Photo by Vince Fedoroff
PROMOTING VACCINES’ IMPORTANCE – Dr. Katherine Smart, left, and Dr. Catherine Elliott are seen this morning at the COVID-19 news conference.
Photo by Vince Fedoroff
PROMOTING VACCINES’ IMPORTANCE – Dr. Katherine Smart, left, and Dr. Catherine Elliott are seen this morning at the COVID-19 news conference.
Yukon public health officials continued to flog the virtues of COVID-19 vaccinations for children today during a bonus second virus briefing of this week.
Yukon public health officials continued to flog the virtues of COVID-19 vaccinations for children today during a bonus second virus briefing of this week.
Dr. Catherine Elliott, the acting chief medical officer of health, hosted the briefing along with local pediatrician Dr. Katherine Smart, who is also the president of the Canadian Medical Association.
Ironically, while they were extolling the virtues of the scientific consensus on the safety of the vaccines for children, the Swedish government announced it has decided against recommending COVID vaccines for kids aged five to 11.
According to a story published in the Toronto Sun, the Swedish Health Agency said today the benefits did not outweigh the risks.
That’s the same argument Ontario’s chief medical officer of health made approximately two weeks ago, to the surprise of many.
During the briefing, Elliott was asked how strong the scientific consensus is on the issue.
She said it’s practically ironclad, including advice from Canadian national officials, despite obvious differing opinions.
The briefing was held on National Kids and Vaccines Day, and most of its content was focused on children.
Both doctors repeatedly stressed the importance and the safety of having children in the five-11 age range vaccinated.
Smart in particular said eight million children worldwide have received the vaccines with few side-effects. That shows just how safe the vaccines are, she said.
Currently, the booster shot – the third dose – is not being recommended for children unless they have some serious immune-compromised conditions or diseases.
Elliott said she didn’t have the figures on hand to comment on how many children have been hospitalized with COVID-19 during the pandemic.
During the Omicron outbreak, no children have been in the hospital.
They have been showing up in numbers at the Whitehorse General Hospital since Omicron began, Elliott said, but no serious cases have been noted.
“Children do not generally develop severe symptoms,” she said.
Both doctors argued the case for the vaccines, saying they offer 50 per cent protection against infection, and much higher protection against serious illness and hospitalization.
Smart also noted the vaccines provide some protection against post-virus problems, including a type of inflammation that COVID-19 can cause in children recovering from it.
Vaccinated children are also very rarely admitted to hospitals, as the vaccine seems to provide almost total effectiveness against severe illness, Smart said.
Elliott also provided a brief update on the current COVID-19 numbers.
She said there are 209 active cases, averaging 34 per day over the last seven days.
Those numbers, as she has said for the last two weeks, don’t provide an accurate glimpse into the ongoing situation.
That’s due to changes and limitations in the availability of PCR lab tests, which have been reduced under the pressure of the Omicron outbreak.
Also, the results could be skewed by the fact that people taking rapid tests at home aren’t being asked to report their results.
When pressed by a reporter on that question, Elliott compared the situation to tracking cases of influenza.
Government health officials are using a similar model to influenza to look at the big picture, she said, rather than be focused on individual cases.
She also addressed the emergence of a new sub-variant of COVID-19 in several countries around the world, including cases in Canada, notably Alberta.
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Comments (76)
Up 5 Down 2
Admiral A$$ on Feb 2, 2022 at 4:31 pm
Again foolish nonsense considering I can't get back into my OWN country with out COVID vax proof or proof of a negative test or a list of quarantine plans. Or if I have a runny nose I maybe fined $5000. Amazingly no other proof other then citizenship is required. No other Vax proof. Do you honestly read or just regurgitate? Sorry I know the answer, so closing our border from another country to a Canadian Citizen is also against their rights. As our government cannot limit or deny entry into this country to its own citizens.
Section 6(1) Every citizen of Canada has the right to enter, remain in and leave Canada.
Access is restricted to Canadian citizenship from entering this country. Also you may want to pretend to read section 2, section 7 and section 15 (+ all of section 6 including article 1). There is currently a lawsuit going to our federal government from the last remaining singing politician for these exact sections of our Charter. I mean, I do expect you're the man to tell the person who helped created the Charter that he's wrong and misinterpreted his own Charter. You're the only one who thinks he will succeed at it tho. Next time try to sum up that 600 word essay into something consistent with proof you read and understand the source material.
Up 15 Down 4
Mike H on Feb 2, 2022 at 12:51 pm
This is a complete inversion of our tradition views towards health. Through out history we have always valued our young more than our old. A vibrant, dynamic society builds towards its future, it doesn't desperately seek out a Pyrrhic victory in a battle against the very nature of death itself. People get old and die, we shouldn't be going through such lengths to extend the lives of the elderly. But here we are, asking our children to protect the elderly! The elderly should be protecting and sacrificing for our children.
We should be looking forward to how all of these covid measures are going to negatively impact our children! We simply can't know the long term effects of wearing a mask and injecting immunity boosters in perpetuity.
This new totalitarian system that is being erected here has a few new characteristics that make it unique in history. One is that it makes no overt presentation of itself as totalitarian and authoritarian through military displays and forceful messages from the military like you would traditionally see in nations which have totalitarian systems like China or North Korea.
You just see Elliot who is a doctor making demands. The other is power and control moved from the ideological to the biological sphere. This allows power not to get involved with ideological debates or conflict but to exert power directly under the guise of "science" and "expertise."
Up 4 Down 26
Roy on Feb 2, 2022 at 12:25 pm
@ everyone
I laugh. I bring up Washington state because they 1) have a much larger population than the Yukon - so this allows us to look beyond our safe little protected bubble at what is really going on for the majority of North Americans and 2) they do an excellent job of tracking cases, hospitalizations, deaths amongst different age groups and vaccination status. And it is ongoing and continuous.
I laugh when someone says that is cherry picking and in the same post picks a single day from Ontario to make a point.
I laugh when someone says that is cherry picking and in the same posts references "Israel" - how is that not cherry picking? If we take a hypothetical country with a 100% vaccinated population then guess what - as soon as one person gets admitted to hospital then 100% of admitted patients were previously vaccinated. Same would apply to a death. This does not say what you think it says.
I laugh when someone mentions adverse reactions - how reporting for adverse reactions occurs is that everything possible gets reported - if you have a headache after your shot it gets reported. Guess what - people have headaches every day. People have heart attacks every day. People have strokes every day. Adverse event reporting does not mean what you think it means. Choking on your own lungs while on a ventilator has been a common adverse effect of covid infection. For hundreds of thousands of people unfortunately.
I laugh when someone turns on the caps lock :) As for "MOBILITY RIGHTS" the truckers didn't have any issues getting from Vancouver to Ottawa. You are free to drive to Ottawa right now. You want to go to a different country? That's their rules - same as you would want applied to a visitor or immigrant here. Our country our rules - not the rules of the country you came from. Drive to the Alaska border and demand your MOBILITY RIGHTS. Report back on how the US border patrol responds.
I laugh when Rod says "Saskatchewan has announced that they're lifting the mandates. Keep grasping for straws as the narrative falls apart." Thanks Rod for agreeing with me that Saskatchewan has restrictions despite not being led by a Liberal - I appreciate you backing me up on this important point! I also appreciate you backing me up on my point about how restrictions are not only "not liberal" but will also be loosened when appropriate. Thanks for helping me make both of those points! Alas I fear they will continue to fall on deaf ears. People really like cheering for their teams and are resistant to any evidence that their team is playing the same way as their rivals.
I do think that the Yukon will need to lessen the restrictions as this winter progresses. I do think they have been effective is flattening the stress on the health care system.
I do think the Liberals suck. Both in the territory or nationally. Guess what - so do the conservatives. Bye bye O'toole. And don't get me started on the NDP and their pipe dreams. I also think the CBC sucks - it's turning into a tabloid more and more each day.
But if I'm making good points that you are struggling to refute (such as "the majority of Yukoners chose to be fully vaccinated long before any mention of mandates - fact" - or "the hospitalization rates and death rates is demonstrably higher in the unvaccinated if you look at a large enough population to make valid conclusions from") then all you are left with is "nice try paid Lib shill" or "you sound like a CBC".
Up 14 Down 0
Clint Teichroeb on Feb 2, 2022 at 11:50 am
Roy, I will rest most of my defense for my viewpoints in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. My aim is not to convince you, but my intent is to demonstrate that the principles that guided the formation and adoption of the Canadian Charter of rights and freedoms are in jeopardy. This is evidenced by the fact that the last living signatory of the document, A. Brian Peckford, is also a signatory in a lawsuit launched by Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms. In my view, the sections of the Charter that are being breached include:
2. Fundamental Freedoms
(a) freedom of conscience and religion
I concede that there are many organized religions that have supported the Government in their assertion that these mandates are legal and ethical. Having been raised Mennonite in a hyper-religious community, I see the principle of coercion and isolation to wield influence over the fold spreading to a national and global level. I have come to view institutional religions as the politicization of conscience, in the business of conglomerating and monopolizing the consciences’ of it’s membership into a collective. History continues to show us how this leads to massive systemic oppression and abuse. I submit the history of rampant sexual abuse in the Catholic faith, or the oppression of women and children in more ideological sects of Christianity and Islam as evidence for this claim.
There are many individuals (myself included) that have had to wrestle their conscience when deciding whether to receive a medical procedure. As an individual of faith, I have been forced to weigh the principles of seeking peace against the invasion of my bodily sovereignty. Having recovered from COVID without medical intervention, I have renewed confidence in my body’s natural mechanisms to ward off this disease. I am also beyond blessed with good health to this point. The small but real risk that I might receive serious injury from the vaccine now has to be hung in the balance when deciding whether I want this “additional” protection against a disease I have already had, and no doubt have a form of immunity to. Again, I encourage you to quantify the benefit you as my neighbor would receive if I choose to get vaccinated. I will leave the google search to you.
(b)Freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
Tara Henley’s recent resignation from our National broadcasting company offers ample evidence of the pressure being exerted on our media agencies in recent years to advance certain narratives. I cannot state that her concerns were rooted in the pandemic response specifically, but I have included quotes from a National Post article where she clearly asserts that the CBC has an agenda that counters the principle of freedom of expression enshrined in the charter. The unbalanced mischaracterization of the vast majority of peaceful protesters currently occupying our Nation’s capital is obvious to many, vaccinated and unvaccinated alike.
“To work at the CBC in the current climate is to embrace cognitive dissonance and to abandon journalistic integrity.
It is to sign on, enthusiastically, to a radical political agenda that originated on Ivy League campuses in the United States and spread through American social media platforms that monetize outrage and stoke societal divisions. It is to pretend that the “woke” worldview is near universal — even if it is far from popular with those you know, and speak to, and interview, and read.”
I believe that the media’s narrow window of discussion surrounding COVID and treatment methods as another example.
I recently reached out to the News Editor at one of the local media agencies (not CBC) who have access to the CMOH and Premiere in their COVID updates to ask about natural immunity. I was told unequivocally that “natural immunity is off the table” when asking questions because “the science is settled”. Science by it’s nature is never settled, and prudent application of Science demands that no questions are off the table. There is no doubt in my mind that the marginalization and outright dismissal of alternative treatment methods and opinions has quieted many people’s consciences.
(d) freedom of association
The countless people who have been denied visitation to loved ones in care and medical institutions have seen their right to association trampled, often in the worst circumstances.
6. Mobility Rights
6 (1) Every citizen of Canada has the right to enter, remain in and leave Canada.
Currently, there is no legal avenue for unvaccinated Canadians to leave the Country that I am aware of. There are still many countries that will allow unvaccinated travellers into the country, and that list is growing daily.
7 Life, Liberty, and security of Person
When your freedom to leave the Country is contingent upon a medical procedure, the principle of liberty is the baby in the proverbial bathwater. Rights are inherent, and not subject to the machinations of political imagination. I encourage you to turn an ear to the unfortunate minority who have sustained severe and life altering injuries from vaccination when considering whether the security of Person is at stake. Many in my circle have stated that they received vaccination to maintain their “right” to travel.
I will not defend an action that attempts to create a new disenfranchised class. The charter was developed and implemented to eliminate segregation and classism. We are still very much in the process of righting the wrongs we have performed as Canadian society with First Nations. I would submit that we are repeating our past mistakes when it comes to the cost of inclusion in society.
Many of the vaccine hesitant have specifically chosen to wait and see, choosing instead to rely on their healthy lifestyles and trying alternatives in prevention and treatment. Most have complied with restrictions and have continued to go to work, pay their taxes, and have not been an additional weight on our systems. The government approach has been to put all eggs in the vaccine basket. The money and resources that have been committed to this approach are never coming back. What would our system look like if we had encouraged vaccines for those who want them, and increased investment in capacity and research in alternative interventions? The data clearly show that this disease has vastly different outcomes for people that are dependent on age, lifestyle, health status, etc. I will openly speculate whether the assertion that the vaccine alone is responsible for less severe outcomes. This speculation has a vast garden to root in, cultivated by the absence of complete data to dispel this argument. The recent phenomenon of case rates increasing among the vaccinated is fertilizing the growth of the idea that vaccines may not provide long term benefit. I see the unselfishness in those who have declined vaccines.
Your assertion that the majority of the country has not needed to accept the fringe minority of unvaccinated health care workers certainly undercuts your concern for those that remain and are now burning out. The truckers have made it very clear they are not protesting solely for their own cause, and the financial and emotional support they are receiving from Canadians of all creeds make it clear that the “fringe” is much bigger than our Prime Minister and those parroting his narrative are callously espousing.
I whole heartedly agree with the notion that actions have consequences. I will posit that the actions taken by our territorial, provincial, and national governments have led to the consequence of the growing division and discontent of the population.
All this said, I would really enjoy sitting down for a beer with you, and anyone else interested in having a dialogue where all ideas, opinions, and suggestions open for discussion. Also, I wish good health for you and all my neighbors.
Up 24 Down 5
Jeff Bikaboom on Feb 2, 2022 at 9:44 am
You sure can cherry pick locations and statistics to fit your narrative. You are also very good at ignoring information that goes against it. Every time you write something I feel like I am reading comments on CBC. You sure like Washington lately. Try Canada where we live, or Israel who is ahead of us in shots, where the triple and quadruple vaxxed are dying at the highest rate. Look at the UK with over a million adverse reactions.
You should research human rights, and The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. You should try to understand the difference between choice and an ultimatum. Choice is the opportunity or power to choose between two or more possibilities. Over the last two years the opportunity and power has been denied from Canadians. It is troubling when some are so enthusiastic about this happening.
Up 18 Down 2
Admiral A$$ on Feb 2, 2022 at 6:33 am
Wow direct admission of happy to see second class citizens. Why am I not shocked. This should be easy as well. So funny how Canada only reports 83% to 92% of declared vaccination rates for ALL Vaccinations available in Canada. That is declared 82% to 92%. Can anyone Remember the last time they pulled out a vaccination card to go to the gym or bar? Also what are the penalties in Canada for non vaccination, I mean by now we must be whipping and flogging these people right? Well no it's $1000 fine and again no one has been fined. Wow right no loss of your job how amazing.
Funny how clever we pretend to be when we spew half facts piled upon beliefs. Remember the scientific method is about proving yourself wrong not others.
Also just to clarify people should read section 6 of our charter which pertains directly to our MOBILITY RIGHTS.
Up 8 Down 3
Anonymous on Feb 1, 2022 at 7:46 pm
@Roy on Jan 28, 2022 at 3:47 pm
This video does a good job of explaining it:
Up 13 Down 4
Anonymous on Feb 1, 2022 at 7:13 pm
I'm curious why people are downvoting my link to the case rates in Ontario. Look at the peak on Jan 5th 2022:
Case rates per 100,000
Unvaccinated - 78.76
Vaccinated - 102.60
Oh, that's why.
Up 9 Down 6
Rod on Feb 1, 2022 at 6:05 pm
"Me: If you want to bring up politics have you looked outside of the Yukon anytime in the last two years? Conservative led provinces have just as strict (and right at this moment even stricter) lockdowns and restrictions and mandates. So your idea that this is a liberal left wing agenda doesn’t hold up if you get outside your starry bubble and open your eyes."
Saskatchewan has announced that they're lifting the mandates. Keep grasping for straws as the narrative falls apart.
Up 17 Down 6
Jeff Bikaboom on Feb 1, 2022 at 4:29 pm
A boa constrictor loosens and tightens slowly. When it loosens, it is only readjusting for a better grip. Every time the government loosened its mandates they came back worse. We took 2 steps out of tyranny and 3 back in. In case you haven't noticed we are the most restricted right now compared to any point in the last two years, possibly the last 80 years.
Tell me what the provinces have to do with the federal government's ban on flying, and ban on leaving the country for the unvaccinated. Do you really think the federal government plans on these restrictions being temporary? They plan on them being just as temporary as all the rights lost after 2001. We have a "Young Global Leader' running our country, and he has a plan, mind you it hasn't been going too well for the last week.
Up 17 Down 5
North_of_60 on Feb 1, 2022 at 4:10 pm
It would be a sensible idea if the Yukon government ended all COVID-19 restrictions right now.
Tens of thousands of people are participating in the Truckers for Freedom protest in Ottawa, demanding an end to heavy-handed government public health restrictions. Millions more Canadians support them.
Meanwhile, Canadian provinces and countries around the world are dropping their mask mandates, vaccine passports and other measures. Further, more public health officials in Canada are stressing the importance of "learning to live with COVID-19."
It's time for the Yukon government to stop parroting their LIBgov masters in Ottawa and do what's best for Yukoners.
Up 24 Down 5
T on Feb 1, 2022 at 2:15 pm
@The End is Nigh
Legault just admitted that the convoy was a major part of the drop of the vax tax in Quebec.
Up 20 Down 6
Anonymous on Feb 1, 2022 at 1:35 pm
Is it normal for vaccines to be this ineffective? Look up the vaccination rates for Ontario. About 11% of eligible people are unvaccinated. So their ICU risk is only 4x? And their hospitalization risk is only 2x? Can you imagine if those were the original results advertised? Why can't today's scientists make a good vaccine? This thing looks less effective than some therapeutics.
Up 6 Down 24
Roy on Feb 1, 2022 at 11:38 am
@ Clinton
Thank you for your dialogue. I agree that over coffee or beer you strike me as someone with whom I could have a civil discussion.
To answer your questions:
1. What is your grievance with those in the population that have chosen not to receive vaccination to this point, and are still asserting their rights to mobility, employment?
Yes 100% people who are fully vaccinated can still catch covid (same goes for flu vaccines, pneumonia vaccines, whooping cough vaccines etc). Yes 100% people who are fully vaccinated can catch and then spread covid (same for the above vaccines). Vaccines are not perfect. They never have been (including the 30+ we had as kids and your children, if you have any, may have received). But it is a fact that vaccinated people have less severe illness *if* they catch covid - which is why you see increased rates (rates being the important term) of hospitalization and increased rates (there is that term again) of ICU use and increased rates of death in the unvaccinated. This is where someone (not you) is going to pop in and report numbers of vaccinated people in the hospital instead of rates. I've tried to explain the math multiple time on here. The Washington state covid dashboard gives a good sense of how much more likely an unvaccinated person is going to need use up a hospital bed or worse an ICU bed - it's like 5 to 10 times more likely.
And that demand on the system could be averted had people chosen to be vaccinated. And that demand has unnecessarily delayed, and continues to delay, important medical care for vulnerable people. Important surgeries for diseases such as cancer have to be postponed because these surgeries require an open ICU bed. The increased demand on the health care system has led to rampant burnout in doctors and more importantly in nurses - which leads to nurses leaving their jobs and causing further stress on the remaining staff. This downstream effect of citizens choosing their own selfish choices is delayed cancer surgeries and nurses leaving their jobs due to burnout. That's but just two examples of my grievances with the unvaxxed.
As to your other point please show me where there is a right to travel and right to employment. You can drive all over Canada today. You can get a job if you want to. You might not like your options - but that's life. You can't enter the United States - but that's their decision. Countries have had mandatory vaccines for allowing entry since before you and I were born.
2. Are unvaccinated Canadians second tier citizens in our country?
There are rules to participating in society. Always have been. Always will be. Covid vaccination isn't mandatory to be a Canadian citizen - so as far as rules go it's pretty light.
3. What benefit is there to a Covid recovered patient or their neighbor in them receiving the vaccine?
Easy google search. Vaccination plus covid infection recovery is superior to vaccination alone or to infection alone. A person who has had covid and been vaccinated is doing the most to help stop the pandemic - which is the not-selfish approach we should all be striving for.
4. Should the same political tactics used with COVID be used to influence other unhealthy behaviours including drug/alcohol consumption, poor dietary choices, smoking etc..
We should 100% be spending more of our efforts towards disease prevention - the pandemic has highlighted how vulnerable people with chronic illness are - including obesity and substance abuse. Smoking is taxed heavily - where is the truck convoy complaining about a persons "right" to smoke without being punished. Sale of tobacco is age limited - where is the protest and petition to have that change so that kids are free to purchase? We already have restrictions in place. Some middle ground approach would be best. Chronic illness from unhealthy behaviour is on a different timeline than a viral pandemic - our hospitals and ICUs are not going to be overwhelmed in a surge of obesity related illness - so a less time sensitive approach from government would work. But yes please to more $ towards disease prevention.
5. How do pro mandate people square the necessity for truckers to be vaccinated with the fact that the majority of the country has accepted their unvaxxed health care workers back?
The majority of the country has not needed to accept the fringe minority of unvaccinated health care workers back. Truckers, like every other citizen, need to be vaccinated to cross in the US (their rules) and also back into Canada (our rules). Are truckers a major vector for disease? I doubt it. Are they the same as everyone else? Yeah - so see my answer to #1. Let's all do our part. You might not need the vaccine - but society needs you to be vaccinated. You can make the choice not to - you'll still be a Canadian. But actions have consequences. Always have.
Up 5 Down 21
Roy on Feb 1, 2022 at 11:09 am
@ Adam Morrison
It's hard to take your post seriously when you talk about two years of coercion. Let's go back to the calendar shall we.
The pandemic started in Canada in March 2020.
The Yukon started vaccinating in January 2021. Most people had two shots by the end of March 2021.
That's one year - not two as you are trying to state.
The majority of Yukonners were fully vaccinated long before any mention of a mandate. So to say that the mandate is the reason why the majority are vaccinated is disingenuous. You're not disingenuous are you?
All we've seen are people claiming that these lockdowns and restrictions are going to be permanent - that this is just the start of a new world order - despite the fact that every province or territory has, throughout the pandemic - tightened and then loosened the restrictions (sometimes appropriately - other times not - see Alberta with it's right wing conservative leader who declared summer 2021 "best summer ever" and took off the restrictions - which he later had to admit was a huge mistake - New Brunswick did the exact same thing - again conservative leader).
I guarantee that when the pandemic settles down and governments ease restrictions and mandates the selfish fringe will declare victory and shout "we did this through our resistance!" despite the evidence that this is and has been the plan all along.
It's the same faulty logic of looking at the hospitalizations and deaths in the Yukon from covid and forgetting that restrictions are in place and that the majority of Yukonners are fully vaxxed and then shouting "See! Nothing bad is happening! I told you this was all for nothing!"
Up 22 Down 4
Anonymous on Feb 1, 2022 at 11:01 am
It is really something to watch Trudeau revert to the idea that oppression and suffering can be ignored if it's coming from a minority, after pitching his entire political career ostensibly on the idea that minority rights need to be protected at all costs and are the only measure of the goodness of a society.
Anyway it's not really a minority regardless, just because only 10% of a population were brave enough to resist the mandates and measures to this point, obviously there are many, many more, a majority even, who never wanted this in the first place and will get behind any cause that can truly bring this pandemic to an end politically.
Up 4 Down 13
Roy on Feb 1, 2022 at 10:57 am
"typical liberal spin doctor. it's easy to fabricate percentages when you mess around with multiples and factors but you are correct that for a period of time there were more than 50 % of the eligible population ( convenient definition of eligibility at the time) that had their first shots but if you check the timelines closely you will see my estimates are far more credible than liberal spin doctor math."
Nope - vaccines started in January 2021 and the majority of Yukoners were fully vaccinated by the end of March 2021 - as I said facts and calendars don't care about your feelings - nothing to do with "messing around with figures".
As for your repeated "it's the liberals" - you should 1) look at Alberta and Saskatchewan and New Brunswick with their strict lockdowns and mandates and conservative leaders and 2) see my post below from a couple days ago - I can just cut and paste it for you:
Every star comment section:
Poster #1: This is a Liberal conspiracy to install tyrannical laws. Sandy and JT need to be stopped this is madness. This is fascist policy courtesy of a couple school teachers!!! Stop the Libs!
Me: If you want to bring up politics have you looked outside of the Yukon anytime in the last two years? Conservative led provinces have just as strict (and right at this moment even stricter) lockdowns and restrictions and mandates. So your idea that this is a liberal left wing agenda doesn’t hold up if you get outside your starry bubble and open your eyes.
Poster #2: Roy why are you bringing up political parties?! This has nothing to do with that!!
Repeat ad nauseum
Up 27 Down 6
Groucho d'North on Feb 1, 2022 at 9:53 am
Trudeau has been pushing the "get vaccinated" line so long and hard I suspect he is mumbling it in his sleep. Yet here we are today, he maintains he's fully vaccinated and follows all the prescribed rules and yet he is today isolating from his job and responsibilities in the House of Commons, He won't miss a penny of pay (about $1K per day) and he avoids all the questions and comments he does not want to hear or respond to. So if the vaccines work so well, why is he not at work?
Up 17 Down 4
Josey Wales on Feb 1, 2022 at 9:48 am
Brett...AND the Admiral, please...
I holster my metaphorical six guns, to safely give ya both a big virtual hug!
A mere up thumb does not give your most recent participation the credit it deserves!
Please, carry on...eh!
Up 24 Down 7
Jeff Bikaboom on Feb 1, 2022 at 9:31 am
In reference to the comments about why people took the shot.
Our leader has stated that since 90 percent of people are vaccinated, 90 percent are for mandates. First off, 90 percent are not vaccinated. Secondly, most people that got vaccinated did not do so for health reasons. There were lockdowns at the time, and interpovincial travel was either banned or came with 2 week quarantine. People were told that after the shot things will get back to normal, with the immediate benefit of unrestricted travel. Was this a bribe or blackmail?
Literally every person I know that took the shot did it to travel. I am not saying this is the only reason they took it, but the main reason. Pressure from friends and family is the second most common reason. Travel will likely be the main reason people will continue to take the shots since we are illegally locked in our country. Things will get weird very soon when all the people that caught covid, which is a lot of people, have to choose if they will get boosted with a shot that doesn't work, for the virus they now have natural immunity for.
Up 19 Down 5
Admiral A$$ on Jan 31, 2022 at 6:42 pm
Hmmm looks like I am not the only one who sees the two sided talk and bolshevik style comments coming from some people in particular. Funny he still doesn't understand what I'm talking about, but is strictly convinced he sees the way forward and you MUST follow. Thank you to those who have the time and patients to fill the cup that is already so full.
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Brett on Jan 31, 2022 at 5:15 pm
I’ve been in Ottawa since the 29th, downtown all day, every day and the rally has been the antithesis of racist. People of all races, colours, religions coming together to support each other and their desire for God given freedom. The atmosphere has been joyous and hopeful. The response from the political class and their media has been predictably bitter and malignant. In their mind the unwashed masses are not meant to have a voice this loud. Even as cynical as I am, their willingness to boldly and shamelessly lie is shocking. In their desperation they no longer care that many Canadians know that they are lying. The narrative must be maintained at all costs, for if that falls, the spell breaks and they will lose all control. With the truth of the medical/ethical atrocity that occurred over the last year coming out and multiple political jurisdictions reversing course, our gilded man-child further displays his craven nature by running from the people and the truth. This is a man that, like the rest of the political party leaders, cares only for himself. I’m afraid we have some dark days ahead.
Up 32 Down 10
joe on Jan 31, 2022 at 2:57 pm
@ roy.. typical liberal spin doctor. it's easy to fabricate percentages when you mess around with multiples and factors but you are correct that for a period of time there were more than 50 % of the eligible population ( convenient definition of eligibility at the time) that had their first shots but if you check the timelines closely you will see my estimates are far more credible than liberal spin doctor math. That being said, the relevancy of where we are now is plain and simple, many people were coerced into taking vaccine against their will, many vaccine recipients are now questioning the efficacy of the vaccine and many people do not support the mandates. Just for fun do your own poll, ask around, outside of the liberal war room of course.
Up 46 Down 5
yukong on Jan 31, 2022 at 1:31 pm
Our kids don't need a covid vaccine, they need FAMILY DOCTORS!
Up 37 Down 9
Adam Morrison on Jan 31, 2022 at 11:38 am
@Roy Your arguments are getting weaker friend. U say most got vaccinated before the mandates on their own.
Is it at all possible that 2 years of fear mongering had an affect on people's psychological state, is it possible that although most people would not admit they got the jab out of fear that it was in fact the reason most people got vaccinated. Humans are full of pride and stubborn, we don't like to admit when we are wrong or have made a mistake; in fact we usually double down on our poor decisions before we reflect on them. We would rather accept a comfortable lie; a lie like, this magical injection from a criminalized pharma company will save us all. Than accept the inconvenient truth that We are constantly looking for an easy one and done solution to our problems, and unfortunately is the case with covid.
We have allowed ourselves to be divided and our rights and freedoms slowly stripped from us all because we don't want to do the real work, which is changing the way we operate on this planet in a fundamental way. Change our lifestyles to be healthier, reduce our pollution of this world so that new viruses do not emerge and if they do we are healthy enough to deal with them naturally.
If u think this movement taking place is a bunch of anti vaxxers that intend to claim some kind of victory when the pandemic ends you are wrong sir, these people are working for u and u are to full of fear and hate to see it.
Anyone who stands behind a Government and a prime minister that calls other Canadians racist and misogynist for making a medical decision for themselves is not a good or moral person, anyone who thinks a fellow Canadian should lose their job for a personal medical choice is not virtuous, anyone allowing propaganda of any kind to sway their moral compass away from what they know is right needs to snap out of it!
The only people that will try and claim some type of victory when this is over is the government, In spite of the massive failure the response has been right from day one.
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clinton teichroeb on Jan 31, 2022 at 10:56 am
Hi Roy, I have been following your comments for months now. I enjoy reading your thoughts, although I generally disagree with them. I can read in your inferences that you are thoughtful and methodical in your research. I have some questions for you:
1. What is your grievance with those in the population that have chosen not to recieve vaccination to this point, and are still asserting their rights to mobility, employment?
2. Are unvaccinated Canadians second tier citizens in our country?
3. What benefit is there to a Covid recovered patient or their neighbor in them receiving the vaccine?
4. Should the same political tactics used with COVID be used to influence other unhealthy behaviours including drug/alcohol consumption, poor dietary choices, smoking etc...
5. How do pro mandate people square the necessity for truckers to be vaccinated with the fact that the majority of the country has accepted their unvaxxed health care workers back?
This is a movement of people who are responding to external pressures from governments who have mandated Citizens into being "fringe." The convoy is evidence of people tiring of the rhetoric and the fear mongering. While you shame those who are afraid of the vaccine, you completely disregard their fears of an overreaching, ideologically driven government.
If I don't agree with your premises, I thoroughly appreciate being able to debate these ideas with you. I believe if you and I met, we could have a coffee and a civil discussion and agree to disagree.
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Mike H on Jan 31, 2022 at 8:07 am
Real power is achieved when the ruling class controls the material essentials of life, granting and withholding them from the masses as if they were privileges.
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Roy on Jan 30, 2022 at 3:56 pm
“ I would argue those who were coerced plus those who refused make up at least half our population”
You’ve tried to make this opinion of yours known in multiple threads.
Hate to burst your assumption but you can disprove this easily.
Look at the number of Yukoners who were fully vaccinated long, long before any mention of mandates ever occurred.
Yep - the majority lined up. Not out of coercion. By choice. Their jobs were not on the line. They didn’t do it because they were forced.
Your memory of the timeline is off. And if you disagree with the need for a mandate / disagree that covid vaccination is a good thing you are in a tiny minority. Facts.
Not only do stats not lie - neither do calendars. Take care as that sinks in.
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Norf on Jan 30, 2022 at 10:30 am
Anyone see the news this morning? The spin is unreal.
>Nooo don't "deface" the statue (literally just put a sign and a flag on it)
>Nooo, #IRemember2017, remember the muslims who died. See!? I told you muslims don't support it
>Nooo, the truckers association said most protesters aren't even truckers and have nothing to do with them. It's an illegitimate protest
>Nooo, look, the anti-hate group doesn't like it. Here's a muslim advocate to tell you why you've been a naughty boy.
>Nooo, Canadians are supposed to stick together in solidarity. This is heckin divisive.
>Nooo, we just had holocaust memorial day, remember the 6 million, this will lead to another holocaust.
>Nooo, there's white nationalists in the group this delegitimizes the whole protest.
>Nooo, this protest only hurts people of colour. What happened to Canadian tolerance?
And that was in a 15 minute segment. They are TERRIFIED. Please leafs. please please please do not submit to these people. This Brit has your back lads, this is Canada's big happening.
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Anonymous on Jan 30, 2022 at 9:55 am
"Now of course the looney tunes protestors and karen konvoy folks will claim victory as the pandemic comes to its natural end "Look what we did! The government finally caved in to our demands and we won!!""
Your leader has gone into hiding. It's a de facto abdication. Not only did we win, but we have won in a such a way that there's no virtually no recovering from it. Keep writing fanfiction though, it's funny to watch how the goalposts keep moving.
"Make no mistake, the Covid-19 conspiracy folks will NEVER admit they were wrong"
Because they've been RIGHT all along, and making posts like this is just your coping mechanism for dealing with that reality, without fully admitting it.
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Joe on Jan 30, 2022 at 8:51 am
@yukoner32…I took part in the local freedom convoy attended by thousands of people proudly supporting truckers and opposing mandates. Many vaccinated people were forced to take vaccine through coercion and do not agree with mandates. I would argue those who were coerced plus those who refused make up at least half our population and likely majority. Fyi I use my real name in comments.
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Had enough of this scamdemic on Jan 29, 2022 at 8:39 pm
@ Yukoner32
FYI There have been several holocaust survivors that have spoken out at many rallies in Canada & the US. Guess what? They all say the same thing they recognized immediately what the government has been doing to divide people and create a second class citizen scapegoat. Turdo already has interment camps built. They have issued warnings about what is to come.
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The End is Nigh on Jan 29, 2022 at 8:30 pm
I know a lot of people keep saying "it will never be over, there will always be a new variant, etc" but the new omicron variant according to most pandemic doctors, is likely to be the final variant as it settles into our population and becomes endemic. This pandemic is following the same timeline/path as previous ones in history almost to a T.
Now of course the looney tunes protestors and karen konvoy folks will claim victory as the pandemic comes to its natural end "Look what we did! The government finally caved in to our demands and we won!!" at which point I think we all need to just pat them on the head nicely and say "Yes, you sure did. Way to go you special little boys and girls, now run along".
Then there will be the conspiracy folks who will say "Government is finally admitting it was all BS!! The dominoes are starting to fall, just look at the UK!" without the slightest acknowledgement of how the virus has morphed over the past few years.
The conspiracy theories will now morph quicker than the virus to in order to account for the new developments which would otherwise prove them wrong. Make no mistake, the Covid-19 conspiracy folks will NEVER admit they were wrong, they will just create more complex conspiracy webs to explain how and why things go back to normal as every sane person knew they eventually would.
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Anonymous on Jan 29, 2022 at 11:40 am
"It's a Karen Konvoy because it is driving across the country to talk to the manager in Ottawa."
Yet here you are, demanding that our managers deny us employment unless we inject the experimental gene therapy, while calling us Karens. I didn't bother reading the rest.
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Roy on Jan 29, 2022 at 11:28 am
Every star comment section:
Poster #1: This is a Liberal conspiracy to install tyrannical laws. Sandy and JT need to be stopped this is madness. This is fascist policy courtesy of a couple school teachers!!! Stop the Libs!
Me: If you want to bring up politics have you looked outside of the Yukon anytime in the last two years? Conservative led provinces have just as strict (and right at this moment even stricter) lockdowns and restrictions and mandates. So your idea that this is a liberal left wing agenda doesn’t hold up if you get outside your starry bubble and open your eyes.
Poster #2: Roy why are you bringing up political parties?! This has nothing to do with that!!
Repeat ad nauseum
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Yukoner32 on Jan 28, 2022 at 10:59 pm
@Anonymous - It's a Karen Konvoy because it is driving across the country to talk to the manager in Ottawa. Also because they aren't aware of how good they have it and pretending to be the victim and screaming and crying to get their way. They are driving across a huge country across many different provincial borders without restriction. In Ottawa they are being allowed to drive their big toys around waving flags and holding up signs saying all kinds of violent and childish crap. They are being allowed to post crap all over social media (sometimes being censored by social media companies, but the government does not control them).
Now compare that to countries who live in a REAL dictatorship. Imagine if this type of thing was even being planned in Cuba, North Korea, China, etc They would be immediately jailed or executed and you wouldn't be able to access youtube or facebook or anything to find out about what happened. Also, many of those idiots like to compare themselves to holocaust victims. I can't even begin to tell you how absolutely stupid and offensive that is.
I would love for a surviving holocaust victim to show up at this protest of Karens and show them their serial number tattoo from when they were herded into a rail car and sent off to a concentration camp. Maybe then they would realize how jaw droppingly stupid it is for them to think they are similarly being victimized because they can't sit in a restaurant and have a cheeseburger. To top it off, this is only happening because of a pandemic! It's peak entitlement. So yeah, the Karen Konvoy is a perfect description for it.
What exactly will you be celebrating this weekend? I thought you would be the one seething with rage alongside your trucker compadres. Surely you realize that this temper tantrum in Ottawa will achieve nothing right? The mandates and everything else will end in due time as the pandemic winds down, but it sure as hell won't be happening this weekend. ha ha.
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Fringe Minority with Unacceptable Views on Jan 28, 2022 at 10:57 pm
@Roy - you still don't get it? Political parties have nothing to do with any of this anymore or this jurisdiction did this and this jurisdiction did that. I assume you haven't heard but there's a massive protest against all mandates for us to take back our country, together. I hope one day you can learn to let go of your divisive views and just show a little compassion towards those who have different views.
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Yukoner32 on Jan 28, 2022 at 10:29 pm
@Bozojoe How are Sandy Silver or Justin Trudeau dictators? If all elections going forward have been cancelled and they were indeed dictators, I would join you in your 'resistance'. But right now, so long as you have the chance to cast a ballot every few years, you most certainly do not live under a dictatorship my friend. The tyranny you fear would begin if the protestors won the day and removed a democratically elected leader from power.
Also, quoting from the Bible just proves your head is in the clouds. Why are conservatives so obsessed with organized religion I'll never know. It's ironic that you call other people sheep as you march into a building every Sunday to worship.
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Adam Morrison on Jan 28, 2022 at 4:47 pm
c'mon Roy, I've read your typical comments. U seem to understand government. Pressure from Ottawa is why those conservatives have mandates in their respective provinces, furthermore I'm sure they were worried about being smeared publicly by our legacy media here in Canada for opposing mandates.
The legacy media in Canada has greatly benefited from our governments reaction to covid. Some 30 to 60 million handed out to them over the course of the pandemic classified as emergency relief funds, that kinda money sure could buy alot of ICU beds huh, but instead was given to media outlets such as the CBC who are now doing nothing short of misinformation campaigns and trying to discredit anyone with a dissenting voice in order to appease those who fund them.
Does that help u understand why those premiers might not have pushed back too hard?
Don't misunderstand me, I think they are spineless politicians, they play their game.
Being unvaccinated, and experiencing what its like to be considered a pariah I can understand
why they would be afraid to stand up.
This is not about politics or vaccines, the core issue here is body autonomy, no one has the right to tell anyone else what they have to have injected into their body. If you want to relinquish your body to their "Science" blindly without any questions that's your business, but In my personal opinion unwise.
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Roy on Jan 28, 2022 at 3:47 pm
Can someone explain how provinces lead by conservative premiers like Alberta and New Brunswick fit into this Liberal tyranny plan? Because those provinces have mandates and lock downs at the provincial level.
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Kyle on Jan 28, 2022 at 1:37 pm
Yukoner32 - I'm not really concerned about the Truckers' alleged grievances and haven't voted YP in my life but I would certainly be inclined to if they decided to push back against restrictions and blindly deferring to the CMOH.
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Anonymous on Jan 28, 2022 at 1:09 pm
@Adam Morrison
The paid shills have been told to use as many buzzwords as possible. Racist convey, white supremacy/Karen/misogynistic/facist convoy. They are just told to put posts out with those words in and eventually some of it sticks - same technique is used all over the media with association pairing.
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Anonymous on Jan 28, 2022 at 12:36 pm
It is abundantly clear that Trudeau is in a state of panic. I don't think the explanation is that we are witnessing his reaction to a potential political threat. The truckers are coming to Ottawa in the same vein as the post-WW1 veterans marched on Washington asking for their benefits to be respected (an unarmed and peaceful protest viciously routed by Patton and Eisenhower btw). The truckers don't need to lower themselves to violence. They have already won and everyone knows it. I believe that Just-in (time for delivery) is terrified that his deepest fear is being confirmed. He likely suffers from extreme impostor syndrome. After an entire life of luxuriant privilege, we are witnessing a traumatic psychological break. He has no baseline for personal success. Normal people can take a loss, move on with their lives, and put it in perspective. For him, this is the final and undeniable proof that he is an impostor. He is not loved. He is not respected. He is not standing behind that podium because of his unique talents. He is there because he was groomed to play a role and he is clearly failing.
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bonanzajoe on Jan 28, 2022 at 10:41 am
Yukoner32: Strange moniker for a Chechaco. Personally, I would rather be ruled under a right wing dictator than a left wing dictator (JT) and (SS). This is a quote from the Holy Bible comparing the left and right "The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2
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Adam Morrison on Jan 28, 2022 at 10:37 am
One last thing, I hope Elliot and Smart realize that the truth always comes out in the wash and that they will be thrown to the wolves and scapegoating by the government when this happens, same way as they scapegoat the unvaccinated. Good luck ladies.
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bonanzajoe on Jan 28, 2022 at 10:30 am
Just Tired on Jan 27, 2022 at 4:10 pm. Sandy Silver is the cause of all of this in Yukon. Just like his boss in Ottawa, he's hiding. Afraid to face the people. Just a note, in the 6 years he has been Premier, I have never seen him in public. No restaurants, stores, or anything. All other Premiers have all made appearances in public. Why does he like to hide from the public?
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Anonymous on Jan 28, 2022 at 10:27 am
Why have you labelled it 'Karen Konvoy?'. That doesn't even make sense. Those truckers are not Karens, Karen is the lady who keeps telling me I need to wear a mask. Karen is the one spouting buzz phrases like 'trust ln science' while demanding I take experimental drugs if I want to keep my job. Karen is Dr. Elliot. The truckers are the opposite, they are Chads. Have fun coping and seething all weekend while the rest of us are celebrating.
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bonanzajoe on Jan 28, 2022 at 10:25 am
Look how much success the Freedom Convoy is having all across Canada, USA and other parts of the world. People can make a difference. It's time we in the Yukon did a human convoy in front of the Legislation building. The Liberals better start listening to the people who elected them. We will not sell our souls to your tyrannical rule. "RESIST TYRANNY"
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Adam Morrison on Jan 28, 2022 at 10:05 am
Yukoner 32, weird that u won't use a real name to post your opinions...it's okay to admit u were lied to, it's okay to be angry about the misinformation from our so called experts, but u need to wake up. U want to talk about hospital capacity, why after hundreds of billions spent on vaccines that don't work and turning us against one another, which your mind has obviously been very susceptible to, the government hasn't expanded or upgraded any of our Healthcare systems. So be angry, just be angry at the right people and stop attacking people for standing up for what they believe is right.
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Jeff Bikaboom on Jan 28, 2022 at 9:38 am
It's like a restaurant that pushes the fish because it's about to spoil.
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notrust on Jan 28, 2022 at 8:26 am
The mental health and physical fitness of our children seems to mean very little to these people. They are low risk for serious covid yet spend all day uncomfortable in their masks at school when we know cloth masks are useless for covid and learning with masks is not good for them developmentally. Their social circles and sports and recreation has been gutted by these extremely harsh restrictions, which for a lot of kids is their only positive outlet during the last 2 years and after a long miserable day at school.
Has there even been any spread at organized sports or recreational activities that follow approved plans for covid? For an athlete in their prime even missing a few weeks can be devastating and now we are told another month or TWO?
Knowing what we now know about covid why as a society are we allowing these harms to be done to the group of people least likely to have any harms from it? Look around at kids everywhere and you can see the effects of restrictions on their weight and mental health. We know for a fact that being overweight in childhood is a huge disadvantage that is very difficult to overcome in their adult years yet we are setting up a whole generation to face this. This myopic focus on vaccinations is a moral failure.
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@Richard Smith on Jan 28, 2022 at 8:04 am
@richard Smith
The National Post article clearly explains why this is the case, and concludes that there is absolutely no evidence for claims that the vaccine causes higher rates of infection.
Did you actuly read the article? Or just the headline?
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I said pardon on Jan 28, 2022 at 8:02 am
.......“She also addressed the emergence of a new sub-variant of COVID-19 in several countries around the world, including cases in Canada, notably Alberta.”..........
So, would this be a sub variant of alpha, delta, or omicron? What happens when this sub gets its own sub?
It’s called the Alpha Omega. With these two, all that matters is the resigning of their own government contracts, at the expense of children, including their own.
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Bob on Jan 28, 2022 at 5:32 am
Omg. Why. How. Seriously....mandate freedom. Now...or we take it back. No more. Everyone this Saturday is our chance.
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Matthew on Jan 28, 2022 at 1:06 am
Maybe these such smart people can't explain the difference in a common vaccines vs MRNA... by very definition they ARENT the same.. maybe they can also go through the list of common ingredients in vaccines.. cause if kids knew what's in them, they're smart enough to say no!
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Adam Morrison on Jan 28, 2022 at 12:07 am
I am absolutely ashamed of our medical community in Whitehorse. The latest science shows it is unnecessary for children, so why are our doctors still parroting the false narrative. Uptake for the kids vaccine is slow because people are taking pause when it comes to their kids, considering other information. So what do our medical advisors do? They pump up the propaganda a notch to try and scare you into experimenting on your children. This is not okay. Let people make their own choice!
"If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt tripped, threatened, punished, and criminalized; if all this is necessary to gain our compliance-you can be certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest."
It's okay to admit we were lied to, their narrative has collapsed, we were all lied to, we should all be upset about this and stop allowing ourselves to be divided. We need to hold those responsible, accountable, and stop blaming our fellow citizens.
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Josie on Jan 27, 2022 at 11:18 pm
This mRNA injection IS THE MOST DEADLY "vaccine" ! Of all vaccines combined!
What does mRNA technology do to a child? According to Drs and the inventor of the technology, the reproductive toxicity alone, Is enough to pull them off the shelves immediately!!!
Why would a vaccine company refuse to release the ingredient list? Why are these guys asking the courts to release its data in 55 years?! Is it because it's "safe & effective"? It's because it's NOT safe & effective.
Please don't put this dangerous, toxic garbage into your children and babies.
You will not regret it. I promise you
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Sunny on Jan 27, 2022 at 9:38 pm
The Covid 'vaccines' do not cause sterilizing immunity (meaning they do not keep you from getting Covid, and therefore still let you spread Covid). They are simply meant to downsize a severe Covid illness. Children do not get seriously sick from Covid (99.999997% survival rate). And for that, Drs. Elliott and Smart, you want to push a 'vaccine' in its trial phase into children from a company (Pfizer) that has paid billions in fraud settlements and is now refusing to provide data in a Freedom of Information Request about the 'vaccine' safety?
Trust - a nice thing - Liability and transparency when it comes to my kids. And please, all of those who still believe these 'medical experts' - why don't you check out the latest Vaccine Adverse Events Report from the US. This is not about a belief system or 'getting out of this mess'. This is about accountability and truth and the lives of your children. Don't listen to just one side. Find the other, eg. Children's Health Defense with Robert F. Kennedy, Vaccine Choice Canada, Jessica Rose, and yukonfreedom.com
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Yukoner32 on Jan 27, 2022 at 8:55 pm
Oh don't worry Kyle. There is a convoy of trucks with your type of people heading to Ottawa right now from all parts of the country. Even your leader Currie Dixon wrote a letter in support of this #KarenKonvoy. Maybe they will succeed in forcing the democratically elected government from power when they get there. Then maybe install a right-wing authoritarian dictator. I'm sure you'll be much happier when you no longer have the option to vote. Be careful what you wish for.
Also, maybe we should ask our nurses and doctors what the risk tolerance should be since they are the ones keeping our hospital running? I'm just guessing that whatever you do for work, you probably wouldn't be affected if we had a sudden surge of hospitalizations.
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Mike Grieco on Jan 27, 2022 at 8:55 pm
Good Gawd - hide your pets, as they may be next!
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NickyB on Jan 27, 2022 at 8:55 pm
Attention Citizens!
Your Department of the Pandemic is most grateful to mainstream media for not reporting this:
’STOCKHOLM, Jan 27 (Reuters) - Sweden has decided against recommending COVID vaccines for kids aged 5-11, the Health Agency said on Thursday, arguing that the benefits did not outweigh the risks.’
Now there’s a subject Your Department does not want to bring up.
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Hannah A on Jan 27, 2022 at 8:24 pm
When will we be allowed to have funerals again?
When will we be allowed to have weddings again?
Can you please share the data that shows how these two particular events, so important for humans (grieving and joy), pose more risk over adults gathering, removing their masks, and eating/drinking in bars and restaurants tonight?
In honour of the city declaring "Let's Talk' day - what is the scientific justification in banning the unvaccinated from faith-based and cultural gatherings (which may be critical for a person's mental health) knowing what we now know about waning efficacy?
When will children be able to be mask optional again?
When will there be a walk-in clinic for those who do not have a family doctor so that they don't have to go to the ER and "overwhelm the system"?
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Roy on Jan 27, 2022 at 8:18 pm
@ Richard
You're halfway there - keep going!
First off - myocarditis
"It is also important to consider that the risk of cardiac complications, including myocarditis, has been shown to be substantially increased following covid infection....and that risk is higher following infection than after vaccination."
The risk of myocarditis in kids is higher if they get covid. A fact that doesn't care about your feelings around it.
as for the Post article I'll repeat my math lesson as you must have missed it last time (numbers made up to illustrate point)
1000 vaxxed people - 20 get covid
100 unvaxxed people - 10 get covid
So guess what - there are more covid cases in the vaxxed!!! This must mean (to you) that the vaccines make it *more* likely to get covid. Twice as likely!! Except you missed the denominator - remember what that is?
In the above example 2% of vaxxed people caught covid. 10% of the unvaxxed.
So the answer is not "vaxxed makes it more likely you have covid". Your post quote doesn't say what you think it says or want it to say.
Washington state does a good job on breaking it down for you - it's more apparent with a higher population:
For example: "Unvaccinated 35-64 year-olds are 3 times more likely to get COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 35-64 year-olds."
that's but one piece of info in there for you to digest
And finally your kids had probably 20+ vaccine shots before they were 10 years old - including like 5 in a row for diphtheria and 5 in a row for measles etc. Ever get a tetanus vaccines? It wears off after 10 years. Just some facts a lot of you forget or choose to ignore.
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Michael Crichton on Jan 27, 2022 at 6:36 pm
I want to pause here and talk about this notion of consensus, and the rise of what has been called consensus science. I regard consensus science as an extremely pernicious development that ought to be stopped cold in its tracks. Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you’re being had.
Let’s be clear: the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus. There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period.
Finally, I would remind you to notice where the claim of consensus is invoked. Consensus is invoked only in situations where the science is not solid enough. Nobody says the consensus of scientists agrees that E=mc2. Nobody says the consensus is that the sun is 93 million miles away. It would never occur to anyone to speak that way.
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Proportionate Response on Jan 27, 2022 at 4:25 pm
Kyle you nailed it. I was struck by that 'month or two' as well.
It is now clear our government went all-in on travel restrictions (Year 1) and then vaccines (Year 2). Here we are at Year 3 and there is no evidence of any investment in expanded or surge health capacity, contingency planning or any kind of plan B if those did not work. So now we are left living under strict emergency laws so the government can try and keep pandemic health care demand within our regular health care capacity.
Health care was already under stress with so many unable to find a doctor. Yukon has grown and aged and this government has not prioritized health. With precedent set it must now be a serious concern the government will turn to managing seasonal peaks in health demands with such restictions on an ongoing basis. There will be more COVIDs, there will be 'bad' flu seasons. The urge to turn to 'emergency' laws every year will be strong.
This is Year 3, we are way past the 'surprise' stage. I agree it is time our political leaders apply a robust principle of proportionality in the level of response that balances the public benefits. The CMOH is just an advisor and it is time the decision-makers, the politicians, listen to that advice but stop deferring to it without question or balance. We live in a democracy not a health-ocracy.
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Just Tired on Jan 27, 2022 at 4:10 pm
Enough! I really mean ENOUGH ALREADY! Pushing, pushing, pushing the vaccine on children. This narrative is losing it's steam. No one is no longer taking these threats to heart. Damn! I have asked before, what is going to take. Well people, the answer is WAKE UP! The Trucker Convoy will perhaps help out with this narrative. I just think the CMO & her cohorts need to pull back & start to apologize for their BS. Also, where is our so called "leader" of late??? Where is Sandy Silver?
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bonanzajoe on Jan 27, 2022 at 4:10 pm
Kudos to the Whitehorse Star for giving readers the report of the Swedish Health Agency and Ontario's Chief Medical Officer. I remember in the late 50s when pregnant women were given the drug Thalidomide. Many babies were born deformed. The covid vaccines being given today are not sufficiently tested. It takes about 5 years to do that. Who is going to take responsibility if such a thing as deformation in new born children come as a result of this vaccine? You guessed it, nobody. Everybody involved will run for cover. If I had children, I would not allow the government to vax them. It's not worth the possible resulting cost to our children.
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Rick S on Jan 27, 2022 at 3:41 pm
Many doctors and nurses will be standing on the edge of a proverbial cliff when they come out of their trances and realize what they've been a part of.
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Josey Wales on Jan 27, 2022 at 3:31 pm
Still with this propaganda eh?
These alleged medical professionals should be ashamed of themselves.
As they clearly are PM BF’s, the SS and WHO talking heads.
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North_of_60 on Jan 27, 2022 at 3:28 pm
Dr. Robert Malone's Warning To All Parents On mRNA Vaccines
Listen to what world class experts say about the serious harm C0vax does to children. Ignore the small town medical bureaucrats who simply parrot the politicians who pay their obscene salaries. They see their gravy-train derailing and are struggling to appear relevant.
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DMZ on Jan 27, 2022 at 3:27 pm
I'm sorry, but how could the acting CMO not know the number of children who were hospitalized with Covid in the Yukon, because she didn't have the "figures on hand"? It doesn't seem like a lot of figures to take in. Last week the number of people hospitalized was 0, wasn't it?
I did notice the blithe reference to restrictions being in place for "another month or two, maybe". I agree this has devolved to a situation of risk tolerance. They need to factor in the risk they are taking of losing credibility, as their enthusiastic promotion of vaccines isn't being supported with a show of confidence from them that high uptake will change anything on the ground.
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Al on Jan 27, 2022 at 3:11 pm
Well put mon ami. My sentiments exactly.
Elliott is in way over her head. The only things she is achieving is public frustration along with continually stoking the fires of fear.. She clearly needs to understand that this is not about what she "believes". It is about what is obvious, even to the average lay-person. She needs to be reined in - BIG TIME !!
In my opinion she has reached the Peter Principle in her Acting role...
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Pierre on Jan 27, 2022 at 3:10 pm
As a parent of three healthy children I will not for the life of me be vaccinating my kids. They will build natural superior immunity without any possible side effects. For Drs to suggest or imply that kids 5 to 11 regardless of their health status get vaccinated is non ethical.
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Richard Smith on Jan 27, 2022 at 2:54 pm
Vaccinated children are at risk of developing Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart) and Pericarditis (inflammation of the lining outside the heart).
As this article informs, children are at very low risk of getting covid.
In the National Post today there is an informative article that states that more fully vaccinated people are testing positive for covid than unvaccinated people.
Who are these medical "experts" Elliott and Smart - Pfizer salespersons?
Our precious children shouldn't be used for vaccine experiments and profits.
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DL on Jan 27, 2022 at 2:40 pm
Reporters, please directly ask Elliott to speak to the findings of studies mentioned above that indicate the risks of the covid vax outweight the benefits for children. And if she refuses to answer that question, report that too.
There is no word strong enough to describe Elliott who is encouraging a risky experimental injection for children who don't even need it. Shame on you.
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Kyle on Jan 27, 2022 at 2:36 pm
Unfortunately what I would say was the most important comment made (in passing) at this news conference didn't make the paper. Dr. Elliott suggested we are looking at another month of two of "strict public health measures" -- government comms speak for "restrictions".
I think it's time that we all start thinking critically and pushing back against the risk-benefit analysis that is going into these restrictions and demanding to know what the off ramps are here. There is no real reason to believe that once Omicron is done with us that it won't come back either in another wave or in the form of a new variant. Right now we are in a situation where indoors kids activities have been cancelled, you can't have two friends over to your house if they are from different households, and you can't have a funeral for a loved one. These are not minor impositions and are not something we ought to tolerate enduring given both the individual and community risk profile of the post-vaccine COVID world. Anything is tolerable for a short period of time but we've been living under increasingly harsh restrictions for over two months now and the CMOH is promising us one or two more. How many more 3-4 month periods of restriction are we willing to accept?
We have one person in hospital. One. If we can't handle a surge of one we really need to be thinking long term about how we ever get ourselves out of this situation and building some health care capacity so we don't have to live like this forever.
I am afraid that the last two years has severely damaged our ability to analyze risk. There is no way we would have shut down our community life because one person might end up in hospital and even presently in no other context other than our COVID monomania would we tolerate it.
It seems obvious to me that the problem we have is that Dr. Elliott's risk tolerance is not what Dr. Hanley's was and consequently we are one of the most restricted jurisdictions in a liberal democracy. This isn't about correct vs. incorrect medical advice. It is about risk tolerance and there is nothing about our current restrictions to suggest we are thinking about it reasonably.
It is high time we all start pushing back against this.