Whitehorse Daily Star

MP to study gun law’s effect here

Yukon MP Brendan Hanley isn’t prepared to voice his approval yet for a new proposed federal government bill that would strictly limit the ownership of hand guns.

By Whitehorse Star on June 1, 2022

Yukon MP Brendan Hanley isn’t prepared to voice his approval yet for a new proposed federal government bill that would strictly limit the ownership of hand guns.

Hanley told the Star Tuesday “the bill was only tabled (Monday), and I haven’t had the opportunity to review all of its clauses and I do want to take the time required to review this legislation carefully.”

He plans to look into the bill thoughtfully and consider its impact on Yukoners.

“I am approaching the freeze on handguns with some caution,” he said.

“I am interested in more information on the impact legally-sourced and used handguns currently have in criminal cases nationally.

“As this bill moves through the legislative process, I will be studying it carefully and critically and  relying on the testimony of expert witnesses and the impacts some of these measures may have on Yukoners.”

Hanley went on to say: “Gun violence is not only an American issue. It also exists in Canada, both in urban and rural areas, as we have seen in Nova Scotia as well as in our own territory.

“Therefore, I do welcome a national approach to gun violence. However, I have heard loud and clear from Yukoners that responsible gun owners who hunt and shoot for sport should not be affected by gun control laws.

“I have also made this clear with minister Mendicino and with members of my caucus. As we proceed with this legislation, I will work to ensure that registered and responsible gun owners are minimally affected.”

This is the first time in his term as a backbencher that Hanley has publicly questioned a government proposal.

He said there are aspects of the proposed bill that he approves of.

“I support the red and yellow flag proposal in revoking licences of those who have engaged in domestic violence,” he said.

“I also support increasing criminal penalties as well as increasing the support and resources available to law enforcement to actually crack down on smuggling and straw sales, and to communicate efficiently between different branches and jurisdictions about suspicious activity.

“This is something that has been called for over the years.”

Comments (48)

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Sheepchaser on Jun 8, 2022 at 12:03 pm


Can you please point us to the law that makes coalition governments illegal in Canada? From my research, it appears to be completely legal in Canada and common practice in functioning democracies all over the world. What’s unusual is this new seditious narrative from folks who seem so sure of their right to dominate others and act as if chosen by some higher power. Frankly, the comments on this article from the pro-gun section have served to only solidify my impression that there’s no legitimate purpose for ownership of high capacity semi-autos and handguns in Canada.

The more the pro-gun section pushes political disenfranchisement as a narrative against gun control, the more we all get to see the illegal and treasonous soul of this movement.

So, I’ll say it again for anyone that doesn’t have a Criminal Code handy… possession of a firearm for the purpose of defence against other people or for the purpose of protection from government… is illegal in this country. If you reach for weapons or violence for the purpose of political change in Canada, you cross into terrorism.

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Spuriously Ranting Yukoner on Jun 7, 2022 at 2:25 pm

At - Yukoner on Jun 6, 2022 at 8:44 pm:

The reason why it was enshrined into the constitution is that the Founding Non-Birthing Persons knew that a government unchecked would interfere with individual freedoms. Further enshrined in the constitution is the right to defend those freedoms.

This would mean absolutely nothing if only the government had guns. The government would walk right in, guns pointed, and make you do what they want. That is tyranny.

Tyranny, an L-NDP coalition tyranny is being imposed upon “us” and we have no real ability to respond to this insanity. Quite clearly, we have a faux democracy in the hands and minds of the L-NDP Cartel.

Your position is spurious!

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Yukoner on Jun 6, 2022 at 8:44 pm

@Mitch Holder
For your question "Why does society feel the need for guns to protect themselves and how can that need be diminished?" it is because people are scared, and they feel the only way to protect themselves is to out arm the other person. Look up "Simpsons board with a nail in it" but that is what it is. It's a catch 22 but if people relent that no one needs a hand gun then none need to be made and eventually they will not be a thing. We will probably never get there as a society or it won't be until there is a board with a bigger nail available.

Alcohol is a whole different topic but really it and drugs are probably a root to a lot of crime and gun related violence. Prohibition is not the solution but driving the price way up (like 2-3 times current) with taxes and then using the proceeds for youth sports. Imagine if every kid who wanted had easy access to after school activities and didn't have time to get into trouble; it would pay dividends in the long run.

Unfortunately our society is too short term focused and can barely look past the next election cycle and thats all politicians have the ability to focus on as well. And most politicians don't have the fortitude to do whats right; they just care about getting reelected.

And America having gun ownership enshrined in their constitutional rights is a bit of a joke. It was instituted at a time where you had to muzzle loaded muskets not AR-15s or hand guns with automatic switches. Shouldn't a child have a right to attend school without having to worry about being killed by a gun.. seems like that should maybe be in the constitution instead.

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Jeff Bikaboom on Jun 6, 2022 at 8:12 pm

@Mitch Holder
"Drinking is bad for your health - how did the prohibition turn out again?"

Perfect analogy because the real purpose of prohibition was to besmirch ethanol in favor of Rockefeller oil. Elites behind the scenes with an agenda followed by 90 years of profits, environmental destruction, and dozens of oil based wars.

What Agenda is at play right now?
After a mass shooting with a rifle triggers a hand gun ban in another country, why does no one ask about prevalence of SSRIs among mass shooters? What about how the shooter could afford 5000 dollar guns, body armor, and a 70,000 dollar truck. What did the shooter's therapist specialize in? Why didn't the authorities respond after he texted a friend to let her know his plan?

Never mind those questions. Lets not talk about mental health or the glaring warning signs. Let's just remove the hundreds of millions of guns from North America, while simultaneously sending billions of dollars worth of weapons to other countries. The US is the largest weapons dealer on the planet, they account for 39 percent of major arms deliveries worldwide. Apparently everyone should have guns except for the citizens of the countries supplying them.

"If guns protect you from government tyranny, then I guess the people who live in UK, France, Germany, Australia, Sweden, Belgium, New Zealand, Japan, etc., etc., must live under horribly tyrannical governments "

Yes. Many of these countries ignore their own constitution, have tracking of citizens, passports just to enter building, concentration camps, restriction of moment, forced medical experiments, and they turn peoples own homes into prisons.

Yes guns make killing more convenient, but if you look at the car bombing statistics of countries with strict gun laws you will find that people find other ways, and they do on a very regular basis. Perhaps so many people feel they need guns because of the fear porn called "news". If it bleeds it leads. How can mainstream news simultaneously scare people to death and promote an anti gun agenda? The whole situation feels more like politics leading up to US midterm elections than anything else. Get everyone fighting about abortion and guns to activate the democrat voter. Don't pay attention to the price of gas, the empty store shelves, or the crippling inflation.

How about that crippling inflation?

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Mitch Holder on Jun 6, 2022 at 11:37 am

If you can answer this question satisfactorily, I will never touch a gun again.

"Why does society feel the need for guns to protect themselves and how can that need be diminished?"

You better bring your degree to answer that one. But you will need a lot more than your degree to answer that question, where decades of experts and anti-gun lobbyists have avoided it in favour of quick band-aid solutions. Drinking is bad for your health - how did the prohibition turn out again?...but that comes back to the same line of questioning - why do people feel the need to drink in our society and what can be done to diminish that need? You cannot answer the latter without a solid understanding of the former.

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Mitch Holder on Jun 6, 2022 at 11:13 am

@ Yukoner - At least you see the reason in that, I appreciate your response. A couple of honest questions here:

If the government wants people to give up handguns, why expect them to while further arming the police with assault style guns, armoured fighting vehicles and Blade Runneresque surveillance?

If I were to be robbed at gunpoint, why should I not have the right to shoot my assailant in self defense? This is a given in many dozens of countries around the world.

How can it ever be reasonable expected that a population would ever willingly disarm under such a corrupt and illegal government? There is a reason, A VERY GOOD REASON, America has gun ownership enshrined in the primary first amendments of their constitution.

I might also point out that knife crimes are increasing as well as assault with a makeshift weapon - hammers, hatchets, axes, crowbars and other tools are the Canadian criminals arsenal. They hospitalize or kill people everyday, without guns. Guns are not the problem, a broken and defunct nation, society and government are. Same as America, which is why they are the origin of such imported problems as school and mass shootings. But we do not want to understand so as to avoid future tragedy, we want to take shortcuts, take guns so one seeks illegal ordinance instead, which is widely available, to commit crimes. Sure, in America, one can also obtain legal firearms to the same ends, but in Canada, that is reasonably difficult, as in reasonably enough to preclude the warranting of further regulation.

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Sheepchaser on Jun 6, 2022 at 8:08 am


You understand that ‘winning’ and argument with outright lies isn’t really winning, right?

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Bandit on Jun 5, 2022 at 12:49 pm

Any of you naysayers need to Google "Freedom fighters no such thing as an assault rifle". It's a little informative video about 7mins long.
Your analogy about putting meat on the table...they will take your rifle and you can do it the old fashioned way with a bow and arrow or better yet they say go buy meat from the grocery store.
And your comment about the guns seized at the Coutts border brought there by protesters... more BS, the were seized from an Alaskan transiting home to Alaska and they neglected to declare the firearms, it had 0% to do with the protest, the Media just forgot to mention that little tidbit.

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Al on Jun 5, 2022 at 12:13 pm

@Jeff Donaldson
Democracy in action.

Thanks Jeff for your clear insight into this issue. I too am a surviving soldier who fully understands your presentation. Many will read your words, but unless they have seen what we have bore witness few will not grasp their meaning.

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Bad Liberals Bring Bad Mojo… on Jun 4, 2022 at 10:02 pm

LOL! The data shows that gun related deaths in Canada are drastically elevated during Liberal government reigns:

2020 277 Liberals
2019 264 Liberals
2018 251 Liberals
2017 267 Liberals
2016 223 Liberals - Deaths skyrocket
2015 180 Conservative to Liberal
2014 155 Conservatives
2013 134 Conservatives
2012 171 Conservatives
2011 159 Conservatives
2010 175 Conservatives
2009 182 Conservatives
2008 201 Conservatives
2007 188 Conservatives
2006 192 Liberal to Conservative
2005 224 Liberal
2004 173 Liberal

The Liberals take your money through taxation to redistribute to the poor while creating an administrative bureaucracy in MAID to target the poor and mentally ill… Hey wait a minute… Are they not justifying increased taxes to “take care” of the poor and infirm? WTF!

We were duped again!! Are we tax payers or are we accomplices? Curious, I know we took the heat for the government on the whole issue of implicit racism, cultural dominance, and the whole Residential Schools thing… But really?

The Liberals killed the economy.
The Liberals killed peace, order and good government.
The Liberals killed reason and logic.
The Liberals have killed Canada’s international reputation.

McGreal (2021) writes:
“Previous research in political psychology has suggested that people with conservative political attitudes tend to have better physical health than their liberal counterparts (Chan, 2019) (which I discussed in more detail in a previous post). A more recent study (Kirkegaard, 2020) found that political ideology may also be relevant to mental health, as people who are more liberal, especially those identifying as “extremely liberal,” are more likely to have mental health problems.” No schit!!

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Jeff Donaldson on Jun 4, 2022 at 9:37 pm

Democracy in action.
Good on all the comments here with regard to this topic. You are allowed to do that and not be silenced in a country like Canada. That is what veterans fought and died for. Your freedom to speak out and be heard.

Jim Benson, yes I am a Red Neck! And proud you used that term. I worked hard my entire life and went to places and did things you would never believe. Am I offended… HA HA HA. Nope.

Old Sheepchaser, I respect your words and yes Handguns can kill people. I know more than most the effect firearms have on the human body. A 45 ACP can stop your heart if you are shot in the lower arm. No graphics required. Long guns I own several and all of them legal and ranged out from 300 to approx 900m.

Hey Yukoner, what exactly is an Assault Style Weapon? I guess my Bennelli M4 could be an assault style weapon but since I was a Professional at Arms and an Advanced Weapons Instructor for the Military I might have a thing or two to add. But no. See people in this case Democracy is not in action. It has been taken away. It is not a right to own any firearms it is a privilege and many like me that enjoy the sport and skill at arms have had that taken away by virtue signalling and for votes! An agenda that has been around for some time and it will not be gone anytime soon.

When you have seen what weapons do to the human body you are the last person that wishes that to happen to anyone, however we are now in a time of group punishment and political theatre.

All this hate has been brought on by others and it isn’t going away anytime soon I am afraid. And to think most of you in this town would love to defund your police service in this Territory and so many of you and your so righteous BS and small fish in a small pond crap.

Do you know what happened when some firearms were banned in England? The attacks by knife sky rocketed.
Think about that folks.

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Groucho d'North on Jun 4, 2022 at 10:21 am

Gun Control has long been a priority topic for the Liberals, MPs are to follow the party line and not what their constituents desire - ask Larry. The party whip makes sure all MPs do not stray from their dedication to the abolition of firearms for Canadians.
So now our rookie "MP Brendan Hanley isn’t prepared to voice his approval yet for a new proposed federal government bill that would strictly limit the ownership of hand guns."
I am curious what methodology Mr. Hanely will use to arrive at his decision? It's smoke and mirrors folks. He will support his party platform right or wrong and be seen like all the other MP bobbleheads in masks nodding in agreement behind the PM when he stands and brags about keeping Canadians safe from gun violence.

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Questions on Jun 3, 2022 at 10:45 pm

A few questions to ponder:

1. If guns don't kill people, and instead 'people kill people', then why do we provide guns to our police officers and soldiers? It would be much cheaper if we just gave them all knives. Surely knives are just as lethal as guns right? I mean that is the argument when people say criminals will just use other means to kill people.

2. How come the NRA does not allow guns at its convention? Wouldn't it be safer if everyone was armed? Same for Trump rallies, how come he doesn't allow people to take their guns with them, it would be safer for him according to the theory that an armed society is a safer one.

3. If criminals don't get their guns from legal gun owners, where do they get them? Do they they have their own factories that produce guns? If they are smuggled over the border from the USA then obviously legal gun owners in the US are to blame since even in the US criminals aren't allowed to buy guns at the store. So they must steal them or buy them from legal owners and then smuggle them into Canada. So will pro-gun folks here in Canada admit that US needs much stricter gun control so that weapons stop flowing over our border?

3. If guns protect you from government tyranny, then I guess the people who live in UK, France, Germany, Australia, Sweden, Belgium, New Zealand, Japan, etc., etc., must live under horribly tyrannical governments and have no freedoms at all. Meanwhile Somalia, Libya and Yemen are awash in guns, so they must be living in the most free places in the world since they can fight their government with all their guns. Do you agree that the latter countries are much more preferable places to live?

4. Why do you need a gun for protection if you are not the head of a government or a billionaire or some other high profile target? Maybe you are a drug dealer? a member of the Hells Angels or maybe the Bloods? Why are you so paranoid that you and your family will be targeted by deranged killers?

If you are not any of the above, then your odds of being murdered are infinitely small. In fact, you are much more likely to die from falling down and hitting your head off of the sidewalk. So if your goal is truly safety, then you should wear a helmet when you are walking down the street. If you carry a handgun, but don't wear a helmet, safety is not your main objective. You are lying to yourself.

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zelmo on Jun 3, 2022 at 9:05 pm

I sense that many have outgrown the need to be told what to do by politicians.

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Jim Benson on Jun 3, 2022 at 7:00 pm

And all the rednecks come out of the woodwork!

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Yukoner on Jun 3, 2022 at 6:56 pm

@Mitch I would agree in the long run law enforcement does not/ should not need hand guns. Look at the UK most police do not carry firearms but also the amount of guns the public has access to there is much less.

Hopefully with better restrictions in Canada we can get to the same place. It will take a long time to undo years of poor practices but it would yield benefits on both sides when the first reaction is not to go for a weapon.

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Bad Liberals! on Jun 3, 2022 at 5:46 pm

Actually, this law makes Canadians less safe while at the same time further accelerates the racial disparity between the haves and the have nots. Seriously, an FN citizen can own a gun that is illegal for Caucasians - WTF!

Trudeau should be, figuratively so, dragged out of office and made an example of… Creating inequality since 1867… Bad Liberals!

By the way, is it not cultural appropriation for FNs to use and posses the guns that white people invented and now cannot use? WTF?

Stats Canada informs that the rate of violent crime is 9 times higher in Indigenous communities… Yes, let’s give them the guns that are apparently dangerous in the hands of whitey! Again, WTF?!?!

Why are “YOU” allowing this. There should be protests in the streets to remove the Liberals. Before you know it Trudeau will be announcing a Canadian version of the purge!

Stats Canada Link:

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Sheepchaser on Jun 3, 2022 at 4:49 pm

Thanks for the love, boys. You’re right. I follow the law, believe science, pay my full share of taxes and generally do my best to form a reasonable argument in a public forum.

Handguns and high capacity semi-autos are for killing people. As the seizures of multiple firearms at the Coutts border crossing protests demonstrated, not all firearms owners are responsible or are responsible only to their personal breaking point. Those individuals allegedly went from being lawful gun owners to participating in a criminal conspiracy to confront and kill members of the RCMP in a single day. Hunting rifles and shotguns are the only types of guns any of us civilians can justify as a *need*. Handguns and semi-autos might be a *want*, but for these deadly tools I don’t think that cuts it. As Canada has no right to firearms ownership in law and our laws do not consider a firearm to be a legitimate political tool, there is really no way to claim disenfranchisement.

As to those publicly declaring their ownership of firearms has to do with protection from other people, please see:
Criminal Code of Canada: Possession of weapon for dangerous purpose,
88 (1) Every person commits an offence who carries or possesses a weapon, an imitation of a weapon, a prohibited device or any ammunition or prohibited ammunition for a purpose dangerous to the public peace or for the purpose of committing an offence.
That law was brought into effect in 1985 as part of bill C-46 under the Progressive Conservative leadership of Brian Mulroney.

Gun control isn’t a political or partisan issue for me. It’s a common sense issue. Just another disaffected former conservative voter who will never come back until leadership grows enough of a backbone to send the manbaby mavericks back to their anger caves for a well deserved time-out. Voting liberal sucks. Can we get some adults back into the conservative movement?

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The real reason on Jun 3, 2022 at 3:28 pm

Trudeau's latest handgun (effective) ban was an attempt to keep Liberals in power in the next federal election. By forcing this narrative into the conversation right now, the Conservative leadership hopefuls were called upon to make a statement. Charest needs Quebec to win the leadership, and the Liberals are quite concerned about a Charest-led Conservative party (the political centre is much larger than the left or the right). Quebec, generally, supports broadening gun-control. Charest risks leadership if he comes out against the ban. Pollievre, naturally, can easily jump on a narrative against the measure (as he has the support of rural Canada and the West). The Liberals want Pollievre to lead the Cons because they are confident that they can defeat him. Del Luca was an easy sacrifice to make, so they had no issue pushing the narrative before the Ontario election - even though it helped Ford secure a tidy majority (note: not a red seat was won in rural Ontario yesterday).

In short, all of these new measures aren't about Trudeau keeping you safe. If he was worried about safety he would obviously do what so many on this thread have said (tougher gun-crime laws, stricter penalties, etc.), not ban one of the most heavily restricted pieces of personal property on earth. They are about keeping him and his friends (who will give him a lovely appointment if he does step down) in power. It's politics, not policing, that drove this, and the entire Liberal agenda since Team Trudeau took office.

Anyone who thinks that any sort of do-gooder mentality exists at the political level in this country is out-to-lunch. Remember kids: the only people who want power more than those trying to get it, are those who already have it.

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George Moss on Jun 3, 2022 at 2:36 pm

Abortions kill more than firearms, drugs kill more than firearms, alcohol kills more than firearms, bad doctors kills more than firearms…. if the truth be known, vehicle accidents involving wildlife probably kill more than firearms but the effin liberals are to damn bullheaded and stubborn to realize that bad people do bad things and the rest of us shouldn’t be punished for it.

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Juniper Jackson on Jun 3, 2022 at 2:35 pm

If Hanley "studies' this issue, we'll be lucky if we can own a sling shot. I do not have a gun, have never held a gun.

But, wading into this discussion with my opinion? Outlaw something, and only the outlaws will have it. The Liberals ARE afraid of the citizens of Canada.. jesus murphy, look what they have done to us.. the Canada of 2014, and the Canada of today..It doesn't take a genius to see what Trudeau's done. Law abiding Canadian's will give up their weapons, drug dealers, gangs, other criminal venues, the violent people that are mentally disturbed.. they are ALL going to have guns, and lots of them. By leaving 'us' with no comparable personal protection, Trudeau and his Liberals are putting a gun to our head.

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Mitch on Jun 3, 2022 at 1:59 pm

@ Yukoner - if we don't need handguns, why does law enforcement need them? Answer that satisfactorily and you will convince me. But you can't and you won't.

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motive unclear on Jun 3, 2022 at 7:15 am

I have personally owned and trained many guns and a few handguns too and they have all been quite well behaved and to date have harmed no one. The secret is to bring them up right.

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Douglas Martens on Jun 3, 2022 at 7:12 am

reminder: your ever-so-concerned liberal safety party has recently or is currently sending guns galore, surely including mean handguns, to Ukraine to "help" them. the hypocrisy of these people is stunning.

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iBrian on Jun 3, 2022 at 6:24 am

I don’t trust Criminals. A Pistol is useful for protection. Alaska removed the “Permit to conceal” and property crimes went down 77% the following month.
It’s been proven that a extremely high percent and nearly all Gun incidents the guns were brought in to Canada ILLEGALLY.
Cars kill people too, many more then guns. But here we are attacking law abiding citizens.
In the UK they still have shootings and gun violence yet, it’s nearly impossible to be a gun owner.
All these proposals for gun rules don’t effect Indian Status peoples?
Harsher punishment for crimes involving Firearms. That’s what I support.
It’s time to shut down “Club Fed” and “Con College” time to make prison something to fear. Time to bring back capital punishment for violent crimes.

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Vern Schlimbesser on Jun 3, 2022 at 6:09 am

Here is a question that comes to mind from logical review of the apparent determined and deliberately manipulation of this issue;
Is Trudeau' or the Liberal management, afraid of us?
Is this all about their control of a public they fear will some day object to bad government? That makes more sense than the false narrative they are using.

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Josey Wales on Jun 3, 2022 at 5:45 am

Baaa....baaa...hey sheepchaser, very very certain you should ditch the chaser component of your moniker.
I will give your bloviating history some credit too, as your state submissive beta bleating has been very consistent over the many soapboxes ya built to bleat on.

Carry on being a sheep, enjoy the fleecing and watch for wolves.

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Dallas Schaber on Jun 2, 2022 at 11:45 pm

Well obviously sheepchaser and yukoner have a warped opinion…might as well limit every household to one vehicle cause you can only drive one at a time and don’t have a quad or a sled because you can walk or ski… I’d sure like to know what their real names are so I can avoid these two.

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Guncache on Jun 2, 2022 at 9:52 pm

Yukoner and Steeplechaser have the wrong outlook on handguns and semi automatic rifles. You're OK with the government taking them away. After that happens the government will come for your hunting rifle. Do you think we will support you? Not a chance. How many responsible gun owners use handguns and semi automatic rifles for sport and competition shooting? Just because you don't does that mean the others shouldn't?
As for Hanley, this is just publicity, like Bagnell. Hanley is a puppet and will do what Justin Castro tells him to do.

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bonanzajoe on Jun 2, 2022 at 8:31 pm

Yukoner on Jun 2: Whatever you say missy.

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Jeff Bikaboom on Jun 2, 2022 at 6:48 pm

@ Sheepchaser
You are naive to think they will stop with handguns.

I know people with handguns. They are kept in a safe, the ammo kept separately. They were near impossible to get a licence for. The owner needs to call the police when they go to the range with it, and again when they return. It is their hobby, it is their social activity, it is their sport. They are not out and about shooting human sized animals at close range.

Last week in Charleston a woman used a handgun to take down a mass shooter that had an assault rifle. That story does not support a narrative though.

Banning responsible people from owning guns will not slow down the use of illegal guns, or violence from the mentally ill. It will do literally nothing other than piss people off.

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Jake on Jun 2, 2022 at 5:29 pm

When you pass laws that won't be a benefit in your against violence, you do all of us a disservice. In fact, when you persist, you insult and belittle us. Your goal Mr Trudeau is for another reason.
Here is an alarming fact (hopefully just an unintended consequence but I can't be sure of your motives any more mr Trudeau); When you outlawed my posession of a Ruger Mini-14 I did what you asked, and sold it, to a First-Nation person who can still use it 'legally'.
Is that what you had in mind?

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@Sheepchaser on Jun 2, 2022 at 5:13 pm

Sheepchaser, you say:
"As a firearms owner and hunter who doesn’t fetishize guns, I have no issue with a handgun ban. "
I am happy for you man, glad you personally don't have an issue with it. Ever thought outside the box?

How about all the target shooters, 3 gun match shooters, IPDA and IPSC shooters? How about collectors? How about gun shops and gun smiths whose business this will affect to the tune of millions of dollars? They don't matter cause you have no issue with the handgun ban.

Ok buddy. As per my previous long post here, you are the worst kind of firearm owner, one who thinks just because it doesn't affect them, it doesn't matter. Bet you didn't care about Bill C-68 in the 90's either eh? Or Trudeau's Bill C-21 (ban on 1500 different models of rifles), most that were non-restricted and were banned solely on looks, not function.

On a side note, I am a firearms instructor and sport shooter, but I was also a prospector and a holder of an ATC (authorization to carry) which allows you to carry a handgun for wilderness protection. If you think you can't take down a bear with a handgun, you clearly don't know what 300 grain .44 magnum rounds can accomplish.

Please keep your selfish opinions to yourself, you are alienating other firearm owners and throwing them under the bus, just because they don't share your opinion.

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Sheepchaser on Jun 2, 2022 at 2:34 pm

As a firearms owner and hunter who doesn’t fetishize guns, I have no issue with a handgun ban. It won’t interfere in any way with Canadians putting wild meat on the table. Handguns are designed to kill human sized animals at a distance of less than fifty yards. We, as a society, have every right to elect politicians who will manage our relationship to deadly tools like guns. The more concealable they are and the more rounds they hold; the less you can convince people that they have a legitimate purpose.

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Dave on Jun 2, 2022 at 12:30 pm

BUT DR, how are we supposed to repel the Russians without our sidearms?

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Groucho d'North on Jun 2, 2022 at 10:02 am

I suggest there would be greater progress by convicting those who use guns in the commissioning of a crime. Our court system is soft on dealing out appropriate hard punishment for those who violate the law's related to gun use. The gang issue is another area where law enforcement could do a much better job, but that would involve racial cultures and all the things our governments don't want to talk about.

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Complete and utter idiocy on Jun 2, 2022 at 9:46 am

Trudeau's gun bans explained, for the people who don't own firearms, weren't aware of them, or don't really care about what happens to licensed gun owners.

1. 1500 models "assault style" firearm's banned overnight as a knee-jerk reaction to the tragedy in Nova Scotia where the mad man who dressed up as a cop killed 22 people. Let's not mention the fact that he did not have a firearms license and all his firearms were obtained illegally, but hey one must please the liberal voters so on the chopping block go millions of firearms owned by millions of Canadians that never did anything wrong.

2. Never to shy away from a good tragedy, Trudeau uses the latest tragedy of a school shooting in a FOREIGN country to pass a "freeze" on handgun buying/selling in Canada. In a nutshell let me try and summarize what this means to sport shooters such as myself and what will become of this.
The liberals recognize the dying Olympic shooting sports which represents like 0.05 percent of the shooting sports in Canada, but not the largest shooting sport in Canada that is IPSC, or Steel Challenge, or 3 gun, or IDPA, so none of us will be considered as "elite" in their books.
This means no more international competition, no more buying new guns as ours wear out, no more introducing new shooters to the sport. It's a cultural genocide that the liberals are pushing, and it should scare you. Their intentions are evil, and they want an end to all gun ownership in Canada, regardless of type or reason for owning, including airsoft and paintball. Hunting will be banned, then they'll go after pocket knives, swords and knife collecting, and archery and then fishing. We will end up worse than the UK. Did you think 10 years ago that your semi auto rifle with it's 5 round magazine would be classified as an assault rifle by the liberals and banned? They want everyone reliant on the government tit, with no ability to provide for yourself. They want to have the next generation scared of and not interested in guns, hunting, fishing or anything they deem offensive. This is the Canada they want and they must be stopped.

If you're a hunter and only have a bolt action .300 or .308 and think oh well, too bad for them, then you are the worst type of firearms owner, for not standing with your fellow firearms owners. Don't worry they won't ban you're scoped bolt action hunting rifle, they'll call it a powerful sniper rifle first.

I really hope people will see this for what it is. Any intelligent person would agree that when you look at the statistics, licensed firearms owners and their firearms are not the one's causing the gang shootings in Canada's cities, yet we are the one's being punished.

Here is a 3 year old article, where the police chiefs of Canada agree that a handgun ban is useless, but hey let's not listen to them not like they deal with shootings or criminals or anything.


and another link where they (police) say that over 80% of guns used in crime are smuggled from the USA... but hey let's ban my property that I've owned and used for 3 decades without any issues..


Sorry for the long post, but as some who competes in 3 gun and IPSC as do my kids, my friends and their kids, I find the constant attacks on licensed gun owners by the liberals as tiring and insulting. All the while they are now removing mandatory minimum sentences for actual gun crimes, you can't make this stuff up. Link to bill C-5 for those who don't know:


Thanks for reading, sorry again for the long post. Cheers.

Up 20 Down 66

Yukoner on Jun 2, 2022 at 9:10 am

No one but law enforcement needs a hand gun. Want a long gun for hunting fine but hand guns and assault style weapons are never needed.

Up 47 Down 14

Max Mack on Jun 2, 2022 at 8:52 am

Trudeau's cynical exploitation of gun tragedies to target law-abiding gun owners is nothing short of sickening.

This man will stop at nothing to suppress anyone he disagrees with (most gun owners are on the right side of the voting spectrum) while simultaneously pandering to the uninformed voter -- unfortunately, a sizeable majority of Canadians.

Trudeau is continuously protected by rough men with guns. Meanwhile, he is shipping weapons to the Ukraine. But, he is doing everything in his power to make legal gun ownership for Canadians as difficult, time-consuming, and costly as possible. Oddly, First Nations are exempt from his enthusiasm to curb "gun violence".

Up 17 Down 53

@ Mr Facts on Jun 2, 2022 at 8:00 am

You wrote "When people are de-armed bad things usually happen". Not sure what you're referring to, but we have only to think of the past few weeks in the US to change that phrase to "When people are ARMED bad things usually happen".

Up 32 Down 10

bonanzajoe on Jun 1, 2022 at 8:56 pm

Now if MP Dr. Hanley just holds on to that thought and not let his government change him through intimidation or threats. Larry Bagnel never sided with, nor supported Yukoners. I hope MP Hanley does.

Up 45 Down 9

Thomas Brewer on Jun 1, 2022 at 7:10 pm

Does anyone really believe that Dr. Hanley will actually take an objective review of the bill? His statement is lip service, he'll vote along party lines as he has done EVERY time.

The government can't even produce accurate statistics on criminal use of legally owned firearms.
Police services are not in favour of these gun bans and heightened restrictions.

Maybe Dr. Hanley needs to share this article with the rest of our employees (the elected elite).

Up 47 Down 9

Vern Schlimbesser on Jun 1, 2022 at 7:08 pm

When you can't (or don't want to) address the real issues of crime and violence, you need to;
-blame an inanimate object, and
-make everyone a criminal (you can't govern honest men), and definitely
-avoid statistics and make all arguments appeals to emotion.

Up 45 Down 8

At home in the Yukon on Jun 1, 2022 at 6:49 pm

Just Canada solving America's problem. The folks down south have a gun crisis, so we believe that we need to show them the solution by tightening up gun laws that are already plenty tight. 'Won't help the Americans one iota.

Up 54 Down 12

Jeff Donaldson on Jun 1, 2022 at 6:11 pm

I met you Mr. Hanley at the Save On and I could see your smugness as you walked around with your little shopping bag. In Afghanistan the Role 3 always had Surgeons from big cities so they could experience trauma and blast wounds and learn first hand how to deal with them.
Most health care providers will support no handguns because Who Needs Them!
It was my profession. Not some civi instructor looking down a barrel to be safe. Doing that just says it all!
Your gunna tow the party line here I guarantee it. I would also argue that the Yukon will be one of the first to ban handguns. As with this pandemic they will bring up some unrelated optics and of course most Liberals just follow like sheep.
The Liberals have had a firearms agenda for decades. Nora and her team up at Grey Mountain run an awesome range and it is to bad she is stepping down.
Freeze on hand guns is just another slap in the face to responsible firearm owners like myself that go through more checks than the Politicians that make up this nonsense.
I am glad I will not be around to see the result here.
JD from Carcross. “Out”

Up 43 Down 13

Jeff Bikaboom on Jun 1, 2022 at 5:26 pm

How about you leave well enough alone. How do you strictly limit something that has been strictly limited for almost 100 years?

What about the new long gun database? i.e. registry. It was implemented on May 18, 2022. Perhaps Hanley should study that turd. See: An Act to amend certain Acts and Regulations in relation to firearms. Chapter 9.

Are hand guns bad? Trudeau's body guards have them. The UN peace keepers that beat down peaceful protestors in Ottawa had them. The cops that waited outside the school in Uvalde for a whole hour while the shooter used a rifle had them.
These new "restrictions" are just a bunch of talk, or a distraction from the new registry.

Anytime I hear of tyrants banning guns I think of Wounded Knee Creek on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. What occurred that day was for their own protection.

Up 17 Down 48

Mitch Holder on Jun 1, 2022 at 4:24 pm

Easier to get an illegal handgun in the Yukon than a legal one. The word on the street means something to real people in real time that your studies fall disgustingly short of the budgets wasted while lives are lost. If you aren't growing testicles to confront organized crime in Canada, you aren't really doing anything but enabling them, guns or no guns. The lack of intelligence expressed by our so called "experts" is insulting on the verge of assault. No one in Canada needs a gun to defend themselves from this government. Calling Trudeau a loser rallies the whole failing system headlong into further inaction every time. At this rate, when you defeat yourselves, only then will you realize YOU WERE THE ENEMY OF CANADA, NOT GUNS. I will not die until that day is realized.

Up 82 Down 26

Mr Facts on Jun 1, 2022 at 4:04 pm

Criminals don't follow laws, period. Even if you don't own any guns please go read a history book. When people are de-armed bad things usually happen. So why are we going after the people who aren't causing the problems. I know the answer, do you?

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