Whitehorse Daily Star

Parties organize for battle

With the election campaign a week old, let’s take a peek behind the scenes at what some of the parties are up to.

By Tim Giilck on March 19, 2021

With the election campaign a week old, let’s take a peek behind the scenes at what some of the parties are up to.

The Yukon Party has headquartered itself at a building in the Marwell industrial area. The address is 110-114 Titanium Way, while the phone number is 668-6505.

Veteran party member Ted Laking is acting as campaign manager.

Tim Kucharuk is the communications manager. He told the Star he has no current estimates of how much the YP will spend on the campaign, but expects it to be similar to the 2016 race. “We won’t know the final cost until the campaign is finished,” he said. “For reference, in the 2016 campaign, the Liberals reported spending $254,774.93, the Yukon Party reported $215,139.14, and the NDP reported $229,455.77. We expect to be in that range again.”

The YP is using small numbers of volunteers so far. All of them are Yukon residents.

“It’s more than 10 but the number fluctuates daily based on the time of volunteers,” Kucharuk said.

The Yukon NDP was also willing to discuss the “nuts and bolts” of its campaign efforts.

“We had a great fundraising year last year with a record-breaking 507 individual donors,” NDP communications liaison Emily Della Mattia told the Star. “As you know, we don’t accept corporate or union donations and have challenged the other parties to remit their corporate donations to the food bank or other charities. Our budget will depend entirely on the generosity of our supporters.”

As far as people helping out with the campaign, she said “we have a small group of less than 10 staff supported by over a hundred volunteers.

“There are a few folks joining us from Outside – some of them are friends of candidates, others who have worked or volunteered on previous Yukon campaigns have returned. Everyone is following all COVID procedures.

“All aspects of the campaign are led by Yukoners and supported by volunteers,” she added. The party has set up shop at 108 B Copper Rd. The central phone number is 668-2203.

The campaign managers are Francois Picard and Robin Steudel.

The Yukon Liberal Party did not respond in detail to the Star’s requests for the same information.

Communications manager Sunny Patch said “costs and staff needs will be determined as the campaign progresses. We don’t have any out-of-territory staff.”

The party has its office at 207 Black St. The office phone numbers are 668-7677 and 335-2021.

See more election stories in today’s local news section; letters, commentary.

Comments (22)

Up 5 Down 2

No Viable Options on Mar 25, 2021 at 4:00 pm

There are no viable options as I see it.
The Yukon Party Old Boys' Club keeps spewing the same old crap (with the exception of paid daycare maybe - is that because your kids are daycare age, Currie?) with the same old people (and Wilf is SERIOUSLY hurting your party's credibility with all his posts - which also makes me question the party's soundness of mind in having him represent the party in any kind of capacity);
The Liberals have run this territory AND country into the ground, the party where one lies and the other one swears to it, where coverups, blaming and pandering are the order of the day;
The NDP, well.... Kate seems really nice and as someone else said almost has a cult-like following for some unknown reason... but nice doesn't cut it. She has no experience, no understanding of the breadth of issues, and I shudder to think of where the Yukon will be if she gets elected.
My ballot will be the one with x's beside EACH candidate's name. Yes, a spoiled ballot because I just don't see any viable options whatsoever. It's a sad and scary state of affairs.
The same issues are STILL issues.... year after year after year. Maybe it's time to think about doing away with party politics and getting some people in that actually DO something to move the Yukon forward.

Up 4 Down 1

Jack C. on Mar 25, 2021 at 9:04 am

Tim Caricature can spend all he wants on the campaign (even some Alberta money if they're not broke this time) but there is only one party that has all Yukoner's interest at heart.

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Scotch on Mar 24, 2021 at 4:50 pm

Who is on the YP executive? The other parties are clear about who is steering the ship.
For a party who drones on about transparency why is their executive hiding in the shadows and is Wilf actually your point man because if he is you have HUGE problems.

Up 15 Down 11

Anton on Mar 23, 2021 at 7:39 pm

@Wilf - Your even phonier than Dan Curtis has ever been. A YP executive posing as just a regular citizen and spewing garbage all over these pages. At least Dan has been elected to office three times, what about you Wilf? Anything??
A YP top gun and he's all over the map with crazy claims and bad ideas.

Up 19 Down 13

Mike on Mar 23, 2021 at 1:11 pm

You really are stuck on Trump aren't you? Maybe you should move south where you and fancy Nancy can dine on Mexican food at the border. Get over it. The conservative party and the Republican party are two different countries with separate issues and beliefs where as Sandy Castro my error Silver are dictators with zero accountability for their dereliction of duty. And Canada by far is a better country to live in so why the references to Trump? Conservatives have a open track record - some not so good, some awesome. Now tell me something positive that the liberals have done in 4 and a half years here in the Yukon. Yep that's right, NOTHING.

Up 23 Down 5

Groucho d'North on Mar 23, 2021 at 12:11 pm

All three parties are trying hard to come up with something new and inventive to capture the attention and support of the electorate. I suggest they consider going back to basics: Make living in the Yukon more affordable.
Speaking from the position of a fixed income retired person, all government does is reach deeper into my pockets for more money. What pisses me off is we citizens have to be more frugal because our governments choose not to be. Fees keep going up while services remain the same or lesser. Don't get me started on the Carbon Tax either.
Try to trim some waste and learn to operate more efficiently like every other operation is having to do. One simple policy that comes to mind to save money: Stop buying catered lunches for meetings, government employees make enough they can afford to bring their own lunches. That is but one example where our tax dollars could be saved so they don't raise taxes or fees.
I challenge all three party leaders to begin talking about how they would save tax payers money if they form the next government. We're watching - impress us.

Up 9 Down 14

I guess I'm voting NDP but not by choice on Mar 23, 2021 at 9:36 am

In my riding, which is Kate White's riding, it seems the other 2 parties have given up in general. They make it easy to vote NDP when they don't bother to campaign at all (and haven't in previous elections). There was an attempt in the last election to have another party have a presence but I think people could see through that candidate and see they were only in it for themselves and not for their constituents. At least Kate represents us well but I am by no means pro-NDP.

Up 15 Down 7

Yukoner61 on Mar 22, 2021 at 11:35 pm

@R'dale voter

At least that candidate lives in your riding. I'm in Whistlebend and the Yukon Party candidate here actually lives in Lake Laberge! I doubt a lot of people know that though, so she might win despite not living anywhere remotely close to the community here. She should really be upfront with people about that.

Up 11 Down 19

Observation on Mar 22, 2021 at 7:13 pm

Oh, I forgot, one more,

Most Con and Trump supporters have the reading comprehension skills of a squirrel.

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Johnson on Mar 22, 2021 at 5:31 pm

Leave it to the Liberals to be secretive about their campaign too. Why would it be any different than their government business?

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Apex Parasite on Mar 22, 2021 at 10:01 am

Welcome to the season of ubiquitous litter, both to the eye and in the literal sense. In this day of social media and near instantaneous information sharing that we could do away with election signage and the waste it represents in both energy, time, and material.

Not to mention random rag tag efforts of folks on the side of winter highways presenting hazards to traffic in general as they spread the word erecting signs and billboards.

Up 48 Down 9

R’dale Voter on Mar 22, 2021 at 8:23 am

My Riverdale North NDP candidate lets their dog out every morning to do its business on whomevers property it wants to.
Kind of appropriate NDP behaviour.

Up 26 Down 10

unReal on Mar 22, 2021 at 7:35 am

Hey Wilf, Just simple question? Does Yukon Party staff that works for Yukon government still get their YTG salary while the campaign is on? If so why?

Up 18 Down 15

Mike on Mar 21, 2021 at 10:17 pm

So the conservative party supports religion but science in your eyes is the answer. You know Canada First sounds pretty good to me being that I am Canadian. The rest of your rant was about Trump so I'll leave that one alone. The Liberals on the other hand are about legalizing drugs, opening casino's and dictatorship. Is it your summation that Canada is better off with a dictator who spends our tax dollars like its theirs - lies, then denies even when caught? That's the Government of the future, oh and science is not God. I'm sorry if this hurts your feelings but if science is your God and you need a dictator to tell you what to do, you need to go to the closest transition house and get help. It's people like you and the liberals who think they are gods and have all the answers. Stop talking, start listening and begin learning and for the record God still loves you.

Up 47 Down 16

Mike on Mar 20, 2021 at 9:07 pm

Well there's no chance that the Yukon can afford another Liberal government. These past few years have seen absolute devastation to our communities and Sandy Silver is one of the greasiest politicians there is.

Up 17 Down 40

Observation on Mar 20, 2021 at 3:34 pm

Cons and Trump Republicans are the same. All their policies are the same - deregulation, tax cuts for the rich, attacking the WHO, attacking China, attacking the Free Press like OToole attacking the CBC, denying climate change, supporting oil and fossil fuels, supporting religious beliefs and dogma over common sense, and science, etc., etc., etc. OToole even named his agenda "Canada First Policy" after Trump's "America First Policy".
Cons are no different from Trump Republicans.

Up 40 Down 21

Wilf Carter on Mar 20, 2021 at 12:06 pm

Just talking to some former liberal supporters and this is what they stated on line!
Liberal party in Yukon and Canada have too many toxic politicians and will never change.
They're just victims & blame everything on somebody else!!!!

Up 37 Down 16

I’m afraid of Liberals! on Mar 20, 2021 at 11:49 am

Dear Wilf - They have been paid during their campaign of terror and you did not object then. Now that there is a relative peace between the warring factions, the Liberal Tet Offensive and the Peoples Republic of the Yukon you want to take their pay???

Our only hope and best strategy at this point is to stare at the ground, keep walking, and hope that they do not see you... Hold on to the hope that they will be gone soon... Keep that hope close to your heart that we may survive this yet...

If a Liberal sees you, speaks to you, do not make direct eye contact, and if you must, use very simple, precise, and direct language when you speak to them... Disengage from the conversation as soon as it is safe to do so.

If you see a group of Liberals together... RUNNNNN!!!

Up 18 Down 12

Yukoner1 on Mar 19, 2021 at 5:33 pm

“We had a great fundraising year last year with a record-breaking 507 individual donors,” NDP communications liaison Emily Della Mattia told the Star. “As you know, we don’t accept corporate or union donations and have challenged the other parties to remit their corporate donations to the food bank or other charities. Our budget will depend entirely on the generosity of our supporters.”

Wow. So they automatically assume that other parties won't be receiving union donations. We have to assume this because their statement challenges other parties to only donation corporate donations.

Up 20 Down 25

Patti Eyre on Mar 19, 2021 at 5:09 pm

Obviously it would be time Wilf, but you only see in blue and red, and since you’re in the executive for the Yukon Conservative party, it is clear no matter what anyone says you will push blue on everyone. Shame!

Up 42 Down 24

Wilf Carter on Mar 19, 2021 at 4:02 pm

Just simple question? Does Liberal staff that works for Yukon government still get their YTG salary while the campaign is on? If so why?

Up 35 Down 18

Juniper Jackson on Mar 19, 2021 at 3:48 pm

I am looking at the candidates. The platforms are nothing really. Promises, trying to find that magic something that every single voter wants. No one finds it. I'll tell you what it is. It's integrity. It's doing the right thing, always, just because it is the right thing to do. We're all big kids. We want honesty. I have friends that I disagree with, but I understand why they feel the way they do. I want a government that I understand. I don't understand the reasons the Liberals are making such destructive decisions. I'd like to agree..or disagree, but to understand anyway.

My Mom used to say, if people like you, you don't need to be a genius. The genius's will help you. Just be good to everyone. That has proven to be true. You can be a genius, but if no one likes you, you are not going to get any breaks or help. NO ONE running in any party has any "charisma".
Trudeau is dumber than a stick, he said he likes dictatorships, he said, the white old stock will be replaced, he said he'd put us 10 billion (never said a word about 2 trillion) into debt. But, he had charisma, people liked him, so they voted for him anyway.
Geraldine Van Bibber has charisma. She is always a lady. Soft spoken. People like her. They might, or might not vote for her, but they all like her. Not one other candidate has charisma. It will be an interesting election.

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