Photo by Whitehorse Star
Wade Istchenko and Stacey Hassard,
Photo by Whitehorse Star
Wade Istchenko and Stacey Hassard,
The Yukon Party is taking further action to reprimand two veteran MLAs following the ongoing text scandal that went public last Sunday night.
The Yukon Party is taking further action to reprimand two veteran MLAs following the ongoing text scandal that went public last Sunday night.
Stacey Hassard, a former interim party leader, and Wade Istchenko are now facing the prospect of being ordered to attend educational and training courses on workplace bullying and harassment prevention.
In a news release, the party stated: “On Friday, April 30, 2021, two Yukon Party MLAs sent offensive and rude text messages to a group of people that included the premier. These comments are entirely unacceptable and inappropriate, especially from holders of public office.
“Since that time, the Yukon Party has been reviewing appropriate next steps, including reviewing the Yukon Legislative Assembly Respectful Conduct Policy that was brought into force in 2019.
“This policy’s intent is to ensure that the legislative assembly fosters a respectful, healthy, and supportive environment and, where necessary, provide support for appropriate interventions.
“Despite the policy intending to offer training and resources for MLAs regarding respectful conduct, the newness of the policy has meant that those resources are not yet in place and available to MLAs.”
In an interview with the Star Thursday afternoon, party leader Currie Dixon said he had been looking at further actions against his members.
Once it became clear the resources he wanted to tap into from the legislature weren’t available, he took independent action.
“In reviewing this policy, it is clear that these actions were not compliant with the respectful conduct that is expected of MLAs,” the statement said.
“As a result, additional measures will be taken to redress this breach of the Respectful Conduct Policy.
“The two affected MLAs will be enrolled in education and training for workplace bullying and harassment prevention. Both MLAs are sincere in their commitment to learn from this incident, move forward, and ensure that it does not happen again.
“They are committed to accessing the necessary resources to do so.”
Dixon told the Star he will direct party officials to draft a Respectful Workplace Policy that will apply to MLAs, staff and volunteers of the party.
In the interview, Dixon, who appeared to be speaking from prepared notes, wouldn’t say if he was personally offended and embarrassed by the remarks Istchenko and Hassard directed toward him.
Nor would he explicitly say what the reactions of two of his female MLAs, Geraldine Van Bibber and Yvonne Clarke, were to the unsavoury and lewd texts.
“Obviously, no one is happy about this,” Dixon said.
He also didn’t directly address whether the mounting public pressure on the party to more severely discipline Hassard and Istchenko played any role in the decision to punish them further.
The party’s initial statement about their suspensions from shadow cabinet and committee duties did not indicate that further actions were planned.
In the last several days, First Nations organizations from across the Yukon have expressed their outrage over the situation, and demanded the resignation and/suspension of the MLAs.
Social media have also been rife with comments about the incident, with many people condemning what happened and asking for harsher discipline.
Neither Hassard nor Istchenko have made themselves available to speak in public this week.
Dixon also stuck to his talking points when the Star asked bluntly why he didn’t kick Hassard and Istchenko out of caucus to sit as independents.
He insisted he believed the punishment was harsh enough as it is.
He suggested the two men were repentant about their actions.
Dixon said being forbidden from the chance to participate in critics’ roles will be humiliating for the two political veterans.
He had no direct answer about how much of a punishment it was for the two men to retain their full salary and benefits while basically having few to no duties in the legislature.
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Comments (45)
Up 6 Down 0
TheHammer on May 13, 2021 at 3:54 pm
Tied to the mast and fifty lashes is the best anti bullying course.
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Nathan Living on May 13, 2021 at 3:41 pm
I wonder if Wade and Stacey would welcome a GOFUNDME campaign that will support court action against the misguided bullying and shaming they are experiencing?
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Atom on May 11, 2021 at 10:17 pm
Anyone challenging the Premiers motives should take a moment and ask what they would do in the same circumstance....I might wonder why I was leaked/somehow on the string/ how the texts got to me, but
I would wonder what would be said or done by those in the know if I didn't do anything.
Crappy spot to be in and crappy to have to deal with it. Politics has enough crap.
Hassard and Istchenko just weren't thinking right. Mess.
Up 23 Down 17
Good for the goose? on May 11, 2021 at 3:26 pm
You Cons have a really short memory in addition to your narrow minds.
It wasn't that long ago the Cryin' Currie went running to the media after John Streicker sent an email to an unintended receiver.
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Oya on May 11, 2021 at 1:47 pm
@ Guncache - What exactly have Wade and Stacey done for their communities? Serious question because I just can't recall anything of note. Please enlighten me.
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Patti Eyre on May 11, 2021 at 10:09 am
I am thinking of sending out a few inappropriate texts, with the hope that my supervisor will put me on paid administrative leave for a few years. That will really teach me a lesson, praise the lord!
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Groucho d'North on May 11, 2021 at 9:49 am
@Nathan Living
I agree with your sentiment however, it appears that it is now an international contest to find things to be offended by. The woke movement is perpetuating some myth that just because you don't like something, it should forever be removed or cancelled from your life experience. Suck it up buttercups.
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Brad Mercier on May 11, 2021 at 8:38 am
We will agree to disagree. It speaks volumes about someone who would play the public victimhood card just to try and score a few cheap political points. Just cause someone made fun of his **** in a private text? Really? Dixon’s mistake is that he grovelled. He should have ignored and treated the silly episode for what it was. ... jeeesh!
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Brad on May 10, 2021 at 9:36 pm
Nathan. Yes I do spend time in the bush...that does not mean I am not “modern”. Whatever that may mean. Actually I may be more enlightened because of it. One can take a more removed objective view of the world rather than being immersed in it. Anyway I appreciate the civility of your tone.
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Guncache on May 10, 2021 at 8:34 pm
Both Wade and Stacey have accomplished much in their respective ridings. Ok they made a mistake, get over it. Even murderers in the Yukon get a second chance. Enroll them in a sensitivity course. ALL MLA's should take it. Wouldn't it be great to be a fly on the wall in the Liberal office? I retired from YTG and took this course.
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Nathan Living on May 10, 2021 at 2:14 pm
@Brad Mercier
I disagree with you. Sandy Silver may have made the texts public for Kates honour. Or, with all the anger directed at both him and Kate by the Yukon Party he may have decided to use the gift. It's like an empty net goal in hockey, it's still a goal that counts.
Yes, there is an overreaction but men should do better than this and be a little smarter.
If you disagree with me I would bet you spend most of your time in the bush. Modern people try hard to live by social norms which means they try hard to not offend people.
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FCO on May 10, 2021 at 10:59 am
How about publicly apologizing to Kate White? Unreal how they can get away with such disrespect. Makes me literally sick to my stomach.
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Brad Mercier on May 10, 2021 at 10:04 am
Oh dear me. The outrage, the horror, the bullying!! Really?
This faux outrage says far more about SS than it does about the so called perpetrators.
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Geoff Capp on May 10, 2021 at 8:04 am
Here's the simple on it: did Hassard and Istchenko show any love for others with the comments made? No. They broke the Great Commandment, which ends with the words, "Love your neighbour as yourself". If they felt critical of anyone's decisions or actions, then they should respectfully identify the problem with those actions, with the desire that those individuals realize the wrongness of the decision or action.
Instead, by making such comments, Hassard and Istchenko ended up shaming themselves and accomplishing nothing to correct the decision or action of the people their rude comments were made about. I am not going to impugn the character of Hassard or Istchenko - I am, in this message, pointing out the error of their conduct and actions and calling them to abide by the Great Commandment so that they will not repeat such behaviour again.
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iBrian on May 10, 2021 at 7:28 am
Well said Mike
I second that
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Yukoner49 on May 9, 2021 at 10:12 pm
@Groucho It's funny you should mention the porn problem at YG from many years ago. You do know that the main people involved were part of the Yukon Party 'Old Boys' fraternity club right? One of them even ran for the Yukon Party in the last election!
@Mad Trapper The fact you think the bigger problem isn't the attitudes that were exposed and what was said but rather the fact that someone dared to shine a light on the locker room culture of the Yukon Party is very telling. By trying to blame Sandy Silver for their actions and excuse the inaction of Currie Dixon, you are just showcasing the general attitude of the Yukon Party in general. "Wade and Stacy are just good ol boys having fun while the real crime is Sandy Silver going to the media!"
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Mad Trapper of Riverdale on May 9, 2021 at 9:58 pm
Sandy is completely to blame for creating such a divisive start to his new minority government. He could have handled this like a man and dealt with it privately instead of crybabying to the media for cheap political points and a distraction from his election losses and NDP deal.
Here is some math for you:
Yukon Party won 39% of the popular vote to the Liberals 32%
All YP mlas won their seats by comforatble margins
But 4 high profile Liberal cabinet ministers squeaked out a win by less than 50 votes
You would think Sandy would want to work constructively with the Yukon Party who has stronger support than he has instead of resorting to the tired Liberal play of trying to cancel people instead of dealing with them.
If everyone had to reisgn for saying stupid things or making a mistake, the Yukon would have 100% unemployment
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Nathan Living on May 9, 2021 at 7:07 pm
Let's stop the nonsense and forgive these men.
They need to get back to work. Those who are outraged, you need to be forgiven for you know not what you are doing.
Lateral violence, I think not. Adolescent humour, these guys have it.
Think it's time to boycott any organization which cannot get over something that is petty.
Up 26 Down 4
Our leaders are sick... on May 9, 2021 at 4:54 pm
Hey Groucho - Not to mention the D campaign by health and social disservices that put the Yukon on the map for backwards, low-brow, sexual immaturity. Oddly enough the department said it knew it was inappropriate but it did it anyways.
This is the depth of intelligence we have sitting on the bench in our government! We the people should hang our heads in shame!! So Stacey and Wade did a bad thing BUT so have most of our government workers - There should be a turnstile re-education camp for ALL government workers because it is WELL known that the toxic levels of gossip, bullying, and other childish behaviours is rampant in our in-Civil service.
Mostyn closed the loop on any real accountability. The RWO should be disbanded and the Collective should be able to grieve these Fargging Bass-turds! You would stop a lot of this behaviour in its tracks and clean up a lot of the bad behaviour. Additionally, Union members who harass their Union brothers and sisters should be subject to fines. The YEU - It should hang its head in shame too.
Just to check-in - Wade and Stacey, WTF! Not cool and I have to wonder in this day and age with Cancel Culture if you were stoned, mentally ill, or suffering some intellectual infirmity at the time - WTF?
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Anyone going to address the elephant? on May 9, 2021 at 3:55 pm
One text read, "We all know Sandy likes em young."
Seems like the Liberals don't want to ask why that was said. It's also funny that Gervais said a worse comment about DiCaprio publicly during the awards ceremony, "By the time this is over DiCaprio's date will be to old for him."
No outrage. No negative comment. Just taken as "oh, someone gave me a jab." It's also important to look at intent. What was Sandy's intent by doing this? Angry he was being made fun of ? Trying to win an election to get out of a coalition?
A lot of the spotlight is on YP but maybe a mirror should be placed in front of some of these people.
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Groucho d'North on May 9, 2021 at 10:46 am
I doubt our community moral fibre is as it is being reported here in these forums. Stupid childish mistakes - who has not made them? I wonder if this would have the same gravity if it was not involving politcians? Anybody remember the YG porn prob from a few years back? Who would be running for cover today if that evidence ever got released to the judgmental public?
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Mike on May 9, 2021 at 6:58 am
Ok all these liberal comments are getting a bit exaggerated minimizing the ordeal. Nobody has minimized anything. This whole thing has been dealt with appropriately and is time to move on. It's the liberal comments that want this to become something it's not but I'll tell you something that won't go away and that's the two faced deal the liberal government made with the NDP to maintain a stronghold on this territory. Was this done for the better of the Yukon? Hell no. It was done so Sandy and Kate, both sellouts on their own principles, put forward an agenda that will never come to fruition because the agendas put forth by both parties would bankrupt our territory and start a public uprising.
Unlike everywhere else in Canada, when the liberals say jump people ask how high. Here in the Yukon if the liberals say jump they're asked if they're high excluding the grateful immigrants that were allowed to flourish here in the last 15 years. The rest of the Yukoners are not weak minded ass kissing folks and actually want to see results. So get over the side tracking. Stop trying to drag women who played no part in the messages into it and get on with it because your liberalism is getting to be a bit to obvious.
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Cameron on May 9, 2021 at 3:48 am
This situation has shown the reality of the “leaders” in the Yukon and the public service.
First, these two MLA’s are repentant because they got caught - full stop. What they texted reflects who they are as people. This is who they are there is no point in sending them to anti-bullying whatever it is classes. They are rude, disrespectful and superior, that will not change. The fact that they have not taken public responsibility should be evidence enough that they are not genuinely repentant - they got caught and to add insult to injury they will be paid high salary and pensions to do nothing.
They didn’t get punished they got rewarded - you did a bad thing but you get to keep your high paying job, take no responsibility publicly for your actions and now you are not required to do anything for your pay. Sound familiar Director of Child and Family Services, former Manager of group homes ?
It is clear that had the Yukon Party formed the government there would have been zero changes to the corruption and wrongdoing in YG so we would maintain the “status quo” the Liberals have taken to new heights. Currie Dixon is a disappointment in his handling of this because it shows he will not take decisive action when the minions act badly or commit wrongdoing.
Kate White, came out as the true leader she has shown that when minions do bad things she takes quick and decisive action. One of her people posted something offensive and harmful - bye. She handled this situation with maturity and grace. Like I said this “situation” has just told you everything you need to know about our “leaders” and the state of our public service - disgraceful.
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Mad Trapper of Riverdale on May 8, 2021 at 7:10 pm
How about Sandy taking a leadership course? He could have taken the higher ground in this situation, but instead personally leaked this to the media to create a divisive situation and big distraction for political points. Yukoners voted to have all the parties to work together. He didn't even make an effort to work with the Yukon Party with his minority government, despite them getting the majority of the vote.
Maybe he could use an integrity course too for his repeated fibbing to Yukoners about a Spring election.
This has just proven Sandy's weakness as a leader, lack of integrity and partisianship. I'm disappointed, I thought he was more than just another political hack.
Call an election Sandy if you think you deserve a majority instead of this high school drama. I'd vote for Wade and Stacey any day. They made a dumb mistake yes, one we have all made, but they have served their ridings exceptonally well. They won their ridings by landslides where Sandy's Ministers just squeaked by.
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F. N. Nutz on May 8, 2021 at 5:03 pm
Hello George - I absolutely agree. The entire YG should be required to undergo anti-harassment and anti-bullying workshops. The RWO is a joke! The Supervisors and Managers in YG know this and as soon as you access services they go full throttle on the harassment.
This is well established Labour Law lore. It is particularly troublesome in an environment where friends scratch each other’s backs. This is the inside and outside joke about YG and it is the problem with Mostyn’s Office of Wrongdoing - It's an early warning for the problem manager’s and supervisors he says are a big problem - Nice f@#€ing job Mostyn - Codifying the abuse through the veneer of legislative coverup disguised as “we care”... Talk to us, tell us... You’re fired! You disclosed wrong and we did not like your shirt, and your mother wears army boots... These people are malevolently bizarre!
But hey... WTF! You will do nothing because you can do nothing... We have some really maladjusted people in our public service and they keep churning out more and more because the policies and procedures and legislation to redress these behaviours are mere placations for public consumption while govvy eats its children alive... Back on the farm we would put animals down for this behaviour - Here in the Yukon it is celebrated and rewarded!
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NickyB on May 8, 2021 at 4:22 pm
Wade and Stacy found a good way to avoid participating in Kate & Sandy's coalition govt that nobody voted for. They stated what many say in bars and coffee-shops every day; none of it surprising. Now all they have to do is sit in the back, occasionally vote and avoid a bunch of time wasting committee meetings. Meanwhile the paychecks keep coming until their golden handshake pensions for life kick in. Dumb like foxes, eh?
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maybe they are silent on May 8, 2021 at 2:46 pm
because they are taking action?
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marylaker on May 8, 2021 at 2:31 pm
I was angry about this at first because they attempted to take dignity away from Kate, Sandy and Currie. Now however, my attention has turned to the two miscreants and I'm finding this entertaining and funny! Like two bad dogs sent to training classes to learn appropriate behaviour. Every time I look at their pictures accompanying the articles, I get a good laugh! Not 100% 'at them' either. They are human.
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George on May 8, 2021 at 10:10 am
Better if all MLA’s and Sandy were required to take respectful workplace courses. One false move does not condone another.
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Is That It? on May 8, 2021 at 9:33 am
So, that’s it?
Come on Currie you can do better. This isn’t going away anytime soon.
Why haven’t we heard from the two people in question?
Nothing but crickets. Does Currie actually think that they can just “ride it out”?
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Mike on May 7, 2021 at 10:14 pm
Again I will say Currie has done a stand up job. Anyone calling themselves YP supporters then saying goodbye? That's sad that you allow the Liberals and NDP to basically commit treason on their constituents and say nothing but on a few rude texts you say goodbye. Well have a good one, I'm sticking this out. Sandy is playing this for all it's worth hoping the two resign and get a bi election where he hopes to get a majority.
Currie - Awesome job let's get to real politics and stop letting the liberals and anyone else sidetrack you from the real issues.
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Where are Yvonne and Geraldine? on May 7, 2021 at 10:00 pm
Yes, the comments are bad, but what is arguably worse, is the number of Yukon Party supporters coming out to defend them. Even in the comment sections of this newspaper, the YP insiders are doing everything they can to excuse the behavior, cast it as no big deal or even somehow blame the Liberals for it!
Also, Yvonne Clarke who was just elected as an MLA for the Yukon Party, was previously or maybe still is, the head of 'Yukon Status of Women Council'. How is it possible that she has said absolutely nothing so far? To me the only answer is that Curry Dixon isn't allowing her to speak out. I suspect the same is true for Geraldine Van Bibber as well. People who live in their ridings should be asking them why they haven't made any public statements. Their silence is deafening.
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Rod on May 7, 2021 at 7:19 pm
I’d vote for Wade again! Even more so now. He made a mistake, acknowledging it and accepting his fate. We’ve all done it! Get off that high horse and let’s get back to work!
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Atom on May 7, 2021 at 6:23 pm
@Juniper...is this what you would support from leaders in our communities? In actions becoming of elected officials?
Sad day. Our children are watching and learning.
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Monica on May 7, 2021 at 6:20 pm
Everyone has ghosts they don't want dredged up. What I'm wondering is why Silver hasn't pursued Trudeau for the allegations that he performed inappropriate acts with a student and that's why he lost his drama teaching job? If he's for showing messages to the media why can't he condemn real bad things going on.
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Ben on May 7, 2021 at 6:11 pm
How dare they be human beings who occasionally say things that are inappropriate (just like every human being on the planet including those who are currently vilifying them). There's a strength in those imperfections, it's called being human.
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Community engagement on May 7, 2021 at 5:59 pm
Ok, since Wade and Stacey won’t have much to do while collecting full salaries and pensions, I propose that they lead community spring clean ups in their ridings. Allllllll the garbage and alllllll the dog excrement! Get in there. Get it done fellas! Make us proud. You work for us. Don’t forget who is paying for your wasted salaries.
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Woodcutter on May 7, 2021 at 5:54 pm
In the days of sail, they just would have gotten 50 lashes and it would have been over. I bet you wish this instead, hey boys ?
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So can the texts be shared now? on May 7, 2021 at 5:47 pm
From what Sandy Silver has said and released he's been telling the media that it was from the MLA's, somehow Dixon is in this as well. But there are numerous individuals that were in the text group that aren't being named AND Hassard + Istchenko didn't send the messages about Kate or Silver.
I'll add that it is because of Silver that people believe that the MLA's made the texts. It was his action of sharing private text messages that he's quoted as saying "I inadvertently received."
I wonder if the YP party is going along with this and allowing all of this damage because they know there is going to be a penalty when all of these comments are brought to court.
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Jayne W on May 7, 2021 at 4:40 pm
Reading all the news stories on this event, I have come to a few conclusions. Kate W is handling it the best with maturity and doesn't give the bullies any power....she has a job to do and has no time for this. Good on her. As for the banter online, I almost felt this was another country, no middle ground whatsoever. Either get them to resign or we are not going to work with you, you don't have to work with them....they don't have the votes, nor do they write the cheques. Time for everybody to let the YP deal with this, if you've lost your faith in them, don't vote for them, and / or donate to the party. Premier Silver, if he feels confident he is gaining more approval....call an election.
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Ha! Ha! on May 7, 2021 at 4:22 pm
@ Locker Talk
Well I guess it is no worse than Mostyn being demoted to the "do nothing" department. Except he gets paid almost twice as much to play solitaire on his desktop in his high palace of an office. They could have made him speaker but he would surely ___k that up royally...
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Locker talker on May 7, 2021 at 4:10 pm
Sounds like a sweet 4 year free ride for Wade and Stacey. Sit in the back row, crack jokes do no work. Just like high school, eh fellas?
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bonanzajoe on May 7, 2021 at 4:02 pm
As a long time member of the YP, I just want to say goodbye.
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JC on May 7, 2021 at 3:47 pm
Lol they will learn nothing, they aren't apologetic at all, and many people think that what they did was more than ok.
Something, something clowns and circuses
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Juniper Jackson on May 7, 2021 at 3:43 pm
This event was not even close to being an "event". If this is all Silver has to try and force resignations and elections he's scraping the bottom.
Get on with your jobs. Just do it. All of you. Big babies.