Whitehorse Daily Star

Parents can learn about registering their children for Kindergarten

The Department of Education will host a Zoom webinar about Kindergarten registration and Early French Immersion Kindergarten programs at 7 p.m. Jan. 24.

By Whitehorse Star on January 18, 2024

The Department of Education will host a Zoom webinar about Kindergarten registration and Early French Immersion Kindergarten programs at 7 p.m. Jan. 24.

All Yukon parents and guardians are invited to attend the information session to learn about the registration process, program details and to have their questions answered by department staff.

Yukon children who will be five years old by Dec. 31, 2024 are eligible to start Kindergarten this coming school year.

Online registration for Kindergarten at all Whitehorse schools will open Feb. 1.

This includes French Immersion Kindergarten programs (at École Selkirk Elementary and École Whitehorse Elementary), First Nation School Board schools (Takhini Elementary and Grey Mountain Primary) and Catholic schools.

The Zoom webinar link is https://yukonedu.zoom.us/j/68548100546?pwd=OHRIWkhnWUQ2VDRzRFgyTUVvMW8xQT09.

Registration for all Whitehorse schools is online only. People can Visit https://yukon.ca/register-child-school to start the registration process.

Registration for rural community schools is in person at the school at any time before the school year starts.

The deadline to register for French Immersion Kindergarten programs is Feb. 18.

Kindergarten registration is also opening for the Whistle Bend Elementary School, which is currently under construction.

When registering, parents and guardians will be asked to provide a digital copy of their child’s identification, such as a birth certificate, passport or Canadian citizenship certificate.

If they cannot provide it at the time, they can present it to the school later.

Children must attend Kindergarten at a school in their local neighbourhood or area.

However, this does not apply to Catholic schools, French immersion and French first-language schools and First Nation School Board schools, which have wider attendance areas.

Attendance area information can be found on the Register your child for school page.

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