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Dave Weir

NDP confirms candidate in Kluane

Dave Weir will run as the Yukon NDP’s candidate in Kluane in the upcoming territorial election, the party confirmed Thursday.

By Whitehorse Star on February 18, 2021

Dave Weir will run as the Yukon NDP’s candidate in Kluane in the upcoming territorial election, the party confirmed Thursday.

Weir was acclaimed as the district candidate Wednesday evening following the closing of the district nomination period.

The riding is held by the Yukon Party’s Wade Istchenko.

Weir is a self-employed contractor based in Haines Junction who works in construction and guiding.

He has guided groups in B.C., Alaska, the Sea of Cortez, Patagonia, Labrador, Antarctica and in the High Arctic.

His construction company focuses on creativity, effective management and on providing local employment.

“We need leadership in my district that will bring people together; that will build meaningful dialogue and action in our communities and help heal divides,” said Weir.

“I live in a beautiful place filled with beautiful people, and that’s what makes me passionate about Kluane. I’m running because I believe that with the Yukon NDP, I can help amplify the voices of those people.”

Yukoners are facing many issues, globally and locally, whether that’s economic development, climate change, or a lack of affordable housing, Weir added.

“We need to act now in a way that builds a better world for our children and for generations to come.”

Weir previously served on both the school council and village council of Haines Junction.

He said he wants to encourage innovation while maintaining the utmost respect for the land.

“As a small business person, and someone who has helped shape local decision-making before, I’m always looking for opportunities to use the strengths we already have to innovate,” he said.

“I’ve launched a website for my candidacy as a starting point for discussion on new ways forward and where people can check out my ideas for Kluane.”

The NDP has announced 14 candidates (either confirmed or vying for nomination), with more to be announced in the coming weeks.

“Dave is one of those people who sees an obstacle and says, ‘let’s get to work,’ whether that’s leading people in the High Arctic or building homes,” said NDP Leader Kate White.

“It’s that sort of work ethic and unstoppable spirit that we need right now. Dave is passionate about bringing people together and tackling big issues head-on.”

Over the decades, the riding has been represented by Liberal Alice McGuire, the late Bill Brewster of the Conservatives/Yukon Party, and Gary McRobb of the NDP and the Liberals.

Comments (11)

Up 16 Down 21

Rod on Feb 22, 2021 at 11:16 am

If this is the best Kluane can produce...lord help us.

Up 20 Down 17

Sam on Feb 19, 2021 at 5:02 pm

Happy to hear this, you're a great leader Dave and it's great to see you running!

Up 13 Down 15

Josey Wales on Feb 19, 2021 at 1:13 pm

Speaking of politics...from the "State Broadcaster"?
Take note of the "bureau" in which it came via your taxes...wow.

Calgary·Filipino Bureau
Q&A: The drive to get more Filipino Canadians into politics.

Not a link, just a headline with the CFB/ CBC.
Yup we have serious serious issues in Canada, with division and demographics being the lubricity for PC stupid.

Cannot use the "M" word in 2021, as merit is like a hate speech.

Up 28 Down 9

Jon Currie on Feb 19, 2021 at 10:02 am

Dave, Thanks for stepping up! It’ll be a thankless job for the next decade, but you’re wise enough to know that going in. Not a big fan of the party you chose to run for, but understand why. Too moral for the liberals, too socially reasonable for the YP. It would be great to see you win just to have a voice in the chamber that is capable of nuanced discussion.
I hope you bring a fresh breeze to our local politics and wish you the best of luck. An NDP candidate that can balance the budget of their own small business is not the typical option they present us with. If there’s ever been a good person for whom I’d vote regardless of party, it’s you. It’ll be my first NDP vote ever, unless you totally muck it up. Cheers! Jon

Up 27 Down 19

BurwashBoy on Feb 19, 2021 at 9:34 am

@Martin - he sure does. Personable, smart, and hard working. A breath of fresh air after years of Wade and the old boys club. Hopefully Junction folk are ready for something new like people up the highway are.

Up 22 Down 24

Johnson on Feb 19, 2021 at 9:25 am

Voters always turn to the NDP when times are tough, because they know the Cons and Libs are the same group of wolves looking to enrich their friends instead of their constituents.

Up 12 Down 9

dick on Feb 19, 2021 at 6:34 am

@ NeilAlexGeddy - Good comment, this Territory is in for a world of hurt going forward. We live way beyond our means for sure.

Up 17 Down 24

iBrian on Feb 18, 2021 at 7:58 pm

He is not in touch with current society’s needs or wants. Take a look at what he gambled with building. A SPEC home that is not representative of Respectful Construction or minimal waste of materials. $499,000.00 Duplex in Haines Juncton On Kluane St. Ugly roofing metal with high carbon foot print cedar shake. Just gawd awful and a eye sore.
He won’t be getting many votes.
Self employed is not Creative, Effective Management or Local Employment.
Man, climate change activist who goes to the Antarctic on a cruise boat with other Baby Boomers and holds speeches about it.
Can’t just admit your privileged and proud of it.
Annoying, sorry Dave, your a nice guy, and that’s not society needs right now for a leader.

Up 13 Down 18

bonanzajoe on Feb 18, 2021 at 4:15 pm

"Bringing people together". How many times have I heard that song in the last 60 years from politicians. It's like Bunker Joe Biden's call for unity. For those who have been paying attention to his leadership to date, that's to bring all Americans into his left wing liberal socialist ideology. And he is trying to do it by censoring out all conservatives and turning them into criminals. So, Dave, I'm not going to fall for that line.

Up 30 Down 31

NeilAlexGeddy on Feb 18, 2021 at 3:17 pm

He sure does ..... unelectable in any position other than an MLA of a non-governing party. It would be something of a comedic irony to see the NDP elected in the territory at the same time that federal revenue plummets. Good paying private sector jobs gone, government employment opportunities diminished, and less capacity for social spending. Half of that perfect storm already exists.

Up 25 Down 2

martin on Feb 18, 2021 at 2:49 pm

He checks all the boxes for an NDP candidate.

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