Whitehorse Daily Star

Minister recognizes International Day of Education

The Yukon’s minister of Education is observing the International Day of Education (today).

By Whitehorse Star on January 24, 2024

The Yukon’s minister of Education is observing the International Day of Education (today).

“On January 24, we celebrate International Day of Education,” Jeanie McLean said in a morning statement.

The day was initiated by the United Nations General Assembly on Dec. 3, 2018.

“It is an opportunity to recognize how crucial education is for peace and growth across the world,” McLean said.

“The decision to celebrate this day was unanimous, showing a strong, shared belief in providing education that is inclusive, equitable and of high quality.

“It reminds us of education’s key role in creating strong, resilient communities.”

This is the sixth International Day of Education. The theme is “Learning for lasting peace.”

“Inclusive and equitable education, along with lifelong learning opportunities for all, are fundamental,” McLean said.

“They are necessary for achieving gender equality and breaking the cycle of poverty that holds back millions of children, youth and adults.

“Without these educational foundations, our efforts to overcome these global challenges would be significantly hindered.”

Education, the minister added, “transforms lives and shapes sustainable futures.

“It equips us with knowledge, understanding and respect for each other.

“Globally, investments are made in people by prioritizing education. It is no different here in the Yukon, where we continue our work to create successful learning outcomes for all Yukon learners.”

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