Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Whitehorse Star

Dr. Catherine Elliott

Omicron is here; booster age range expanded

Omicron has arrived in the Yukon.

By Whitehorse Star on December 8, 2021

Omicron has arrived in the Yukon.

Dr. Catherine Elliott, the acting chief medical officer of health, made that announcement late this morning at the weekly COVID-19 briefing.

Elliott didn’t provide much in the way of details, other than to say the cases involve “two Yukoners in the Yukon.”

No mention was made as to how they acquired the new Omicron variant. Elliott said the cases were “contained” under more-stringent-than normal self-isolation requirements – but again, didn’t go into detail.

Elliott said she had considered it inevitable that Omicron would surface in the Yukon.

So far, little is known about the variant, which has approximately 50 mutations, with 30 of those along the spike protein that makes COVID-19 so relatively easy to acquire.

Elliott said early indications show Omicron to be potentially more infectious than the dominant Delta variant that has caused an outbreak here in the territory.

Nothing certain is known as to whether the existing vaccines, such as Moderna, will be adequate to fight it, Elliott said.

She and Health and Social Services Minister Tracy-Anne McPhee also announced that every Yukoner over the age of 18 is now eligible for a booster shot starting immediately. That follows new recommendations from Canadian public health officials.

People can begin booking their booster shots immediately, with a proviso.

Next week, from Dec. 13 to Dec. 17, the clinic at the Whitehorse Convention Centre will be restricted to appointments for children only. No adults will be vaccinated.

McPhee and Elliott said that’s because vaccinating children from five to 11 is considered a higher priority.

There are currently 44 active cases in the Yukon, down from 50 earlier in the week.

Elliott said the territory is averaging eight cases a day, showing the “circuit breaker” created by new restrictions under the state of emergency is working.

Despite that, and some loosening of the restrictions last week, Elliott said the state of emergency will continue through the holidays and into the New Year.

She will be looking at the situation then and analyzing if new measures are warranted.

According to a news release that followed the briefing, “People in Whitehorse aged 18 and older are now able to book their booster shots at the Whitehorse Vaccine Clinic.

“In communities, some booster clinics are now open for people aged 18 and older and more clinics will be added in the coming weeks. All Yukoners aged 18 and over who are eligible to get a booster should be able to receive one before the end of January,” the release said.

“People are eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine booster six months after they have completed their primary series, which is two doses for most people and three doses for people who are immunocompromised.”

The release also said the Pfizer vaccine is now recommended for people aged 18 to 29.

“Following recommendations from NACI and the Yukon’s acting chief medical officer of health, adults aged 18 to 29 will now be offered Pfizer (Comirnaty) for all doses, including their booster shots,” it said.

“This is due to a rare association with heart inflammation in young adults, mainly males.

“Adults who are 30 years of age and older will be offered Moderna (SpikeVax) for their booster shot.”

McPhee said in the statement vaccinations are “our best protection against COVID-19.

“As we prepare for the holiday season and reflect on this past year, I want to thank our front-line health care workers who continue to work so hard to and keep Yukoners safe,” she said.

“Between now and the end of January, please get your booster shot to continue to ensure you have the strongest protection against COVID-19 and to stop the spread of the virus in our territory.

“I ask all Yukoners to be patient when booking their appointments and to be kind to staff when they get their vaccines.”

Comments (61)

Up 12 Down 14

DA on Dec 14, 2021 at 12:30 pm

Anonymous, you are not literally being held hostage by anyone. I doubt you're even figuratively being held hostage.

Up 24 Down 5

Yukong on Dec 14, 2021 at 7:35 am

Hmm, I'm no doctor, but isn't Omicron our best chance at true herd immunity? A variant that spreads easily but doesn't make people deathly sick sounds like it's becoming more like a seasonal flu...

Up 21 Down 4

Douglas James Martens on Dec 13, 2021 at 6:31 pm

Message: Salesmanship is identifying a need and suggesting a solution in a persuasive fashion, thereby creating a demand for the product in question.

Imagine how much a salesman could sell if they first Create the Problem, claim to have the ONLY Solution, and further proclaim their one and only Solution has to be applied to EVERYONE on planet EARTH for the public good!
I know. I shouldn't be so cynical, right?

Up 21 Down 32

Roy on Dec 13, 2021 at 11:49 am


You can leave the country. No one is stopping you.
You just have to hire a boat. Or a private plane. Simple. Other people have done it. Why can’t you?

Commercial airlines don’t want unvaccinated on board but they are private businesses (yeah they get gov support but so do farms and lots of other industries that are still private) - so you’re kinda hooped there. These airlines also don’t want you bringing firearms or explosives in your carry on. You can’t smoke on board either. So many rules.

But on a private plane you can do what you want. Same with a private boat.
Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and make it happen. Be self sufficient.

One problem you might face is finding a country that will allow you in. Turns out it’s not just Canada with all these rules!
I bet Yemen or Venezuela might let you in. Countries with the “freedom” but without the social contract of looking after your community - you’ll love it.

Again you are free to leave. Traveling on a commercial airline is not a right afforded to you. But leaving the country is.
You just don’t like your options and therefore you want to “speak to the manager.”

Up 32 Down 23

Anonymous on Dec 13, 2021 at 5:56 am

I'm not being hyperbolic, nor am I out to lunch. I am literally being held hostage by my own government and am unable to leave the country because of the mandates. I have less rights than a Chinese or Russian citizen. If that's not totalitarian then I don't know what is.

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TheHammer on Dec 11, 2021 at 5:56 pm

Anonymous@ your comment on Russia and China, regarding vaccine mandates and passports, as criteria to determine totalitarian politics, has won the 2021 'Out to Lunch in the Yukon' award.

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Roy on Dec 11, 2021 at 12:22 pm


You don’t know me. I only started posting here in the last couple weeks. So you're confused when you say “I’ve always known you to be…”
You’re also confused about this vaccine induced immune deficiency (which must be, in your mind, only due to mRNA vaccines since I’m guessing you had over a dozen vaccines in your lifetime - that shingles one is probably up next - ask your doctor if it’s right for you!)

And when you say you only trust God you should be more specific because the majority of God believers on the planet believe in the Muslim or Hindu God or practice Buddhism with a smattering of Confucius theory thrown in.

Finally - I never trust government. They are self serving pocket fillers for the most part. And the government in the Yukon is pure amateur hour - drawing staff from a small pool of residents means people that got C+ in high school are driving policy - and all they want to do is not rock the boat so they can fly under the radar to keep their pension dreams alive.

I trust science. It’s not always perfect - and it can be corrupted - but you can say the same thing about politicians and religions.
And to those of you who are spouting nonsense such as “you can’t trust Google search results because they are corrupt! do your research!” - I bet you get a lot of you info off of YouTube.

Maybe use your special non-Google search engine and look up who owns YouTube. I bet your brain will short circuit.

Up 39 Down 22

Anonymous on Dec 10, 2021 at 6:53 pm

You wanna know what's funny?

Russia no forced vaccine, no passports.
China no forced vaccines, no passports.

Who's the totalitarian government now?

Up 24 Down 19

Mike on Dec 10, 2021 at 4:36 pm

Variants are created in the vaccinated and if you were worth one ounce of the knowledge you pretend to have, you would concede the fact that Omicron variant which by the way is the weakest of all covid variants and quite possibly the last of covid. I always believed that you were a well spoken well informed person when in fact you really don't base any of your nonsense on anything but what your government tells you. It's hilarious to know that so many people trust the government when they have proven time and again that the people they serve are actually the people they despise.
Israel is the highest vaccinated country in the world. Explain to me why people are now suffering from vaccine induced immune deficiency syndrome and not 100s or thousands but hundreds of thousands. Fact check that and get back to me with your wisdom. Then explain to me how Moderna is a 100% government owned vaccine. Physer is 60% and Johnson & Johnson 35% then tell me I'm paranoid or a conspiracy theorist. I place my faith solely in the hands of God not humans playing God.

Up 13 Down 19

Roy on Dec 10, 2021 at 4:32 pm

@ Mad Max

I never said omicron formed in the unvaxxed.
I said it formed in areas with very low vaccination rates.
If you are struggling with the difference between those two maybe spend less time posting and more time learning.

Up 18 Down 25

Roy on Dec 10, 2021 at 2:53 pm

@google skeptic

“Google is funded by the pharmaceutical companies. Do you think that Google would bite the hand that feeds them? Of course they are going push whatever narrative the pharmaceutical companies tell them. Do your research. Follow the money. Use your own brain for once.”

Do the research eh? Let me know what source you used for vaccination rates in the countries of Southern Africa. Post some links with statistics and why specifically these links are trustworthy

And also post how you found those links and why that method is trustworthy.
I’ll wait. I’m guessing I’ll be waiting a long time.

Up 28 Down 13

Max Mack on Dec 10, 2021 at 1:59 pm


You are spreading falsehoods and you need to stop.
Experts (I hate to use that term since the "experts" have been wrong about so much) do not know where Omicron originated. They do not know if the variant arose in Africa. It was merely detected there first.

They also do not know if the variant arose in the "unvaccinated".
If anything, it is more plausible that Omicron mutated among the vaxxed due to selective pressure.

Up 20 Down 10

Fact checking the 'fact' checkers on Dec 10, 2021 at 12:08 pm

Roy, you're not stating facts, your stating correlation and implying it as causation.

At a press briefing held by WHO’s Africa office last Thursday, the UN agency’s regional experts explained that the origin of the omicron variant was unknown, and they criticized restrictive travel measures placed on southern African countries.

“Our surveillance system in the global world is not perfect yet,” Dr Abdou Salam Gueye, regional emergency director in WHO’s Africa office, said during a press briefing.

“When we detect a variant or virus … usually we’re going to detect it weeks after it started its evolution. The only thing we are sure about, when a country detects a virus, is that that country’s surveillance system is good. That’s what happened in southern Africa, so this discourages the travel ban even more because ... it is like a measure against a good surveillance system.”

He added that it was “not unexpected” that cases were now being discovered in Europe.
“It’s only [with] the investigations that are being conducted that we’re going to know more about the origins of this virus,” he added.

Once a variant is identified, particularly one that is likely to be more infectious, it will have spread far beyond the few original cases and countries. That’s the nature of infectious disease in a world where international travel is so common. Just because omicron MAY HAVE mutated in areas of low vaccination, does not automatically mean that it mutated in the unvaccinated. Please stop lying on the internet.

Up 13 Down 24

GusM - your quote is appropriate on Dec 10, 2021 at 11:20 am

I don't know if Thomas Sowell is a great thinker to quote - but I agree with his words "It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance." Sense of moral superiority, ignorance, victimhood, wish for martyrdom etc., etc., exactly describes some of the folks who are out and about these days, trying to convince people to 'wake up'

Up 32 Down 17

Roy says check google on Dec 10, 2021 at 10:37 am


Google is funded by the pharmaceutical companies. Do you think that Google would bite the hand that feeds them? Of course they are going push what ever narrative the pharmaceutical companies tell them. Do your research. Follow the money. Use your own brain for once.

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North_of_60 on Dec 10, 2021 at 1:37 am

Given the LIBgov's outstanding track record for flogging fear-porn and deceptive coercion, we can expect they will announce that Santa won't come to your house on Christmas Eve unless your whole family is vaccinated.

Up 38 Down 17

GusM on Dec 9, 2021 at 6:04 pm

Since a C0vaxpass is now required to travel internationally, the vax-status of those who are now transmitting the virus should be blatantly obvious to all but the willfully ignorant. So the C0vaxed should cut the crap about trying to blame all the restrictions and mandates on the unvaxed, and take responsibility for what they're causing with their ignorant discrimination.

Common sense proves the media propaganda is misinformed. Countries and regions with the highest vax rates have the highest infection rates. All the C0vax does is suppress the symptoms, it does NOT prevent anyone from catching and spreading the virus. In fact it makes the situation far worse because it makes the vaxed believe they're immune so they congregate closely in poorly ventilated areas like bars, clubs and homes where they catch the virus, and because the C0vax suppresses the symptoms they take it somewhere else to spread it. Masks stop the airborne C0vid virons as effectively as chain link fence stops mosquitoes.

The naturally healthy people who choose to not be injected are willing to spend the effort to dig for the truth. Whereas the C0vaxzd don't want the truth, they only want constant reassurance that their beliefs are the 'truth'. For the vaxed the MSM narrative provides the comforting validation of their preconceived notions, so they look no further.

Thomas Sowell sums it up nicely when he says "It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance."

Up 16 Down 26

Roy on Dec 9, 2021 at 5:41 pm

@just spraying

Google where Omicron came from (I’ll help you - it’s impoverished countries in Southern Africa)
Next google the vaccination rates in those areas (I’ll help you - it’s very low)

Yes, as my post *clearly* stated, vaccinated people can and will get omicron.
That fact does not in any way, shape, or form refute my original point (that you tried to say is false and then posted some facts about how viruses work that, while true, were irrelevant to the point) - omicron mutated in areas of low vaccination. Fact.

Facts don’t care about your feelings. Nor your hopes and dreams and voting record.
Omicron is coming for us all. But it formed in areas of low vaccination.

Up 34 Down 11

joe on Dec 9, 2021 at 4:10 pm

@ roy.. I think you try and simplify complex issues. The issues are not the vaccines but rather the coercion and pervasive means of controlling activity within a country and society based on freedoms and rights. And that is not even the most concerning issue, which is the loss of privacy and " attestations" which give up privacy rights and privileges. Ya man, we've all presented vaccines cards and took a flu shot or two but we've never allowed codes to verify our health status, basically open access to anyone who can read a code or worse yet hacked by any base level computer geek. Anyone with any foresight can see biometrics in the near future and requirements for privileges etched in an electronic file. That is loss of freedoms and rights.

Up 47 Down 24

Douglas James Martens on Dec 9, 2021 at 2:16 pm

There's a new virus on the loose!!
But have no fear...
Big Pharma is here to help and not a moment too soon! What a relief....

Up 48 Down 68

Roy on Dec 9, 2021 at 2:12 pm

Vaccine mandates have been around for a long time.
You need to prove vaccination to travel to a lot of countries.

You need to prove vaccination to attend a lot of universities.
You need to prove vaccination to have a lot of health care jobs.

This is not new. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Some of you are acting like you've never left the country before. Never attended a university before. Never studied medicine/physiology/nursing/immunology to the level you could work in health care.

Yet you're all of a sudden experts in vaccines and laboratory science while acting like revealing your vaccination record is something that has never been requested anywhere before.
You need to get out more.

You could do that....or you could downvote me and keep scrolling.

Up 52 Down 26

Mike on Dec 9, 2021 at 2:06 pm

No deaths and no hospitalization in regards to omicron but let's try and scare everyone. Shows over the lie is clear as day does the science please want to explain what's happening in Israel right now. Highest vaccinated country in the world and now they are dealing with VACCINE INDUCED IMMUNE DEFICIENCIES SYNDROME. Oh yeah, but our Canadian and American doctors know best. Funny I don't trust any of them.

Up 34 Down 14

JustSayin' on Dec 9, 2021 at 1:19 pm

@Roy- the statement is false -Omicron formed/mutated in unvaccinated communities.

In lay terms, viruses require a host to proliferate their genetic information by hijackings the hosts cells to produce the virions. Ergo anyone who gets infected has the potential to yield mutations, including those who are vaccinated.

Up 46 Down 19

Missing Hanley on Dec 9, 2021 at 12:48 pm

I thought Hanley running for politics was scummy, but at least he had a brain. Elliott constantly takes vacations.

We've had 4 acting CMOHs now during the pandemic (there was a short-lived guy from BC before, recently Andre from NWT, plus Elliott and Hanley). How has Yukon dropped the ball so hard on keeping a steady hand guiding us?

All the while, Silver and his cabinet get to hide behind this turntable of CMOHs.

Up 48 Down 11

Opie on Dec 9, 2021 at 10:13 am

“Following recommendations from NACI and the Yukon’s acting chief medical officer of health, adults aged 18 to 29 will now be offered Pfizer (Comimaty) for all doses, including their booster shots,” it said.

“This is due to a rare association with heart inflammation in young adults, mainly males.


"Nothing certain is known as to whether the existing vaccines, such as Moderna, will be adequate to fight it, Elliott said."


Trust the Science.

Up 51 Down 16

#Justinflation on Dec 9, 2021 at 10:13 am

Come on you mere peasants, we are only creeping up to the 3rd year.
We are all in this together, well except for a substantial amount of really, really important people and a few untouchable cultures.

Do your part, be obedient, what you see is only what we tell you it is.
Do not under any circumstances question our version of science, even with actual science. Dissent is unhelpful.

And the costs of being a lowly peasant will rise...
As it is #Justinflation, deal with it or else!

Up 26 Down 15

Jeff Bikaboom on Dec 9, 2021 at 9:39 am

Federal and YG employees best not dillydally or you will be out on your ass. Same goes for those who are currently supporting the local restaurants and those that plan on traveling. You better keep up.

It will be a tough decision for those who are suffering from adverse reactions.

Up 38 Down 13

Max Mack on Dec 9, 2021 at 8:55 am

@Answer me this

1. estimates by the so-called advisory group are not based on double-blind, placebo controlled trials. Their estimates are based on observational data, and is not considered strong evidence in biomedical science.

2. "break-through" cases are determined by using PCR tests with a much lower cycle threshold. This means it is far less likely that a symptomatic vaccinated case will return a positive test compared to an unvaxxed case. This results in biased counts.

3. positive PCR cases in hospital/ICU are counted as "covid", regardless of the cause of hospitalization/ICU admission. A gunshot victim will be counted as "covid" if a positive PCR test results. This combined with #2 results in an over-estimate of covid counts.

4. A more nuanced and accurate picture would arise if cases were counted by admission for all respiratory ailments, not covid alone. This would remove some of the bias introduced by biased PCR cycle thresholds.

5. Patients are not counted as fully vaxxed if they have not had their 2nd jab at least 14 days ago. In some cases, patients might not be counted as fully vaxxed unless they have had their booster. This results in an undercounting of "vaxxed" patients.

Up 36 Down 16

Jeff Bikaboom on Dec 9, 2021 at 8:48 am

Boosters announced at the same time as Omicrom. How serendipitous.
I think we should shut down the roads from Africa because it couldn't have come here by air with all of the restrictions for the unvaxxed.

Where version 19 was similar to the flu, Necron-omicron looks similar to a cold. Reports from front line doctors in Africa report mild symptoms, but the mass hysteria does seem quite contagious.

So why are we giving boosters for the old variants when other countries are gearing up for their next three shots for the new variants? How can the experts emphasize the need for updated vaccines while simultaneously recommending the old ones for children, and apparently the entirety of the Yukon.

What's your number people? Will your enthusiasm for shots wane once we get to six?
When will we see the stats for the rise in non-covid deaths? What are the chances that 2021 will have the highest death rate in Yukon history?

Up 54 Down 14

iBrian on Dec 9, 2021 at 8:44 am

An UNELECTED GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL dictating how we live, this is Taxation without representation.

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Lex on Dec 9, 2021 at 6:51 am

So the virus is so serious and you’ve been hammering it into our Brain we need to get vaccinated… but decide to close over Christmas ? Guess covid will take a break too.

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AdmiralA$$ on Dec 9, 2021 at 6:45 am

Awesome, weakest version yet and most of town is terrified, speaking of their 5th or 6th booster already.
If your not burning your "passport" afterword don't lie to everyone, you did this for yourself and not anyone else.

Great job working everyone into a scared frenzy.

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Dallas Schaber on Dec 9, 2021 at 4:28 am

Ahhh yes the liberal version of conversion therapy…….

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bonanzajoe on Dec 8, 2021 at 8:28 pm

There’s no test for variants on Dec. 8, 2020: You are absolutely right there is no test for the variants. As I said in my earlier post, it's all a dog and pony show. And many of these so called know it alls are probably getting filthy rich on the Pharmaceutical stocks. And the modern day media doesn't do investigative reporting anymore. They just parrot news they get from the other mostly left wing liars.

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bonanzajoe on Dec 8, 2021 at 8:19 pm

Beaker, I'm wondering how many of these political tyrants are going to get filthy rich on these vaccine maker's stocks. For instance, Moderna has gone ballistic since January 2019 - from just 17.00 to 283.00 today. Pfizer went up 80% since March 2020. So they gotta keep the old dog and pony show going. There's gold in those Pharmaceutical hills.

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bonanzajoe on Dec 8, 2021 at 8:04 pm

Roy, have you learned the new global language yet? It's called BAAABAAA. Good luck with the unpleasant side affects you will most probably develop in years to come. Oh and keep those billionaire pharmaceutical companies in the green by taking their twice a year boosters. Soon, it will be 4 a year.

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bonanzajoe on Dec 8, 2021 at 7:59 pm

Mr Facts: The left wing Liberals and NDP are on a roll. They are creating fear and dividing the citizenry. They are taking away freedoms and democracy. But, like Lenin and Stalin, they think the people are stupid and will follow in line like sheeple. No communist state has ever been successful. Neither will this one.

Up 48 Down 9

DMZ on Dec 8, 2021 at 7:40 pm

"The circuit breaker worked." That's pure science right there. You can take that to the bank.

Am I right in understanding that the symptoms of the Omicron variant were withheld for privacy reasons? You have to laugh, really. Along with hearing that booster appointments will be parceled out sparingly while health care staff take Christmas off. That's emergency measures, Yukon style. Same as last year -- no historic delivery of vaccines would keep YTG management and staff from their appointed days off.

I know this is petty, but I can't help it -- this acting CMO appears to really relish her position, and it's so grating.

Up 42 Down 3

Isolated on Dec 8, 2021 at 7:33 pm

These updates are lacking substantive information, they all sound like platitudes designed to fill air-time.
Few questions I would be interested in being addressed;

What level of spread is acceptable to allow all restrictions to be lifted?
Is vaccination verification for 'designated spaces' a long term mandate?
With the rollout of booster shots could the definition of fully vaccinated change to match the 6 month time line?

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Matthew on Dec 8, 2021 at 6:53 pm

Real question is simple, how many booster shots will YOU put up with!? The vaxed should be scared because you've got injected, not knowing the side effects, getting booster after booster to stay compliant.. again, all this with a virus that kills 1% of its hosts,

Up 46 Down 12

Fauci on Dec 8, 2021 at 6:52 pm

Just remember these vaccines are not approved they are “authorized for use”. Pfizer end date 2023 Moderna 2022. Just saying.

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Bingo on Dec 8, 2021 at 6:48 pm

@answer me this… what are they referring to? Is it covid 19, delta, omicron? That paper or whatever it is bonkers, low vaccine rates means more variants? Not the case this is fear mongering, variants derive from both vaccinated and unvaccinated. Omicron has zero hospitalizations worldwide. It’s spreads really fast but has mild symptoms yet we are pushing vaccines as the end all be all. Reckless at best.

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Joe on Dec 8, 2021 at 6:31 pm

Why is McPhee still there? The majority of MLA's representing a majority of Yukoners wanted her removed. Does democracy not matter anymore?

Up 40 Down 18

Enough Fear Mongering on Dec 8, 2021 at 5:36 pm

Go ahead… get your booster. And enjoy willingly walking off the cliff while begging for more.

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Salt on Dec 8, 2021 at 5:15 pm

@Answer me this
As stated in the PDF, those numbers are estimated and age standardized. The real question that needs to be answered is if Ontario is doing better now that 87.4% of the population over the age of 12 is ‘fully’ vaccinated? It obviously isn’t working.

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@Roy on Dec 8, 2021 at 4:56 pm

Omicron is not a "stronger variant." It is weaker, by all evidence. Not one person has died of it yet.

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Boosters for life. on Dec 8, 2021 at 4:51 pm

The government has a dilemma. They need convince the unjabbed that the jabs work in order to get their first two doses. While at the same time convince the jabbed that they don't work in order to get their boosters! Think about it.

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Dan on Dec 8, 2021 at 4:44 pm

This fear mongering is getting over the top - Covid 19 HAS NEVER BEEN ISOLATED, so how can a variant be ‘discovered?’
The PCR test used for this plandemic is 100% false positive over 40 cycles of magnification. Most of Canada is between 37-45, with Yukon being at the top of the scale.
If you want to end Covid, stop testing, fear baiting and injecting people (especially children) with an experimental gene therapy.

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Ben on Dec 8, 2021 at 4:38 pm

Hey Roy. Not belittling your experience here. Sorry that happened to you. What about this - how about there’s an open discussion where educated folks put across their points from both sides of the debate, so that people can weigh up the costs and benefits of vaccination themselves; in some contexts this would be called a risk assessment, in the medical world it would be referred to as “informed consent”.
There’s many medical professionals who are speaking out about what is happening, but we don’t get to hear from them, we are instead exposed to one person who gives us their opinion… and we’re expected to follow it without question. I don’t think it’s too much to ask for people to have that opportunity…. but then pigs might fly.

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Salt on Dec 8, 2021 at 4:36 pm

Meanwhile cardiovascular events due to the vaccines are so ‘rare’ that they have created a whole new ‘disorder’ to blame them on, PPSD. Apparently pandemic stress effects you differently and to a greater extent than going to war or being in an abusive relationship (PTSD).

Up 151 Down 35

There’s no test for variants on Dec 8, 2021 at 4:28 pm

You know what would be nice to see? The media doing some actual investigative journalism on this. If you’re just going to parrot what Catherine Elliott says, I think you’re redundant.

Up 88 Down 62

Answer me this; on Dec 8, 2021 at 4:12 pm

New science data just out in Ontario:
Unvaccinated people have a 5-fold higher risk of symptomatic COVID-19 disease, a 13-fold higher risk of being in the hospital and 23-fold higher risk of being in the ICU compared to the fully vaccinated.


Up 68 Down 67

John on Dec 8, 2021 at 3:59 pm

@captain obviously annoying.... nobody believes your fiction anymore.

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Groucho d'North on Dec 8, 2021 at 3:20 pm

If in fact the “circuit breaker” really was working there would not be the Omicron variant in the territory.

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Beaker on Dec 8, 2021 at 3:16 pm

Why are we getting kids vaccinated against a variant that has flu like symptoms. Why can’t they just get it build up their own anti bodies and live on?

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Richard Smith on Dec 8, 2021 at 3:14 pm

The largest cause of spreading covid is misinformation like in this article: - vaccinations gives us "the strongest protection against covid-19 and to stop the spread of the virus"
The new information and "science" clearly demonstrate vaccinated people can catch, carry and spread covid about equally as the unvaccinated.
Just one of many examples is last week, during a restaurant event in Kingsville Ontario, 42 of 75 attendees caught covid. ALL WERE VACCINATED!
Misinformation gives the vaccinated a false sense of security and become complacent.
The best way to avoid covid is to practice the common sense methods like social distancing, testing, masks, washings etc. And avoid large social gatherings like many Yukon Liberals will be doing in Vancouver during the Christmas season.

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Forced to Comply on Dec 8, 2021 at 2:59 pm

Nice way to set up keeping the state of emergency in place so you can continue to ruin our lives. Forcing us to get vaccinated to keep our jobs is cruel enough, but before the holiday season is even lower. Your policies and politics have divided this Territory and brought out the ugliness in our society. I hope karma truly brings you all what you deserve. Vaxxed or unvaxxed, doesn't matter, we are all human beings and should be awarded the same treatment as one anther no matter what. Anything different is discrimination, and the history books aren't kind to governments that discriminate. You should ask yourselves what side of history do you want to be on?

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Roy on Dec 8, 2021 at 2:50 pm

Facts for your downvoting:

Omicron formed/mutated in unvaccinated communities
Omicron will infect both vaxxed and unvaxxed - it is spreading through everyone regardless of status.

Vaxxed people who later get covid have less bad outcomes, less long term effects, less deaths.
if 100% of a population is vaccinated then it stands to reason that 100% of people in hospital are vaccinated - read that sentence again - and then realize that this fact isn’t a knock against covid vaccines.

In light of these facts ask yourself this:
If everyone is going to get this new stronger covid version…would you rather face it vaccinated or unvaccinated?
Ask anyone who has been hospitalized in the Yukon with delta for advice - at least the ones who survived. I have. I know what they said.

That’s why I have 3 vaccine doses. Will get the 4th in the spring I bet. Sign me up.

Up 111 Down 78

Mr Facts on Dec 8, 2021 at 2:20 pm

So now you will starve in New Brunswick if you are not vaccinated? What the hell is going on? This is so wrong on many levels. This was never about health. Maybe our overlords can tell us if this BS is coming to the Yukon. Disgusting. What are in these vaccines? Please even if you are vaxxed, a little part of you has to be asking why none of this makes sense.
They are trying to start a civil war, and this is the start. And your vaccine won't protect you when the SHTF. Please stop all this nonsense.

Up 103 Down 49

Om on Dec 8, 2021 at 2:17 pm

Omicron, by all evidence, is much weaker than Delta and alpha Covid. It may signal the end of the pandemic. As of Dec. 8, there are no known deaths from it.

I hope Elliott's next vacation is nice.

Up 98 Down 78

Captian Obvious on Dec 8, 2021 at 2:11 pm

Penned for a friend.


A month ago, I was healthy, active and full of independence
Now tied to my deathbed, I pray to the Lord for repentance
I confess that before I’d condemn the virus as the Plandemic
Now’s your chance to learn from my mistake and not get sick

From microchips, DNA, Nuremberg Code and other heresies
I tuned into factcheck sites that debunked such conspiracies
I’ve learned most manufactured dissent is Russki subterfuge
I helped to spread it: I was a Kremlin mule aka Putin’s stooge

I mocked social distancing, lockdowns, vaccines, even a mask
I hyped ivermectin, bleach and hydroxychloroquine in a flask
I opposed states of emergency as death percentage was low
I argued it took only frail or elderly but now it’s my turn to go

I was selfish and failed to understand that it’s not all about me
Governments are responsible and do consider ALL OF SOCIETY
For if the virus was unchecked, hospitals would badly overflow
Without medical care, many more would be dealt a hard blow

It’s a known fact this virus has no nationality, ethnicity or race
Global response is needed to stop variants emerging anyplace
Whether in the Third World or with those unvaxxed next door
The infected are hosts that give the virus time to mutate more

So, my peers, tune your channel away from the Youtube docs
Who speak broken English and suspiciously cloak in lab smocks
Trust instead the scientific advice from the chief medical officer
Or suffer as I have, die alone, unable to get your affairs in order

(Now on twitter at: CaptainO_Yukon)

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