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Yukon MP-designate Brendan Hanley

Low profile has been planned, territory’s MP-designate says

Yukon MP-designate Brendan Hanley has been keeping a low profile since winning the federal election five weeks ago, but says he’s been busy in the meantime.

By Whitehorse Star on October 29, 2021

Yukon MP-designate Brendan Hanley has been keeping a low profile since winning the federal election five weeks ago, but says he’s been busy in the meantime.

Hanley explained what he’s been up to since his Sept. 20 election victory via an email to the Star on Tuesday afternoon.

He said he’d been watching the announcement of the new federal cabinet – of which he is not a member – with interest during the morning.

“I think this is a strong, diverse, and experienced cabinet,” he said.

“There are a number of ministers in key roles for Yukon, that I look forward to getting to know as we start to address Yukon’s priorities, including housing, climate change, mental health and reconciliation.”

Hanley said he was taking a planned break from the public eye as he worked out various details for his offices in Whitehorse and Ottawa.

“I have been deliberately quiet as I work through all the details of orientation to the role of the MP, including setting up the office and recruiting,” he said.

“By the time I am sworn in in mid-November, I expect to have the office up and running. We will post the information about office hours and how to contact the office once we are ready.”

Members of his family will be on hand when he is sworn into office on Nov. 17 in Ottawa.

“I am still in the process of recruiting staff for both the local office and my eventual office in Ottawa,” he said.

“I have one person working now in the local office at 204 Black Street. Her name is Erika. She is helping me set up the office and she is in the process of orienting herself to her new role. She is new to this office and role but comes with great qualifications.”

Hanley is the former chief medical officer of health for the Yukon. He guided the territory through most of the pandemic, introducing measures such as the Safe Six and months of mandatory masking.

He was a last-minute Liberal candidate, gaining the nomination in August after veteran MP Larry Bagnell announced his retirement after first having been elected in 2000.

Hanley won the seat handily, finishing more than 1,000 votes ahead of Conservative candidate Barb Dunlop.

She was a last-minute candidate herself, replacing Jonas Smith after he was turfed by party officials over his views on mandatory vaccines. He ran as an independent.

Premier Sandy Silver saluted the new federal cabinet on Wednesday.

“I want to congratulate all of the new and returning federal ministers who were sworn-in as members of the cabinet of the Government of Canada,” he said in a statement.

“My colleagues and I look forward to working with our new federal counterparts to address COVID-19 and advance priorities that improve the lives of Yukoners.

“Our collaborative relationship with the federal government is complemented by our shared interest in supporting clean energy and climate resiliency, housing and mental health.

“Together we can build a brighter, more sustainable and more affordable future for the territory.”

Comments (25)

Up 5 Down 3

Groucho d' North on Nov 4, 2021 at 11:40 am

Keeping a low profile eh? So would that be in representing Yukoners' concerns to the federal government or promoting more Liberal agenda onto us?

Up 17 Down 3

It's only logical on Nov 3, 2021 at 2:30 pm

Yes everyone knows when you plan to keep a low profile, you let the department of health turn you into a celebrity and then run for public office.

Up 12 Down 2

My Opinion on Nov 3, 2021 at 1:57 pm

Time to get to work Hanley, enough with the Low Profile. Time to work.

Up 13 Down 3

My Opinion on Nov 3, 2021 at 1:55 pm

Why did Hanley not keep any of Bagnell's staff? Maybe because they knew what happened and wanted nothing to do with the back room deals.

Up 15 Down 3

My Opinion on Nov 3, 2021 at 1:53 pm

Come on Whitehorse Star, why all the Bias. Hanley never won "Handily" if the vote hadn't been split on the right he would have lost Handily. Also in several articles now you have used the word "Turfed" strange since you have never once used that same word in connection to what happened to Larry Bagnal. Yes that is what happened.

Up 10 Down 3

bonanzajoe on Nov 1, 2021 at 10:02 pm

Lost in the Yukon and Low or no: Just send him a nice approving note and you will hear back from him with 24 hours. Just like the big B. They like to hear nice things about themselves.

Up 20 Down 4

Juniper Jackson on Nov 1, 2021 at 8:01 pm

Well.. we're stuck with Hanley now. Thank goodness, in Ottawa, no one will listen to his drivel.

Up 8 Down 13

What the.... on Nov 1, 2021 at 3:57 pm

@ Reply to low or no

He's not even sworn in yet. How can he do any official business as an MP?
Also, an MP don't administer Medical Travel, there is an entire branch in YG that does. Talk about entitled.

Up 28 Down 2

Oya on Nov 1, 2021 at 3:39 pm

It's THE Yukon, Hanley. Get it right if you want to represent the people of THE Yukon.

Up 29 Down 1

Al on Nov 1, 2021 at 1:21 pm

Frankly it would suit me fine if you just stayed in Ottawa.

Up 22 Down 2

Outback beyond on Nov 1, 2021 at 12:47 pm

Add me to the list of people who sent him an email asking about a specific liberal promise and haven’t had a response in 4 weeks.

Up 28 Down 5

Reply to low or no on Nov 1, 2021 at 10:41 am

Don't hold your breath, I sent him an email about medical travel before the "pandemic" and I am STILL waiting for a reply. Oh yeah, he forgot to come back to the communities to pick up his signs. So that should show ya just how much he truly cares if he only can make it for about 3 hours to a community once during a campaign.

Up 7 Down 20

TheHammer on Nov 1, 2021 at 9:28 am

Josey Wales@ 'our freedoms'. Speaking for the collective are we, your opinion is valid for all of us? Freedom fighters who wish to impose their idea of freedom on everyone else. What kind of freedom is that? A current political topic in the West is the rise of the extreme right. Detectable on the comments pages of the 'Star".

Up 25 Down 4

Lost In the Yukon on Oct 31, 2021 at 9:14 pm

Dearest “low or no” … same experience. Sent him an email and never heard back. Tried again … no response. Phoned and left a message … never heard back.

This is who he is …

Up 22 Down 3

Adam Fubar on Oct 31, 2021 at 6:17 pm

Low Profile has been planned... Does this mean it will remain so during the entire mandate as well?

Up 48 Down 7

Lost In the Yukon on Oct 31, 2021 at 9:48 am

If you heard him on the radio his arrogance shone through … he really expected he would be selected for Cabinet. Unbelievable.

Up 41 Down 6

Groucho d'North on Oct 31, 2021 at 9:19 am

Gee, I guess he didn't score well on the valuable political skills quiz - to the backbenches with you.

Up 24 Down 5

motive unclear on Oct 30, 2021 at 7:34 pm

I'm comfortable with the whole gummit keeping a low profile.

Up 36 Down 6

low or no on Oct 30, 2021 at 4:39 pm

This is nothing! I sent Hanley an email a year and a half ago and have not received a response yet.

Up 47 Down 21

Matthew on Oct 30, 2021 at 6:06 am

Shows your true character.. abandoning us all half way through a major pandemic, see you soon, hopefully you'll reply to emails. Unlike Bagnell..

Up 62 Down 17

drum on Oct 30, 2021 at 12:20 am

We had Larry for years and all he did was sit on a few committees. Dr. Hanley is going to do the same -
The Liberals do not consider the Yukon anything worth having - we are not a threat - we are not mostly aboriginal - if we were we would have a voice. He will sit - get his pension - get all the perks as well as an apartment in Ottawa for him and his wife and just show up to listen to what is being talked about in Parliament. The Yukon will have no say and he will not be asked for his opinion.

Up 50 Down 18

do your job as an elected official on Oct 29, 2021 at 7:56 pm

Shocked he did not get a cabinet position/portfolio. Not. Wonder if the good ole Doc will demand penthouse hotel stays while in Ottawa at our expense?

In whose in interest will he truly be working for…not hard to guess.

Up 59 Down 18

George on Oct 29, 2021 at 7:25 pm

No we haven't forgotten the sham. No one believes you anymore. I guess congratulations for fooling so many.

Up 66 Down 18

Vlad on Oct 29, 2021 at 6:35 pm

"a strong and diverse experienced cabinet" - God help us

Up 63 Down 19

Josey Wales says...lets go Brendan. on Oct 29, 2021 at 5:30 pm

Gee...another fluff piece on Lord Hanley eh?
Just another liberal blowhole that used our freedoms for his political gain.

What an absolute POS.

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