Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Whitehorse Star

Community Services Minister John Streicker.

Pair showed ‘blatant disregard’ for rules: WRFN

In a somewhat unbelievable turn of events resembling a Keystone Kops script,

By Tim Giilck on January 25, 2021

In a somewhat unbelievable turn of events resembling a Keystone Kops script, two people from outside the Yukon have been charged with a caper that could have been a movie of the week.

The man and woman, from British Columbia, have been identified in court documents as Rod Baker and his wife, Ekaterina.

National media sources have reported that Baker resigned his post as the president of Great Canadian Gaming, as well as his position on the board of directors of the company, which operates casinos.

The couple arrived in Whitehorse last Tuesday, according to Community Services Minister John Streicker.

“We’re not certain how they arrived here,” he said in an interview this morning.

Upon their arrival, the couple filled out a self-declaration form, including an isolation plan that involved staying at a local hotel, Streicker told the Star.

They then chartered a private plane to take them to Beaver Creek, on the western edge of the Yukon, last Thursday.

Once there, the couple attended one of the mobile COVID-19 vaccine clinics being operated by a mobile team from the Department of Health and Social Services.

They presented health cards, one from Ontario and one from British Columbia, and claimed to be working at a local motel, Streicker said.

They received their vaccinations and left the clinic. No one was particularly suspicious until the couple was heard asking if “anyone could give them a ride to the airport?”

Staff at the clinic contacted the Civil Emergency Measures Act (CEMA) enforcement team.

Someone then contacted the motel – and found out the couple wasn’t working there and no one had any idea of who they were, Streicker explained.

The charter plane had taken off by this point, but CEMA officials were able to track it back to Whitehorse.

The couple was nowhere to be found when the plane was located at the Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport, Streicker said.

Officials then tried to trace them to the hotel in which they were supposed to be self-isolating.

The couple continued to be a step ahead of the authorities at this point. They had already checked out – leaving the enforcement team with no obvious clues.

However, the team returned to the airport to check out passengers on commercial flights. Enforcement officers quickly sighted the man and woman waiting to board a flight and charged them.

Streicker said those were the details so far as he was familiar with them.

“It certainly looks to me as if it was carefully planned,” the minister said. “It’s hard to know for sure, though.

“We’re outraged, and incredibly frustrated,” he continued. “We never thought someone would do something like this.”

At the time, the territorial clinics were accepting people with out-of-territory health cards if they were Yukon residents, Streicker said.

No vetting process to require other identification, such as a bill, a pay stub or driver’s licence was required to sign in.

In light of the Beaver Creek incident, the government is now looking at how to tighten up that system, Streicker said.

The two people were charged for failing to self-isolate after entering the territory, and for failing to follow a declaration plan.

The fines for those violations are fines up to $500 or six months in jail, or both.

Streicker said Dr. Brendan Hanley, the chief medical officer of health, was contacted to review the situation.

His conclusion was there had been minimal risk to the community or the team, since all pertinent health precautions were followed.

The White River First Nation (WRFN) government was not in a forgiving mood about what transpired.

“These individuals made false statements to Yukon government officials regarding their intentions within the territory, and willingly violated self-isolation orders,” the First Nation wrote in a statement.

“WRFN is particularly concerned with the callous nature of these actions taken by the individuals, as they were a blatant disregard for the rules in which keep our community safe during this unprecedented global pandemic.

“WRFN understands that these individuals were charged under the Civil Emergency Measures Act and given a small fine but does not feel that this lenient punishment is appropriate for the gravity of the actions taken, given the potentially lethal effects to our community.

“WRFN is calling on the Yukon government as well as the RCMP to pursue a more just punishment. It is important that the penalty seriously discourages any future similar behaviour.”

Chief Angela Demit stated in the release, “We are deeply concerned by the actions of individuals who put our elders and vulnerable people at risk to jump the line for selfish purposes.

“We implore all Canadians to respect the vaccination rollout process and to not take similar actions,” Demit said.

“While we understand many want to have a vaccination immediately, it is not appropriate to skirt the rules put in place and approach our community in this way.”

The WRFN was selected for vaccines due to its remoteness and its elderly and high-risk population, as well as limited access to health care, the chief pointed out.

The First Nation is almost as irked at the government over its communication with them.

“WRFN is frustrated with Yukon government’s inability to communicate properly, as WRFN was forced to find out about this situation through the news media rather than from Yukon government directly,” the First Nation wrote.

“WRFN will seek a formalized communication protocol with Yukon government going forward to ensure that this does not occur again.”

Streicker acknowledged to the Star that had been a particularly bad aspect of the entire bizarre situation.

“They (WRFN) found out through the media and that wasn’t good,” he said. “They feel violated.”

The incident is a black eye for the government’s vaccination clinic events.

When the Beaver Creek story leaked out to the media on Friday, the Whitehorse clinics were under fire as well.

As reported in Friday’s Star, it came from residents who questioned why the clinic at the Yukon ConventionCentre was only half-full – but was refusing to vaccinate walk-in people.

Streicker bristled a little at the comparison.

“The clinics have to be organized,” he said. “We just can’t throw the doors open.”

Late Friday afternoon, the government announced it was expanding the clinic to anyone aged 65 to 69.

See other COVID-19-related coverage.

Comments (40)

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comen sense on Jan 31, 2021 at 8:27 pm

The two Canadians coming up north and chartering a plane to Beaver Creek to get a vaccine, the part where they did not do the compulsory two weeks of quarantine was the worst infraction. Two days ago I saw an Alaskan plate drive down two-mile hill -how many people do they interact with on their travels imposing a threat to locals without quarantining but yet snowbirds, us Canadians starting Wednesday must pay $2000 for three nights quarantine in an authorized hotel even after proving a negative test before coming into Canada to come home.

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Groucho d'North on Jan 31, 2021 at 1:13 pm

I am pleased that some comments in the original version of this story were editted out. They were racist and did not add any value to the factual telling of the story.

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My Opinion on Jan 29, 2021 at 7:52 am


A cry for justice and hatred are two very different things. I honestly don't see hatred in any of these posts.

Remember that if we shrug this off as "not a big deal", then we'll be sending the message to BC that it's okay to come to the Yukon to selfishly lie, cheat, and put others at risk. This could result in more BC folk coming to the Yukon to jump the que, which could result in a Covid-19 outbreak in communities full of vulnerable people.
Keep in mind that "hateful" is not the tone of this post, NickyB. I have an honest concern for the people in our communities.

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comen sense on Jan 28, 2021 at 9:39 am

We are famous - even a Quebec couple went all the way to our Old Crow to escape CV. Why could they not have just asked them for their drivers license then question them. If they are not from the little community of Beaver creek who is really to blame?

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Yukoner on Jan 27, 2021 at 1:54 pm

The First Nation is upset about people jumping the line yet the whole Yukon is jumping the line, no reason we need any vaccines up here right now with 0 cases. Save it for those down south who are actually at risk and would be helped by it right now. The old we're so special attitude at work!

Up 40 Down 10

Holy F on Jan 27, 2021 at 9:16 am

@Wilf Carter - Holy F you might want to consider getting out more, maybe go for a walk or something, get some fresh air, clear out the the ol' noggin.

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YukonMax on Jan 27, 2021 at 6:01 am

Who gave the shot without being presented with a Yukon Health Card ?

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YKFP on Jan 26, 2021 at 8:36 pm

Anyone stop to think this might be a staged event? Even as the headline says “An almost unbelievable story”

The woman is an actress, if they were really scared enough to go to these lengths for a vaccine don’t you think they would be in fear of travelling all across Canada? The event helps the government spread fear and allows them to promote their new CEMA enforcement team.

Just a theory...

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DMZ on Jan 26, 2021 at 6:43 pm

@can't believe how nasty people are, I was wondering the same thing myself. Apart from the spectacle of treating people from outside the territory differently from inside, it's trial by publicity. I didn't think we did that kind of thing.

I wonder how the courts would look on it, if it went so far. A cabinet minister holding forth about them, First Nations calling for a prison sentence -- not just jail, prison -- media all across the country dining out on it for days, the medical health officer in BC putting in her two cents...the adults have left the room.

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Twyla on Jan 26, 2021 at 6:31 pm

Jail time. Finances aren't these peoples concern obviously. 6 months jail time should be their penalty.

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Max Mack on Jan 26, 2021 at 5:35 pm

I agree with the poster that pointed out the apparent violation of privacy rules.
Where is the Privacy Commissioner on this?

Absent . . . like usual . . .

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Jc on Jan 26, 2021 at 3:49 pm

Button Walters: Simple answer to your question: Cabin fever! This is the Yukon, remember.

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Jake The Bosun on Jan 26, 2021 at 2:38 pm

I moved here more than 45 years ago and made a commitment to the Yukon based on honesty and integrity. To hear some say "give them marks for creativity" or "what do you expect..." or "they outsmarted YTG" tells me the social contract I bought into doesn't exist much anymore. It used to.
Entitlement is not good for community, taking all that you get is not good for community, what happened to SELF RESPECT, and RESPECT FOR NEIGHBORS ?
This is the loss I mourn more than any other over those 45 years.
Shame on them, shame on you, shame on me.

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MML on Jan 26, 2021 at 1:21 pm

Remember WCC clients are the vulnerable so they are on the list to have immunizations. So if they get jail time here they will acquire their second shot or it’s a human rights violation then.

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Button Walters on Jan 26, 2021 at 1:16 pm

Why are we still letting airlines travel???

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Can't believe how nasty people are............... on Jan 26, 2021 at 1:13 pm

If these 2 needed the vax that bad because of all the media fear porn being pushed all year, they can have mine. I think others will willingly give theirs up too. Not everyone wants this DNA altering medical treatment. It is not technically a vaccine according to the FDA themselves. This is a modern day witch hunt. Also just wondering why the media is revealing names when this is about medical treatment. Isn't that against the HIPPA privacy act? Who will be held accountable for that? https://medium.com/@madmockingbird/https-www-fda-gov-media-143557-download-c87dd10f0198

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Nathan Living on Jan 26, 2021 at 12:02 pm

They broke the law with somewhat reckless disregard for the Beaver Creek residents and they will pay the maximun fines.
There will be no jail time for them.

Please consider Beaver Creek has a constant flow of Americans using the Alaska highway.
It's time to move on folks. Many people entering Canada to travel the Alaska highway likely had covid symptons but did not declare them for it would hinder their travel plans.

Let them pay the fines and let's move on.

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Resident on Jan 26, 2021 at 11:55 am

This is why we need to switch to proportional fines. If an illegal action is punishable, it should hurt someone making 100k just as much as someone making 10k just as much as someone making 1M. Otherwise, you're just putting a price on the action. Apparently, the cost to cut the line is $500.

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BnR on Jan 26, 2021 at 11:44 am

Beaver Creeks more at risk from the daily Alaskan traffic than these two clowns.
But whatever, let's get outraged.

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Rod on Jan 26, 2021 at 11:22 am

Wilf: Iol a guys living with Russia women in Whitehorse. Omg! It’s a conspiracy!

This was nothing more than privilege people with money trying and almost succeeding to improve their live’s while breaking the law!
Conspiracy hahaha.

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Sheepchaser on Jan 26, 2021 at 10:46 am

This casino and video game CEO along with his wife should face jail time or at least a trial that costs a few million to defend. Or give him a suspended sentence under obligation to pay restitution of at least $1M per vaccine shot stolen.

He has reportedly been fired from his job and removed from the company board, but his golden parachute is allegedly in the neighbourhood of $30M. This may even have been intentional to force a liquidation of his interest in the company before upcoming fiscal reporting and possible acquisition by a private buyer. It is certainly the best time to do this as far as market valuation for his company is concerned.

Time to make an example of the super rich.

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Yukoner on Jan 26, 2021 at 10:08 am

Under "normal" circumstances, the $1000 fine and public shaming would be enough. However, the means these two people took to mislead all Yukoners and get the vaccine deserves a more harsh sentence. Now is not the time to be lenient, unless you want more of this nonsense. Hanley and Streicker, show us you can lead people more than out of a wet paper bag!

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Yukoner1 on Jan 26, 2021 at 7:45 am

“We’re not certain how they arrived here,” he said in an interview this morning. Upon their arrival, the couple filled out a self-declaration form.

Wow. So we don't know how they got here, but we know they arrived at the airport because they filled out the self-declaration form. But, you know, maybe they walked up the highway. Does the Minister even know what's going on? How embarrassing.

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Wilf Carter on Jan 26, 2021 at 4:39 am

WE just made national and international news. Great job

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Wilf Carter on Jan 26, 2021 at 3:43 am

Ha, John look around and see how this took place because more people will do it and we will get over run. It is not the Administrations fault.

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Wilf Carter on Jan 26, 2021 at 3:41 am

Who helped them to get set up to receive CV19 shots in Yukon? It might be someone on the inside to set that up. The women was Russian. Interesting. I know a person who lives in Yukon that has young Russian woman living with him 4 years ago. There seems to be more to this story than we know.

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DMZ on Jan 25, 2021 at 8:32 pm

The nastiness of the feedback is getting worse than the offense. I'm disappointed in John Streicker. Ideally, political leaders would be lowering the temperature, not fanning the flames and virtually inviting attacks on this couple. It's a little shocking to hear him say in a CBC interview that he's "trying very hard not to interfere in [ the RCMP's] process". That's like, the law, that it's independent of his interference. As he points out, and as he should have pointed out to White River First Nation, without implying that it's a struggle for him. And that he thinks he deserves a pat on the back for his restraint.

It also turns out that he wants a review of the emergency act to put in harsher penalties, not to make sure it's not a runaway train of charter violations.
If the opposition parties just jump on this disgusting train, I give up. Communities feel violated? We've all been violated by COVID. We can still act like human beings. And we can still act like there's a rule of law, not a bunch of laws we can change to satisfy our "outrage". That's the test we're under.

And no, I don't think it's okay what they did. But a year ago, there was nothing illegal about coming to the Yukon. That's what is bizarre. With doctors and politicians ramping up the bad news daily, can't we spare a little compassion for how desperate they must have felt?

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donna johnston on Jan 25, 2021 at 8:13 pm

How did they get here - I know they chartered a plane to beaver creek - how were they allowed to leave - did they have their own plane - if they were required to quarantine for 14 days they should not have been allowed on a commercial flight.

Up 25 Down 37

NickyB on Jan 25, 2021 at 7:29 pm

All of these hateful comments are an embarrassment to Yukoners. Yes, what this Canadian couple did was wrong and they will be punished according to the 'law' they broke.

The intolerant hatefulness in the smug self-righteous comments is even more wrong. It sure didn't take long for the Liberal government's divisive, inconsistent, illogical and ineffective Covid policies to turn people against each other.

Yukon's CMO stated that these people's actions posed no real risk to our communities or health care workers.

Stop and think, these two Vancouverites are just as fearful of Covid as you are because of the media-induced fear-porn. Think of how many Atlin residents would have come to the Yukon if it wasn't available for them in BC. Would you feel the same hatefulness for them?

None of you lost your place in line for your compliance-jab; there are many eligible seniors who don't want the fake-vaccine, so just chill-out, you'll get your virtue-signaling jab long before anyone gets seriously sick with Covid in the Yukon.

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John on Jan 25, 2021 at 6:57 pm

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. MLA’s in Ireland and Hawaii, kids coming home from university, people showing symptoms and wearing masks in public, white river transboundary and how many Alaskans going through there weekly? Cmon now, these people got busted many more hundreds guilty.

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Douglas Martens on Jan 25, 2021 at 6:43 pm

Aw come on! Relax.. and give em some HIGH marks for creativity at least! The real problem is they outwitted the YTG. And In other news, I have been outsmarted by many a fish so don't let it bother you so much John.

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Carole on Jan 25, 2021 at 6:29 pm

What a couple of entitled idiots.

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Much Ado About Nothing on Jan 25, 2021 at 6:01 pm

Dr. Brendan Hanley, the chief medical officer of health, was contacted to review the situation. His conclusion was there had been minimal risk to the community or the team, since all pertinent health precautions were followed.

What they did was wrong, but so is the smug self-righteous intolerance so many are demonstrating. It sure didn't take long for divisive LIB gov policies to turn people against each other, N'est-ce pas?

My friend and I are old enough to be at the top of the list, and we don't want the faux 'vaccine' so the vaccination of those two didn't deny any of you getting your compliance jab.

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Juniper Jackson on Jan 25, 2021 at 5:05 pm

What do you expect? It's the Yukon.

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Matthew on Jan 25, 2021 at 4:19 pm

LOL! So... Yukoners who want one can't get a vaccine but out of towners can? Something doesn't add up here.. aren't the vaccines ordered for Yukoners only?

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JC on Jan 25, 2021 at 3:57 pm

Now, will these two be allowed to get their second shot in the Yukon? I don't think they should. Let them find another source.

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Thomas Brewer on Jan 25, 2021 at 3:32 pm

These uber rich entitled southerners will only receive justice if they see the inside of WCC. This level of thought and execution put into a plan earns them a 6 month stay, to be an example to others that may think this is a viable option.

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DL on Jan 25, 2021 at 3:22 pm

People, please think: this incident and the resulting punitive lynch mob mentality are the ugly result of the politicized fearmongering about covid-19.

Just calm down. No one in the Yukon will be deprived of the vaccine, if they want it. Instead of lashing out in fear and hatred, take care of your health & community and boost your own immune system: kindness, healthy food, Vitamin D, plenty of rest, daily walks in fresh air, positive outlook.

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Nathan Living on Jan 25, 2021 at 3:00 pm

Maybe a communiry service stint in Beaver Creek could be attached to the fines.

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JSmonk on Jan 25, 2021 at 1:41 pm

Prison should be the next step.

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