Whitehorse Daily Star

‘Red tape’ hampering anti-flood measures: MLA

Things are already becoming complicated for homeowners preparing for the spring and summer flooding seasons.

By Tim Giilck on April 22, 2022

Things are already becoming complicated for homeowners preparing for the spring and summer flooding seasons.

The Yukon Party suggested Wednesday that bureaucracy is getting in the way for people wanting to shore up their properties in advance of any flooding.

Brad Cathers, the Yukon Party MLA for Lake Laberge, pressed the government on what homeowners are supposed to do.

“With the high snow levels, many Yukoners who own property affected by flooding last year are thinking about what needs to be done this year,” he noted.

“Many want to get to work on their properties to prepare for the possibility of another flood this summer.

“For some, that means reconstructing slopes with stone or rip-rap, building up breakwaters, or constructing concrete or rock walls. But what many are being told is that they need to get permits from government before doing any of this work.”

In many cases, he pointed out, “this means they need to go through YESAB (Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board), which some have been told could take months.

“What is the government doing to ensure bureaucratic red tape is not getting in the way of Yukoners trying to protect their property from the potential of flood damage this summer?”

Energy, Mines and Resources Minister John Streicker fielded that question rather than Richard Mostyn, the minister of Community Services, who is in charge of flooding preparation.

The lead agency on the flood response is the Emergency Measures Organization, which is part of Community Services, he said.

It’s also working closely with the water resources branch from the Department of Environment, and the lands branch under EMR.

“So, there are a few ways in which we’re working to try to expedite permitting,” Streicker said.

The first one is that we put a call out to contractors to get them pre-approved, and there was a YESAB application that we were able to use from — I believe it was — 2016, which had already done the environmental assessment along many of the waterfronts.”

Officials have, he added, “talked at a couple of community flood meetings to discuss with residents what they could do with the department — with the lands branch.

“We got a licence of occupation, which is normally required — we got that waived — the branch did. I thank them for that work, and they did that in consultation with First Nations. They’re working with all other applicants.”

Streicker continued with a long and somewhat confusing answer to Cathers.

“If they can work off of their property, they’re able to do the work, but if they have to work, there are several ways in which the branch is working to try to facilitate and support residents.”

Cathers was far from satisfied.

“Yukoners who have been reaching out to government about this have been told that the government identified two specific contractors who are able to do this kind of work and do not need to go through YESAB — but that is only in certain areas, not everywhere,” he said.

“This also means property owners who have the ability to do the work themselves are not allowed to and instead will face a several month wait time to go through assessment and permitting” Cathers added.

“This doesn’t make sense to Yukoners who are looking to take action to protect their property at their own cost and through their own initiative.

“Will the government consider undertaking a blanket YESAB assessment to allow Yukon property owners to undertake reasonable flood mitigation measures on and around their properties this summer?”

Streicker reiterated his previous answer.

“The work that is being done was to try to facilitate for residents to be able to do the work as quickly as possible, while also being environmentally responsible.”

Longer-term work is proceeding, he added.

“I know Yukon Housing Corporation is doing work around repairs to homes. I know that the Emergency Measures Office is doing work to look at various flood mitigation options through engineering plans that have been underway over the fall and up to now.

“That work — once there has been conversation with communities about which options they prefer, we will then go back and look to see how we can help facilitate the YESAB work.”

There are still requirements to be fulfilled, Streicker pointed out.

“I just encourage everybody, if they have not been at those several flood meetings that have happened, to reach out to the lands branch.

“We have folks there who are navigating residents through that process to advise them of the best approach right now.”

Afterward, Streicker told reporters that in some cases, the application process could take months, perhaps as long as into August.

He said the Yukon government doesn’t have the freedom to “take shortcuts” on legislation that it did in 2021 after a state of emergency was declared due to the flooding.

The government “has to follow the law and the process,” he told reporters, adding he doesn’t see a convenient way around it.

Cathers also spoke to reporters – and blamed the government for not communicating officially with affected residents.

He clung to that position, even when he was asked by a reporter why homeowners couldn’t have started the process months ago, when it was obvious the past winter’s abundant snowfall would likely cause problems again.

While he agreed the applications could have started then, Cathers said he believed most Yukoners are relying on the government to help them handle the situation – and that didn’t happen in a timely fashion.

Comments (20)

Up 4 Down 1

Groucho d'North on Apr 28, 2022 at 8:59 am

@Atom - here comes #53
I admit I could have been clearer in my previous criticism. I have the highest regard for the many scientists who work in government from the biologists to the environmental scientists. They do good work gathering and analyzing the data they collect. You’re correct, much of the data is available on-line and I examine it often because media reporters can only cover so much in the limited column inches they are allowed. See here: https://yukon.ca/en/water-levels
What’s missing from my point of view is what is being done with the data. Data is only valuable when it is understood in the required context. Liken it to an orchestra where the scientists are the very talented musicians. What is missing is the music charts - the plan of how the response will be delivered including time signatures so all the parts get played at the correct time. A Conductor is the one who makes sense of all the data and transforms it to something the lay person can understand and appreciate. Deadlines for applications for YESAB and all the many other tasks to be performed must be coordinated for the effective and efficient response to flooding conditions. This information is the gap I was attempting to point out in my previous post. What gets done and when and by whom?
I suspect what is happening is the common confusion of who is in charge. Politicians, with zero training in these sciences want to be seen as leading the band towards a happy conclusion. They should appoint a well-trained professional in these responses and get out of their way. The Emergency Response team of agencies and professionals have demonstrated numerous times they know what needs to be done and how to do it.
I went looking for the final review reports from previous Yukon floods like the 2007 southern lakes event, the Liard River event and the 1979 Dawson City Flood report, like most review reports, they should have recommendations made for future flood responses, I wonder what these recommendations are and if they are being applied?

Up 2 Down 3

No Regs on Apr 27, 2022 at 8:48 pm

I agree with Guncache. We need to vote in the Yukon Party so that they can get rid of all environmental regulations, and requirements to talk to First Nations. We need to get the economy moving again. I think Currie Dixon is the one to get this done as well as cut the civil service down to size by firing a bunch of govy workers.

Up 3 Down 2

Liberal Gangs and Thangs… Hoodlums in the bedlam of an uncivil society… on Apr 27, 2022 at 6:40 pm

Isn't it ironic... on Apr 27, 2022 at 2:36 pm… Don’t you think?

The Liberals are more of a Gangster Rap crew than anything else.

You think this stupidity is happening because the conservatives can’t win an election? If that is true then it is also true that neither Yukoners nor Canadians have won an election since 2015…

The only real equality that the Liberals have brought to society is that everyone loses when they are in power - Good point there “isn’t it ironic”, everyone loses.

However, your point was almost lost in your rant about conservatives…

Up 2 Down 6

Isn't it ironic... on Apr 27, 2022 at 2:36 pm

Isn't it ironic that the very deniers of climate change on the right side of the spectrum are demanding the Gubmint do something to defend against climate change.

No wonder these folks can't win an election at ANY level of governemnt

Up 6 Down 1

Mitch on Apr 26, 2022 at 7:04 pm

@Atom - I would read 53 of Groucho's contributions and still waste less time than reading one of yours. Use hydrology in sentence one more time, show us that uni level competence friend. It seems to be moving mountains in Canada these days, RIGHT? . You want to try to make an ice bridge out of water again in Dawson next winter or did the Liberals give up when they were bettered by two drunks with a chainsaw? Good thing they didn't use power poles, or they would wrecked up their hydrology derrrr...

Up 10 Down 0

JustSayin' on Apr 26, 2022 at 3:14 pm

Yes, yes.

Some people bought flood damaged houses and were given a deal. Now, they want YTG to ensure they do not get flooded out again. It is like those people in the states who continue to build in Tornado Alley, over and over, every 5 years, saying they will rebuild and our in shock when a tornado destroys their house. FML

Up 3 Down 9

Atom on Apr 26, 2022 at 3:09 pm


Yukon hydrology records are available....flood years all recorded. Do a little research.
Oh, Environment staff don't/can't predict floods, and they are well educated in hydrology.
The Liberal Party can't predict flooding either. Maybe apply for a job as a flood predictor...save us all.
Thanks for your 52nd post this week!

Up 18 Down 10

Guncache on Apr 24, 2022 at 6:01 pm

The best thing that could happen to YESAB is to close the doors and fire everyone.

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Groucho d'North on Apr 24, 2022 at 10:07 am

This Liberal administration continues to fail at public communications. This is not the first flood situation we have experienced so why is this information coming out piecemeal? All the studies from previous flood events should be available to the public, and government should have a time line to display where the situation is now and the next steps and when they will occur. Right now it appears they are making it up as they go along, similar to their COVID responce.

Up 44 Down 7

Move on Apr 23, 2022 at 11:07 am

The plight of home owners who have houses too close to the waters edge really doesn’t concern most Yukoners. Foresight and wisdom would suggest building further back might be a better solution. Are we to believe that every year we have to read about how to mitigate rising flood waters?

Up 20 Down 3

motive unclear on Apr 23, 2022 at 5:35 am

In 24 years of working in the bush throughout the winter I have never seen a greater depth of snow.

Who can be blamed for taking reasonable precautions to protect their personal homes and businesses from becoming interesting news items this spring?
Some, in positions of authority see it as theIr mandate to enforce badly designed rules rather than to care for the needs of people simply trying to live their lives.

Laws and bylaws do not need to be cruelly enforced all the time and in every instance, especially when doing so harms folks with no benefit.

Is this a difficult concept to grasp? If so, perhaps it's time to start thinking about taking steps to begin preparations for having meetings to discuss pursuing another career option. Our new university will be eager to assist you in this very important matter.

Up 23 Down 15

Matthew on Apr 22, 2022 at 7:54 pm

@ Silly Liberals, lmao! You gave me a good laugh! How true is that. And @Mitch Holder, bang on! This country will NEVER change until a blue collar worker is in charge.

Up 25 Down 4

June on Apr 22, 2022 at 7:35 pm

For those who already went through a flood in that area many years ago, my understanding is that the resources were all given to the property owners at that time. Many home owners took advantage of things that were available to them at the time. Some had rock walls, shore stabilization done and more. Some given interest free loans and some forgiveable loans. What happened to all those improvements? Did the home owner who did something back then have the same devastation again? Are the same people have their hands out again? Confusing.

Up 7 Down 36

Olav on Apr 22, 2022 at 7:28 pm

YESAB is just another brick in the wall.
YESAB should be dissolved.
Let the respective FN’s decide on the future use of the land.

Up 21 Down 2

Nathan Living on Apr 22, 2022 at 5:57 pm

The exchange in the legislature was somewhat ridiculous.

Property owners should have asked about the YESAB requirements in the fall. Property owners should have talked to people who had effectively mitigated against the high water to determine what they did, how much it cost, and what regulatory process was involved.

Why are people with these properties always portrayed as victims?
I do hope the YESAB process can be streamlined. Having said this I do know of many low cost ways to protect buildings that can be quickly implemented on the vulnerable properties.

Up 29 Down 8

martin on Apr 22, 2022 at 5:54 pm

Mark Twain said "if you can't explain it to a 6 year old, then you don't understand it yourself" Mr Streicker.

Up 15 Down 1

Groucho d'North on Apr 22, 2022 at 5:40 pm

The Yukon River drainage and many of its tributaries are salmon bearing (or they used to be). DFO will also need to step up their processes. If you've ever had to get a small boat dock approved you'll know of which I speak.

Up 14 Down 10

UnLiberal on Apr 22, 2022 at 5:33 pm

Agreed Mitch Holder on Apr 22, 2022 at 4:08 pm:

This tired idea of the mythic hero as politician who has come to save the day with more policy and procedure for the rest of us to live by and navigate through is as exhausting as it is needless. These are not people working for the benefit of people. They are working to put their stamp on something - A departure from the Collective good for the benefit the “I”.

This is the inherent contradiction within Liberalism. An ideology of we through the expression of me - Individualism mediated through the lens of an Identitarian ethos which obscures the individual nature.

Enforcing the existing law that all are equal before the law is for the decision-makers to decide. They are the ones responsible for any inequality - Not you! Quit letting them play you!

Up 42 Down 16

Mitch Holder on Apr 22, 2022 at 4:08 pm

Here's hoping YESAB floods, so these liabilities can go home to the provinces they already destroyed and stop telling us how to live in our own territory. We have residential zones to save, and I don't think your paperwork is going to stand between some good Samaritans and sandbags this summer. This is the microcosm of why taxation can't save us. Money doesn't fix a planet, boots on the ground and rolled up sleeves do and no civil servant is above the rest who are willing to work. Show me that leader, I may be so compelled. Haven't seen them yet in this lifetime, not even Suzuki, who would rather blow up a pipeline then help restore a Loess plateau with his own hands and validate some of his own transgressions.

Up 46 Down 15

Silly Liberals on Apr 22, 2022 at 3:58 pm

Red tape should be used to join two large sheets of poly together to drape over the sandbags bordering the properties edge… Red tape should not be used to sandbag people in their efforts to protect their homes… Silly Liberals…

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