Whitehorse Daily Star

Reason for ferry service reduction is unclear

The Yukon government is remaining tight-lipped as to why the George Black ferry in Dawson City unexpectedly reduced service Wednesday evening.

By Whitehorse Star on July 21, 2022

The Yukon government is remaining tight-lipped as to why the George Black ferry in Dawson City unexpectedly reduced service Wednesday evening.

The vessel is a crucial transportation link for tourists coming from or bound for the Top of the World/Taylor Highways, and for residents of West Dawson and vicinity.

The Department of Highways and Public Works put out the following notice on social media last night.

“Hi Dawson – unfortunately due to staffing issues, the George Black Ferry will only run until 11:40 pm this evening. It will resume again at 7:00 am tomorrow morning. Sorry for any inconvenience!”

Krysten Johnson, the communications manager for the department, had no information when contacted by the Star this morning.

“I do not have any more details besides what we have shared on social media at this time,” Johnson wrote.

“When I have an update, I will be sure to share with you.”

Anyone wishing to ride the ferry is being asked to check 511 Yukon for the latest on sailings.

Comments (1)

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Oh Please Do Tell... on Jul 22, 2022 at 5:12 am

Based on the limited contents of the article this is a real mystery... There are four different 8 hour shifts (morning, afternoon, night and swing) that keep that ferry going 24/7 and it has never ceased operation due to staff absence before, only due to unexpected mechanical issues. If this case if the night shift was short staffed due to illness etc. the previous (afternoon) shift members would normally just work 4 extra hours later and the next shift (morning) would come in 4 hours early to cover off the shift. If that scenario wasn't able to happen they would call in people from the remaining crew who are on their days off. The ferry never shuts down due to lack of staff, it just isn't permitted to happen as that is the link to West Dawson for emergency vehicles, etc. Something very out of the ordinary was going on here to cause the ferry to be shut down in this fashion due to staffing, probably for the first time in its 55 year history. I hope all the crew members are okay.

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