Whitehorse Daily Star

School problems spur terse words between parties

Education Minister Jeanie McLean and Opposition Leader Currie Dixon sparked an angry exchange with each other over the state of affairs at Jack Hulland School on Thursday afternoon as question period ended in the legislature.

By Tim Giilck on November 5, 2021

Education Minister Jeanie McLean and Opposition Leader Currie Dixon sparked an angry exchange with each other over the state of affairs at Jack Hulland School on Thursday afternoon as question period ended in the legislature.

Although Yukon Party education critic Scott Kent was asking a question of McLean about tensions at the school, she seized the opportunity to take a shot at Dixon.

“As I started out with today on the commitment of our government to have healthy, active, safe, and caring learning environments in our Yukon schools, I am going to go somewhere a little bit different,” McLean said.

“The Yukon Party and the leader particularly — and I point out ‘the leader’ — continues to spread misinformation about our education system and I want to speak to Yukoners about this,” she added, charging ahead on a different tangent.

“It is irresponsible and absolutely disappointing,” she continued.

“Leadership is needed to fix the school system. Politicizing the challenges in our schools and stoking anger and division does a disservice to all of our students and the many dedicated staff who are working every day to support our students.

“We are doing the hard work to improve our schools after a decade and a half of neglect from the Yukon Party,” the minister added.

“I have met with the Jack Hulland school council. I have met with the staff at Jack Hulland. We have made adjustments to the learning spaces to improve safety.

“We have reviewed all the learning plans for the students in the Grove Street program. We have updated the Grove Street handbook, and as I have stated, we will be supporting a family-parent meeting later this month,” McLean concluded.

Yukon Party MLA Brad Cathers rose to challenge McLean on a point of order.

“The minister of Education just clearly contravened Standing Order 19(h) in reference to the statement she made about the Leader of the official Opposition,” Cathers said.

“I would ask you to remind her of that point and have her retract those comments,” he told Speaker Jeremy Harper.

Harper immediately ruled against Cathers, calling McLean’s comment a “dispute between members.”

Afterward, a clearly annoyed Dixon took up the situation with reporters.

“I want to respond to the minister of Education saying I have been spreading misinformation. I want to be correct and to be clear with everyone that the only person who has been accused of spreading misinformation is minister of Education,” Dixon said.

“She has consistently and over and over been called out not only by the opposition but by a number of groups about inaccurate information in the statements she has been providing.

“She’s been called out by the YTA (Yukon Teachers’ Association), parents, teachers and a number of people have called her out over her statements,” the Yukon Party leader added.

“Over and over, the minister has been caught saying things in the legislature that have proven to be inaccurate.”

Comments (11)

Up 15 Down 5

Crunch on Nov 9, 2021 at 10:06 am

Make no mistake, the politicians are the problem. They make no stand on what is right or wrong and hide behind virtue signalling which is front and centre. The problems keep compounding because if they make a stand and get judged on it at the polls it could ruin their chance at the pension. Pathetic situation we have here all due to spineless attitudes toward fixing problems.

Up 5 Down 1

Deflect on Nov 8, 2021 at 8:33 pm

Apologies to all. I just noticed my error. My comment should have read Jack Hulland and Hidden Valley.

Up 28 Down 10

Hey, hey we're the Monkees… on Nov 7, 2021 at 12:30 pm

The Liberal Handbook of Governance:

In a room there were 5 monkeys.
A bunch of bananas hung from the ceiling, and a ladder stood nearby.

Inquisitive and hungry, one of the monkeys climbed the ladder and reached for a banana. As soon as he did so, a scientist opened a port hole and drenched all the monkeys with a high-pressure hose.

After a few minutes, angry and dripping wet, but no less inquisitive and hungry, another monkey decided to give it a go. He climbed the ladder and reached for a banana. As soon as he did so, the scientist opened the port hole again and drenched all the monkeys with the hose.

After a few more minutes, another monkey decided to give it a go. This time his mates were having none of it. As soon as he touched the ladder, they rallied around and beat him up.

None of the monkeys dared go near the ladder any more.

The next day, the scientist removed one of the monkeys and replaced him with a new one. Since this monkey was not aware of the consequences, he headed straight for the ladder. The other monkeys headed him off and beat him up.

The next day, the scientist removed another monkey and replaced him with a new one. Since this monkey was not aware of the consequences, he headed straight for the ladder. Again the other monkeys headed him off and beat him up.

This continued for few more days. Each time, like clockwork, the new monkey would head for the ladder and the other monkeys would beat him up.

Then on Day 6, a strange thing happened. Yes, the new monkey headed for the ladder and the other monkeys beat him up. However none of those monkeys was an original from Day 1. They all dutifully beat up the new guy, but they had no idea why!

Retrieved from:

Up 42 Down 6

Groucho d'North on Nov 7, 2021 at 9:00 am

For the past decade or so, kids have been going to school hungry and tired, often without a lunch for them. Homework is not completed and behaviours have become more violent. Parents have been giving the government more responsibility to raise their children as they step into the background as the state now offers meal programs and disciplinary roles that parents should be fulfilling. If you let the state raise your kids don't expect the results to be satisfactory.

Up 30 Down 12

Deflect on Nov 7, 2021 at 7:11 am

Deflect, deflect deflect!! Own up to your failures Lieberal government. This mess - Jack Hulland and Golden Horn - are all on you as the government and no one else!

Up 35 Down 3

Sheepchaser on Nov 6, 2021 at 11:29 am

Chasing the Liberals for lying when cornered is about as useful or newsworthy as a dog chasing a raven. People who view the world as they want it to be, rather than how it really is, are bound to get caught in a lack of truth. This applies to all brands of politics these days, sadly.

Up 41 Down 8

Sharon on Nov 6, 2021 at 9:36 am

The minister is not incredibly astute. This was a bad move, calling out the opposition and calling this their fault. They did not create this situation - she and her government did by making changes to Grove Street. Time to get it out of the school.

Up 31 Down 4

Josey Wales on Nov 5, 2021 at 7:48 pm

Oh no...terse words?
Oh the humanity...
Politicians lie, kinda what they do. The last near two years alone should be great source of questions, that will never be answered by the state and its actors.
...Losers, the whole lot!

Up 37 Down 6

dick on Nov 5, 2021 at 5:38 pm

The education file is a mess. Need leadership here, the last two ministers were and are disasters.

Up 40 Down 5

Education in the throes of death… Spasming, twitching and kicking in its last breaths… on Nov 5, 2021 at 5:05 pm

Wow! The whole education system has been politicized. The Education Minister should be aware of this - It has been hijacked by identity politics. To say otherwise is to misinform. Ignorance is another form of misinformation - Not knowing about the sexual violence committed against our children is misinformation - The Education Minister has a duty and obligation to know what is happening in every school - Ignorance, wilful or otherwise is misinformation. Then to cover it up or to continue to deflect and blame is also misinformation - WTF is the public doing about this - F&@$ All!

To be clear though there is difficulty in dealing with all children’s behaviours these days. You can’t make me! You can’t touch me! My mother is… My father is… A so-called pillar of the community so that gives me behavioural immunity.

Meanwhile the kids will not learn and it will be the teachers fault - FFS - Your kid should be in juvie and most of the other kids know it. But you know what, we have this soft invitational approach to learning in a gen-set that has been so psychologically and cognitively damaged that the impulse short circuits… And they are left with diminished reasoning and intellect.

This is not due to teachers or even the administrative staffers - It is all about the political skulduggery of those who advance their political ideas before any thought to a good and decent education commensurate with the child’s ability to learn.

Keep the kids safe. Teach them that there are consequences for their behaviours. Teach them that in polite civil society it matters. And - To all you parents out there - Whether you are Caucasian or non-Caucasian and regardless of what office you hold - Stop coddling immature minds and set boundaries and rules and obligations and enforce them!

Up 41 Down 13

Jie on Nov 5, 2021 at 4:59 pm

Liberal party has to go. Please NDP do something, end the pension plan coalition, call an election. It's enough. It's bad.

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