Photo by Whitehorse Star
Community Services Minister Richard Mostyn
Photo by Whitehorse Star
Community Services Minister Richard Mostyn
The renewed declaration of a state of emergency over the swiftly-rising COVID-19 breakout in the Yukon dominated the legislature Tuesday.
The renewed declaration of a state of emergency over the swiftly-rising COVID-19 breakout in the Yukon dominated the legislature Tuesday.
Government officials sparred with the opposition parties over the issue, although no one disputed the need for the declaration.
Community Services Minister Richard Mostyn provided a ministerial statement on the declaration.
“Between Friday and Monday, the acting chief medical officer of health reported more than 80 cases of COVID-19. We now have more than 169 active cases in the Yukon,” Mostyn told the house.
“We also have widespread and untraceable community transmission in Whitehorse. To respond to this deeply troubling COVID-19 surge — the Yukon’s second wave — our government has declared a state of emergency under the Civil Emergency Measures Act.
“We took this action less than 20 hours after cabinet received the latest recommendations from the acting chief medical officer of health,” the minister added.
“If we have learned anything through the last 20 months of this pandemic, it is that we must listen to the best science from the public health professionals. We must put the health of the greater community before the self-interests of the few.”
Too many people are falling sick, Mostyn said.
“Too many unvaccinated people are falling gravely ill. Our medical system is being strained by this unprecedented spike in cases. Our territory is at risk, and we have to act quickly.”
Yukon Party Leader Currie Dixon said “we share in the concern and disappointment that the minister has expressed with the dramatic rise in COVID case numbers in the Yukon.
“We are particularly concerned about the rising case numbers among students in Yukon schools and the impact that this is having on classes.”
“As such, we recognize that the government needs to act, and we support the restoration of the state of emergency to allow for the installation of new public health measures,” Dixon said.
“Our thoughts are with all Yukoners who are ill and those who are dealing with exposure notices, especially our youth. It is truly unfortunate that we are back where we are.
“We strongly urge all Yukoners to follow the guidelines as set out by the acting chief medical officer of health, including practising the ‘safe six’ and wearing a mask whenever you are in an indoor public place.”
Dixon also urged the government to make public all recommendations and advice from Dr. Catherine Elliott.
“We would like the government to share more information and data about our current caseloads with Yukoners, as well as provide more frequent updates about the capacity of our hospitals and, in particular, ICU beds.”
Yukoners have many questions, Dixon told the Liberal government.
“Those include what supports are in place for parents who have to stay home with kids who are missing school and what supports are in place for small businesses affected by the restrictions that have been put in place. Many businesses have told us that they are waiting for direction about how the proof of vaccination process will work and what it means for their staff.”
NDP Leader Kate White also weighed in.
“For the last 20 months, there has been one critical lesson that I hope we have all learned, and that is the importance of clear, concise communication,” she said.
“Why was this important decision shared in an online press release at 7:42 p.m. on a Monday night? Why wasn’t there a press conference held where media could ask questions, ensuring that these points would be shared on the radio, in print form, and online (Monday) night and first thing this morning?
“The Yukon NDP supports these new measures, but we, like many others, wish that we hadn’t gotten to this point of needing to declare an emergency,” White added.
“For weeks, the Yukon NDP have asked questions about why the Yukon was, at first, one of only two jurisdictions in Canada without a mask mandate.
“ ... We were told that they were following the science and the recommendations of the CMOH, and often we were told that we were wrong ... We are relieved to know that masking has now been brought back.”
Many businesses have questions about how they are supposed to validate a person’s vaccine status and where they land on the designated settings list, White noted.
“They have questions about resources, and now, I guess, with the shorter timeline, they will have questions about additional help — all valid questions.
“We have heard from parents urging the government to make rapid testing available in schools. We hope that, in the coming days, they will do just that.”
As recipients of government funding, the NDP leader asked, “will daycares be required to ensure that all their staff are fully vaccinated, including boosters as these are made available?”
Many Yukoners have been asking that more detailed data be made publicly available on the yukon.ca website, White pointed out.
“Will the government commit to publishing data that includes hospitalizations, ICU admissions, by vaccination status and age?”
Mostyn replied that “our pandemic response — our Liberal government’s pandemic response — has always been consistent. We have followed the science.
“When we received the evidence, the recommendations, and the notification from the chief medical officer of health on Sunday, this caucus worked very hard to start to understand what was asked of us and to take action,” Mostyn said.
“Within 20 hours, we decided, looking at all the options available to us, on the action that we needed to take to make Yukoners safe.
“ ... We came to that decision late last night and, to (White’s) point, immediately issued the news release to the public.”
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Comments (24)
Up 3 Down 10
Lawl on Nov 16, 2021 at 1:22 pm
Currie, you’re the side piece.
You didn't win the election, you don’t get to sit at the ‘grownup’ table.
Up 9 Down 18
"publish the science"? why? on Nov 15, 2021 at 6:51 am
It would have to be published on youtube or facebook by some crackpot selling miracle cures in order for some people to give it credit. Honestly, let's stop giving this minority of loud people so much attention. Let Jonas and his troops shout to each other. As for the petition - I did take a look, and as soon as I saw my own name (mis-spelled) and my neighbour's name (also mis-spelled), I just stopped.
Up 7 Down 21
Derp on Nov 12, 2021 at 4:55 pm
@ Stay Strong
I read every name in the petition, it’s online and on the permanent record. Hard to believe these ‘freedum fighters’ put crayon to paper to make their mark on history.
Good work brainiacs.
Up 14 Down 32
The moment of truth on Nov 11, 2021 at 11:44 pm
Charlies Aunt is correct with his post about what the president of the YMA said in an interview on CBC North. One interesting fact the Dr. pointed out is that every person who is a nonvaccinated Covid infected person in the ICU who is on oxygen and struggling to breathe has asked, "Is it to late for me to get vaccinated? "
Up 14 Down 26
Frank on Nov 11, 2021 at 8:59 pm
Mike - Your and others’ self serving attitude is why we are back in this situation again.
Look at what you say, “As for me and my circle of friends, use common sense and follow our own science and it says that I've had worse side effects from the flu that I did from both delta variant of covid.”
It’s clearly all about you, your network and what you feel is best for you. The words “I” are also rampant in what you write.
Oh, and what about “Our own science”? Okay there, professor.
If you and others like you would look beyond yourself and consider what the greater world and the Yukon needs - rather than putting yourself and your short sighted opinion first - then we would all be in a much better place.
Up 28 Down 12
Stay Strong on Nov 11, 2021 at 8:30 pm
Jonas and Currie need to get another petition going. We can't just give up after submitting the first one. Let's try to double the number of names on the first one!
Up 26 Down 7
Ann on Nov 11, 2021 at 3:54 pm
Thanks Whitehorse Daily Star for keeping the narrative going and your faithful coverage. I can't say the same the for privately government funded CBC. I guess Harper was right.
Up 43 Down 21
Mike on Nov 11, 2021 at 2:21 pm
It's funny how the word unvaccinated is not being used anymore. Or how the government says they are following the science but don't say what science. In fact this government has double talked and followed our countries FEARLESS leader and based everything on what Trudeau says. That's not following science that's following orders. There's no science to support anything this government has done, only orders he has followed.
Covid isn't going away and yes covid is going to take .1% of its victims. But on a scale of 1 to 10 covid doesn't rate as diseases that will kill us this year; cancer, heart disease, etc. So when the government says science what they are really saying is orders and for those who want to take orders have at it. As for me and my circle of friends, use common sense and follow our own science and it says that I've had worse side effects from the flu that I did from both delta variant of covid.
I will not go out and promote the vaccine because I would never put something into my body that comes free from any government. I remain vaccine free, healthy, happy and refuse to get caught up in this liberal fear mongering agenda. Not going to happen. Stop trying to scare people. This is going to be around forever like every other disease. Live healthy and breathe.
The government doesn't have science they have bosses.
Up 33 Down 17
JP on Nov 11, 2021 at 1:45 pm
My gut feeling doesn't trust this A/CMOH.
She got this position by an unexpected piece of fortune.
Up 22 Down 8
Sheepchaser on Nov 11, 2021 at 9:02 am
Malta has one of the highest national vaccination rates on the planet. They’ve also just announced open borders for vaccinated travellers, a residency program for successful digital nomads and other incentives for knowledge economy workers. That is a jurisdiction with its act together. Turning a crisis into an opportunity.
That takes leadership ability, creativity, fostering community cohesion in a crisis, projecting reasonable assumptions into the future and acting on them by building consensus with your friends *and* opponents.
Is anyone in leadership able to see how badly things will go for the Yukon over the next thirty years if only the dependency economy rebounds? Or how that looks to potential investors? Forget the economics for a second. Just the entitlement attitude born of regular salaries and no consequences. Accepting the excuse of incompetence instead of punishing the negligence.
Give your head a shake, Yukon. Enough of the petulant child attitudes in adult bodies. Grow up, or suffer. Your call.
Up 17 Down 3
Concerned for school staff and parents on Nov 11, 2021 at 7:31 am
We keep hearing about how the health care system needs to be protected which is absolutely valid. But we’re not hearing much about the state of the education system with the many exposure notices impacting most of the schools. They say your child can access what they need online when they are ill, but that’s teacher dependent and not consistent. Some teachers are recording their lessons, but most are not. Further, many other school staff are having to step into classrooms because there aren’t enough subs to fill all the leave that teachers need to take when they fall ill or their children are ill or are in a class with an exposure notice. The state of schools is troubling.
Then there are some parents who have paid leave for when their children are ill or need to be home and are completely out. And there are parents without any paid leave if they or their children are ill. How are they managing? Are they sending their kids to school when ill because they have no other choice? Are people losing jobs over this? Are some parents being told they should find jobs more suitable to needing time off to care for sick children or those sent home due to exposure notices?
Yes our medical system is vulnerable, but so is our education system and the families trying to navigate the realities of a global pandemic. More supports for schools and families are needed now!
Up 27 Down 9
Josey Wales on Nov 11, 2021 at 6:12 am
Well folks, I have a idea...
We paid for two purdy swank signs in town here, we should toss those into this campaign of fear too.
Think about it, ya leave the office after a short day of doing whatever.
You may feel a brief time of joy as you leave said office on the way to your escape pod, that cannot stand we need all hands on deck...to move these chairs.
So we could use the sign at WCB to give up a global COvid death and case count? Be great to get your danger alarms up and running, before you cruise through “the gauntlet” trying to avoid all the enabled feral humans.
Then ...whew...as you may get through that with no trauma aaahhh now just traffic. Once that flag is dropped full throttle up two mile, trying to avoid contact with faster more important people on their way to their more important schedules. Depending what direction one goes, another digital opportunity to remind us fear is omnipresent and more important than any other emotion...yup another global COvid death counter.
Maybe install giant spikes on that highway sign, and if the sensors detect a non vaccinated heretic approaching....BANG down they come!
Demobilization of heretics is absolutely essential, we are all in this together.
Getting close to Christmas, the Ministry of Fear & Suffering will need your support with all this faith based joy and general seasonal happiness about to infect us, distract us from the mission...our great reset.
...transmission over, resume your duties comrades.
Up 32 Down 13
JohnW on Nov 10, 2021 at 8:23 pm
Letter to Yukon Government Leader and Community Services Minister:
You and your government have failed to provide credible evidence that you are following any valid science regarding C0vid. If you were actually following medical science then you would be answering these questions for every "positive test case" you announce.
How many amplification cycles of this notoriously faulty test were used to register "positive"?
What is the age and vaccination status of this "positive case"?
What are their underlying medical conditions such as obesity, diabetes, heart ailments, etc.?
Are they symptomatic for C0vid?
Are they hospitalized for C0vid?
We can't trust what you say anymore; you provide no data to back-up your claims. Until you start being accountable and transparent with the C0vid data, then there are many reasons not to believe you. Most of what you say comes across as mere LIBspeak propaganda from your masters in Ottawa.
Metaphorically we're wondering if the story is at the point where the little child says, "Daddy, why isn't the King wearing any clothes?"
Up 22 Down 9
DMZ on Nov 10, 2021 at 7:53 pm
No thank you. I have no interest in hearing every thought, concern, and proposed strategy from the chief medical officer, so that we can all chew over them, harangue the government, and have yet one more reason to divide into camps.
Science will never tell us what to do. Politicians have to weigh all the things these highly paid officials never have to think about. The one good thing I can say about emergency measures, is at least they didn't fall for increasing the powers of her position instead. I want to get out of this at some point, not have my behavior regulated by whoever is in that position on an everyday basis.
Up 27 Down 14
Aurora on Nov 10, 2021 at 7:05 pm
SO many holes and LIES from the liberals and also indirect dumbed down support adhering to those lies by the not-so-conservative Conservatives that I think I am going to vomit. For now I think that is all I can say...otherwise I will start and not be able to stop. World down the drain thanks to the lovers of lies.... the bigger the lie the more they will suck it down I believe Stalin once said along that line and Sliver knows that of course.
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martin on Nov 10, 2021 at 5:27 pm
@Mr Facts: you're stating hear-say (according to yourself)
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Beaker on Nov 10, 2021 at 3:45 pm
Biggest issue I feel for people not wanting the vax is because people like Sandy Silver, Trudeau and even Tam have all politicized the virus. Tam is just another figure head of the government aka puppet. Today a Whitehorse doctor wanted people to get the shot and said the “majority” of those in ICU were not vaxxed, what does this mean…does it mean 3 to 1, 10 to 8? Too much nonsense, smoke & mirrors and hidden agendas are making people anti vax, I’m vaccinated but sure can see where these people are coming from.
Up 26 Down 17
Charlie's Aunt on Nov 10, 2021 at 3:42 pm
Maybe check out the message from Pres of YMA on CBC North. From that you will understand that our local ICU is 75% full of Covid patients with others elsewhere in hospital. Most of them are not vaccinated. No, the vaccine doesn't prevent you catching Covid but it probably would prevent you needing to be in ICU on oxygen!
Up 22 Down 13
Matthew on Nov 10, 2021 at 3:38 pm
Make a public statement about the Pfizer whistle blower.. and please share all of the info you've received on the mRNA and prove it's safe long term and short term. Please share the best way to build a strong immune system.. newsflash, smoking, drinking, drug using and eating GMO isn't good for you and kill way more than covid ever will..
Up 104 Down 7
My Opinion on Nov 10, 2021 at 2:51 pm
YES to giving us all the info. We don't need the names but give us the ages and pre existing conditions of the deaths. Let us know how many of the positives were just identified through contact tracing and testing, those that were positive but had no symptoms what so ever. I know several of them. This would help very much. People can still be safe, stay home, distance, or whatever but don't have to be so fearful.
Up 78 Down 44
Gerry on Nov 10, 2021 at 2:21 pm
The governments of the world pushing these mandates and timelines are not "following the science." They are following a singular narrative to coerce the public into taking experimental pharmaceutical technology into their systems, despite the massive amount of evidence that is pointing to the fact that these measures and pharmaceutical technology injections do not work, and they have nothing to do with individual or collective health.
This is going to become more and more obvious as the months go by. The only problem is that so many people are heavily invested emotionally in their decision to follow these guidelines, and to take into themselves technology in which they have no idea of their true intended effects. I feel empathy for all of us in this human race as this whole fiasco continues to escalate.
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Mr Facts on Nov 10, 2021 at 2:15 pm
Prove the hospitals are being overrun with unvaxxed people. What I've read from nurses down south is the hospitals are indeed being overrun. But with people who are vaxxed and having serious side effects.
Up 31 Down 55
Rick S on Nov 10, 2021 at 2:10 pm
Is every party under the spell of the CMO, or what? The Science failed so let's double down on The Science because that's the CMO's recommendation. To top it all off, Dixon and the YP want to terrorize children with masks and rapid testing. Disgusting.
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Tmyk on Nov 10, 2021 at 2:09 pm
I would like all of the communications from the CMOs office since the pandemic began to be made public. That way we can know what decisions were backed by science and which ones were purely political. We will never get that from this government though. Honesty is not a tool they believe in.