Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

CONCERNS BROUGHT TO COUNCIL – Whitehorse resident Cam Koss addresses city council Monday evening. He is concerned about the potential ramifications from a major planned development on Centennial Street near 12th Avenue.

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INEFFECTIVE ‘NOTICE’ – The notice of the rezoning application for this Centennial Street property is too small and was completely obscured by snow in recent days, points out area resident Cam Kos. Photo courtesy Cam Kos

Proposed building called inappropriate for neighbourhood

Whitehorse city council members heard a complaint from a resident over a proposed development Monday evening at their first regular council meeting of the year.

By T.S. Giilck on January 16, 2024

Whitehorse city council members heard a complaint from a resident over a proposed development Monday evening at their first regular council meeting of the year.

Cam Kos, who is no stranger to council, was on hand to protest and argue against the construction of a “giant three-storey” building in Porter Creek.

Kos also sent a lengthy email to the Star outlining his concerns before the meeting.

“For over a month now, I’ve driven by the subject property on Centennial and there was no “visible” sign of the upcoming rezoning application,” Kos said in his email.

“It wasn’t until last Friday I started asking neighbouring properties if they were coming to the public hearing tonight that someone (apparently not the city) finally swept a tiny sign off and moved it to a visible location that can be seen (but still not read) by passing traffic, only a couple days before the hearing.”

Kos told council that no one was interested in coming to the city to comment on the rezoning application because they considered it a “waste of time.”

Nearby residents, he continued, don’t want or like the development, but don’t believe the city would pay any attention to their concerns.

His primary concern was mostly aesthetic.

Kos said there is already one “giant three-storey” building in the area that really doesn’t fit into the neighbourhood.

A second, similar building has has been proposed. It would leave a lone single dwelling “sandwiched” between the two “massive” buildings, he said.

He told council he appreciates the need for more housing in the city, but that this Centennial Street location – near 12th Avenue – isn’t an appropriate spot.

“The last Centennial public hearing notification for a rezoning application four years ago and other previous rezoning applications I have seen had signs 10 times larger on a sheet of plywood, not a tiny sandwich board,” Kos said.

“Perhaps there was too much public input from those?”

He continued to list his complaints in the email.

“I don’t feel it is right nor fair to have a public hearing where so little was shown publicly for the application, especially for a plan that will affect a second street (Elm) due to the reduced lot dimensions as Centennial nears 12th Ave. (per city planning maps) as well as totally towering over the family that would be sandwiched between to the giant buildings,” Kos stated.

“Additionally, the first building from the numbered company from the east coast proponent STILL has not conformed to the mandatory green space gap between the multiple family property and the RS zoning behind it on Elm and caused the previous owners to move due to lack of privacy and vehicles parked along their back fence with exhaust and lights shining in their windows that previously was like a forested lot until the last Centennial construction removed all the trees and left nothing in what was was supposed to be a buffer zone.”

Comments (7)

Up 12 Down 7

Local Supporter on Jan 20, 2024 at 10:11 am

Interesting reading the comments relating to NIMBY.

I wonder who is pushing this as a NIMBY issue because I watched the city meeting on TV and I didn’t hear anything against development. It was just how “some” developers build unsuitable designs and or don’t follow the bylaws after rezoning and the city doesn’t do anything about it.

What I heard was the development of another white steel box there on Centennial doesn’t fit in aesthetically, and another option is to let the developer replace the one home and build 6 units instead of 10.

Sounds like Mr. Kos is being reasonable and proposing a compromise and standing up for folk who live on Centennial getting crowded out and were too frustrated to attend. Of course a developer may not see that as a compromise as other RM lots in town to build on but just can’t buy’em as cheap!

Up 25 Down 21

Davis on Jan 19, 2024 at 12:32 pm

Classic case of "not in my backyard!"
Problem is that everywhere is someone's backyard these days.
I support this development, Whitehorse needs it. This location is no worse than any other.

Up 48 Down 14

any name on Jan 17, 2024 at 12:15 pm

I think Mr Kos should be commended. And he is right! and his neighbours are also right! The COW does whatever the COW wants. At least its out in the open, not hidden behind closed door meetings. Someone has to speak up! There is so much land up here, use it! Nice work Mr Kos.

Up 113 Down 30

douglas martens on Jan 17, 2024 at 9:10 am

For those of us who've been here awhile, it is nothing short of heartbreaking to see this amazing former frontier town disintegrate into urbanity.

It's understandable, I suppose, that people from Toronto and other eastern centres miss certain elements of city life, but for that urge folks, there is an airport.

Up 112 Down 11

YT on Jan 17, 2024 at 6:52 am

If you’re a certain development company or a certain architectural firm, anything you want gets green-lighted whether at the municipal level or the territorial.

Up 37 Down 45

Brian Melanson on Jan 17, 2024 at 3:57 am

Time to build up. The sun is directly above us for 6 months a year, cancel the shadow story.
We can not continue to expand cities in this nation if we want to have wilderness.
Seeing all those Elk in Hurlburts field last night, animals may adapt, but other disappear.

Up 65 Down 33

more developmenty on Jan 16, 2024 at 4:14 pm

Wow found the definition of NIMBY.

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