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SEARCH CONTINUES – Joey went missing on May 12, and owner Sarah Steinberg, seen at right with her be- loved pet, is hoping that someone might have taken him in, thinking him a stray. Photos courtesy of Sarah Steinberg
Photo by Photo Submitted
SEARCH CONTINUES – Joey went missing on May 12, and owner Sarah Steinberg, seen at right with her be- loved pet, is hoping that someone might have taken him in, thinking him a stray. Photos courtesy of Sarah Steinberg
It will be four weeks tomorrow since little Joey ran away from his dog sitter in Riverdale, and frantic owner Sarah Steinberg is desperate to have him home.
It will be four weeks tomorrow since little Joey ran away from his dog sitter in Riverdale, and frantic owner Sarah Steinberg is desperate to have him home.
So, with the help of Yukon Animal Rescue Network (YARN) and anonymous donors, she’s offering a $5,000 reward to anyone who can return him.
Joey ran off on May 12, the day Steinberg flew to Croatia on vacation.
“It was terrible; it was horrendous,” she recalled.
She messaged YARN operator Cheryl McGrath to spread the word.
Since then, McGrath reports all the latest Joey sightings on YARN’s Facebook page, and has helped to organize search and flyer delivery parties.
McGrath also recruited helpers to set up a live trap for Joey at places where there had been possible sightings of him. The trap was baited with Steinberg’s clothes for Joey to catch her scent, as food would attract wildlife.
Still no Joey.
But Steinberg, who has had Joey for a year, remains optimistic.
“There’s a two per cent chance some kind-hearted person took him in, and I would not be remotely mad at them; they’d be my new best friend.”
She said she could see why someone might think he was neglected and keep him.
“He’s missing teeth, has a tumour, he’s deaf and has prickly fur,” she said of the 15-year-old mixed-breed dog.
“He’s had such a rough beginning, he was found clinging with his poor little claws to the side of a river. It took him days to eat.
“My goal was to give him a fabulous life, which I did, and a dignified end, which I didn’t,” she said.
McGrath recalls Joey being found south of Watson Lake near a bridge just over a year ago.
“He was in the river, old and weak, and unable to pull himself out, clinging to a tuft of grass on the river bank,” she said.
“I believe someone drove him way down the highway from Lower Post, and threw him off the bridge. Many folks in the villages do that with old dogs, believing they are returning them to nature,” she said.
Joey was taken to a veterinarian, and had his rotted and infected teeth pulled out. He also had blood work, X-rays and an ultrasound. With medications, his tumour has been managed.
Steinberg worries about him being off his medications, and just wants him to get back to his Granger home to be spoiled again.
“I’d give him a buffet of eight dishes to choose from when he was off his food. So many people tell me, ‘I want to come back as your dog!’”
The one bright spot, Steinberg said, is the massive show of community support she’s received.
“Dexx manned the trap (set out for Joey) for days at a time, and I didn’t even know him. And I didn’t know the lady who was co-ordinating handing out flyers. So many people helped give out flyers on Liard and Alsek (roads in Riverdale) that it was causing a traffic jam.”
McGrath also praised the volunteers helping in Joey’s search.
“Several are going out every day to look,” she said.
“Sarah has many friends and neighbours who know what a truly wonderful dog owner she is – so they’ve all helped wherever possible,” McGrath said.
Steinberg plans to finish the Riverdale flyer hand-out today, then head to the Jeckell Street area this weekend, as there was a possible Joey sighting there a couple of weeks ago.
Joey is a small dog weighing between 6.5-8 kg. He has a large black patch on his back, and his tail is curved to one side (possibly from an earlier break).
If you have information, please call Steinberg at 334-4470 or message the YARN page on Facebook.
Whitehorse Star
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Comments (2)
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Starlinne Sullivan on Jun 9, 2018 at 7:26 am
This is my lovely cousin, who is a Godsend to Joey. Please help find him, and return him to her loving arms.
Up 9 Down 1
BB on Jun 8, 2018 at 4:25 pm
Take a good look around close to wherever he went missing from. I had a dog go missing once while house sitters were there. I found his remains only 400 feet away from the back door. It was not their fault, poor people felt terrible. He got whacked by a wolf or coyote while out in his own yard. We searched and asked around, but one day I put on my snow shoes and hit the bush, and found him. It was extremely sad but good to know what happened.
I would just say that it is possible that he met his end very close to where he disappeared.
Thank you for giving him the care and good life that you did, for the time you had him, and I hope there is a good happy ending.