Whitehorse Daily Star

Mayor plans to hit the road

Mayor Laura Cabott is going to be spending some time on the road in the near future.

By T.S. Giilck on January 18, 2024

Mayor Laura Cabott is going to be spending some time on the road in the near future.

On Monday, council members approved her travel expenses for pending trips related to Arctic issues and the Arctic Winter Games the city will host in 2026.

Cabott will be travelling to Norway and Alaska.

Mat-su in Alaska is hosting the 2024 games in March, and Cabott will be on hand to take them in.

She will also attend the Arctic Frontiers International Conference in Tromso, Norway, at the end of the month and into the beginning of February.

It’s part of the Arctic Urban and Regional Cooperation (AURC) program.

Council members talked up the importance of the mayor travelling to both places.

“We play a significant role in the circumpolar world with our involvement,” said Coun. Kirk Cameron.

“We’re recognized as being a significant player in so much of what is happening now in the social and economic, and we have to support your efforts and the Yukon moving us forward in these important matters.

“I fully support this. To my way of thinking, it’s a big deal,” Cameron said.

Coun. Ted laking echoed that sentiment, saying, “The Tromso meeting in particular is a unique opportunity.

“We are a winter city, but we’re not the only winter city in the world, and I think the issues and challenges we face, snow removal for one, and how to provide snow removal in a way that is accessible to all, is a challenge that many other communities across the North face, and I would be really interested ... in knowledge-sharing.”

The cost of the two trips was not mentioned.

Comments (5)

Up 3 Down 0

Groucho d'North on Jan 24, 2024 at 4:30 pm

A rose by any other name....

Junket /jŭng′kĭt/
A trip or tour, especially.
One taken by an official at public expense.
One taken by a person who is the guest of a business or agency seeking favor or patronage.

Perhaps there will be a report made public on what nuggets of value for Whitehorse she found on her journey?

Up 1 Down 14

Nathan Living on Jan 23, 2024 at 3:42 pm

I would like to see our mayor and a few council members travel to our Sister City in the Ukraine.

Its important that our Sister CIty knows the City of Whitehorse and residents supports them.

Up 21 Down 0

Juniper1 Jackson on Jan 23, 2024 at 2:31 pm

Has City Hall hear of Zoom?

Up 24 Down 0

gord on Jan 23, 2024 at 5:44 am

Enjoy your tax payer funded holiday, I'd love to visit Norway

Up 60 Down 8

Matthew on Jan 18, 2024 at 7:53 pm

Acting as if life is perfect in her city.. far from it.. whats the carbon footprint of these leisure trips!? I bet she doesn't care, clearly

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