Whitehorse Daily Star

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Community Services Minister Richard Mostyn

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on track to become statutory day

The Yukon will mark Sept. 30, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, as a statutory day starting in 2023, Community Services Minister Richard Mostyn announced today.

By Whitehorse Star on October 6, 2022

The Yukon will mark Sept. 30, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, as a statutory day starting in 2023, Community Services Minister Richard Mostyn announced today.

The day will commemorate the tragic legacy of residential schools in Canada.

The government plans to table amendments to the Employment Standards Act in the spring of 2023.

This past Sept. 30, the handling of the day was inconsistent – governments and schools were closed, as well as some private sector businesses and organizations, but many others remained open.

Last month, the government published a What We Heard report following a public engagement on creating a new statutory day to observe the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

Overall, there was strong support for a new statutory day by 66 per cent of all respondents.

Support for a new statutory day was stronger from non-employers than employers.

Both groups noted that a statutory day by itself is not a meaningful reconciliation action without ongoing public education, awareness campaigns, special events and programs.

The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is one of the Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Mostyn called the day “a significant opportunity to reflect on the tragic history of residential schools in our country and the need for ongoing work to advance reconciliation in Canada.

“Our government remains committed to addressing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action.

“We continue to engage with Yukon First Nations to identify meaningful ways for Yukoners to observe this day and how we can continue to advance reconciliation for the benefit of all Yukoners.”

On June 3, 2021 the federal government passed Bill C-5, creating the “National Day for Truth and Reconciliation,” a statutory holiday every Sept. 30 to commemorate the tragic legacy of residential schools in Canada.

All employees who work in federally regulated industries were pronounced entitled to the statutory holiday.

Comments (25)

Up 8 Down 2

Jim on Oct 12, 2022 at 3:30 pm

@Yukoner92. Government surplus? You do realize that the government has no money other than what they receive in taxes and royalties. So when they have a surplus it means they have taxed more than they have given out. You know, things like the crumbling health care system since Covid. Let’s not forget the GST that is even added on to the already high carbon tax. How about the upcoming tax increase to EI and CPP. EI should be bursting at the seams as everyone is working according to the NDP/liberal spin doctors. CPP is not a benefit but a forced government retirement plan that most will never receive what they paid in let alone any interest. So yes we are screwed. Prices will not return anywhere near pre-pandemic levels. The cost to heat your home and buy groceries will keep going higher, thanks to the ever increasing carbon tax by the NDP/Liberals. Jagmeet Singh keeps talking about corporate greed. Maybe he should do a little sole searching and realize that a big contributor to higher cost of goods is government greed.

Up 2 Down 4

Charlie's Aunt on Oct 12, 2022 at 3:10 pm

@ Al. Don't worry, next big handout will be $150 spread over 3 months to compensate private businesses for new stat! Sorry but tongue in cheek again, much more nonsense from this gov and I'm afraid it will be permanently stuck there.

Up 18 Down 9

Straight Jackets on Oct 11, 2022 at 12:08 am

In response to Yukoner92 on Oct 9, 2022 at 10:25 pm:

Look everybody! We’re saved, it’s Trudeau’s accountant - The budget will now balance itself.
All levels of government are running a surplus? There is no surplus when you are at the same time massively expanding the national debt right? You’re just engaging in semantic subterfuge. The national debt has doubled since the Liberals took siege of the public treasury.

We went from just over 700 billion to 1.4 trillion with the 2nd highest GDP to debt ratio (almost 90%) just behind Japan. But don’t forget the current Liberals are also hamstringing the Yukonomy with future commitments in the hundreds of millions of dollars while working against their net zero emissions policy in pursuit of a green utopia…

Oh the irony, in a climate change emergency we are going to do everything the opposite of what we should do - Mega projects in region of green world that is said to be most vulnerable to climate change… The Yukon is melting…

Buildings are crumbling and twisting, every thing is flooding, we have an unprecedented (not really but gotta keep chicken little clucking) fire season, and Sandy Silver is leaving us just when we need a leader to guide us to safety in these tumultuous times… Oh the horror, the inhumanity… Hey, wait a minute… Shaggy, pull the mask off! Gasp - It’s Justin Trudeau!

You ever see the movie The Barfly with Mickey Rourke? “Drinks for all my friends!” That is Liberal politics in a “nut”shell… LOL - The punny! Right? Nutshell because Liberalism is associated with mental illness… LOL! No actual persons with mental illness were harmed in this submission - In fact, an inquiry to the Riverview Psychiatric Facility revealed that they have been able to do some groundbreaking work in stigma reduction.

As few as 20 minutes a day of watching Yukon politics have helped psychiatrists to redefine normal. Riverview is advocating for a one to one exchange between patients and politicians. The psychiatrists recommended that we tell the politicians that they are going to a woke retreat and not to worry about packing. Jackets and lounge wear will be provided.

Up 16 Down 38

Yukoner92 on Oct 9, 2022 at 10:25 pm

@Ron B In what way are the city, territory and country screwed? Are you just upset that the Liberals and NDP aren't pro-convoy like the Yukon Party and federal conservatives? Or maybe you hate it that all levels of government are running surpluses right now?

Up 56 Down 13

Al on Oct 8, 2022 at 2:35 pm

Mostyn you and your cronies are idiots. What makes you think you have any right to declare a forced paid holiday on the private sector? You jerks don't pay my bills. You are not the one that looses productivity, or the ability to service customers unless I charge them double or triple time in accordance with your stupid bloody Acts.

You people honestly make me physically ill. You are selfish, self-centred, egoistical, narcissistic bottom feeders and parasites...

Up 44 Down 12

Ron B on Oct 8, 2022 at 9:14 am

Like I said before, the city the territory and the country are screwed and the common denominator is the Liberals/NDP.

Up 48 Down 5

CJ2 on Oct 7, 2022 at 10:34 pm

You can't really include September 19 in the list of holidays, as the Queen only died once. Personally I liked that the government was responsive to that.

I'm not a supporter of this one, and I said so in the survey. It's the wrong month, it's just a busy time. And crammed in with a couple of others (Labour Day and Discovery Days), businesses must find it very expensive.

I also find the attempts to tell us what we should be thinking about on the day super annoying and intrusive. It's been very heavy-handed and I can't think of another holiday where that's such a feature. Only two or three years of it, and I already dread that day. For me, it's done the opposite of what they say was intended.

Up 59 Down 7

Give them one holiday. on Oct 7, 2022 at 7:06 pm

Since the indigenous folks have co-opted the Summer Solstice as their holiday, then let's make that the one Indigenous Statutory Holiday, and they can celebrate it in any way they see fit: truth and reconciliation, murdered and missing indigenous people, 'settler' appropriations, two-tiered justice system... whatever.

Up 26 Down 4

bonanzajoe on Oct 7, 2022 at 6:26 pm

@TheHammer on Oct 7, 2022: Prove their claims? That ship has sailed when Trudeau senior took claim to Canada.

Up 51 Down 6

TheHammer on Oct 7, 2022 at 12:08 pm

Time for First Nations to address the abuse against band members by band members. Operational audits should be called for Territory wide. If there's corruption at the top of AFN that warrants a forensic/operational audit, what do you think is happening in the Territories First Nations? Taku River Tlingits of Atlin are claiming they own Tagish! Since when, based on what evidence? and by whom? Non Tlingit individuals working for Taku River Tlingit, in high positions of influence and claiming some kind of indigenous heritage, should be investigated and asked to prove their claims.

Up 48 Down 8

Enough With The Non Stop Holidays Already! on Oct 7, 2022 at 12:04 pm

Every two weeks since labour day has been a federal holiday and now there’s another one coming up. First it was Labour Day, then on the 19 the federal holiday for the queens death, then Federal offices were closed for the 30th, now Thanksgiving is coming up when they’ll be closed again. Seriously it is becoming hard to do business around the weekends because of these never ending government days off.

Up 59 Down 13

Austin on Oct 7, 2022 at 7:17 am

One more kick at the can to buy votes and ruin the Territory some more. All talk and no action from this Government. Blah blah blah.

Up 61 Down 7

Max Mack on Oct 6, 2022 at 11:44 pm

It is very important to note that the so-called survey was NOT a random sample of the voting age population. The survey was a voluntary online survey open to the public and these sort of surveys are notorious for self-selection bias.

The so-called "strong support" for a holiday by "66% of respondents" is practically meaningless.
This seems like another case of policy in search of evidence to justify a pre-determined course of action.

Up 29 Down 13

Moose101 on Oct 6, 2022 at 8:41 pm

Come on another stat we might as well have another one for the queen? Can’t celebrate her birthday anymore on May 21

Up 40 Down 12

bonanzajoe on Oct 6, 2022 at 8:35 pm

And of course, this should bring the lefty parties some votes. Was there ever any other reason for it?

Up 54 Down 14

bonanzajoe on Oct 6, 2022 at 8:33 pm

Every time I see the FN protesting over this residential school thing, they appear to be angry and upset. Now, they want a day of mourning over it. This year, on the holiday, I saw 6 indigenous people - 4 adults and 2 children walking around the field across from the Robert Service camp ground. They were walking in a line pounding on a drum. Their heads were bowed. The oldest adult couldn't have been older than 35. Why were they so sad? They weren't even around during those days - by the way, I was. So, this will be a day of sadness, mourning and anger, with the flags flown at half mast. What sense does that make. Wouldn't it be better to forget those days and focus on a happy future? Then 12 days later, we celebrate Thanksgiving day, founded by the white race. Its a day of thanks and happiness. So, will celebrating this Truth and reconciliation day, for eternity, really make things better for the Indigenous people? Excuse me, but I don't think so. Personally I can't imagine anyone wanting to celebrate a day of anger. But then, I guess getting paid for the holiday and paying employees triple time that work the day should bring on some sunshine.

Up 34 Down 27

bonanzajoe on Oct 6, 2022 at 8:22 pm

How about abolishing Victoria Day. That Queen has been dead for 120 years. Even Britain doesn't celebrate it. Why are we? I'm sure most everybody doesn't know. Even I don't know. Never did.

Up 46 Down 13

bonanzajoe on Oct 6, 2022 at 8:15 pm

Let's have a public referendum on the issue. The races who contribute to this country should have a say in the matter.

Up 51 Down 11

virtue signalling at its worse on Oct 6, 2022 at 5:14 pm

Another day off with pay for government workers that's supposed to make up for all the bad things that happened to the first residents of the Yukon, when Canadians showed up and stole the land, stole their kids and did their best to ruin their culture.

What in tarnation is a paid holiday for government workers going to do for ANY OF THEM? Total nonsense. If you are going to give them an upaid day off and use the 6,000 YG workers x $300 a day = $180,000 toward a fetal alcohol prevention program or ... that's fine. But to reward mainly non-native people with a paid holiday and then pretend it's all for the first nations people is worse than nothing. It's an insult!

Up 43 Down 13

Jake on Oct 6, 2022 at 3:45 pm

Although a stat for that is justified. I really think compression of stats to say ten a year would be in order. What does business pay out now? Believe with this one we are talking 11. That is better than a whole pay period. Just make a stat multiple use. Allowing those taking them to honor it in their own way.

Up 72 Down 7

John on Oct 6, 2022 at 3:37 pm

Took the easy way out eh Mostyn? Say I tell you what - you want to celebrate that day, and anyone else? Put your money where your mouth is. Everyone who wants to recognize that day that give up one day's wages or SA people one of their benefits to go to T&R. Then we will just see how many government types are committed to the idea of a day off. With my suggestion then you are really giving up something! I would be bet you would be lucky to see 1-2% take on that one.

It is all about woke and really the only people that really pay are those who create the national wealth. Oh but I know, the private sector makes zillions and can afford it.

Up 77 Down 5

Jim on Oct 6, 2022 at 3:21 pm

I’m not sure why they bothered doing a survey. Ask an employee if they would like another day paid off. You would be hard pressed to find one that says no. Ask an employer if they want to close for another day and pay all their staff. I’m sure that would be a hard no. All government officials and staff along with First Nations governments and staff or any other workforce funded by the taxpayer will all be in favour of course. This most likely also being lead by Kate in conversation with Sandy over the cost to keep propping up the Liberal government.

Up 71 Down 10

Bill on Oct 6, 2022 at 2:46 pm

What a crock. Of the 66% who favoured "another day off", just how many were silly servants? My guess - 90%. Of course they want another day "off", after all why shouldn't they?! So, just how many people actively participated this year in any of the events? Not counting FN - 200? - and that would be stretching things? Hm - I get the feeling we are again being snow balled. So Mostyn, stop with all the willy-nilly platitudes and the wringing of hands, when really you don't give a hoot to begin with. Your government can be committed (actually you should be committed), it doesn't mean the rest of the world has to come to a stop.

Up 42 Down 7

Juniper Jackson on Oct 6, 2022 at 2:33 pm

WoooHooo! Just one last trip to Haines, Ak. before winter sets in.

Up 88 Down 8

yukonlibby on Oct 6, 2022 at 2:12 pm

Please remove another holiday from the act if you are going to go ahead with this. The number of holidays we have over a short period of time creates a financial hardship for businesses that are already barely hanging on thanks to fuel costs, inflation, supply chain shortages, short building seasons, etc.

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