Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

Missing and murdered women and girls remembered

Missing and murdered women and girls remembered

By Vince Fedoroff on October 6, 2023

“I have been asked to help with this walk for two years now. I don’t want to do it anymore; I don’t want anyone to do it anymore,” Christine Genier said at Rotary Peace Park after Wednesday’s Yukon Sisters in Spirit walk.

“I have a mandate; all young people are under my protection. I take these words from my mom (Shirley Adamson).

“If you are a young person, know that, look at me and know you can come to me,” Genier said.

“The Yukon Aboriginal Women’s Council has a history of almost 50 years; 50 years, they have been watching our backs; 50 years, we have been getting together to do this really big work, really big work.”

The family of Ross River resident Ramona Peter, missing since April 21, was in attendance, and wanted to remind everyone they are still looking for her.

There were 45 bundles of flowers handed out at the gathering, 44 represent the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls in the Yukon. As well, the Yukon Aboriginal Women’s Council added one bundle for the Indigenous women who are still targeted today.

Every Oct. 4, the Yukon Aboriginal Women’s Council organizes the Yukon Sisters in Spirit event to high- light the ongoing issue of violence against Indigenous women, girls and gender-diverse peoples in the Yukon and northern B.C.

The event also honours the memory of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) and their families.

They invited the public to meet outside the local RCMP detachment at noon for brief opening remarks.

Then came a walk down Main Street to Front Street, along the Yukon River and on to the Rotary Peace Park MMIWG2S+ Monument.

There were closing remarks of gratitude, with a grab-and-go lunch. About 100 people made the walk.

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