Whitehorse Daily Star

MMIWG2S+ accountability forum is underway

The second Yukon MMIWG2S+ accountability forum began this morning at the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre.

By Whitehorse Star on October 16, 2023

The second Yukon MMIWG2S+ accountability forum began this morning at the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre.

The two-day forum will host discussions on progress being made on policies to handle the associated issues as well as future plans and priorities.

Premier Ranj Pillai addressed the forum, as well as other dignitaries.

“It’s a top priority for our government, and I don’t make that statement lightly. You will see in my ministers’ mandate letters the commitment to this important work that will have impacts for generations.

“We will continue to listen and be accountable to families and make the necessary difficult decisions,” Pillai said.

“The Yukon’s Missing Persons Act has come into force this morning,” Pillai announced. “The act marks a significant milestone for all Yukoners. We’re committed to increasing public safety across the Yukon.”

Under the act, the RCMP can now put in an emergency request for a missing person’s records, he explained.

“The government is grateful to all the individuals and organizations that have provided feedback. This legislation balances the need for the RCMP to have access to information with the rights of affected individuals to have their privacy protected,” the premier said.

The legislation also includes accountability measures to have the RCMP report every year on their use of orders granted under the act.”

Before this act, the RCMP could not compel individuals or organizations to provide information about a missing person “which might have resulted in the stopping or halting of an investigation,” Pillai said.

The act follows national recommendations calling for the provinces and territories to bring in legislation making investigations of missing people easier, he added.

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