Whitehorse Daily Star

Meetings with three chiefs proved fruitful, Pillai says

Premier Ranj Pillai says he has had recent, productive meetings with the leaders of three Yukon First Nations in their respective communities.

By Whitehorse Star on January 17, 2024

Premier Ranj Pillai says he has had recent, productive meetings with the leaders of three Yukon First Nations in their respective communities.

“At these meetings with Yukon First Nation chiefs and council members, we discussed items of common interest and opportunities for us to continue working together on shared priorities,” Pillai said Monday.

On Jan. 8, Kluane First Nation Chief Robert Dickson hosted a meeting in Burwash Landing, “where we discussed community safety and economic development opportunities,” the premier said.

“We agreed on the importance of working together on priority community projects and initiatives to best serve needs of the community.”

On Jan. 9 in Beaver Creek, Pillai met with White River First Nation Chief Bessie Chassé and council members.

“We discussed ways to advance shared priorities that benefit the community such as a potential community hub and new mining legislation.

“We discussed ways our governments can collaborate and find solutions to the challenges related to capacity and resources, including housing.”

On Jan. 11, Carcross/Tagish First Nation Kaa Shaadé Hení (Chief) Maria Benoit and council members welcomed Pillai to Carcross for a meeting.

“We had a constructive conversation about planning and energy development projects proposed within their traditional territory,” Pillai said.

“I want to thank Yukon First Nation leaders for the opportunity to continue building strong government-to-government relations and to collaborate on ways we can work to address community interests.

“This was also an occasion for the Government of Yukon to re-commit to reconciliation and re-invigorate our intention to work together in establishing and fostering a positive long-term relationship based on partnership and respect,” the premier added.

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