Whitehorse Daily Star

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More Whistle Bend lots for phase five due out this fall

Lots in phase five of the Whistle Bend subdivision are expected to be available this fall, says city planning manager Pat Ross.

By Chuck Tobin on January 8, 2020

Lots in phase five of the Whistle Bend subdivision are expected to be available this fall, says city planning manager Pat Ross.

Ross appeared before city council Monday night to explain the need for council to re-approve the phase five development that was initially approved in January 2018.

Initial approvals are good for one year with an automatic extension of one year at the request of the applicant before council must re-approve the project, he explained.

Ross said the Yukon government has not yet completed phase five, so council needs to re-approve the project for another year.

Council is scheduled to vote on the re-approval Monday.

The city planner said phase five is expected to be complete in time for the initial release of lots this fall.

Ross also explained the Ta’an Kwach’an Council has asked that one main drive in phase five be renamed from Scout Street to Neecheah Street.

The street may one day connect to the First Nation’s undeveloped settlement land on the north side of Whistle Bend, he pointed out.

Ross said the local First Nations are consulted on street names as a matter of routine. The Ta’an Kwach’an did not initially request the name change but did subsequently, he said.

Ross said Neecheah is the name of the riverboat on display at the Yukon Transportation Museum.

Streets in Whistle Bend are named after riverboats. The name of the subdivision comes from its location at the bend in the Yukon River where boat captains were required to sound their whistle for safety’s sake.

Phase five encompasses 20.9 hectares, and includes the former CBC tower site, says the administrative report prepared for council.

It’s made up of 100 single-family lots, 64 townhouse lots, two multi-family lots and one institutional lot.

There are three large greenbelts and one lot for a public park.

The government released the initial phase-four lots for lottery last year.

Another 55 single-family lots are currently available through the lottery process. Applications for the lottery are being accepted until 4:30 p.m. Jan. 23.

The lottery is scheduled for Jan. 27.

The remaining 63 phase-four lots are expected to be available this summer or fall.

Comments (6)

Up 19 Down 5

Charlie's Aunt on Jan 10, 2020 at 5:37 pm

Come buy, come buy a mini lot. Just make sure you build with 12" walls to keep use of your electric heat to a minimum. But wait - that means I only have room to build a Victorian style terrace house that will need 3 floors. Despite the new Care Home, rest of this neighborhood is not retirement age friendly unless people install elevators. Obviously aimed for young families as starter homes, but best of luck starting out at these prices.

Up 21 Down 1

Bull Schmidt on Jan 9, 2020 at 11:54 pm

Absolutely Guncache - To offset the cost of the postage size lots however you will be able to have your new home delivered by your mail carrier - Introducing the new House in a Box home delivery. Going postal in a neighbourhood near you!

Up 35 Down 5

Guncache on Jan 8, 2020 at 8:17 pm

The COW loves to squeeze money from the public for these postage size lots. CRAM them in there.

Up 10 Down 17

Miles Epanhauser on Jan 8, 2020 at 8:15 pm

What are these lots really like?
The highest priority of the City is ATV trails so where are they. Why would you buy a lot if you did not know where you could use your ATV.
This is poor planning.

Up 13 Down 11

BnR on Jan 8, 2020 at 4:43 pm

Sarah, your comments make no sense. Could you rewrite in English?

Up 28 Down 19

Sarah on Jan 8, 2020 at 2:22 pm

Why the hell are there more lots going in when the lots aren't even ready for people to look at them? Work should be done on these lots before going to lottery. And what's with them green-spacing the front yards? Jesus this development is ridiculous.

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