Photo by Vince Fedoroff
THE GRAND UNVEILING – Northern Vision Development donated $1 million to Yukon University on Wednesday. Here, from left to right, Wendy Tayler, Dr. Lesley Brown, Piers McDonald and Rich Thompson unveil the cheque.
Photo by Vince Fedoroff
THE GRAND UNVEILING – Northern Vision Development donated $1 million to Yukon University on Wednesday. Here, from left to right, Wendy Tayler, Dr. Lesley Brown, Piers McDonald and Rich Thompson unveil the cheque.
Northern Vision Development (NVD) has donated $1 million to Yukon University.
Northern Vision Development (NVD) has donated $1 million to Yukon University.
It’s also issued a challenge to Yukoners to raise a further $3 million to support students in their education goals.
“Yukon University’s new strategic plan offers a bold vision of the impact Canada’s first university North of 60 can have on our future,” Rich Thompson, NVD’s president and CEO, said Wednesday. The announcement was timed with the university’s second anniversary of its graduation from college status.
“We challenge business leaders and individuals across the territory to fuel student success, research grounded in northern values and inspiring ways of teaching and learning.
“I look forward to working closely with Wendy Tayler and the Yukon University Foundation over the next two years to multiply the power of NVD’s gift,” said Thompson.
“At NVD, we believe that access to high-quality, local education and training contributes to a vibrant, thriving territory.”
“Through this investment, we know that the entire territory and the Yukon business community will continue to benefit from the bold and confident change leaders that will drive our collective success for years to come,” said Piers McDonald, Chair, NVD Board of Directors and former chancellor of Yukon College.
The $4 million initiative will contribute to removing barriers to education through advancing reconciliation, creating work-integrated learning opportunities, strengthening wellness support, the use of innovation and technology in learning, as well as the establishment of a research chair in northern governance.
“The research chair will ensure the decades of work that has gone into developing all levels of government in the Yukon—municipal, territorial, national and First Nations—remain a critical part of Yukon history,” said McDonald.
Dr. Lesley Brown, the university’s president and vice-chancellor, said “this generous $1 million investment will be a huge boost to the success of students and learners at Yukon University, and a new research chair will help Yukon University in contributing to robust and collaborative research and curriculum that include the legacy of governance in the territory.”
Since 2018, the YukonU Foundation has raised $3.56 million to directly support students through bursaries, equipment, wellness activities, program development and expansion and research.
Since 2004, NVD has contributed to the Yukon’s economic growth through the acquisition, development and sale of hospitality, commercial and residential properties.
The company is more than 40-per-cent First Nations-owned and more than 50-per-cent Yukon-owned.
The corporation boasts assets of $125 million-plus in Whitehorse, Dawson City and Carcross.
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Comments (17)
Up 2 Down 1
Observer on May 26, 2022 at 1:05 pm
FFS reading comprehension much @ money for nothing?
What is the difference between NVD and all the other companies that from the beginning of time benefited from government contracts etc., and turned around and donated to worthy causes.
Up 2 Down 2
Karl on May 25, 2022 at 7:10 pm
Yukon University currently puzzling over how to use the money to add another left wing to the facility.
Up 2 Down 1
Money for nothing on May 25, 2022 at 5:42 pm
Are you serious? Observer on May 24, 2022 at 6:16 pm:
The College now University is part of the same old money-getters. FFS! What people are objecting to is the optics of a private company who makes its money from the government dole is now handing out taxpayer funds and reaping the benefits of this giveaway as if it were their own money!
It’s like someone receiving SA benefits and then giving them away and going back to the SA office to ask for more because they have done this good deed.
It’s a slight of hand!
Up 5 Down 3
Observer on May 24, 2022 at 6:16 pm
From the time that federal government funding began coming into good ole Yukon Territory, one segment of our wonderful society pretty much were the sole beneficiaries of all federal/territorial funding. Now that it Finally is getting spread around a little more fairly, the usual bellyachers come crying foul.
Up 14 Down 3
Good grief on May 24, 2022 at 2:21 pm
@ drum. NVD's original money came from Korea!? Stop making stuff up. What absolute baloney. What next, good grief.
Up 34 Down 13
marylaker on May 20, 2022 at 8:38 pm
I'll tell you what's a 'barrier to education' in this territory: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Dealing with that would tick the 'reconcilliation' box that the NVD also mentions.
A million dollars could have gone toward building a remote, intensively supported resort / spa / rehabilitation facility for pregnant women who are alcoholic.
I thank NVD for contributing to the community. I also think that 'fueling success for students' is important. I agree with the person who posted the question about how many of these students are in fact foreign students here on immigration programs who will not stay in the Yukon. And I agree with the several who said, "trades, trades, trades".
Best to all. Thank you NVD!
Up 28 Down 26
Canary in the coal mine on May 20, 2022 at 8:26 pm
Open your mind - Wow on May 20, 2022 at 3:30 pm:
NVD did not donate their money. They simply returned a portion of the government subsidies (taxpayer money) that they receive. Corporate welfare largesse.
Up 14 Down 30
drum on May 20, 2022 at 7:16 pm
What do they get in return. They own way too much of the Yukon already. Their original money was from KOREA.
Up 30 Down 25
Nathan Living on May 20, 2022 at 3:59 pm
This donation is incredibly generous to the point that it makes me a ittle suspicious.
Up 20 Down 25
I said Pardon on May 20, 2022 at 3:39 pm
The University is going to need that cash for next year's heating fuel bill.......
Up 38 Down 29
Wow on May 20, 2022 at 3:30 pm
The usual bellyachers and complainers. Man, not one positive thought about a very generous gift. Haters of different opinions. Lots of usual grumbling about everything - I guess you could make a donation as you see fit rather than complain and bitch about someone else's efforts. What a cesspool of comments. I guess that I should not expect anything more.
Up 21 Down 24
Mitch Holder on May 20, 2022 at 12:55 pm
SORRY, "OUR " STUDENTS? Are those the international ones or the students that will find any reason to move anywhere else with their education because there:
Are no doctors
no houses
no brains
no hope?
Wow, so glad I paid taxes to fund the education system and their inept and bound to fail initiatives. May as well have thrown that money to the fish for the inconvenience of the governance in this territory. Keep pissing us off with our own money, see what comes of it come election time.
Up 50 Down 28
Max Mack on May 20, 2022 at 10:23 am
The circle-jerk of money, graft and politics continues. It's not lost on me that NVD -- with its significant FN ownership -- is one of the largest benefactors of government largesse in the Yukon.
And while millions of government and "private" money from the likes of NVD flow into the Yukon College and its foundation arm to promote so-called university-type "research", the necessary function of training folks in vocational pursuits has been pushed to the back burner. Does this push really help Yukon workers and businesses?
Cui bono?
Up 38 Down 28
Jack on May 19, 2022 at 11:26 pm
Swallowed by employee salaries and pensions...
Up 47 Down 23
My Opinion on May 19, 2022 at 8:25 pm
“The research chair will ensure the decades of work that has gone into developing all levels of government in the Yukon—municipal, territorial, national and First Nations—remain a critical part of Yukon history,” said McDonald.
Seriously? I guess they consider that viable, everyone works for the Government???
How about they focus on the Trades. You can't get a Carpenter, Electrician, Plumber or Mechanic and these jobs pay way more then Government jobs. We have completely lost our way. Of course all the Educational Bureaucrats believe a degree and a Government job is what everyone wants....until they try and do a Reno.
Up 47 Down 29
My Opinion on May 19, 2022 at 8:17 pm
Is this pay back for the massive contract for almost 2 years while YTG rented the High Country Inn and the Convention Centre? Or maybe it has something to do with the Government buying the Hotel for Social Housing? Or am I a Conspiracy Theorist? Me thinks not.
Up 49 Down 33
Wilf Carter on May 19, 2022 at 7:35 pm
This came from $15 million Ranj gave them from contracts.