Photo by Vince Fedoroff
TRUCKS COLLIDE VIOLENTLY – The injuries of those involved in Friday’s collision on the Takhini River Bridge are serious, police say.
Photo by Vince Fedoroff
TRUCKS COLLIDE VIOLENTLY – The injuries of those involved in Friday’s collision on the Takhini River Bridge are serious, police say.
Two pickup trucks were involved in a collision late Friday morning that saw the Mayo Road closed down for several hours near the Takhini River Bridge.
Two pickup trucks were involved in a collision late Friday morning that saw the Mayo Road closed down for several hours near the Takhini River Bridge.
The extent of the injuries of those involved is not known, but Whitehorse RCMP say they were serious.
The accident happened at about 11:40 a.m. Friday.
The Whitehorse Fire Department used the jaws of life to extricate one of the vehicle’s occupants.
Police said Friday afternoon the injuries are serious, and, as a result, the “M” Division Traffic Services analyst is assisting with the investigation.
Updates were not available from Whitehorse General Hospital this morning.
The Yukon Hospital Corp. introduced a new policy late last year that prohibits it from providing information on patients’ conditions unless media provide their names and patients give consent.
RCMP rarely provide victims’ names to the media.
The names of the drivers and possible passengers in this case have not been released by police.
See letter.
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Comments (12)
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Ann-Marie Weir on Mar 31, 2015 at 11:11 am
My husband hit black-ice 15 years ago, rolled over a couple of times in the ditch. Prior to that day another lady went over going up that road past that bridge. Trucks drive too fast coming down always! You know who you are. The speed is too fast and should be better maintained with sand over the winter months. I slow down going into that bridge and almost pull over if I see a darn truck heading down! Not enough room, but also the speed is a big factor!
Up 6 Down 3
where? on Feb 27, 2015 at 1:51 pm
Where at all does it say that there was speeding or distracted driving? Did I miss something?!?!
Like any story, we can assume. But it's not fact.
Up 9 Down 0
Angela on Feb 27, 2015 at 9:58 am
Groucho d' North. Yes, indeed, there is a difference. An accident says there is no one to blame cause it just naturally happened by nature. Everyone scrambled to avoid it. A collision has someone to blame. Someone is doing something wrong, like talking on a cellphone, or simply not paying attention. Being distracted is so easy! Pay attention to the road.
Up 8 Down 0
north_of_60 on Feb 26, 2015 at 7:11 pm
Yes, a collision caused by premeditated carelessness, combined with inattention to road conditions and the limitations of the vehicle. Most of us have driven that stretch under similar conditions without incident, because we slowed down and paid attention.
Up 14 Down 5
Groucho d'North on Feb 26, 2015 at 1:22 pm
It was not an accident - it was a collision. Accidents are not preventable, collisions are - this one by slowing down.
Up 38 Down 3
Angela on Feb 24, 2015 at 9:43 am
People need to slow down coming around the corner, and speed is a factor, or if they could of been distracted by other people in the vehicle or by kids, just because it's nice & sunny and the roads are bare, slow down, it's that time of year again, more accidents in the spring and summer, are the worst .. be safe..there are loved ones at home waiting for you.
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citizen on Feb 24, 2015 at 7:10 am
I have crossed this bridge a 1000 times over the last 25 years, starting from when I was about 9 years old. When we would travel in and out of Whitehorse, as a kid and now as an adult, this is the only spot of the "trip" that I have always "respected". I can very much feel the concern that enters my gut when I am approaching this bridge. The bad spot on this bridge is for the vehicle coming down the hill; the way that the bridge and the corner of the hill meet, pushes your vehicle over the center line, plus never mind how fast a lot of people are driving when they are approaching this bridge. We need this as a fine reminder that we cannot wait for the gov't to fix things this bridge (seeing how nothing has happened since the beginning) but to be using more driving sense when we are on the roads.
Up 48 Down 2
Jonathan Colby on Feb 24, 2015 at 4:11 am
While the bridge deck could stand to be wider, it isn't anything reducing your speed couldn't solve. Slow down for the bridge, slow down for the turn into the bridge. Nobody gets hurt if they stay on their side of the road.
Up 49 Down 4
YTer on Feb 23, 2015 at 11:16 pm
Different levels of governments, they're YG highways, not CoW.
I'm honestly quite surprised this bridge has never been widened given that it's in Brads riding. There have been complaints and concerns over this bridge for years. Pulling any sort of trailer over this bridge and meeting someone, especially another vehicle trailering, is a white knuckle experience.
Up 18 Down 9
Slow Down and Live on Feb 23, 2015 at 8:37 pm
"Accidents" like that happen a lot at this time of year especially with pick-up trucks with no heavy load in the back and thus no traction on the rear wheels. The roads are especially slick when the temperatures are above and below freezing like now. So every year at this time there are more accidents involving pick-up trucks. The pick-up truck driver usually survives OK, but people in cars vs pick-up trucks not so well. A few years ago a woman was killed on the hill near Wolf Creek when a pick-up truck slid into her lane because of inadequate tires on slick pavement from frost. Luckily nobody was killed this time.
Up 25 Down 16
Concerned for all on Feb 23, 2015 at 6:27 pm
This bridge and its approach are only one of many highway issues in Yukon.
There are dips and bumps on many of highways that require serious attention.
The suggestion of putting up a flashing caution sign at this bridge ( at both ends ) should not be debated, action is paramount to safety.
An immediate reduction of the speed limit to 40 kmph should be imposed.
Unfortunately, in this case - and - as is often the case, we respond too little with too late.
Up 168 Down 19
Priorities on Feb 23, 2015 at 4:35 pm
People want to waste 8 Million dollars on a pie in the sky soccer field over fixing up known dangerous spots like this bridge approach? Go figure!