Whitehorse Daily Star

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Mayor Dan Curtis

Mayor to pursue a return engagement

After nearly three years as the city’s mayor, Dan Curtis is ready for another three.

By Stephanie Waddell on April 9, 2015

After nearly three years as the city’s mayor, Dan Curtis is ready for another three.

The mayor confirmed in an interview Wednesday evening he’s planning to have his name on the ballot in October’s municipal election.

“I’m looking forward to the next step,” he said.

He noted he’s learned a lot in his past three years as mayor and wants to use that knowledge in what he hopes will be a second term.

“It’s been an absolute privilege,” he said.

Not all residents have agreed with how he’s voted on certain issues or statements he’s made, Curtis acknowledged.

With each decision though, he’s done what he believes to be in the best interest of the entire city. He hopes he has the trust of Whitehorse voters to continue doing that.

Looking toward the next three years, Curtis said, he wants to continue on the efforts in partnerships the city has, including that with First Nations governments.

Discussions between the city and First Nations have been successful in resolving a few issues with fairly “easy fixes,” Curtis said.

Work on other issues that aren’t so easily resolved is also underway.

To that end, later this month, the city and Kwanlin Dun First Nation will host a forum focused on the city’s most vulnerable people and what can be done to help them.

The forum is set to bring together various governments, service organizations and others along with an address by Vancouver physician Gabor Maté.

Efforts with First Nations governments are one of several partnerships the current council has worked hard on.

Along with working with a number of organizations and governments, council members have improved their own communication with each other, being respectful of differing views on council, the mayor said.

“I think we’ve set the bar really high,” Curtis said, though he also acknowledged there have been some “hiccups,” especially in this council’s early days.

The current council’s legacy will be one of improved respect and professionalism over its three years, he said.

The mayor noted he’s also worked hard to be honest about what the city can and can’t take on and finding a balance between providing services residents want while limiting tax increases and user fees that pay for those services.

In short, Curtis said, the job of mayor has been the “best opportunity I’ve had.” And it’s one he hopes Whitehorse voters will give him again in October.

In 2012, Curtis, then an executive with Skills Canada in Whitehorse, walked away with 43 per cent of the votes, or 2,375 cast in his favour.

His closest competitor was Rick Karp, with 1,100 votes, followed by Bernie Phillips with 988, Scott Howell with 587 and Mandeep Sidhu with 480.

Curtis’ campaign at that time focused on improved partnerships and collaboration between the city and those it works with.

The mayor has lived most of his life in the capital.

No one else has announced any plans to run for mayor this fall.

Comments (20)

Up 11 Down 0

Overtaxed payer on Apr 15, 2015 at 4:51 pm

He'll be pursuing something in a small circle if the 8 million dollar lottery win goes through and so will any other Councillors that vote for this stupidity.

Up 3 Down 3

Wolfe on Apr 15, 2015 at 4:12 pm

Has the actual election date been announced. If so, what is the date?
I might take a run at it if the big game hunting season is over.

Up 36 Down 13

This is good Curtis is running that make it easier for anyone running against him on Apr 12, 2015 at 4:28 pm

With Curtis running in the next election it makes it much easier for anyone running against him to win.

Up 31 Down 76

Probably on Apr 11, 2015 at 1:19 pm

I agree with Dan Curtis that this council definitely raised a new standard for "improved respect and professionalism" and you have to be either fairly new in town or have been one of the insiders who managed to get previous councillors on their best behaviour to not see it. Ranj Pillai, Betty Irwin and Kirk Cameron deserve credit for beginning the shift in attitude in the previous council.

I'm not Dan Curtis' biggest fan, but he is a vast improvement over Bev Buckway and I will probably vote for him this time.

Up 62 Down 23

Capitalcity on Apr 11, 2015 at 11:29 am

Shame on me but my jaw still drops nearly every time I read quotes from Dan Curtis in the papers. I can't figure out if he's actually a pouty teenager with zero self-awareness, or if it's a charade so he never has to actually take a stance or responsibility for anything.
Wahh- I don't like working with that Minister! He's mean!
Oh yay! I LOVE my new Minister! It's like I won the lottery. He's so cute and nice!
Waaah! I'm being bullied into making a decision!
My powers only extend to the city limits! Everyone else should be stepping up! Poor me!
Come on! Mr. Curtis is the weakest example of a leader of all the politicians in this territory. He's the last person I want at the table making decisions that affect me. Grow up, man! Roll up your sleeves and stop playing the victim. It's a huge turnoff. It's laughable that you're seeking another term when this one seemed to hurt your feelings when the big kids from all the other govts were so hard on you.
If I were one of your Liberal chums I'd be distancing myself real quick. I also might invest in a media handler so you can get an idea of how you come off with all your whining about how everything is everyone else's fault. You can't just hole up in a tailor-made Curtis' castle to weather the storms and only pop out for ribbon cuttings.

Up 50 Down 17

Really?!? on Apr 11, 2015 at 6:16 am

"Curtis’ campaign at that time focused on improved partnerships and collaboration between the city and those it works with." Seriously? Didn't he immediately get into a nasty exchange with Ryan Leef? Then he spouted off publicly about not being able to work with Brad Cathers. Not that I'm a fan of either of them, but it was petty and unprofessional.

Up 62 Down 27

Lost in the Yukon on Apr 10, 2015 at 1:10 pm

Dan, you have been a disappointment ... taxes are out of control because we pay for things such as "Sustainability Managers" who in turn want us to pay for things we don't want, you are not transparent, you hired a City Manager with no experience and then green lighted the firing of two long serving employees ... you posture and preen but what have you actually done? Time to go back to the College.

Up 31 Down 35

Stu Summer on Apr 10, 2015 at 12:24 pm

I will vote for Dan and contribute to his relection if he can promise to control some city administration staff which are not team players.

Up 49 Down 21

NoJoke on Apr 10, 2015 at 10:34 am

This city is a joke. We don't want another.

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Yukoner on Apr 10, 2015 at 9:24 am

Hopefully people are smart enough this time to make sure this mayor doesn't get a second stab at destroying what is left of this place and vote the hole damn counsel out.

Up 48 Down 29

Need to get a fund going to pay for signs anyone but Curtis on Apr 10, 2015 at 9:14 am

Need to get a fund going to pay for signs - anyone but Curtis.

Up 25 Down 10

ProScience Greenie on Apr 10, 2015 at 8:16 am

"Vote Quimby!"

Up 26 Down 54

north_of_60 on Apr 10, 2015 at 12:02 am

I sure hope Betty Irwin runs for Mayor. She's the only one on Council with any sense. The rest are merely inept politicians.

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northernmike on Apr 9, 2015 at 5:24 pm

Smurf, if you're so down on Dan then run. For myself I like the guy. Be curious what you have to offer other than some general negative comment.

Up 55 Down 23

June Jackson on Apr 9, 2015 at 5:03 pm

I voted for Dan once.. in fact, I think I voted for everyone on this council except Stockdale, time for his retirement 30 years ago.

And I regret every vote. This council has been a huge disappointment. After the Buckway years of kicking the crap out of the taxpayers, I was hoping for a council that would practice some fiscal management.. perhaps even a council with a common sense approach to municipal government..

The only thing this council did that I approved of myself was to cut off the money drain to SIMA. But, even then, they'd already given GNSS some 6 million dollars.

Get my vote again Dan? I would vote for Mickey Mouse before I would cast another vote for anyone on this council right now. A mouse could hardly do worse.

Up 44 Down 18

Who Needs It on Apr 9, 2015 at 4:45 pm

Smurf, who would want the job of mayor or councillors anyways? It doesn't matter who they are or what they do the residents of this small burg dump all over them. Why would anyone out there possibly want to put that target on their back for the next few years? The only thing guaranteed about being mayor is that you will be bad mouthed by at least half the residents sooner or later.

Up 33 Down 24

Adele Sandrock on Apr 9, 2015 at 4:43 pm

King Dan - Hopefully IT WAS YOUR LAST opportunity you had to run the City in conjunction with the Council.

Up 31 Down 18

nope on Apr 9, 2015 at 4:11 pm

Just look at my name. That is all.

Up 50 Down 22

Josey Wales on Apr 9, 2015 at 3:55 pm

"The current council’s legacy will be one of improved respect and professionalism over its three years,..."
Dan that is freakin' hilarious, you must be a poker player?

Actually the legacy will most likely be another 10-15% property tax increase(s), arrogance, wealth re-distribution and feeding special interests to the point of morbid obesity via our taxes.

...Josey's POV being ones mere opinion...freely expressed whilst it can be.

Up 112 Down 37

Smurf on Apr 9, 2015 at 3:19 pm

Can we nominate somebody else? Somebody out there???
Please - there must be somebody!!!

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