Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

DEMOLITION PENDING – The Ryder Apartment will be replaced by a new multi-unit building for rent-geared-to-in-come tenants.

Ryder Apartment’s days are numbered

Remediation and demolition work at the Ryder Apartment building on Sixth Avenue began last Wednesday.

By Whitehorse Star on November 6, 2023

Remediation and demolition work at the Ryder Apartment building on Sixth Avenue began last Wednesday.

Built in 1977, the apartment building is a 24-unit property owned by the Yukon Housing Corp. (YHC).

It will be replaced with a new multi-unit building designed to accommodate rent-geared-to-income tenants.

The Yukon government has awarded $515,000 in funding to Castle Rock Enterprises to do the work.

The company is owned by Dakwakada Capital Investments, the business arm of the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations.

Remediation and demolition are scheduled to be completed by Feb. 14, 2024.

“All essential measures to protect public safety throughout the remediation and demolition processes will be a priority for the contractor,” the government said Friday.

Ryder tenants were relocated primarily to the 401 Jeckell St. multi-unit building and other housing corporation-owned multi- and single-family units.

“The Ryder Apartment building has been home to many Yukoners over the past 46 years,” said Premier Ranj Pillai, who is also the minister responsible for the YHC.

“While the demolition of this site marks a significant moment for some, its remediation represents an exciting milestone for all, as it opens the door to new and diverse housing options for future tenants.”

An internal building assessment determined that renovating or repurposing the Ryder Apartment would not be cost-effective due to the amount of mechanical, electrical and other work required.

Remediation work, which will help ensure hazardous materials are handled and disposed of safely, is taking place first, to be followed by the razing of the building.

The construction tender is scheduled to be released in early 2024, with the expected award date set for late spring.

Once complete, the new building will aim to provide more units on the same lot, the government indicated.

Comments (2)

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The Summit Apartments on Mar 20, 2024 at 3:34 am

This is indeed an intriguing issue and it's imperative that we weigh in on our conscience. Prudence and conscientiousness are necessary for the city's development going forward. Times like these call for us to be mindful of the city's growth and circumstances.Owning real estate requires ongoing maintenance and management. Whether it's a rental property or a personal residence, staying on top of repairs and upkeep is essential for preserving the property's value.

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Jim on Nov 9, 2023 at 9:31 am

I think is where our system is all messed up. Many of us live in structures built well before 1977 and seem to do just fine. For some reason government can’t maintain a structure to minimum standards and feel that it not financially feasible to renovate. Just tear them down, fill up the landfill and build new. Yet they seem to have no problem letting crazy amounts of money to be squandered on the old high country inn. There are regular people living in old military houses with minimal insulation, asbestos wrapped pipes and shingles. So either it’s government expectations of owning only new and efficient buildings and show that they are being “green” on your dime, or people who live on the government hand outs are expecting these same standards. But regular working stiffs just do the best they can while paying property taxes, carbon taxes, high electricity and fuel costs.

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