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Premier Sandy Silver

Premier denies ‘deceiving’ house on debt ceiling

The Yukon Party (YP) continues to hammer Premier Sandy Silver and the territorial government over a contentious decision to double the borrowing limit for the territory.

By Tim Giilck on March 9, 2021

The Yukon Party (YP) continues to hammer Premier Sandy Silver and the territorial government over a contentious decision to double the borrowing limit for the territory.

In the two days the legislature has sat this session, YP members have bedeviled Silver over the issue, which dates backs to 2018.

At the time, Silver told the legislature he had no plans to borrow more money to help finance government projects.

However, nine days after making that statement, Silver wrote to federal officials with a request to raise the Yukon’s borrowing cap to $800 million from $400 million.

There is no evidence, though, the government has utilized that higher limit as yet.

That decision to increase the debt cap, according to the YP, means the premier “deceived” the legislature and the public. MLAs from the party have railed against the move since at least last fall.

In his defence, Silver says that while the borrowing cap was increased at his request, the government hasn’t used it to borrow more money, and that is the crux of the debate.

During the question periods last Thursday and again Monday, the YP stated “the premier repeatedly told the assembly that he had no interest in increasing the debt cap.

“On October 2, 2018, he said this: ‘I’ll just say up front that we are not contemplating taking on any extra debt for our five-year capital plan.’”

“Now we know that, just nine days after that, the premier wrote to the federal Finance minister and asked him to double the debt limit to $800 million. So, it would appear that the premier misled the assembly,” said YP MLA Brad Cathers, the party’s finance critic.

“Can the premier explain this, Mr. Speaker?”

In response, Silver said: “What I can say to the legislative assembly is that responsible borrowing is absolutely part of strong fiscal management. It helps with the preservation of capital, liquidity on management, and also return on investments.

“The Yukon government’s current borrowing limit is at $800 million, which was set by regulations under the Yukon Act, which is federal legislation,” Silver said.

“The limit was increased by the Government of Canada in September 2020 from $400 million to $800 million. This was accomplished through an amendment to the Yukon Act regulations.

“That debt limit was raised for all three territories at the same time. This debt limit increase allows for more financial flexibility that may be needed in the future to support a growing economy and steadily transition to a clean energy future.”

The debt limit has been raised by Yukon Party governments as well, Silver said

“I don’t recall them ever looking for legislative authority to do so in the past. We are happy to see that the debt limit has increased. Again, we use it for corporations, as the members opposite did — the Yukon Development Corporation, the Yukon Energy Corporation, the Yukon Housing Corporation, and the Yukon Hospital Corporation — to currently access a modest amount of borrowing room available in order to deliver their programs and their mandates.”

Cathers fired back: “For years, the premier denied having any interest in increasing the debt cap. When the debt cap was doubled to $800 million, he pointed to the federal government and tried to deny responsibility.

“Now we have learned that the premier himself actually wrote a letter to the federal government on Oct. 11, 2018, asking for the debt cap to be raised.

“Previously, on October 24, 2017, was another time when the premier denied wanting to increase the debt cap,” Cathers said.

“Here is what he said then: ‘These are some tough decisions to be made moving forward, but to answer the member opposite’s question: Have we touched the debt cap? No. Do we want to? No, we don’t want to. We want to make sure that we work inside of our means…’”

Silver told the assembly in response to that question that “reasonable borrowing is absolutely a part of strong fiscal management. We have the lowest borrowing so far of all three territories.

“The majority of that borrowing was done under the previous government’s hand. We have a current borrowing limit of $800 million.

“The member opposite would have you believe that we were not vocal about the fact that the borrowing limit was increased.

“We’ve been up in the legislative assembly many times talking about that increase,” the premier added.

“Talking about increasing your borrowing limit is not necessarily spending that debt. Again, Mr. Speaker, we increased the debt limit.”

Comments (24)

Up 13 Down 3

Groucho d'North on Mar 13, 2021 at 9:28 am

As I assumed would happen, Table the budget- then the writ. The Budget did not get passed and the current Budget expires on the 31st- that leaves some time before YG is in a spending position again. Payroll and regular expenditures are normally covered off by a Special Warrant during this term. So the question now is: How big a Warrant will Mr. Silver ask for?

Up 5 Down 14

RackM on Mar 12, 2021 at 10:43 pm

The count on all these posts are about the same.....the fledglings from the YP minority need more Kraft Dinner. It’s easier to swallow than to chew.

Up 12 Down 5

Joe on Mar 12, 2021 at 5:33 pm

@patti eyre.. your personal attacks on wilf is a sad expression of your sorrow. There are organizations out there that can help you.

Up 5 Down 12

Patti Eyre on Mar 12, 2021 at 3:28 pm

@Groucho: my credentials are limited, no doubt about that, but I have common sense and I don’t lie!

Up 18 Down 10

Juniper Jackson on Mar 12, 2021 at 1:58 pm

There is no such thing as free money. One way or the other, we all pay. This government is sneaky and underhanded. Taking their que from the Feds. Trudeau leading the most corrupt government Canada has ever seen and running a 2 trillion dollar debt now. There are not enough of us worried about this.

Up 10 Down 3

Groucho d'North on Mar 12, 2021 at 1:15 pm

@Patti Eyre
Mr. Carter provided direction to his curriculum vitae so you may appriciate his background when he is critical of government practices. You seem to believe he had little to no experience in these matters and you were better informed than he. So as they say; Turnabout is fair play. So besides an opinion- and borrowed speaking points from the left, what credentials and experiences have you got to display for we other readers to better qualify your comments?

Up 7 Down 30

Spud on Mar 10, 2021 at 5:57 pm

Like my grammy used to say, The Yucon conservative party are the biggest cons of all. Always pretending to speak for the common people when in fact they only care about themselves and their rich friends (Yucon version). They will lie to your face to get into power and then in the back rooms will do the complete opposite.
Yukoners have not forgotten the last Yucon party goverment. Of which Currie the con was a major part. He led the charge on the Peel with big head Ted.

Up 9 Down 22

Patti Eyre on Mar 10, 2021 at 4:38 pm

@Wilf: I think you forgot to mention the wars you ended, the famine you staunched, the lives you have saved! The meek will inherent the earth!

Up 23 Down 3

It's such a disappointment on Mar 10, 2021 at 4:27 pm

Do you know the most frustrating thing about this?
For me, it's that these are the role models for children and for other people around The Yukon.

"Well Silver can lie why can't I?"
Just think of the example you're setting.
You're supposed to uphold the legislation and work for the people. Instead it's just an ongoing disappointment. You've lined your wallets, padded your resumes, and made yourselves out to be "doing a great job." You lied to us and you're lying to yourselves. Please resign.

Up 18 Down 8

Mike on Mar 10, 2021 at 4:16 pm

@Patti Eyre
Seems you might of over stepped on your opinion of Wilf Carter. It seems he really is qualified to express his opinion on such matters as financial debt of our government. And Kudos to Wilf for being so open about his knowledge in this area. I believe once you have read his qualifications you and the Unicorns can take your snide belittling know it all comments and stick to something you have knowledge of like how to be critical of someone else's opinion.
Your ignorance to peoples rights to opinion and freedom of speech without criticism is clear as day. Seems our grandchildren have inherited a debt by this government for which we should all be concerned about.

Up 16 Down 17

Wilf Carter on Mar 10, 2021 at 1:25 pm

Patti go on my LinkedIn sight and see who I am. Maybe you might learn a things or two. For my experience in management in all four levels of government in Yukon. Private sector in real estate development across Canada and in parts of the US. Worked with Saudi's on project like getting access to our wheat, Iranians on development. Managed $100's millions in projects in my life time, including private and public debt. Anything else you like to know please just ask. Thank for asking!

Up 17 Down 29

Patti Eyre on Mar 10, 2021 at 12:53 pm

@wilf - let me guess you ran banks before, managed debt programs and services, have decades of experience with government and private sector borrowing, know the market inside and out, like buttered popcorn, poetry before bed and believe unicorns once roamed the flat earth.

Up 32 Down 7

Groucho d' North on Mar 10, 2021 at 8:45 am

Anybody who has raised kids know when lies are being told. My question relates to the nine days between saying no we won't be seeking a raise. So; On what day of the nine did the Premier decide that in fact he would seek an increase? Day one or eight? And what changed in the short period of time that would cause such a reversal?

Up 22 Down 11

Josey Wales on Mar 10, 2021 at 7:31 am

Gee...still venting Liberal talking points eh SS?
Sounds a lot like a another virtuous liberal, whilst not a metric Democrat...use the same playbook.
"I did not have sexual relations..." Bill CLINTON, Hillary the hags husband of convenience.
Still despite DNA still on Monica's dress, many liberal sycophants buy that tale Billy spews.
..just like here with our ruling SS, and that CCP loving idiot out east.
almost like DESTROYING the west is a P.E.T. project.
epic fail, evidence is omnipresent...need just open your eyes and do your best to avoid the EPIC EEEPIC "Gaslighting" as best ya can.

We need to march the SS in defeat.., OFF our lands *indefinitely*

Up 41 Down 7

jack on Mar 10, 2021 at 6:32 am

Time to change the tires....

Up 13 Down 38

Moose on Mar 9, 2021 at 8:46 pm

It's rich hearing the Yukon Party complain about debt when they are responsible for more than 75% of the debt which Yukon has accumulated so far. Plus, and this is a big one, EVERY other jurisdiction in Canada is currently running a deficit because we are IN A PANDEMIC. The deficits are especially massive in Alberta and Ontario.

Up 27 Down 12

Wilf Carter on Mar 9, 2021 at 6:43 pm

Is it true we are $170 million in debt now? Wow, my grand son will be paying for that? How many Yukoners want their kids and grand children paying off the debt liberals created?

Up 76 Down 22

bonanzajoe on Mar 9, 2021 at 3:21 pm

Like my Pappy used to say, a lie is a lie is a Liberal.

Up 72 Down 26

JSmonk on Mar 9, 2021 at 3:11 pm

They don't call him Slippery Sandy Silver Snake for nothing!
The Lieberal Party and the communist machine has had years of training with brainwashing and propaganda!

Up 76 Down 17

My Opinion on Mar 9, 2021 at 3:05 pm

Sandy, Sandy, Sandy, didn't your mother ever tell you it is wrong to LIE?

We should have a "0 Debt" policy. Governments should not be allowed to spend our future and expect subsequent governments and the people pay the price.
It is this kind of available debt that allows all government to buy votes prior to an election with debt that you will have to pay. Your Money.

Up 17 Down 85

Nathan Living on Mar 9, 2021 at 2:51 pm

Sandy's explanation seems sincere.

Up 72 Down 16

john on Mar 9, 2021 at 2:13 pm

More liberal spin...

Up 58 Down 13

Silver bullets killed the Liberal Monsters! on Mar 9, 2021 at 1:55 pm

Welllll... I don’t deny it... The house has been deceived. Believe all voters!!!

Up 61 Down 22

Wilf Carter on Mar 9, 2021 at 1:16 pm

Sandy, Ranj, Tracy and Richard run the government. No one else in the Liberal gov really have a say in anything. I talked to Sandy 5 years ago before the last election and I asked him what his plan for the Yukon was and how to make it better. He said we have to work on it. But one thing I asked him is you are not going to take the Yukon into debt and he said why not???

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