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RELATIONSHIP FORMALIZED – The City of Whitehorse has established a sister city relationship with Chortkiv, and the delegation arrived on Tuesday for a week-long visit. The visitors and city lawmakers are seen outside city hall this week. During a signing ceremony and reception, Mayor Laura Cabott and Mayor Volodymyr Shmatko signed the sister city proclamations. Photo courtesy CITY OF WHITEHORSE

Party leaders welcome Ukrainians to legislature

Yukon elected officials welcomed some special guests to the legislature on Wednesday.

By T.S. Giilck on October 12, 2023

Yukon elected officials welcomed some special guests to the legislature on Wednesday.

A delegation from the Ukrainian city of Chortkiv dropped by to see how territorial politicians conduct their governance.

The City of Whitehorse recently established a sister city relationship with Chortkiv, and the delegation arrived on Tuesday for a week-long visit.

Premier Ranj Pillai greeted the visitors, along with Currie Dixon of the Yukon Party and the NDP’s Kate White.

“Last week, the City of Whitehorse approved the honourary sister city relationship,” Pillai said.

“With a population of about 37,000, Chortkiv is slightly larger than Whitehorse and is the capital of its local regional area in western Ukraine.

Pillai added, “The connection between Whitehorse and Chortkiv first took root when Chortkiv Mayor Volodymyr Shmatko initiated contact with the City of Whitehorse in December of 2022 to explore the possibility of establishing a direct partnership.

“About a month later, Jeff Sloychuk, from the Ukrainian Canadian Association of Yukon, was on a humanitarian mission to Ukraine and realized that his route would take him through Chortkiv.

“Jeff and Mayor Shmatko established a relationship that helped to ensure safe aid deliveries and transit supplies to the front lines,” the premier noted.

“Mayor Shmatko personally drives and delivers supplies sent over from the association to ensure that everything reaches the intended destination of persons.

“Our government is happy to support the humanitarian work of the Yukon Ukrainian Association today and has contributed to their travel costs. This may just be the beginning of a wonderful partnership and connection for our cities,” Pillai said.

Dixon said that as an MLA for a local riding, “I have always been proud of the relationships developed between our territory’s capital city and other communities and cities around the world.

“We have a long history with sister city agreements — the first being proclaimed in 1977 — and we have ongoing sister city ties with Ushiku, Japan, Lancieux, France, and, of course, Juneau, Alaska.

“I had the opportunity earlier (Wednesday) to meet with the delegation that is here with us from Chortkiv, and I would like to once again extend my very warm welcome to them,” the Yukon Party leader said.

“I know that the mayor and his delegation have been busy travelling outside of Ukraine, doing important diplomatic work to build international support for Ukraine. We are very pleased that this work has included the Yukon.”

The territory, Dixon added, “is home to an active and proud Ukrainian-Canadian community, and initiatives like this only serve to strengthen the links between our communities and our countries.

“The agreement demonstrates the solidarity that our community wishes to proclaim with our friends in the Ukraine.” White spoke last.

“We are pleased to welcome and pay tribute to Whitehorse’s newest sister city, Chortkiv, Ukraine. We want to thank the Ukrainian Canadian Association of Yukon,” she said.

“This group of volunteers has never stopped working to promote peace and to respond to the needs of our friends in Ukraine.

“This week, we get to see the efforts of this group celebrated with this official delegation visit,” White said.

“We celebrate the importance of forming bonds across borders and cultures and that centre on our shared humanity. We look forward to the day when peace will allow us to visit Chortkiv and explore your country,” the NDP leader said.

Comments (2)

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Pat Nelson on Oct 13, 2023 at 3:24 pm

That's super awesome. Welcome to Whitehorse guys! Came here for a visit years ago and never left. On a side note - why is the bylaw officer dressed like a police officer when they have zero police powers and responsibility anyways? We should have had an RCMP member in the photo to represent the Yukon and the City. Anyways - welcome and enjoy your stay!

Up 0 Down 1

Matthew on Oct 13, 2023 at 6:00 am

Get back to work! Crime, homelessness, food bank use on the sharp incline here in town, but hey, no better time for a photo op

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