Whitehorse Daily Star

Plan for your emergency

“In the Yukon, we tend to go straight from flooding season to fire season,” Emergency Measures Organization planner Shane Skarnulis said Thursday.

By Whitehorse Star on February 16, 2024

“In the Yukon, we tend to go straight from flooding season to fire season,” Emergency Measures Organization planner Shane Skarnulis said Thursday.

Yukoners should look to the information posted on the government website at yukon.ca/emergencies for help.

The Flood Atlas and the Wildfire Hub can be accessed there, along with weather alerts.

Skarnulis encourages Yukoners to check out their community’s emergency plan now, using that information to develop their household’s own emergency plan.

“When your phone alert goes off with an evacuation order, that’s not the best time to look up a 60-page emergency plan for advice,” he said drily.

Households should have a 72-hour safety kit, an emergency plan that includes muster points, and plans for pets and/or livestock.

All this information and much, much more is at the https://yukon.ca/emergencies web page.

For flood preparedness, he recommends people:

Make sure their insurance covers overland flooding or sewer back up;

Make sure their sump pump is in working order;

Elevate important appliances and/or documents off lower floors; and

Have pumps or sandbags on hand to deal with meltwater or floodwater.

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