my health, and then.. be treated like a liar and have to prove it. Silver has assumed, everyone is going to lie. You are what you see Silver.. you see liars everywhere?? I AM double vaxxed.. but its none of your business if I am or not. It was MY choice. I abhor the government forcing a waitress, a retail cashier, my priest, to become covid police. Poor people.. going to take crap for trying to keep their job. It isn't their fault, people should be talking to Silver and any other Liberal they see supporting force.

Up 80 Down 34

Sarah Davison on Nov 12, 2021 at 7:16 pm

At what point are the public health authorities going to admit that the unvaccinated now pose a substantially lower risk of contagion than the vaccinated, given that the unvaccinated will have by now almost certainly have achieved natural immunity which guarantees they are no longer infectious, unlike the vaccinated which, apparently, are now more than capable both of contracting and spreading this virus?
In which case, public health authorities would be far better off spending their time explaining why the emphasis on vaccination, actively and effectively persuading the population why their positions are correct, rather than attacking and coercing all those who raise entirely legitimate opposing views.
You get the sense they're not making the case effectively because there's no effective case to be made.

Up 88 Down 23

Sarah Davison on Nov 12, 2021 at 7:09 pm

“I think the best way to accomplish that is to not question or not necessarily criticize the recommendations of science,” Silver said. What science? Be specific.
Where are the studies that conclusively prove that masks stop the spread of viruses?
Where are the studies that prove that locking down an entire population is an effective quarantine, as opposed to quarantining vulnerable categories, or those who are infected? You cannot provide these studies because they don't exist.
No government, ever, has locked down an entire population to protect a small minority of the population at a less than a one percent risk of death from a viral infection.
Follow the science. Please, we beg you. Follow the science. Because the science say you are wrong.
At a minimum the "science" now says Covid 19 barely qualifies as an epidemic let alone a pandemic.
And why aren't you releasing the ages and co-morbidities of the ten deaths?

If the Yukon Party had any sense they would have kept Smith and won that election.

Up 56 Down 19

Shane on Nov 12, 2021 at 7:03 pm

The government is acting because they are scared of covid. How is it possible that we have not implemented the I-MASK and MATH+ protocols in the Yukon yet? Brendan Hanley and Catherine Elliot have an obligation to act within their professional organizations code of conduct. They are violating the code that states they must acknowledge their personal limitations in knowledge and skill and know when to defer to outside help. Have these people treating a single covid patient? Has anyone even bothered to pick up the phone and talk to Dr. Kory or Dr. Marik?
With these protocols in place there is no need for a coerced vaccine injection.

Up 47 Down 82

Roy on Nov 12, 2021 at 6:34 pm

Say what you want about Sandy or mandates - but Currie and Jonas submitting a petition with duplicate names, out of territory names, and the name of a white supremacist mass murderer is just embarrassing. This is reminiscent of high school level class president politics - next they’ll submit a petition for more pop machines in their office hallways. Amateur hour all around.

Up 79 Down 19

Ben on Nov 12, 2021 at 6:20 pm

@Sandy Silver: I'm not disappointed in the Yukon Party. They're doing what they're paid to do.... which is keep you in line by challenging your opinion. They're fulfilling their duties. Only problem is, they're failing, because you can't deal with the challenge so you use the sneaky move of invoking legislation that effectively removes all competition..... and you're so good at subjugation and indoctrination that probably 70-80% aren't even aware you did that.
Also, questions are good Sandy. Good science is based on questions and demonstrating that your actions are based upon solid hard facts. You should embrace questions. A normal person would agree that being challenged and accepting challenges are both good things, we develop by this. You've solidly demonstrated your ability to accept challenges by using legislation to dodge them.
Weak minds hide their weakness behind morality, and your constant position upon this being a moral issue "for the greater good" demonstrates your mental position.
I support vaccination. What I don't support is this. Mr Silver is saying that the public, as adults, are immature and incapable of making their own decisions about your bodies, so he must step in and make them for the public.... because in his sage position he can do that "for the greater good". If you challenge him, he'll dismiss your challenge with arrogance ("The short answer is no, Mr Speaker") and cunning use of law. Apparently it's just like wearing a seatbelt or drunk driving..... don't see it myself, but if you say so.

Up 24 Down 92

Captain Obvious on Nov 12, 2021 at 6:19 pm

As our Premier warned the virus ain’t done yet
Anti-vaxxers, Jonas and Curry doubted the threat
Queen Kate declared we’re back in the Danger Zone
As with Alice Cooper’s Dwight Fry, we’re not alone
We’re lucky to have Sandy and Catherine at the helm
Protecting our health care system from overwhelm
Stay safe, practice the safe six or just stay at home
Perhaps read the Star and try commenting via poem

Up 77 Down 33

bonanzajoe on Nov 12, 2021 at 6:06 pm

One final thing, if there is no cure for the Covid19 and its variants they are here to stay. Are we the people going to accept this Marxist Leninist tyrannical jack boot agenda for ever? Not me! "RESIST TYRANNY"!

Up 80 Down 18

George on Nov 12, 2021 at 6:01 pm

Quit putting the unvax on pedestal and start looking at the real problems- out of territory travel without isolation or testing. It's like if you reach 90 % vaccinated or something the world will change when in fact you're just using unvax as scapegoat deflecting from real issues.

Up 91 Down 26

bonanzajoe on Nov 12, 2021 at 5:57 pm

“I respect the decision of Yukoners to sign a petition and to voice their opinion; that is democracy". Then why Premier are you so upset and rambling on about how evil are those who don't approve of your Covid agenda? According to this story, you are having a tantrum, simply because everybody doesn't approve of your agenda and personal beliefs. It may surprise you Mr. Premier - former school teacher, not everybody does support your Covid legislation. And they are not any less Canadian. So, in the words of several teachers I heard say, "Suck it up".

Up 90 Down 35

bonanzajoe on Nov 12, 2021 at 5:48 pm

"Ten Yukoners have died from COVID-19". Mr. Premier, can you prove this? Because to date, nobody has given us any proof that these people died from Covid. So, could and would you provide absolute proof that these 10 people died from Covid? If so, that would amount to only .008 deaths of the total of those that contacted the virus, or .0002 of the whole population. Those are pretty good odds Premier.

Up 45 Down 96

YT on Nov 12, 2021 at 5:46 pm

What’s really disappointing is Jonas disregarding the approx. 40,000 Yukoners who didn’t sign his little petition.
The math is pretty easy on this issue.

Up 77 Down 25

Rick S on Nov 12, 2021 at 5:39 pm

Continue adding to the petition and double the number of signatures, then read it in the legislature again!

Up 87 Down 19

bonanzajoe on Nov 12, 2021 at 5:33 pm

“The Public Service Alliance of Canada has noted publicly that employers have an obligation to keep workplaces safe". Mr. Premier, punishing people for not taking a vaccine is not, I repeat not what the Union was implying. I took the vaccinations, but still believe a person has a right to refuse without being punished. This Emergency Act has to be reviewed and changed. It is taking too many rights away from the citizenry.

Up 85 Down 21

JohnW on Nov 12, 2021 at 5:30 pm

Mr. Silver you and your government have failed to provide credible evidence that you are following any valid science regarding C0vid. If you were actually following medical science then you would be answering these questions for every "positive test case" you announce.

How many amplification cycles of this notoriously faulty test were used to register "positive"?
What is the age and vaccination status of this "positive case"?
Are they symptomatic for C0vid?
Are they hospitalized for C0vid?
What are their underlying medical conditions such as obesity, diabetes, heart ailments, etc.?

Until you start being accountable and transparent with the C0vid data, then there are many reasons not to believe you. Most of what you say comes across as mere LIBspeak propaganda from your masters in Ottawa.
Metaphorically we're wondering if the story is at the point where the little child says, "Daddy, why isn't the King wearing any clothes?"

Up 105 Down 27

Matthew on Nov 12, 2021 at 4:50 pm

How can we be in a danger zone with 90% vaccination rate.. doesn't that mean the vaccines DONT work?

Up 72 Down 22

So did he address the content of the petition on Nov 12, 2021 at 4:32 pm

and the other 2400+ valid names?

Jonas should have vetted the petition before submitting it. Not hard to do.
Silver discrediting all of it based on a few anomalies is lame. The only name that i saw twice was Monica. But maybe I read that wrong.

Up 45 Down 102

Mike smyth on Nov 12, 2021 at 4:02 pm

Get your shot or lose your job. it's very simple.

Up 87 Down 28

Yukoner on Nov 12, 2021 at 4:01 pm

Sandy - very disappointing. I want to applaud the Yukon Party and their leader. Here is a party, that has said over and over again that they support and believe that vaccines are the best way to fight this pandemic - and they are actively encouraging people to do so. But, also - it is important to note that one of the key fundamental principles of the party is the belief in the rights of individuals. Something that neither there NDP or Liberals support. But more on that in a minute…I personally chose to get vaccinated and did so despite not being 100% confortable with the science and messaging that was being put out by our government, I did it because I could take that risk for my loved ones. I also respect people that chose not to - some for some very reasonable and well-researched reasons.
Most people that I know that have chosen not, are fully aware of their responsibilities because of that choice, and in fact are most diligent in ensuring that they take ALL measures they can to protect themselves and others. There will always be those on the far ends of an issue - but on this issue, the government needs to walk very carefully. In the public service for example - there is a duty to accommodate, and I am looking forward to seeing how that plays out - I'm sure there are many positions and jobs that can be done remotely or employees moved into different positions to accommodate their choice, while also ensuring the best public health outcomes.

Regardless of party lines - if you look at the other names on the petition, you will clearly see many well-known Liberal and NDP supporters…including former Liberal Candidates...So - this is NOT a political issue, so please Sandy - stop with the theatrics.

Up 13 Down 92

NeilAlexGeddy on Nov 12, 2021 at 3:45 pm

Kate White is the only rational leader on this issue.

Up 100 Down 21

Jim on Nov 12, 2021 at 3:42 pm

I think Sandy is losing it. He’s not used to the minority situation he finds himself in. He liked the previous setup, where he could run roughshod over the oppositions and shutdown any debate. Maybe it’s time for the little dictator to move on.

Up 38 Down 78

Chris Fox on Nov 12, 2021 at 3:22 pm

When is someone going to reveal the real reason that Self-Serving Smith was FIRED by the CPC ?

Creating other fake documents during the federal election campaign perchance ?

Up 96 Down 26

JR on Nov 12, 2021 at 3:22 pm

Sandy and his crew are a joke. More of a dictatorship than inclusive. His mandate is creating a division in residents and the problems are only going to increase. I hope all you liberal voters are paying attention now!!!

Up 41 Down 24

Wilf Carter on Nov 12, 2021 at 3:20 pm

Dictatorship style government that re-action to situations in kneejerk respond to situation in Yukon. No real investigate what the possible solutions can be in dealing with CV19 in a manner that can support our community we call Yukon from public sector and business point of view. There is no solutions or ideas in this from any one of the parties. Lets an analysis of the CV19 situation from the beginning. Federal knew it was out there 3 months before they told Canadians and did nothing to prepare for CV19 because they had no research done to explain how bad it could be on our population and impact.

Federal government did no research into the impact by getting research on the subject CV19 knowing it has been around since 1963. Just this these two items would have created a better understanding of what Canadians and Yukoners faced but no nothing.

The real problem is governments did not look at what the real problem was here and our federal decided to use as a political tool and did show consideration for what taking place far as Yukoners are concerned.

Here what I have discovered world health organization UN and other world organization used this CV19 situation as political tool to rise money and build profile in the world which has caused a negative impact on Yukon.

Lets break down in the Yukon. Just forcing people to go back to work in the public service makes no common sense. Getting certain PSC staff work at the office and letting the rest work from made thing worse because staff went out camping and did other things that showed that government might e over staffed.

Yukon Government has no shown any solutions or clean sense of direction or leadership on CV19 situation became known. Just saying the Dr head of health stated he should asked that person what other steps could be taken to have the same results so we this waste of tax payers/Yukoners time and got all Yukoners in state of fear which ends up getting people high levels of emotions and stress more needs go to the doctors, hospital on and on. Our Yukon Government of handle this situation seems to follow the international organizations and our federal government action talk but give no solutions and use this situation to make themselves look like they are doing some smart when it is just crape public policy. Our Yukon has made Yukoners sick by the 1,000's because of there mis-management of CV19 situation.

Up 91 Down 23

Dave on Nov 12, 2021 at 3:17 pm

Who was it that campaigned under the slogan ‘BE HEARD’ and had it splashed all over big campaign signs? Oh that’s right it was Sandy Silver and the Liberal party. So now we the people want to be heard by presenting this petition and he shows his true Colours. I’d say what else I think of him but it wouldn’t be printed here.

Up 33 Down 78

Allan Stanley on Nov 12, 2021 at 3:17 pm

"it contains several duplicate signatures, as well as names of residents outside of the Yukon, and the name of a white supremacist who killed 51 people at a mosque in New Zealand in 2019,”

YEP - no surprise there.

Up 79 Down 23

Isolated on Nov 12, 2021 at 3:10 pm

If the mandates are meant to follow the science then why can't this government clearly communicate how they will accomplish their goals or even what the goals are.
Science is saying the vaccine doesn't prevent breakthrough infections, so if the goal is to limit spread, vaccine status is negligible.

Science is saying natural immunity can be on par with immunity garnered from the vaccines, so why no consideration to those who have recovered from the disease.
Life is full of nuance, this governments leadership lacks the humility or foresight to do anything that isn't black and white team politics. Pointing out the bad guy to avoid tough conversations about leadership decisions you've made is infantile and shows a complete lack of ownership.

Have some accountability for your decision making as an elected official. Some of those 2500 signatures are real Yukoners with real concerns, who have repeatedly had their lives affected by your government.
Sad state of affairs all around.

Up 91 Down 20

T on Nov 12, 2021 at 3:04 pm

“I think the best way to accomplish that is to not question or not necessarily criticize the recommendations of science,” Silver said.

Is he daft? That's not how science works. Science is intrinsically rooted in skepticism and testing hypotheses. It is predicated upon questioning everything. Vaccine data is meaningless without a control group to measure against. Actual science would recommend long term studies before bringing an experimental treatment to the market. It feels like we've shifted into some alternate timeline bizarre world.

Up 76 Down 26

JSM on Nov 12, 2021 at 2:40 pm

Wow, Silver really grasping for authoritarian power beyond question. Figure the Lieberals would try and pull the ultimatum and boil complex issues down to YES or NO answers.

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