Man struck by RCMP door is later beaten up
A man who was arrested by being knocked over by a police vehicle was later beaten up by another prisoner in lockup – because there was no room to house all inmates separately, say Nunavut RCMP.
IQALUIT – A man who was arrested by being knocked over by a police vehicle was later beaten up by another prisoner in lockup – because there was no room to house all inmates separately, say Nunavut RCMP.
The arrest, reported in Friday’s Star, drew widespread criticism. Video released on social media showed the man, apparently intoxicated, was knocked down by an officer – with the door of a slowly moving police pickup truck.
Federal Indigenous Services Minister Marc Miller said last week he was outraged by the RCMP officer’s behaviour. It happened just a week after the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police.
“When you have a racial divide between your police officers and the communities they serve, and a history of colonization, it’s not surprising that you see these kinds of issues arise,” said Benson Cowan, the head of Nunavut’s legal aid society.
In a news release, Nunavut RCMP describe a busy Monday afternoon last week in Kinngait, formerly Cape Dorset, on the southern tip of Baffin Island.
Just before the arrest, the three on-duty officers were joined by two officers called out to help deal with an ongoing weapons complaint.
When the man was brought back to the detachment’s four cells, he joined seven others – “all of whom were intoxicated,” the release says.
One cell held four men, another held an “extremely agitated” man while the other two held women who had been separated because they were fighting.
One of the women was released – to make room for the new prisoner.
However, he was joined later that night by a fresh arrestee as RCMP members continued to respond to a backlog of calls created by the weapons incident. A fight broke out.
Police said the guard immediately contacted officers, who returned to the lockup as soon as possible.
“Unfortunately, the male in the video was injured as a result of the assault and later flown to Iqaluit for further medical treatment,” police said.
The second prisoner has been charged with aggravated assault. The man knocked over by the police vehicle was never charged with anything.
The arresting officer has been removed from the community – and the arrest is under investigation.
“RCMP continue to work diligently to serve the community of Kinngait in managing the high volume of calls for service while balancing resources and demands placed on the members,” said Chief Supt. Amanda Jones, who commands the Nunavut RCMP.
But Cowan said the initial apprehension points to wider issues.
“Anyone in Nunavut who has any dealings with the justice system knows that there are larger issues at stake,” he said.
“It is imperative that the governments of Nunavut, Canada, the RCMP and communities get together and have a serious conversation about the way policing services are delivered.”
Iqaluit lawyer Lori Idlout, who has a long background in social work, said police should already know what they have to do.
Reports from the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls inquiry and the Qikiqtani Inuit Association are full of good ideas.
“The RCMP needs to stop ignoring the recommendations,” she said.
The force should bring back special constables, she said – local, trained people who work with RCMP in crime prevention.
“As difficult as it might be to be hopeful, I think we have to be,” she said.
Nunavut Justice Minister Jeannie Ehaloak said she was outraged by the arrest. A growing list of leaders want the force to put body cameras on its members.
RCMP in the North face at least two lawsuits over their treatment of Indigenous people.
In January 2020, the national organization of Inuit women released a report saying Indigenous northerners face “systemic racialized policing.”
Comments (29)
Up 9 Down 4
Yukon Cornelius on Jun 14, 2020 at 11:57 am
Isn't it a coincidence that the same man who police knocked down with the door of their SUV police cruiser and roughed up is later assaulted by another prisoner while in RCMP custody and then whisked out of the community for medical treatment for his injuries? I suppose that makes it difficult to determine which injuries were sustained at the hands of the RCMP and which injuries were sustained at the hands of the other inmate. Sounds all very 'convenient'.
Up 7 Down 2
Groucho d'North on Jun 12, 2020 at 5:00 pm
Cabin fever in June? Na! gotta be that Covid lock-down fever getting everybody on a thin nerve.
Why not shut off yer computer gizmos and get outside and play for a while. Sounds like some of you need it.
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Iseeall on Jun 12, 2020 at 1:50 pm
If there is a last hidden person on this site that should be calling out others for things like fact checking, providing something for discussion, spreading HATE, looking for common ground, it is you. Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house!!
Up 18 Down 6
Curious on Jun 12, 2020 at 9:47 am
Marie-Claire Findlay-Brook
You posted: "The vibrant, living, part of our communities is out on the streets, working on building a better world"...."Ps: for those of you who read "dying breed" as a threat (yes, I see you wanting to react to that), it doesn't mean we are hauling out a guillotine, it means that your ability to pass on your narrow-minded and self serving ideologies is vastly diminishing in a world that won't take that sh*t anymore."
I'm curious if you've done any research? Critical thinking? Asking bc are you aware that one of the organisers of the recent YT rallies rose to some internet "fame" based on her abhorrent crushing of other's rights to their views? I don't want ANY part of "building a better world" if that means you have no right to have a dissenting opinion or voice that opinion.
Check out Ms. "Pack it up" at Ryerson from April/17.... THAT is "narrow minded" and "self serving". Actually, I'm also curious on your thoughts on the absolute trouncing the rights of those she disagrees with (oh the irony!). If you can stomach listening to the narrative, the hypocrisy, bullying and sense of entitlement is mind-blowing.
Up 19 Down 7
Unfeckingbelievable! on Jun 11, 2020 at 10:43 pm
It’s interesting to me to watch all the finger pointing from the PMO down. You’re a racist, no, you’re the racist, no I am not, yes you are, I no you are but what am I?
The leadership in this country is disgusting and so are those who support it. Unfeckingbelievable!
What leader in the free world would tell you that there is systemic racism, it’s your fault because you have unconscious bias, and then state that the racism he is talking about has been built into the institutions that he and his cronies are responsible for making - rules, regulations, procedures and laws.
Marie-Claire Findlay-Brook on Jun 9, 2020 at 8:00 pm:
People would not make honest and true comments if they could not be anonymous because there is a penalty to be exacted against those who do not follow herd mentality. There could be no honest debate as those with the power, the actual dominant groups of the so-called minority voices can pull the switch at anytime: racism, sexism, transphobism... It goes on and on... This litany of minority privilege.
Hell, there does not even have to be any realism only the perception of it and some poor schmuck - Usually a white male is then castigated, excoriated and socially flagellated as some symbolic representation of all of the evil ever felt by the so-called underprivileged.
But hey... Tell me again about your oppression or the oppression of others when you do not even understand the basics of Canadian law such as freedom of speech versus freedom of expression. Big difference.
If you want to help further the discussion then you should actually know something. Start by researching - What is a fact? How does it differ from what I believe to be true? Then maybe google - How not to make myself look foolish on the internet. Here’s a clue - It’s called fact checking?
Up 22 Down 6
Anie on Jun 11, 2020 at 4:09 pm
Gosh I hope Marie-Claire etc is wrong. I probably won't be around when her group take over, but she seems so self absorbed, nasty and rude that I don't mind. My grandchildren have good manners. Guess they don't fit in her world at all.
Up 8 Down 9
John Henry on Jun 11, 2020 at 1:30 pm
Do you people just sit in front of the computer waiting to attack someone
or do you have lives to attend, Pathetic !!!
Up 16 Down 3
brian on Jun 11, 2020 at 11:07 am
Woodcutter... FYI we don't have freedom of speech in Canada. It's called freedom of expression and it may seem like it's the same thing but it's not.
Up 11 Down 8
Yukon Justice on Jun 11, 2020 at 7:53 am
Marie Claire ---Hey sweetheart its, "People in glass houses should not throw stones."
Up 6 Down 5
JC on Jun 10, 2020 at 5:34 pm
Two good points drum. Brief and to the point. And correct.
Up 7 Down 20
woodcutter on Jun 10, 2020 at 5:03 pm
@Mr.m, little m for clarity.
Free speech is entrenched in our society, and if you don't agree you're free to speak out. If I see a seriously silly and air head opinion, I'll speak out. Don't cry around, cowboy up and share a rebuttal. Saying that, your free speech is not worth the hot air it produced, next time try a little harder, but don't blow a gasket.
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Obi on Jun 10, 2020 at 1:11 pm
Some peoples idea of free speech is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone says anything back that is an outrage.....
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drum on Jun 10, 2020 at 1:10 pm
Who would want to be a member of the police force? You put your life on the line everyday and get nothing but abuse for doing so. Maybe the small communities in the north should hire members of their own community to police - see how long that would last.
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drum on Jun 10, 2020 at 1:06 pm
Again media jumping to conclusions before the whole story is released. I blame media for so much of the rioting, looting and protests. Too much fake news.
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One One-Lesser-Voice on Jun 9, 2020 at 11:44 pm
Can you imagine being a police officer in a place with so many drunks
The need more cells in that jail, maybe a dozen for the overflow.
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Marie-Claire Findlay-Brook on Jun 9, 2020 at 8:00 pm
@ Pierre on Jun 9, 2020 at 3:18 pm
"....there is a lot of frustration in those three paragraphs......"
You are right, I am frustrated that the two first comments implied that being drunk and an alleged criminal means that you deserve to have your rights violated. I see these kinds of arguments all the time, and it's really wearing on the soul.
I'll try to lay off the sarcasm next time someone is encouraging human rights violations. Dammit, I was sarcastic again wasn't I? This is going to be a hard habit to kick. It's hard to be totally serious on the internet, when so much of what people say is so absurb(ly aweful), but these are serious topics, so I'll try.
ps: Just a note that one does not have to be a leftist or a social justice warrior (of which I am neither) to care about human rights. Everyone is welcome to the party.
@ Juniper Jackson on Jun 9, 2020 at 3:33 pm
"Why are you pushing for identity?"
Fair, I'll stop doing it, so that the empathetic folks on here don't feel peer pressured into putting there names out there. While my intentions were to point out how cheap and easy it is to be thoughtlessly cruel when interacting anonymously on the internet, I do not actually want anyone to do anything that makes them feel unsafe. Point taken.
"There are a lot of nut jobs out there...." who should probably have better hobbies than commenting on here (myself included), and obsessing over other commenters.
ps: kind of wish I'd called myself Juniper Jackson
Up 16 Down 30
Wolf on Jun 9, 2020 at 6:31 pm
To j.C wow, you said a lot of wrong statements, the entire world was built on slave holding, domination of the indigenous peoples of the world, Anglo-Saxon way of thinking and killing the peoples they conquered are done I hope.
On another topic, the violence in jail is because of not enough funding 4 the space inmates need, programs for rehabilitation, workskills, sobriety.
Up 33 Down 10
Mr M on Jun 9, 2020 at 4:31 pm
@ Woodcutter and Marie-Claire blah blah blah. I think the last time I checked we live in Canada and are allowed to speak our minds and say what we feel. I did not comment on both of your expressions of freedom. Or maybe I should.
Up 39 Down 10
Jc on Jun 9, 2020 at 4:24 pm
Marie-Claire Findlay. "Don't throw stones at glass houses". Just because you don't agree with someone outside your ideology, doesn't mean you are always morally correct. And commenters who use monikers have a very good reason for doing so. Publishing your name on your comments is your business. Don't keep reminding us in all your comments.
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Juniper Jackson on Jun 9, 2020 at 3:33 pm
Marie Clair - almost every comment you make alludes to people expressing an opinion anonymously. Why are you pushing for identity? Did you want to track them down? At one time I did post my name, I was threatened and my family was threatened. Because I had an opinion that did not agree with someone elses?
There are a lot of nut jobs out there.. for all I know you are one of them. I don't know you. For all you know, I am one of them. Are you sure you want to trust your name, and I can find your address or phone number.. to me?
Up 43 Down 12
Pierre on Jun 9, 2020 at 3:18 pm
At Marie three names, whoa there young lady there is a lot of frustration in those three paragraphs of vibrancy and community building. I think it's of the utmost importance for people to voice their concerns whether you agree or not or it's against the leftist narrative. We cannot be all social justice warriors.
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Marie-Claire Findlay-Brook on Jun 9, 2020 at 11:48 am
Mr M and BnR,
Since you're both clearly running for office in the near future, with these well-researched, insightful, nuanced responses to this article, you are missing a great PR opportunity by failing to include your real names next to your passionate words.
Just so we are all clear, the people that post here anonymously, and their anonymous supporters, are a dying breed. The vibrant, living, part of our communities is out on the streets, working on building a better world.
Ps: for those of you who read "dying breed" as a threat (yes, I see you wanting to react to that), it doesn't mean we are hauling out a guillotine, it means that your ability to pass on your narrow-minded and selfserving ideologies is vastly diminishing in a world that won't take that sh*t anymore.
Up 46 Down 16
Groucho d'North on Jun 9, 2020 at 8:46 am
When this story first emerged it was alluded that the gentlemen's injuries were the result of the RCMP's involvement with the truck, A few days later and more accurate information is released.
Too many people are pushing the spin cycle to a purpose. Often called fake news.
Up 42 Down 9
What the? on Jun 8, 2020 at 9:51 pm
Thought this was WHITEHORSE Star. This isn’t even the Yukon. Slow news day?!
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Woodcutter on Jun 8, 2020 at 7:24 pm
@mr m.
You think so? How about Jesus Christ, does your half baked reasoning still fit?
Up 46 Down 24
JC on Jun 8, 2020 at 6:12 pm
I see the Star wouldn't allow any comments on the first story "Bring Your Angry Self Forward". So, perhaps I might be able to give a personal comment here. Well, I'm bringing my angry self forward. This whole movement is to bring guilt and shame upon the white people. These people of color blame the white race for all racism, but don't want to sit down and discuss it - except of course the red faced whites that pretend to support this movement out of fear of being viewed as racists.
To those, I won't give the time of day. Well, I don't mind being called a racist - I've been called worse, but as a older veteran who served his country for all rights and freedoms, I think it's only fair for these BLMers to give us a chance to defend ourselves. Yes, there are racists in the white race. Also, at least proportionally, all races have their racists.
Let's talk about that too. Now if this BLM nonsense doesn't stop, some whitey, just like some blacky did a few years ago, will start a White Lives Matter movement. Now, will that make things better? Finally, as a white, I am not a racist. Don't point the "People of Colour" finger at me! And I am sure, this comment, if it is printed will be viewed as racist by many out there. But remember, again, I served my country. And I served it with people of all colors. For the same reasons.
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Gringo on Jun 8, 2020 at 5:49 pm
Total dysfunction on display. Perhaps the liberal minister could chime in on the logistics around having to call in officers for a population of 1400. Perhaps the minister could chime in on why drugs and booze are rampant in this community.
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BnR on Jun 8, 2020 at 4:23 pm
Ban alcohol in small communities.
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Mr M on Jun 8, 2020 at 4:20 pm
You get arrested and put into jail for a reason. Smarten up pull your head all the way out grow up and you won't be put in jail. Simple isn't it.