Whitehorse Daily Star

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Premier Ranj Pillai

Owners closed bakery with ‘great sadness and heavy hearts’

The situation involving the Oct. 7 closure of the Alpine Bakery continues to be be murky.

By T.S. Giilck on October 19, 2023

The situation involving the Oct. 7 closure of the Alpine Bakery continues to be murky.

The latest message from owners Walter and Silvia Streit, posted more than a week ago, reads, “It was with great sadness and heavy hearts that we closed the doors to our Alpine Bakery this past Saturday.

“We are hoping this will only be a temporary closure, but a lot of that is in the hands of other people now, including yourselves.

“Please take action, write people, talk to people, share your ideas and suggestions for how we can take care of all the people in our community. Our bakery depends on it.

“Our hearts are in this kitchen and with the bakery, and we are hopeful, with your support, that we can one day open the doors to the smell of freshly-baked bread.”

The action was taken by the business after months of dealing with issues revolving around problems associated with the nearby Whitehorse Emergency Shelter.

The Connective agency, which is managing the facility, has offered the following statement.

“We were disappointed to hear that Alpine Bakery has decided to temporarily close its doors. While we have only been operating 405 Alexander for 11 months, we know that these issues have been going on for many years, and we understand the frustration of local businesses and residents.

“Recognizing that these are complex issues that require a collaborative response from the community, we are committed to continuing to work with partners – including Yukon Government, RCMP, City of Whitehorse, CYFN and the Chamber of Commerce – to explore solutions to community safety issues as well as opportunities to add to the housing continuum to better serve the many different needs of people experiencing homelessness,” Connective said.

Spokesperson Kim Pettersen added, “The reality of these challenging issues is one that we face every day.

“As a provider of nonprofit services, we remain focused on improving outcomes for individuals who are experiencing multiple barriers, as we work toward our vision of a safe, healthy and inclusive community for all.” 

Premier Ranj Pillai has said he is taking steps to address the situation at the popular bakery, and acknowledges the government does bear some responsibility for what has occurred.

“There’s so many different elements to this. There’s an element around economic development, because the businesses that are there, there is Yukon Housing, because we do have units in that area,” the premier said.

“I think there’s an intergovernmental element.”

Pillai said he is “in dialogue with the City of Whitehorse all the time.”

He spoke with Mayor Laura Cabott on Oct. 12, as did Community Services Minister Richard Mostyn.

“And I just think that what we’ve been doing collectively is not working,” the premier conceded.

“And I think that’s when in government you have to stand up if there’s things you have to change.”

Comments (4)

Up 18 Down 10

David on Oct 24, 2023 at 2:49 pm

"Premier Ranj Pillai has said he is taking steps to address the situation at the popular bakery, and acknowledges the government does bear some responsibility for what has occurred."

What we need is for the Yukon Liberal Party to kindly leave the stage. Also, a new party is needed, and we're trying to start one. Please consider the Yukon Sourdough Party!


Up 7 Down 27

Patti Eyre on Oct 23, 2023 at 6:10 pm

I personally believe this new moderated feature is a leads and bounds improvement. Long live the Star!

Up 24 Down 14

Josey Wales on Oct 22, 2023 at 3:21 am

Hey Star...open thoughts on this comment thread.
I get y’all are the host, I get things are different with your leader now gone, the same leader that moderated this very comment section.

That said, it is not a faction of a percentage that it once was this comment section.
I also get this feature takes time, which is money...I truly do.

I say this seriously, after years of great debates, much needed public discourse on public matters that affect...the public.
Just shut it down, call it a day in regards to this feature, and reallocate the time and money into other things the new Star is interested in.

To kill this feature as y’all are currently, is doing a great disservice to all the years of her hard work and diligent moderation, your site and frankly your reputation.

...it would seem, someone ground ya down?

Quite seriously, put it to rest, do not let it writhe around in pain whilst dying slowly.
PM Blackface wishes us all ignorant, devoid of independent thoughts, discussions, weaponized words he did, destroyed our freedoms to express ourselves and only wishes group think...their groups “thoughts”.

No point in undermining all that hard work tyrants put in with open discussions, uncomfortable ones too even that put some folks in a uncomfortable zone.
It was fun participating in what was thee best comment section in any media in North America hands freaking down!!
Those days, like our once free first world standing in the country formerly known as Canada...are gone now.

Please consider putting it to rest with respect, or pretend we still live in that country...being once true North strong and free!
Freely expressed thoughts for y’all at the Star and if moderation chooses...the rest of us.
...and yes even the censorious loving Patti to pontificate on!

Up 15 Down 1

stan on Oct 19, 2023 at 2:25 pm

When Sally Ann was open in the old building, the occupants weren't allowed to consume alcohol or drugs in the building or you weren't allowed a bed. Now it seems it is a free for all because we feel we are hurting someones feelings.
There has to be a treatment house separate from a shelter that is no tolerance or you just keep going in circles.
If I had a free place to eat and sleep of course I wouldn't go anywhere else but where the handouts are. Common sense but many people are taking advantage.
Smarten up and be responsible adults and use the systems if you need it, not cause its free !!!!!!!

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