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KEEPING YUKONERS INFORMED – Premier Sandy Silver speaks during Wednesday afternoon’s COVID-19 update in Whitehorse. Photo courtesy YUKON GOVERNMENT/ALISTAIR MAITLAND PHOTOGRAPHY

Reopening to enter third phase on Aug. 1

The Yukon is poised to enter phase three of its pandemic reopening plan on Aug. 1.

By Gabrielle Plonka on July 16, 2020

The Yukon is poised to enter phase three of its pandemic reopening plan on Aug. 1.

Dubbed “the new normal”, it will stay in place until a COVID-19 vaccine is available.

“If, as a community, we can all continue to stay vigilant, we can protect ourselves from the broad spread of COVID-19,” Premier Sandy Silver told a Wednesday afternoon media briefing.

“The pandemic is not over, and there are some important milestones yet to come.”

Silver provided the COVID-19 update without Dr. Brendan Hanley, the chief medical officer, for the first time since the pandemic began.

The premier did not provide many details about what the beginning of phase three will entail. He said more information will be available in the next two weeks.

He provided some numbers on border control since the Yukon entered phase two on July 1 and the border opened to B.C. and northern residents without isolation requirements.

So far this month, 1,587 B.C. residents have entered the territory; 1,130 Yukoners have returned home; and 1,627 people have transited through the territory.

The premier said the Emergency Coordination Centre has received 119 complaints from the public since July 1.

There is consideration of developing a system for marking vehicles with out-of-territory licence plates to show they are permitted to move freely in the territory.

“It’s not so much we hear from travellers that are being hassled, it’s more about there’s a big strain on the system,” Silver said.

Clearly marking vehicles that have been given the green light to move freely could alleviate the number of calls emergency co-ordinators receive, Silver said.

The Whitehorse Public Library will reopen to the public on July 21.

The library was ordered closed on March 18.

The library will have limited computer access and reduced seating. Staff will encourage visitors to use their own headphones at public computers and a hand sanitizer station at the entrance.

“I know this community resource has been missed by many, and it is a welcome return,” Silver said.

According to a press release issued Wednesday, many government employees will begin returning to offices in phases two and three.

At the height of restrictions, about 50 per cent of government employees were working from home. That number is now 34 per cent.

The staff required to return to the office will depend on operational needs and employee circumstances.

“Employees who will be returning can expect to have a conversation with their supervisor about the details of coming back into the workplace,” the release stated.

Employees can expect to see directional tape and signage on the floors and walls, as well as signage reminding of the six steps for staying safe.

Silver said the government is currently working on an early learning childcare plan.

“We recognize that affordable early learning childcare is essential to supporting families and ensuring we have a strong economy,” Silver said.

A more detailed announcement on the plan will happen soon, Silver said.

The government is considering a sliding scale model for childcare, based on what is offered in Quebec.

Providing early childcare was one recommendation of the Putting People First Report that was issued to the Department of Health and Social Services during the spring.

Silver briefly addressed the widespread criticism circulating around the government’s plan for the upcoming school year.

“We’re not facing a normal school year here; our government needs to determine how to get students in the classroom for as much time as possible,” Silver said.

The Yukon government released a student survey requesting feedback on distance learning on Wednesday morning.

Silver said his government will consider the experiences of students, but didn’t say whether the results will affect the school year plan.

“We’re always willing to consider input as we make these decisions,” Silver said.

“We hope and believe that we will do our best to make sure all students have the best opportunities.”

Comments (22)

Up 0 Down 0

With all due respect: on Jul 23, 2020 at 5:08 am

Blah, blah, blah is what all this amounts to when you have bleach bottle motor homes parked and shopping at Walmart from epic centers of corona virus in the lower 48 clearly breaking their mandated and agreed to rules when they crossed the border. Enforce or let someone else handle the reality of this situation because ignoring it like you two want to do is obviously not an acceptable solution. They were parked and attempted to be reported on afternoon of Jul 22 2020. This brings up another problem; try phoning in a plate number and see if you can get anyone to care about it.
Mass Ostrich like behavior here as everyone wants a pay check but like having heads beneath sand. Who will accept info and what will they do about it? Please wake-up bureaucracy !

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Josey Wales on Jul 22, 2020 at 9:43 pm

Thanks June, someone must I agree. I am but one and I am not alone..we are many. Cannot shake the thought that June 6, 1944 was a waste given how we are bending over and pre-oiling the bung for them like cucks in FREAKING CANADA

Aaaand Patti...glad I could make ya happy. That said looking at mere numbers on your thoughtful intellectual gem below, if you were at the last supper...seems you'd be asked to leave.

"always look on the bright side of life"... Monty Pythons Life of Brian, former parody troupe that could no longer perform...as the real world has gone off the scale stupid and cannot comprehend parody due to the hypersensitivity of the perpetually offended and sanctimonious hypocrites

Now the poor moderator, been working moderation too hard...kinda forget I am a quest here.
Happy Birthday and thanks for both tolerating my eccentric nature AND having a kick ass comment section.
STILL...repeat STILL have participation, thanks for having a set in these emasculated times Star...metaphorically speaking.

Up 6 Down 3

Juniper Jackson on Jul 22, 2020 at 3:52 pm

There are a lot of commentators, both sides with valid points in their opinion.
However, the death rate continues to be low, even if the infection rate increases. While Dr. Hanley nearly puts me to sleep, droning on, he did say today that young people who contract covid will likely recover, they carry the possibility of spreading it to others that will not. My opinion has not changed. Somewhere along the information line, we have to decide what we want to believe. CDC issued a complete information guide on masks, what they were all for, how to use. That has since been removed and replaced with a complete, if opposite position on why we should wear a mask. (Wouldn't you know i would have a copy of the original CDC position on masks). Borders won't stop covid, now closed borders will.. covid is air born in a liquid vehicle.. (saliva spray from speaking moistly, cough, sneezes) covid doesn't live on a desk, covid lives on a desk, shoes? not shoes, yes shoes.
What to believe? Who to believe? How to conduct yourself? What to expect from others? Use the tattle tale lines to rat out your friends? neighbors? Encourage little kids in school to rat out their Mom or Dad? Where is the line? No one wants to die of respiratory illness, gasping for air, no one wants to die of TB, cancer, plain flu either, all of which have higher death rates than covid. I think there is real risk, seniors, people already immune compromised..and perceived risk. People who are just so scared they cannot be rational about it.
Continue to protect the high risk..set everyone else free. I fall in the middle.. I live my life, but I am not stupid about it.

My point? Decide what you want to believe, and live to it. Phase 1? 2? 3? 4? 5? 6? 7? ..10? 20? 33? and on and on..

I enjoy Josie's originally phrased comments. He is all about the infringement on personal freedom. Someone needs to be guarding our rights.. many of which are now gone. Glad you are posting again.

Up 17 Down 2

Obi on Jul 22, 2020 at 1:22 pm

Get back to work!!!!
I think it is an outrage that 34% of our government is still working???? at home.
If cashiers at grocery stores have been working non stop in our territory, I think the least government workers can do is hang up their pajamas and get back to what they are being paid for.
And now we hear that despite many people in the private sector losing their jobs, businesses, and livelihood during this pandemic, our government has just announced a pay RAISE for government employees, all the while spending millions that will have to be paid back by the private sector.

The absolute gall, and stupidity in our government sector is mind boggling!

Up 1 Down 14

Patti Eyre on Jul 21, 2020 at 4:47 pm

I am lately quite pleased Josie hasn't had her voice wailed in quite some time!

Up 18 Down 7

Max Mack on Jul 21, 2020 at 2:25 pm

"the new normal . . . will stay in place until a COVID-19 vaccine is available."

Government cannot continue to place restrictions on its citizenry in the hopes that, some day, at some indeterminate point in the future, a safe and effective vaccine will be available.

Medical science does not have a good track record when it comes to coronavirus vaccines. Not only that, but this virus has probably already mutated and will continue to mutate.

The research community is in a race to develop a vaccine. A lot of money is at stake. Governments are hugely invested in this race. The first to market stands to make billions. Safety protocols are being disregarded or reduced. In this haste and with so much at stake, are studies being cooked?

Time to return to normal. End the "emergency" now.

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Josey Wales on Jul 21, 2020 at 12:14 pm

I for some reason know what a North Korean feels like, as I seemed to disappear without a trace here.
Carry on, nothing to see here.

Up 13 Down 15

Yukon Cornelius on Jul 21, 2020 at 7:44 am

102 new cases of COVID-19 in BC in the last 72 hours means Sandy should be shutting the Yukon/BC border and protecting Yukoners. But he won't. Shame.

SOURCE: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bc-covid-update-july-20-1.5655625

Up 9 Down 4

Brent on Jul 21, 2020 at 6:01 am

Of course everyone is aware of the recent spikes in B.C &Alberta over the weekend where they returned to daily infection rates of 8 weeks ago.

Beware of "the curse of the black chicken".

Up 31 Down 2

Why bother? on Jul 20, 2020 at 10:14 am

Why not just go ahead with Phase 3 now? what's the difference? No one is enforcing the rules anyway.

And...what's with posting stats about cases that aren't even in the Yukon? So, will they not post any active cases in the Yukon if they are not Yukoners?

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YukonMax on Jul 20, 2020 at 6:22 am

Here is a dare...Open up the 3rd phase but send every government employees back to work...AT THEIR RESPECTIVE WORK SITES!

Up 26 Down 9

Jim on Jul 19, 2020 at 9:13 pm

@mike, you are correct. The legislature doesn’t normally sit in the summer. But it isn’t normal, is it. We are in a world wide pandemic. A declared medical emergency. People’s freedoms and their rights to move freely have be restricted. This is unprecedented times. One political party is making decisions and spending like drunken sailors with no oversight, much like the feds are doing. I guess it’s fine if your MLA is a member of the liberals. If not you have no representation. Don’t you think with the premature closure of the legislature that it should maybe make up for the lost time? We’ve had our debt limit double, so the one party making decisions can blow through another pile of cash with no scrutiny. All the government should be back at work. Sorry if 5 months off isn’t enough in your view.

Up 13 Down 32

Bob Weeks on Jul 19, 2020 at 12:19 pm

Great job by Sandy and the Liberals. A lot of this information is on a need to know basis. How to perform Liberals, adapt and overcome just like Liberals do.

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Max Mack on Jul 18, 2020 at 6:46 am

A permitting system to show that out-of-territory plated vehicles are "authorized" to freely travel within the territory?
Yeah - good luck with that. "Show me your papers" comes to mind.

Welcome to Nazi Germany.

Up 43 Down 9

Joe on Jul 17, 2020 at 8:19 pm

New world, time to lay off those unnecessary govy jobs still sitting at home. If you're not back to work yet probably good indication.

Up 16 Down 13

Mike on Jul 17, 2020 at 4:06 pm

@ Groucho d'North

The Leg never sits in the summer.
Never has, never will.

Up 11 Down 25

Carter on Jul 17, 2020 at 2:30 pm

Government, always a joke on Jul 16, 2020 at 7:22 pm
" Wish we struck gold instead of Silver"

Well - we did replace "Pasloski pyrite" with "Sandy silver"

Up 32 Down 14

KC on Jul 17, 2020 at 12:29 pm

I am quite concerned about the uptick we are seeing in Quebec, Alberta and BC a lot of which seems to be tied to a combination of bars and relaxing social norms about gatherings like house parties. It's only a matter of time before what is going on down in the US spills over into Canada. We are going to have a "contacts budget" that we can't exceed at any given time until there is a vaccine and what we do have should be reserved for priorities like reopening schools. If we start getting cases in the Yukon I hope the government moves quickly to shut down bars. It seems that most things can be reopened safely. Bars less so.

Up 48 Down 11

Groucho d'North on Jul 17, 2020 at 9:37 am

I wonder when the legislature will be reconvened? There are many unanswered questions - not that the government will answer any of them, but they can at least pretend to be accountable.

Up 49 Down 15

Yukon Cornelius on Jul 16, 2020 at 7:31 pm

"If, as a community, we can all continue to stay vigilant, we can protect ourselves from the broad spread of COVID-19,” Premier Sandy Silver told a Wednesday afternoon media briefing.

The fact that the Premier doesn't know the difference between Coronavirus (i.e. the virus - which can 'spread') and COVID-19 (the disease one may get after contracting Coronavirus) demonstrates how out of his depth the Premier really is.

'The premier did not provide many details about what the beginning of phase three will entail.'
Considering Yukoners' taxes have been paying YG employees to 'work from home' since mid-March, you'd think that Sandy would have more details on 'Phase 3'. Unless of course YG still doesn't have a plan - which would explain Silver being thin on details. This should worry Yukoners and business owners.

'The premier said the Emergency Coordination Centre has received 119 complaints from the public since July 1.' “It’s not so much we hear from travellers that are being hassled, it’s more about there’s a big strain on the system,” Silver said.

Interesting how Silver side stepped the real issue here: that YG has received 119 calls since July 1 not about travellers being 'hassled', but from Yukoners who have reported over 100 vehicles (cars, trucks and RVs) bearing license plates from plague-ridden states such as Arizona, California, and Texas - all parked in the parking lots of downtown Whitehorse retail stores like Canadian Tire, Walmart and Real Canadian Superstore where they're not permitted to be (because they were granted passage through the Yukon on the condition that they drive straight through to Alaska, not stop in Whitehorse or in any of the communities and only remain in the Yukon for 24 hours).

'The government is considering a sliding scale model for childcare, based on what is offered in Quebec.'
Once again, from the sounds of it, despite Yukoners having paid the salaries of YG employees to 'work from home' since mid-March, Silver has no taylor-made-for-the-Yukon childcare plan, so he's just going to copy what they did in Quebec and hope that it works for Yukoners.

“We’re not facing a normal school year here; our government needs to determine how to get students in the classroom for as much time as possible,” Silver said. 'Silver said his government will consider the experiences of students, but didn’t say whether the results will affect the school year plan.'
Once again - Silver doesn't know, so I'm going with 'despite Yukoners having paid YG employees to 'work from home' since mid-March, we still have no plan.'

For a former secondary school Math Teacher, you'd think that Slippery Sandy's math would add up, but it doesn't.
Bush league. Shame.

Up 38 Down 13

Government, always a joke on Jul 16, 2020 at 7:22 pm

So the virus changes on August 1st?

Or is that just a convenient deadline?
This is like the end of WWI "we'll wait till the 11th day of the 11th hour of the 11 month, so it sounds better in history."

Is it an actual reflection of real events? Arbitrary dates, arbitrary laws, arbitrary life. Wish we struck gold instead of Silver .

Up 34 Down 27

Umm... on Jul 16, 2020 at 7:20 pm

Can we just rip the band aid off?
We know that there is nothing we can do to fully contain the virus. A small spread of it has extreme consequences. Knowing that, why are we pretending we can stop it with hand sanitizer and masks?

Unless it's eradicated there is no half measure that solves it. It's just going to be a part of our lives like the Flu.
I don't understand the importance in lying to the public that we're somehow safer.

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